"A Discussion on Trust" Log Date: 8/20, 8/23/00 Log Cast: Sumai, Kaiulani Log Intro: Sarojin, Decemvir of the Pandion nation, has issued an ultimatum to his impetuous young cousin Kaiulani: that he will capture and question her mysterious guardian to determine once and for all why he has insisted on dogging her every movement and yet refused to reveal himself to her kin. And Kaiulani, aghast and furious at her cousin's intentions, nevertheless cannot deny a truth she has sensed in Sarojin's thoughts: that he is genuinely anxious for her, and does not want her to be threatened by the nameless one who has time and again seemed to save her from danger. Kaiulani trusts the presence that has lurked on the edge of her awareness all her life, for all that she has never touched his mind. And yet her cousin has instilled within her a glimmer of doubt -- for she has in fact never touched her guardian's mind, and she cannot help but wonder if she can trust her own instincts. Especially when a chance encounter with a Warlord of the Varati brings her further advice on the matter.... *===========================< In Character Time >===========================* Time of day: Morning Date on Aether: Thursday, December 19, 3906. Year on Earth: 1506 A.D. Phase of the Moon: Waning Crescent Season: Winter Weather: Snow Temperature: Freezing *==========================================================================* City Park - Haven A large, well-manicured lawn covered with soft green grass provides some respite from the daily hustle-and-bustle of the city. Along its perimeter, beds of blue myrtle grow underneath a row of willow trees to the northwest, with a small path leading back streetside. A hedgerow delineates the southern boundary some hundred feet away, and a break in the hedge allows a view into a smaller, more private garden. This area is generally used for large public gatherings and social events, such as public performances or the huge festivals of cairds that flock to Haven throughout the year. At more quiet times, it is frequented by common folk and aristocrats alike, and most notably, the Sylvans seeking brief escape from the confining streets of Haven. Contents: Sumai Obvious exits: Street Garden Its a curious morning for most here in Haven, perhaps not most but many, as this is one the few times some of them have seen snow. The first in a few cases. Sumai is one such on this day, having seen snow only a few times in his days in the Varati kingdoms he has opted to take a walk in the park. However, immediately around him, it is notably not chilly at all and the air holds a certain warmth to its tint in his presence. Following him are his five guardsmen, bearing crossbows and weapons as they walk through. Mostly they look uncomfortable, but very stoic indeed, though the Warlord himself seems impassive and calm as he usually does. The snow crunches beneath their shod boots and powerful strides. Rather far less formal of progression than the Varati are the trio of Atlanteans who make their way into the park. Kaiulani's hood is down, letting her pearlescent hair spill out in a bright tumble over her shoulders and the drape of green cloth that is her cloak. And although her older guardsman Akane is trailing after her with stiff-faced formality, although his brother Ronan follows her with nervous and worried eyes and a brisk businesslike pace to match his sibling's, the Atlantean maiden quite deliberately rambles. Her sea-green gaze is sweeping everything in sight, from the flakes of white coming down from the sky to the snow-dusted, leafless branches of the surrounding trees. So _this_ is what a lander winter looks like. And like the Varati Warlord, she seems unbothered by the cold for all that there is no envelope of warmth surrounding her; the cloak she wears seems to be her only concession to the weather. Beneath it, she is quite scantily clad. She's also very deliberately ignoring her two escorts, creases of irritation in the delicate, near-white cream of her features. The Varati some distance away don't require much to catch her eye, as well, and Kai starts as she spies them; then, with a frank curiosity, she peers over in their direction without trying to look overly inquisitive. But she _is_ Atlantean, and expressions of the face are not quite under her control as of yet; thus, she can't quite help but stare like an awestruck child. Of course, the chill itself wouldn't be much of a problem for Atlanteans, they're used to the cold ocean's depths where they live, and without fires to warm them they obviously would develop a healthy immunity to all but the most biting cold. For Sumai's parts he seems, primarily, interested in the trees and the manner in which they act in regards to the weather's changes. One of his guardsmen speaks in a quiet, grunting voice as he almost immediately takes note of the curious Atlanteans. The response which comes in a powerful, though conversational rumble, "Just watch them, they are harmless. Their kind are not the type to go attacking anyone unless the feel it is absolutely necessary." Sumai speaks and looks over his shoulder at you for just a moment, "And she's no graisha or I'm an Empyrean." he says. For all taht matters the Warlord glimmers in his silver armor, sun flashing off the sun and his armor equally to make a fairly dazzling display of the man's figure and physique. Oh to be sure, Akane and Ronan _are_ both armed -- but not nearly so heavily as the warriors whose task it is to see to the safety of their Clan Warlord. The two young Sons of Water have a knife and a spear apiece, the former in sheaths on their dark-skinned arms, the latter slung across their backs. And there must assuredly be nowhere Kaiulani could be hiding a weapon, despite that cloak she's got draped over her shoulders. When she moves it billows openly about her, leaving little of her slim form to the imagination; anything she's carrying on her must surely be sown into the inner pockets of that cloak. Quirking her pale-haired head at the glances flashed in her direction, she calls out affably, "Greetings..." Now what was that word, for the proper address of