Two more Kaiulani logs: “From the Shards of Their Lives Before” and “Marketplace Standoff”. Also, since I retired both Rillwhisper and Oriolle from play, I’ve put them on my Old TM Characters page, and updated it as well as my main Old MUSH Characters page, having reformatted both to designate various types of characters in a way a bit more fitting with the overall style of the site.
Site update
Tonight’s Kaiulani logs: “Swim of the New Moon” and “Practice and Advice”.
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Two more Kaiulani logs: “The Runaway Princess” and “First Lesson”.
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Yet more Kaiulani logs: “Anything for a Sister” and “Offering From the Heart”.
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Logs! Yet more logs! This time it’s some more logs for Kaiulani: “The Consequences of Action”, “Chat, With Occasional Knife”, “Commiserations”, and “An Ally in the Temple”, all filling in early RP for Kaiulani on AetherMUSH.
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And apparently because I am Log Posting Girl tonight, a Kaiulani log: “A Kiss in the Shadows.”.
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Posted a whole slew of old logs from AetherMUSH, most notably finishing off the section of logs for my character David with the eight of the nine logs I had remaining that involve him. Two of these are minor appearances of David’s in logs that actually featured Faanshi, and one of these also features a passing cameo of my other alt, Kaiulani. Additionally, I’ve also posted a Faanshi log from 1999. If you’d like to see the full list, check out the new logs page!
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Several logs posted to the Kaiulani logs page: The Distrustful Decemvir”, “A Discussion on Trust”, “Other Ways of Speaking”. Two new logs posted to the Julian logs page: “Alliance in the Making”, “On Dreams of Wings”.
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“Benja’s Busy Evening” posted to the Kaiulani logs page.
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New Kaiulani log, “Her Protector Revealed”, posted to the Kaiulani logs page.