"Commiserations" Log Date: 6/29/00 Log Cast: Kaiulani, Jasmine Log Intro: Sentenced to stay within the halls of Korallion until her sister Alamoana deems she has learned a lesson about the foolishness of sneaking off into unfamiliar marketplaces, Kaiulani has been restlessly prowling the embassy in search of anyone and anything which can occupy her--and distract her from incessant thoughts of her mysterious and increasingly fascinating rescuer. And, for that matter, the fact that her family thinks she must be protected from said rescuer in the first place, when Kai believes with all her heart that her unnamed guardian means her well and would lay down his life to keep her safe. But the Korallion's halls are not without their own excitement. Kai has encountered the young mother Jasmine, who seems to have as her companion--or perhaps her charge--a strange, dolphin-like personage called Melei. This latter female has shocked Kai by grabbing hold of her hair and slicing off a portion of it with a knife; moreover, or so the Pandion princess has been given to understand, Melei inadvertantly caused a bit of a mishap for Jasmine as well once Kai fled their company. Just a trifle nervous about crossing Melei's path again, yet unable to remain in her room an instant longer, Kaiulani goes out prowling through the halls once more--and finds Jasmine in a state not entirely unlike her own: guarded and coddled until she is ready to shriek.... *===========================< In Character Time >===========================* Time of day: Evening Date on Aether: Monday, September 15, 3906. Year on Earth: 1506 A.D. Phase of the Moon: Full Season: Late Summer Weather: Clouds Temperature: Comfortable *==========================================================================* Upper Hall - Korallion - Haven Gentle curves define the length of this hall--not that one can see very far along it. It obviously travels around the outer wall of the Korallion as both ends disappear quickly, cut off by the long arc of the building. The walls glimmer quietly with the shimmering grace of mother-of-pearl. Illumination floods from without in the daytime, the sunlight filtering through the outer shell walls and turnin them into a gorgeous display of light and shadow. In the darker hours, the thin film of growth on the inner wall takes over, filling the passage with a soft, phosphorescent glow. The inner curve is broken by both doorways and short passages down. The doors likely lead into airy suites while the passages are quite obviously filled with water just below the level of the hall floor. Contents: Jasmine Obvious Exits: Rooms Entrance Hall With the fall of evening, Kaiulani peeks out of the room that has been given to her and her sister, sweeping a glance up and down the damply glimmering length of the corridor before she slips out to make her way along it. She's at least somewhat sure she won't have to worry about Akane and Ronan, her two guards, dogging her steps _inside_ the Korallion... and since she's feeling fretful about the whole business of guards in the first place, the young Pandion maiden has resigned herself to another evening alone within the embassy's walls. The habitual reserve of her family aside, her frustration shows in the crinkle of her white nose and the small stoic line of her mouth as she makes her way for the entrance hall. Jasmine has not been so lucky as guards go. At least, not until Melei has been cornered and brought before Koralland. So here she is, accompanied by Kua and Lau. The baby is sleeping quietly in her sling, and Amaril scampers about at her feet. Her guards are alert, keeping an eye out for the wayward ward. Jasmine A slender young woman about 5 and 1/2 feet tall. Her skin is the soft brown color of a fawn, her hair a darker brown, drifting in soft waves just to her waist and is held back with a headband of tiny white seashells. Gills are set in the sides of her neck, with webbing between her nimble fingers and toes. Her eyes are a powdery blue framed by long lashes. She is dressed in a simply cut coral dress which falls loosely to just above her knees. From left shoulder to right hip is a sealskin pouch, cradling an infant. Around her neck the woman wears a copper amulet with an etching of a mountain overlooking a body of water and surrounded by puffy clouds, with a wide band of intricately woven strands of leathers. Also around her neck is a strand of delicate pearls. Obviously the woman is not terribly fashion conscious, as her neckwear clashes somewhat. However, knowing Jasmine the pieces likely have some deeper meaning than to be worn for the sake of fashion