Varati men? Oh yes. "Imphadis. A fine day, is it not?" By contrast to the Warlord's thrumming rumble of a voice, hers is high and pure and clear and carries surprisingly well; apparently, unlike many of her kind, this maiden is not unaccustomed to speech. Slowly the hulking man turns his body, in a manner that may make him appear lumbering or uneasy with his burdensome armament. Sumai's eyes look at the far small womaner and her two men who are equally dwarfed by him, if not all his guardsmen, olive-brown and cast of steel. His lips set in a neutral position as the heavy boots begin to crush snow beneath their soles as the Warlord of Messala moves. "Namaste." his voice says as he begins to slowly cross the distance, his entourage following shortly behind him. "Curious that you are here, a bit far inland by your people's standards isn't it?" he says in a curious manner as his gauntlet slowly brushes to the side. Surely the girl is of noble lineage -- or at least familiar enough with the ways of guards and those they protect that she does not try to come too close to the Warlord, until the man opts to lessen the space between him himself. Her own guards hang back behind her, straightening up a bit as the significantly larger Varati men draw nearer, though both of them are maintaining politely neutral expresisons. "Namaste? Ah!" Kaiulani's sea-green eyes brighten at the acaquisition of this new lander word. "This is a greeting? And we're exploring," the maiden continues, as she gestures skyward with one delicately webbed hand. "I wished to examine the look of snow upon the trees -- and to see more of the city in general." A small rueful smile curls her mouth; evidently, again unlike many of her kind, this young woman changes expressions seemingly at whim. "This is my first winter upon the land." Grunting at your words with a deep, throaty voice that seems to mingle with the cavernous chest to echo forth. Sumai's huge form halts about seven feet away from you as looks down at you as he lifts the barbed, spiked panzerhand to scratch absently as his dark skin absently. "It is a Varati greeting, you will get nothing but sneers if you use it with Empyreans. They are rather narrow mind in that manner, though I must confess I have no idea whether they even have a manner of cultural verbal custom." the great, mighty voice comes down on your from Sumai's height. "Ah, winter is a curious thing. Rarely come to most of my nation as well, are you not cold? You were less than some of my dancers." he notes to you in an absent manner, olive-brown eyes looking you over briefly. "Duly noted, and thank you, I shall remember," the girl answers easily, even as she cranes her neck back slightly to take in this massive figure of a man who towers nearly two full feet above her. Waters, but Varati are _large_! Then she casts a slightly bemused glance down at herself; the green cloak has settled in velvet waves about her, though her legs are quite bare save for the delicate sandals she wears, and her arms appear bare as well whenever they emerge from the cloak's protection. Someone else might be positively blue with the temperature, but not this girl; she is quite pale, but that seems her natural, comfortable hue. "Cold?" she echoes, with a slightly furrowed brow, before comprehension brings a larger and swifter smile across her countenance. "No, Imphadi. My people are rarely bothered by cold." Nodding his head slowly, his bullish neck carrying his huge head back and forth in a nodding gesture, "You are welcomed." Sumai says to you in a polite manner, if not a friendly one to be truthful. However Varati are traditionally portrayed this man is both that and something entirely different, "I suppose that is fairly obvious. My people hate cold weather, though no mean number of us have our own defenses against the chilled weather. I have heard that your people have little modesty and bare yourselves to anyone, is that true?" he continues to speak for the moment, polite and sounding effectively unoffensive but he is not warm and friendly by any means. Akane's impassive face is the first to alter, as the two guards can't quite help but overhear the commentary exchanged between the massive Varati and their young mistress. The blue-haired Pandion guardsman might be noted to scowl ever so slightly, while his brother shoots him a swift and possibly pleading glance -- but these two men, unlike Kaiulani, seem either far better at controlling their expressions, or else possessed of far less knowledge of how to express themselves through their features. Neither of them comment, though, leaving that up to Kaiulani herself. The maiden's fine pearl-hued brows crook up over her eyes, and then she grins, slightly sheepishly; a faint hint of coral brightens her cheeks for a moment, suggesting that that grin of hers is not quite as immoedest as it might appear. Ah yes. Lander attitudes about lack of clothing. "Well-l," she says thoughtfully, nibbling momentarily at her lower lip and twirling a lock of her hair around her fingers, "cloth is not particularly practical in the ocean's depths, Imphadi; it gets very heavy when it's wet!" By way of visual aid she takes up a fold of her velvet cloak. "Or at least, so I'm told. Fine things like this velvet don't like the water much either. I suppose this may mean we're immodest, but then again, it's a shame to ruin good velvet, don't you think?" Moving a hand in a dismissal nature to your words, "It is of no consequence to me, I do not view you as a potential wife or concubine, or whatever manner your people say such things. I believe many of the other races have similar tendencies, none the less. I am told Empyreans share baths with one another irregardless of sex and I have, personally, had Sylvans of both gender present themselves to me naked without a hint of modesty. I oft think the Varati are the only folk who consider the bond between a man and his woman a sacred, private thing." Sumai says to you in a thrumming, deep voiced manner as he turns slightly and begins to walk down the the path with a crunching of the ice and snow beneath the huge boots, "Walk with me." he