alone. Around her left wrist is a slim, coral colored bracelet. On the ring finger of her left hand she wears a gold band with two perfect pearls joined together, settled at about mid-finger, where the webbing between her fingers ends. Carrying: Leilani Amaril A small start -- and then Kaiulani pulls in a breath, composing herself and squaring her shoulders as she approaches the little knot of people (plus one otter) that appears before her in the corridor. The maiden's greetings flow forth from her mind, touching upon all three of the adults, though flavored with a layer of concern for Jasmine in particular -- for Kaiulani has heard something of what befell this woman after she'd left her, and now a bit of guilt adds itself to the frustration already crinkling her features. *Good evening...* A bit of frustration laces Jasmine's thoughts until she receives your greeting. She looks toward Kaiulani and smiles, though a bit regretfully as she looks at the shorn hair. *Blessings. I trust you are well today?* A sense of apology for Melei's behavior. Fortunately enough, the hair in question hasn't been _too_ seriously abused -- though a lock of it now escapes the pearlescent mass primarily held back from Kai's face, dangling down to hover just below the delicate line of her jaw. As she steps up to polite conversational distance, the girl allows herself a little quirk of a smile. *I am well,* she affirms, *and grateful you appear to be the same... I had, um, heard a bit about what happened after I left you...* Jasmine flushes slightly and nods. *Yes, Melei's little 'push' caused me to hit my head on a bench, but I am fine now. My husband is a healer. I...do not know if healers can make hair grow? I hope your sister was calmer by the time she found you?* Because, at first, she wanted to blame Kaiulani for the incident with the hair. The girl flushes lightly pink, sheepishly and perhaps unconsciously fiddling with that dangling lock of hair. *We have not... discussed the matter much,* she confesses, her mental voice swirling back in on itself just a little, strongly flavored with the discomfort of a teenager aware that her guardians are not entirely pleased with her. Jasmine would not know the feeling. Her parents were both dead by then and she spent many years in the sea virtually alone. *I wish you luck then, and understanding. I told her that we would discipline Melei.* Somehow. *She ran off, and we have not seen her since.* Hence the guards, who are currently standing slightly behind Jasmine, arms crossed. Amaril sniffs around your feet, for lack of anything else new to smell. Kaiulani glances down, smiling a bit more at the animal and nudging him lightly with one bare toe. At the same time, though, she sends ruefully, *No harm done -- I mean, my hair will grow back, and it wasn't as if she were the shark that bit me...!* Lifting up her gaze once more, she appends a wash of gratitude for the well-wishes; apparently, she's rather of the mind she'll need them. *Melei is... a shifter of some kind, isn't she...?* Jasmine sighs softly and nods. *She is dolphin graisha and...from the looks of her recently lost the child she was carrying.* A brief moment of pain passes. *But her mind...is more that of a child than a woman grown. We have tried to keep her reigned in as best we can but the last several months she simply rejects us.* The Pandion girl's reaction is not physically much -- just a tightening of her pale brows above her sea-green eyes, and a flash of awkward concern across those. Her thoughts flare out in a momentary tangle of acute compassion and pity... and more than a little uncertainty as to how exactly to respond to such a thing. Then she catches herself, drawing the burst of emotion back closer in, like a fisherman draws in a net. A bit of a blush colors her pale cheeks again, as she sneaks a glance at the guards; what sort of impression will she be making upon these people, if she doesn't conduct herself like the lady her parents continually attempt to make of her? Still, though, it seems to her that there must be something she can proffer this young mother as a way to lighten her heart. *I was about to walk to the pool,* she suggests, gingerly. *Do you have a destination...? If you would like to accompany me, be welcome...!* The guards would likely think nothing, as Jasmine is about as untrained in 'ladylike' as can be, and yet she tends to endear herself to nearly everyone. Including her husband (although, there are things he would like to change). She nods. *I was headed there myself. I would be glad to accompany you, if you do not mind the guards. Kor insists they are about until Melei is found.