says in a voice that is niether command nor request, but simply is, "I am known as Sumai of Messala, I am the greatest of Messala and their Warlord. I would know whom I speak who bears such importance to a people renowned for their peaceful tendencies to have guardsmen at her rear." She came out into Haven for distraction -- and conversing with a Varati Warlord will suit Kaiulani's purpose just as well as the study of snow-covered branches and flakes born on the winter breeze would have done, she impulsively decides. Not quite as assured as the land-dweller on earth covered with frozen water, the maiden steps cautiously over, half of her attention upon making sure she doesn't do something entirely undignified and slip on her rear. It'd be bad enough to do it in front of Akane and Ronan -- worse still, to do it in front of half a dozen Varati strangers. Sea-green eyes do, however, glance up again as the little Atlantean matches her steps with your far heavier ones. "I am Pandion Kaiulani," she replies, chin lifting up with a pride she feels despite her current strained relations with her kinfolk. "Cousin to Sarojin, Decemvir of the Pandion people." It's difficult to look regal when one's conversational partner so overwhelmingly dwarfs oneself in height; still, though, this maiden does a credible job of it. What she lacks in perfect polish of manner may well be attributable to her comparatively youthful age. Leaving it to Akane and Ronan to debate amongst themselves how to follow her without encroaching too closely on the men that trail the Warlord, she goes on, making a small moue of annoyance as she does so, "I am guarded, because my cousin has ordered it." Never mind that there's another guard whose company she'd greatly prefer, but she won't get into that, here. Instead she goes on, "I must admit to no personal experience in the matter, and certainly no knowledge yet of how the Empyreans and Sylvans do such things, but at least among my people the union of husband and wife is a thing to be treasured." His hand moves in a thoughtful manner as it adjusts the mighty, steel girth that guards his fleshy abdomen. Sumai's huge feet carry him at a very moderate pace, not one that he feels is difficult for your tiny frame to maintain without undue haste. "I believe that Empyreans have little value for their partners, as they customarily have affairs with others or even, I'm told, their slaves. Sylvans mate freely with one another with little regard to formal ritual or relationship, quite demeaning in my mind. I have heard that many Atlanteans frequently partake of other who are not their formal wives or husbands. I have even heard other cultures make a frequent habit of bedding those of the same gender." Sumai claims to you in an absent manner, "Amongst Varati it is forbidden for a woman to lay with one who isn't her formal mate unless she is ganika or an approved houri." he explains to you as he shakes his head a little, "I am uncertain what to think of other nation's practices, but what I have heard I find distasteful to my sense of self and morality." he says as he turns his head to look down at you in an inquiring manner, not judging or malicious. Merely interested. This Warlord, it seems to the maiden, is far more versed in matters of intimacy among the races than she is. Young as she is, even with the noble upbringing she has received, Kai can't quite help but get a little more wide-eyed with every offered syllable. Such fascinating tidbits of hearsay, these, even if mere hearsay they be rather than confirmed fact. But once the dark gaze of the massive man with whom she walks turns back down to her, the Pandion maiden swiftly composes herself. She doesn't bother to turn to glance at her guardsmen, nor does she send any questing tendril of thought their way, but she inwardly revels in the delicious suspicion that Akane must now be about to spit shell-shards at this topic being introduced in her hearing. Especially since it must inevitably bring to mind her _other_ guard, her self-appointed protector now so vigorously sought by her cousin... "Well," she says again, blowing out a breath and idly noting with interest how it frosts upon the air, "I expect you are in a better position than I to know of the ways of folk who dwell on the land, Imphadi. But among my people, no, it is not unheard of for joinings to occur outside the union of marriage; what joins the husband and wife is the bonding of their minds." Try not to blush _too_ hard, eh, girl? The tinge of coral is back in her otherwise cream-pale complexion. Try as she might to look worldly and knowledgeable, an astute eye can nevertheless discern her to be plumbing into conversational depths beyond her normal ken. Listening to you, and yes he truly does listen to what you are saying, Sumai considers all the very minimal facts that you offer him. "Then do not speak on the otehr peoples, speak on your own. I do not expect one so young as you, nor so cloistered in the sea, to understand what other cultures entail. By way of fact I know SYlvans mate liberally and affairs are something of a game amongst the Empyreans. I know, also, that Atlanteans have something much resembling a true institution of marriage. So, tell me of your people and their mating customs and I will tell you, for fact, what you wish to know of my own people's." he expounds to you in a simple manner so as to explain to you how he intends for the conversation to work, "Judging from your face, I may be lead to believe that your people are often secluded in their views on their relationships? Or, is it, simply that you are shy about revealing your own?" his olive-brown eyes are observant and carefu; las they watch you for a moment and then watch the path. Ah! A direct hit; Kaiulani colors rather more vividly for a moment, turning practically pink of cheek. "I have... ah... no relations to reveal, Imphadi," she admits with as much as aplomb as she can muster. "Nor am I likely to, in the foreseeable future. But I would be pleased to tell you what little I can on the topic at hand, and I have been curious about your own people for some time. Where would you