* She sighs softly. *Though she would never intentionally hurt me.* Well, she is fairly certain of that, anyway. Kai can't help a bit of a smile; Jasmine's situation seems abruptly familiar, somehow. *Then let us walk,* she invites, gesturing ahead to the entrance hall. *I have to get used to my own guards when I go out, so I might as well practice on yours...!* There's a wry kind of amusement bubbling in _that_ thought, even though she still seethes with barely restrained frustration that she has to have guards in the first place. [And soon...] You jump into the pool of water and fall through it until you are cushioned by the gentle currents in the coral cavern. Rainbow Cavern - Korallion - Haven Refreshing waters fill this room, which is fashioned of coral and lit by florescent, multi-colored algae. Decorating the walls is an elaborate scene of guardsmen dressed in their finery, riding on the back of sea horses. The mural itself begins at one end of the cavern and continues to the opening at the other. Upon the other wall is a mural depicting a great feast on a large table. Many merfolk swim and dance around the grand table set for the ten Decemvirs--the kings of Atlantis. In the foreground is the famed city of itself. All in all, this cavern seems well lit and frequently trafficked by schools of brightly colored fish. The gentle pull of the current tugs at you, beckoning for you to come into the next chamber. Above you is a small opening that allows dim light to enter the room, presumably from the surface. Another opening at the far end of the cavern is another opening, rimmed in an elaborate pattern of shells. Obvious exits: Grotto Entrance Surface Jasmine falls through the opening from the Guardroom and joins you. Jasmine has arrived. Jasmine chuckles softly at your comment about the guards. Once in the water, Leilani begins to awaken and Jasmine lets her out of the sling to swim freely. Amaril keeps himself fairly close to the top, being a mammal. Bad thing, that, when your mistresses go swimming in the ocean depths. Poor little otter. *I usually manage to get out without them, though I sometimes suspect that Kor has them tailing me.* With an audible sigh, Kaiulani flops into the pool, her hair sweeping out around her in a pearlescent cloud as she submerges. *I am sure they all are very nice guards,* she admits, half-grinning, *but I think right now that if I sneeze outside in the courtyard without Akane and Ronan around to hand me a kerchief, my sister will have a fit, then Cousin Sarojin will have a fit and send us _both_ home, and _then_ Mother and Father will have a fit and I won't be able to see Haven again until I am ancient and my fins are all wrinkled.* With that, she makes another face. Jasmine laughs softly. *Your parents are here though, I thought you had said?* Leilani explores the edges of the cavern, hands skimming over the rocks. *I have not met Sarojin myself, I think. But only have heard of him. And I do hope that with Lehua, he will change to be more accepting of women.* The maiden shakes her head, something of her petulant expression remaining, though it eases a little. *Mother and Father have returned to our waters... my sister and I are here for the time being, though. Cousin Sarojin is to take charge of us.* A beat. *Of _me_,* she then corrects herself, the petulant expression returning and filtering out into her thoughts as well. Her hands gesture expressively in the water, punctuating the frustration she's projecting. *I'm supposed to be learning how to work like an adult, you see, and ever since the shark attacked me out by the fleet and my rescuer showed up and they all _know_ he's real now, I--* Wait. Oh. Um. Did she really _want_ to blurt that out? Kai abruptly cuts herself off, blushing deeply, and at least for a moment tries to hide her chagrined expression behind her drifting locks of hair. Jasmine nods slowly, having difficulty following how one thing fits with the other. *Can you not learn to work like an adult at home? Although, I prefer Haven, but I am glad to have seen Atlantis and some of the cities in Amaris. But I don't quite understand about the shark.* Not prying, just leaving it to you whether to clarify or not. Leilani begins to wander toward the opening to the next cave, when Jasmine's private call causes her to return to the area of the two women. Kaiulani nibbles on her lip, then lets herself sink back to the magnificently decorated wall just behind her. *Well... it's a little complicated,* she sheepishly replies. *You see... there is... well...