like me to begin?" A deep rumbling hrmph comes from the back of his throat as he listens to you speak and the look on your face, "Indeed, none of your own. You Atlanteans are poor politickers, you know. Too easy to read." Sumai says to you in his deep, vibrato voice as he eases his pace just a little and shrugs up the massive shoulders, thick as a bull's and like containing almost as much muscle as you have in your whole torso. "However, I shan't press, that would be impolite of me." he adds to you and then folds his hands behind his back, clasping them with a faint metallic *tink* as steel touches steel. "Begin at the beginning, where your people's relations begin. Feel free to ask questions if you so desire to ask them of me. I am not see easy to embarass, but seeing a man's entrails a few hundred times tends to make one so." Kaiulani makes a small rueful face at your opinion of Atlantean ability to politick; she does not, however, deny it. Instead, loathe to try to think too heavily about the implications of her current lack of... experience in such matters, not to mention her own personal apparent lack of ability to conduct herself like a proper Pandion, she instead plunges ahead impulsively with the conversational topic at hand, unthinkingly fidgeting with a stray lock of her hair as she does so. "Well... to begin, then," she answers, "my parents are assuredly husband and wife, and certainly were long before I was born; they have many children, aside from myself." Lifting a soot black eyebrow beneath the plated helm that covers the upper portion of his head, Sumai considers this. "I meant the mating ritual, I have read good bit on your culture to know ist overall merits and flaws." he explains to you in a deep and powerful voice while he speaks in a tone that is not harsh or chiding, merely informing you of the points which he wishes to know, "Of interest in your statement, however, is whether your parents were faithful to one another? And, were they pure when they made their arrangment formal?" he says to you specifically, "I expect you wouldn't know, as most parents don't share such things with children." There is that. And Kai makes another little face, though her voice is quite unhesitant as she replies, "Mother and Father are quite devoted to one another, and have been ever since I was small enough to notice" -- well, at least, when she wasn't out chasing passing dolphins or riding storm-tossed waves. "As for their purity... I assume you mean, had they had other lovers, when they wed?" To this, the girl makes a rather more noticeable face, though she tries valiantly to conceal it. "I haven't... discussed it with them. Mother and Father and I are... not exactly on the best of terms at the moment. But I know that the people of my acquaintance who have married, at least back home, certainly appear to be faithful to one another as well." Nodding his head at your words a little bit as he considers your words once more, thinking on them with that same set to his lips, which is all you can see of his face. Serious and stoic as he thinks to himself thoughtfully, "That leads me to believe that it is, indeed, this city that has lead some of your folk astray. It is quite the den of inequity, I pray taht you do not fall into its trap as well." and with such he says no more but to ask furtehr questions, "What of your mating rituals? Is virginity required? Is it even favorable amongst your people? Certainly it can't be easy to maintain with your genitals so proudly displayed to everyoen and everything." he says to you in a speculative manner, "That is why our women are clad so well, no others but their proper lovers are deserving of what beauty they may have to offer." Once again Kaiulani blushes, trying to maintain as adult an expression as possible -- but the sheer presence of the pink in her otherwise pale cheeks suggests that despite her attempts to behave otherwise, this maiden is still _quite_, quite young in many ways. "I... expect to remain safe enough," she manages with only a bit of awkwardness in her piping soprano. "Akane and Ronan guard me well..." And so does someone else. For a moment, her sea-green gaze drifts off, a hint of something that might be wistfulness coloring her expression as she stares distractedly at a snow-limned tree not far away. Then she shakes herself as if rousing from a dream, smiling a bit. No expert at reading the nuances of voice or phrasing of lander words, Kaiulani seems to have no particular reaction to the mention of genitalia; in fact, her brow crinkles in a touch of uncomprehension, as if she doesn't even know the word. But the gist of it is certainly gleanable, and she goes on with sudden slightly over-bright cheerfulness, "The ways of such things will vary among us, Warlord. The Decemvirates have their own customs, each to their own... and from what I have seen thus far, there are differences as well between those who pray to Pasiphae and those worship the water." With that, Kaiulani tosses her head for a moment, in what might have been intended to be a shrug, but the use of her shoulders in that gesture seems to have eluded her. "But. Some will join, without concern for who one's partner might have joined with in the past. Some will not." "You are not very good at answering questions, you know." Sumai says to you with a chiding tone to his voice, unconcerned with the factor of age that may seem to be involved in your innocence or awareness. "Are your people so flighty that there is no set custom between the genders? Or, at least regarding standards in practice of relationships?" he says with a faint lowering of his brows in a thoughtful manner beneath the helm that he wears, not that you can see. "When I mentioned the city, I did not mean that you would be assaulted in an aggressive manner. The city has certain lures, a lenient lifestyle that people are oft drawn to... it encourages them to act in manners they wouldn't otherwise act in." he looks over his shoulder at the pair of guardsmen, "Though I'm certain your guards are well trained, two men fighting ten will almost always be defeated unless there is favorable luck on their side. Leave alone, two men could not protect you from a pack... while they fight it would be no chore for someone to drag you away. You are not a large woman and there is no shortage of large men in this city, disregarding even Varati." "I'll be safe," Kaiulani mutters with what may either be a youthful stubbornness, deep conviction in something she hasn't chosen to relay, or both; the focused intensity of her expression manages to suggest the latter, more than the former. Then she smiles, small and crooked, up into the face of the massive Varati. "But I do thank you for your concern. And I _am_ trying to answer your questions, Imphadi; forgive me, if I go awry. There are some things I am not sure I have the proper words for, and I have to think of how to phrase them out loud." Not to mention that the only individual quickening her blood is a man she hasn't even seen clearly, whose name she does not know, whose mind she has never touched. Lifting a hand to her brow, tapping it with one finger, she attempts to clarify, "The set custom is _here_. What is cherised, what is important... is the joining of our minds." Then she makes another face. "Or at least, so everyone older than I keeps telling me!" "Oh, I am not worried for you in the least Pandion." Sumai explains to you in a simple manner as his feet continue to crush the snow and ice beneath what must surely be a grand total of nearly four hundred pounds in weight on him. "I am merely telling you the truth. Even if it were myself and my best guardsmen I am certain that we would be overwhelmed by enough men who had only middling levels of skill. Do not be overproud, regardless of training or magic you may possess." he explains to you in a deep and powerful voice while he shakes his head, "It only takes on lucky dagger and then your life is forfeit." he pauses and reaches up to a tree branch to tap at the snow and watch it fall to the ground, "Telepathy is something I do not understand, nor will I ever understand. I doubt any of your kind, or any other, has tried to touch my mind." It is no use, really, to try to explain to this huge lander man _why_ she thinks she'll be safe -- Kaiulani doesn't want to talk about her nameless guardian in front of Akane and Ronan, much less in front of this Warlord. Jealously clinging to her scraps of memory and daydream about that unseen shadow that's guarded her for so long, she tells herself that to speak of him may well jeopardize him, somehow. Instead she seizes at the bait offered by a different topic of conversation, saying with considerable more poise, "You're probably right. It is not our way to touch someone's mind without permission, even amongst ourselves. But I haven't heard of anyone besides us who have the true-speech, Imphadi...!" Looking at you from teh corner of hsi eye absently the man shakes his head slowly and thoughtfully, but says nothing as to his thoughts aloud. The girl is quite naive to think her people so noble and above such invasions, the Warlord is certain such things happen. Especially to those weak of mind and easily invaded and associate with Atlanteans closely enough, "I call it mind speak, rather than true speak. That is a hair arrogant, don't you think child?" he's also fairly certain that there are half breeds who have telepathy and likely quarterbreeds and maybe even further ancestry beyond that. Yet, that comes with a learned mind who has read extensively on other cultures and studied what he can of live specimens. Know thy enemy. Naive, indeed, this girl may well be. But not unintelligent, and not unafraid of debate, for she meets the dark gaze upon her quite evenly; there's a spark in Kaiulani's sea-green eyes now, but one of returning cheer and curiosity, rather than any resentment at having her statement questioned. "By whose standards?" she replies, chin coming up again, a smile readily brightening her visage. "The speech of the mind is far clearer and purer than clumsy words; it is truer. It is how we know our mates, it is how we form the bonds of blood and family... is it arrogance, to call it what it _is_?" "It is, indeed, arrogant. To claim such as true is to insinuate that others are less because they are incapable of commanding such a power. I should warn that many will take offense to such a suggestion, including myself." Sumai explains to you in a simple, even voice which he has used through out the entire conversation. Olive-brown eyes look down at you as he continues to move easily enough across the paths of breaken, dead grass and hardened earth. "Voices can tell a number of things, merely because you are unskilled in using the voice as a gauge as you are in schooling your features does not make it any less 'true'. I know the voices of my women, I can also tell the voices of anyone I speak with regularly including family. Your speech, in truth, bears only one advantage that vocalization does not and that is privacy, however... I am even uncertain of that for I do not know how your mind speaking works." Seven, count them, seven guards and one massive Warlord make for much noisier passage than the dainty Atlantean maiden does, but Kaiulani steps along gamely enough beside you, casting only the occasional glance downward to see if she's about to step on anything that might prove unpleasant to sandaled feet unskilled at treading upon the earth. Thoughtfully, she says then, "Certainly I do not intend offense, and I can see your point in that respect, good Warlord; my apologies. I'll also concede that I'm not skilled yet at judging voices and words; I only speak as well as I do because my parents had a tutor to teach me to do so. Though I must point out in reply that you are not entirely faultless of such unintentional arrogance...!" She's still smiling, but engagingly so, without any trace of hostility in her expression. "I _assume_ you do not mind-speak, yet you speak of advantages and disadvantages despite your lack of personal experience. And you speak as if your people are the only ones who have the truly _proper_ mating customs... as if mine are flighty, if we take lovers before committing our hearts and souls to our chosen