* Words, or at least her still inefficient ability to frame her thoughts into them, fail her here. So she resorts instead to sending bursts of memory, and image, and impressions: herself, with the Pandion fleet that recently blockaded the city. Herself, swimming out some ways from some of her cousin's ships... and ambushed by a young shark. Herself, bitten, dazed, bleeding in the water... but rescued by... someone. She does not know who he is, but she has a hint of a face lurking somewhere in her recollections. Whoever this person is, he returned her to the ships without revealing himself. *He's my... rescuer,* she concludes, just a trifle shyly, not entirely certain how this bizarre little tale of hers will be taken. *He's been around me all my life, as long as I can remember, and my family is trying to keep me away from him!* Jasmine's expressions change as the story unfolds. At the last, there is confusion. *He's been around and yet you don't know him?* This seems a contradiction. *And why would they want to keep you away?* The girl's aware of the contradiction, oh yes, and she explains in a wordless burst of more images and impressions -- it would seem that this mysterious rescuer of hers has never revealed himself to her, save in passing indistinct glimpses. But he has saved her from mischief and outright peril more than once, and as long as she can consciously remember, he has been... out there, a protective presence somewhere in the waves. Fretfully she wraps her arms about herself, her eyes doleful now. *Father and Mother do not trust him,* she sends sadly. *He has never sent to me... and after what happened to the priestess and her party...* With that, Kaiulani trails off, an unmistakable little tendril of fear curling around the edge of her thoughts. Evidently, she doesn't _entirely_ trust this nameless saviour of hers either. Jasmine shivers slightly. *You mean -that- is the shark attack you were in? But perhaps someone has set his duty to guard you?* Such does not seem far beyond the realm of possibility. Kaiulani shakes her head, sending strands of her hair waving this way and that through the water. *No... I was alone... but, well, it was enough for Father _and_ Mother _and_ Cousin Sarojin to want me out of the water for a while. So now I'm...* She shrugs her slender young shoulders, restlessly. *I'm here. And Cousin Sarojin won't let me go out without Akane and Ronan and my sister was very angry with me when I snuck out the first time, so I had to promise not to do it again.* Jasmine nods slowly. *I know that they were worried that Teacher (an image of Okalani) had been kidnapped, and indeed this is what had happened. I imagine that they fear the same for you,* she assures. Though, she wouldn't want guards accompanying her, either. Uneasily, Kaiulani now bobs her head, unable to deny the sense of the suggestion, but still... *I don't... think _he_ would harm me... but I'm just not _sure_!* The girl rolls her entire upper body for a moment in her frustration, making a wash of microscopic disturbances to the current. Then she looks back to the older woman, a bit more confidently now. *You say that you do not think Melei would harm you... it is like that, you see?* Jasmine shrugs a little bit. *As she usually is, she would not. But something has happened. I do not know what is wrong. But I do not think they fear he would kidnap you. Else why would he return you to them?* *That's what _I_ said!* comes Kaiulani's rush of agreement. *He has never ever hurt me, and he could have taken me away plenty of times when I was small...!* This much, it seems, is rock-solid to her. Her restlessless now drives her to do slow laps back and forth through the pool, though she avoids bumping into the little one frolicking around her mother. *But they say that if he were honorable, he would have said something to me by now... I don't even know his _name_, or what he looks like... or _anything_!* Jasmine shrugs a little, being well out of her depth. *I am afraid I cannot help you with that. But only to sympathize with your...being captive in such a manner.* Leilani drifts over to her mother, tugging her hair lightly. Kaiulani rolls over in the water, to give herself a better view of the mother and child, and smiles sheepishly. *We seem to have something in common, at least,* she offers, her mind's touch lightening. Perhaps it's helped her to vent? Jasmine smiles and nods slowly. *For a time, at least. I know Kor worries about my going out alone, but really, I think he worries too much.* She reaches out to tickle the baby's hands. [This scene was never finished, as it was RPed just before Kai's player went on vacation. End log!]