mates at last." Tching at you he holds out a hand as though to catch your words and then brushes them off to the side, "I said no such thing, I said that such things offended my sense of morality and my code of right. To have a mate before one is married is shameful to my mind, unless one was an approved houri and makes this known beforehand. To presume upon my words in anotehr manner is unfair to both myself and you, you must hear what I say and not read your own thoughts into what it may seem." Sumai explains to you in a simple manner, his logic unforgiving though his voice is not at all harsh, "Your point as to my experience, however, is valid. Though the traits that you have named as most valuable about your mind speaking are also born in vocal speaking. Hence, what is superior about it other than its silence? Did you know that most warrior bands use hand gestures to speak silently and convey messages? Nothing complicated or in depth, but to explain what is needed to survive." Kaiulani's smile grows more broad, now. For all that Sumai of Messala has a mien about him not at all unlike her cousin and Decemvir, stern and dour and apparently prone to pointing out her defiencies (or at least so it seems to her), there is an important difference here; she's never had such a vigorous exchange of ideas with Sarojin. "I did not know that," she concedes, not only graciously, but with a vivid interest as well. "But I do not know much about the practices of war." Lifting one of her own hands for a moment, she spreads her finned fingers and considers the kinds of gestures she might be able to make with them. As she plays at this, she goes on, "As to how telepathy is superior..." Once again, a hint of wistfulness comes across her countenance. "It is... not just as if you say the words in your head instead of with your mouth. Much more is conveyed, in the mind-speech. Images. Memories. Emotions." Her voice grows softer, then. Is that yearning sneaking into her gaze, as she stares out across the snowy vista of the park? "When you link your mind with someone... you trust them. They trust you." Her gaze comes back then, the smile gone from her visage, replaced by a far more intent set to her features. "They say among my people that the land-dwellers do not know such trust because they do not join their minds as we do. Are we wrong?" Shaking his head a little bit at you words, secretly Sumai takes some small measure of amusement at the hand gesture you make though it doesn't show in any physical or verbal manner. The panzerhand once again scratches at his chin's tip while he considers you for a moment as he listens to your words and ideas, "That sounds more hindrance to me. There are emotions and ideas that can get one killed in a blink of an eye in my culture. In my world, justice is swift and brutal for those who violate the laws. Few escape it, even for a short while." he thinks for several long moments while he answers your latter question, "I would say that it is both true and untrue. It is true that we do not have that level of trust commonly or share it frequently with any person, but it is untrue in that often many of us find one or two folk we feel safe with sharing any manner of thought or idea." he leaves unsaid whetehr he feels that manner of trust for any person in the world. Kaiulani is still walking, her much smaller and slenderer legs carrying her along with plucky determination over the snow and slush even if her sandaled feet seem ill-suited to such efforts. But her face goes very still at your first words, and she says nothing else until you've finished speaking. _I do not think I would fit very well in his culture,_ she tells herself -- but in what for her is a rare glimmer of thought before speaking, she tactfully remains from saying so. Instead, she asks, her piping voice dropping in volume yet somehow gaining intensity, "Then let me ask you this, if I may, Imphadi... how do your people know when they can trust one another?" Shrugging his huge shoulders upwards so that it creates a faint rasping and creaking of the mail which claps about his mighty musculature, Sumai considers your words for a few moments. "It is hard to explain, I suppose, to one who has never dealt with such concepts before. Yet, I shall try. We Varati must take our time and think out every move that we make and we speak to others, cautiously and we say things that others react to and we try to judge those reactions. We are very careful folk, because ours is a hard world. In the end it simply boils down to taking a chance." Sumai's rumbling voice reverberates to you as he explains and walks along the now crushed snow and slush, "That must be a dreadfully horrifying concept for you." The maiden's sea-green gaze lifts up again, and though her ready smile once again curls her mouth, it doesn't quite touch the intensity of her stare. "Taking a chance?" she asks, archly. "You'd be surprised." "No. No, I don't think that much of anything surprises me anymore." Sumai says to you in a simple reply as his pauses his stride for a moment and reaches up once huge hand to tap another tree branch, causing snow to fall from its once leafy boughs. His olive-brown eyes stoic and hard as he looks down on you for a moment andt hen shakes his head a little bit before he moves a hand dismissally and speaks no further at the moment. "Let me ask you this..." Kaiulani pulls in a breath, pausing for a moment as if unsure how to proceed, especially with seven other men possibly in earshot. Or possibly not. The girl isn't entirely accustomed yet to judging exactly how far away someone has to be before they can no longer hear her... but then again, she _has_ lowered her voice, now. A frown marring her near-white brow, her eyes turned pensive and thoughtful, she goes on, "You've said that you have... women, Imphadi... do you have any daughters?" Shaking his head in response to your question, which he listens to absently, "No. I have no children yet, a rarity for my people. Most men have several by this point in their life." Sumai says to you, his volume lowering in response to your own, presuming you wish to remain slightly quieter and perhaps more private. "I have women, however, yes." he says to you in a thoughtful manner, though it is clear from his tone that he doesn't understand the purpose of the question. Looking back at you for a moment while he looks back at the men following the pair of you, niether appearing like the other very much, Sumai's armor sparkles brilliantly with the reflection of the snow shimmering and washing across him. "Well... suppose you had a daughter. Or a sister. And suppose... all her life, someone -- someone you don't know, and someone even _she_ doesn't know -- has been... watching over her." Kaiulani's expression turns distant again, even a little dreamy, but her tone remains solemn and soft as she unthinkingly draws her arms about herself beneath her velvet cloak. "Protecting her. Keeping her out of trouble. Would you... trust this person?" Considering this for a moment the man says, "I have sisters, many in fact. I was the only male from my father's first wife, though I was the first child." Sumai explains to you thoughtfully and then lowers his brow, "No, I would not trust this man if he was not one of my men. I would fear that he would seek to dishonor her or take her from my command unlawfully. No, it is a man's duty to keep his women safe and away from anything that could harm her in my culture." he explains to you for a moment, "That said, I tend to be more lenient with the women I command and allow them more freedom than many other men do in our society." Kai is not at all sure she likes the notion of 'his women', as if he might also be saying 'his spear' or 'his armor' -- and she can't entirely hide a darkening of her expression. But, again, tact wins out. And at any rate she hasn't finished her questioning. "You wouldn't trust him -- even if he'd saved her life?" Unthinkingly, she waves one hand about for a moment as if trying to pull words out of the very air, as her education fails her for a moment in bringing up a suitably large and frightening land equivalent for a shark. "If she'd been attacked by... I don't know, a big fierce animal. And he'd brought her back and put her where your healers could find her?" Women are property in Varati society. Well treated property, but property none the less. Though it doesn't show in the way Sumai treats his women really, he still refers to them in the proper manner of the Varati culture. His eyes look at you, "I would not trust him then especially. I would wonder what reward he wanted or what purpose he had for saving one of the women I was charged with protection if he wasn't one of my men." the rumbling voice says to you in a firm manner, "I would also wonder what he was doing on my lands when he was uninvited and likely kill him for it." the man says to you, a type of curious Varati amusement coming into his voice as he speaks to you furtehr and further on. His panzerhand shows as he lifts it for a moment, "Why do you ask me these things?" It occurs to Kaiulani that she might say 'no reason' or 'I was just curious' -- but like just about all of her people, Kaiulani is a very bad liar. And thus she reluctantly adheres to truth, even as she shudders at the unflinching pronouncement this Warlord of the Sons of Fire makes of his response to this not-so-hypothetical question. She looks away, too, farther ahead on the path as she makes her answer. "Because there is... a matter of trust I am trying to pursue, Imphadi," she answers lowly, "and I thought perhaps the perspective of one who is not of my people... might help." "Intriguing." Sumai pronounces his judgement for a moment as he considers this thoughtfully and slowly shrugs up those massive shoulders again, bringing that creaking and chinking of mail armor he wears about his torso and body. "In your culture, since there is no taboo against being involved with someone before you marry and, seemingly, little fault for being involved when you are married... I don't think that you will be strictly punished. If you were in Varati lands, your fatehr would send you somewhere to foster away from the man in question if he did not liekh im. If you ever touched him or spoke to him he would be killed for dishonoring you and you would be made a ganika and stricken from yoru family role." he grunst to you in an explanatory manner. The Atlantean maiden's pale features tauten and her eyes darken further as she absorbs this. And she stops right there in the path, needing to do so to be able to figure out exactly how she feels about this -- to her -- brutally blunt statement. Without raising her gaze up the two feet of height required to meet that of her current companion, she asks in hollow tones, "You would not... try to determine if the man was trustworthy, at all? If perhaps he... cared for your kinswoman, but was afraid to reveal himself, for some reason?" His brows knit tightly against one another beneath the thick, plated help that is intended to deflect the blows of maces and swords easily with its shape. "Such things are not entirely foreign to my people, but love is not the most important factor in a mating or coupling of people. Except, perhaps, amongst the common folk of our nations where there is no politicking and tehre is little to be gained between these matches. Amongst nobility, a woman is a weapon we use to ensure certain things happen safely between clans. They understand this from birth, their role is probably the most important in binding certain deals." he explains to you in a thoughtful manner, "However, your people are not like mine. You seem to marry for heartsickness and freely offer your bodies and... minds?... to one another when you feel like it. At least, up until you are wed." "The joining of minds is not done... lightly," Kaiulani murmurs, but now her tone is almost absent, her gaze still locked on some distant point far ahead of her in the snow-blanketed park. "There are different levels of sharing and trust..." Trust; that's what this is all about. How well _can_ she trust a man who's little more than a shadow to her, even if he is leaving her gifts? Then she shakes herself as if rousing from a dream, and finally looks up again; her brow is still furrowed, her gaze dark and clear. "What is a ganika, Imphadi? I do not know that word." Shrugging his shoulders upwards, "No joining should be, in my mind, and should never occur outside of proper mating rituals." Sumai's deep voice explains in a thoughtless manner of detachment while he looks where you looks, "I see your mind is elsewhere, I think your mysterious man occupies much of your mindset at this point. You have heartsickness for him? Or fear?" the huge man asks you in response before he answers your questions, "Ganika is a Varati woman who is not a woman any longer. She has fallen from grace and is now a non-person... the term is synonomous with whore to us." She is a poor liar -- and very poor at concealing her emotions in general, for all that her kind seem generally more inclined not to display their sentiments upon their faces. Kaiulani's fine-sculpted pale features are set now in stark lines of profound disquiet, and it doesn't appear to take much for her gaze to wander off again. "I see," she murmurs, though her only immediate reaction to this definition she is given is to think in a brief fervent flash that she is glad she is not a woman of the Varati. A second flash follows hard on the heel of that, however: wondering whether her Decemvir would banish _her_ if he saw fit, if she displeased him over this matter of her nameless protector. Then your questions sink in, and she swallows hard, once again fidgeting with a lock of her pearlescent hair. "Yes," she whispers swiftly, "no..." And then she concludes in embarrassment, hoping against hope that her own two guardsmen aren't paying as much attention to _her_ as they should be doing to her surroundings, "Both." Listening to your words, "The women have it easy when they are dishonored. We men, when dishonored, are tortured to death." Sumai notes to you in an absent tone, utterly unafraid of what he has just said to you. These are the facts of his life and they seem not to worry him. One wrong phrase or words and he would be mauled by the Amir-al's pet shape shifters. Or, perhaps, they may try but find him a bit more capable of defending himself than some others. "Fear is healthy. We were built with it for a reason." he says to you in a simple manner. "I had heart sickness once, I still do in fact. Sometimes it never goes away, you know. You learn to live with it, though." he says with a brief, quick shrug. "'Heart sickness,'" Kaiulani echoes bemusedly, once more looking up at your visage, though the helm and the height difference make it difficult to read. "What is it you call 'heart sickness', Imphadi? Attraction? Longing?" Its brief and barking sound, rough and you might think painful but a chuckle coems from his lips. "Most call it love." Sumai says to you in a faint shaking of his head as he looks back to you, "Your curiosity will serve you well, I think." "You make it sound like I need a healer." Kaiulani makes a face at this, but the low rocky laughter coaxes another wisp of a smile out of her. "Or perhaps that both of us do. Is it possible to love someone you do not know? Does it happen, among the landers?" "Perhaps you do need a healer, perhaps I need one as well." Sumai says as he shrugs his huge shoulders upwards once more to create that strange rasping and clinking sound that emanates from his armored frame sometimes. "It is not always a pleasant feeling, I will warn you of that before you go far into the debacle." he shakes his head a little bit once again when you ask a second question, "I do not know if it is possible to love someone that you do not know. I do not think it is possible for me to do something like that, love is a hard concept for Varati people in any case... so rarely does it coem to one of us." he says in a neutral tone of voice, "I have many answers, I think, but not all. Perhaps not even most. I also think that answers are different for every person. Perhaps that is the secret to life, eh? Difference." Once again the maiden listens in silence, idly noting the dichotomy between a cold breeze that tickles at the back of her bared head and calves -- and the warmth of the air between herself and the massive man before her. Most of her mind is occupied with your words, however, and at last she lets out a long breath. "You have... given me much to consider, Imphadi. I thank you for taking the time to talk to me," she says earnestly. "I will have to think about what to do next." To your words, Sumai only nods and continues walking along the path as he watches it before him. "Thinking is the most important thing you can ever do, remember that and remember who taught it to you." his deep, baritone voice comes from within the cavernous chest as he moves along with his hands moving once more to clasp behind his back once more, a slight metal on metal sounding. From your manner of speech he presumes that you have the intent of departing from him now and he allows you to go as readily as you wish, but no manner of parting words will he offer you for there are none for him to say. "I will remember, Sumai of Messala," Kaiulani pledges, achieving a formal tone this time, and even a suitably regal inclination of her pale-maned head. With that, the Atlantean girl does indeed step away from you, turning her head to cast her gaze back the way she'd come, seeking the figures of her two guardsmen. Akane and Ronan do not look like much compared to your retinue... but for once, she's almost relieved to see them. Since she can see them, she can send to them, and at her unheard -- and for once, subdued -- request, the two dark-skinned young Pandion guards move to close the distance between themselves and their mistress. Before they get too close to you and perhaps risk disgruntling your own guardsmen, she moves off to intercept them instead; as she does, however, she casts a look back at you and calls soberly, "And again, I thank you...!" And then she takes her leave, pulling her velvet hood up over her hair, picking a cautious and pensive track through the more open field of the park until at last she and her two escorts have vanished into the swirling snow. [End log.]