Site update

New graphic background and color scheme; list of available Willowholt characters added. Scattered Tribe link and other outdated information about who to contact about other tribes on the Guidelines page fixed.

Site update

SAS link off the index now active. Changes to the bios of Rillwhisper, Woodhawk, Rayek, and Moonshade in my characters section; Short Bios page in my characters section updated to having proper background, and the broken table problem on that page is also now fixed.

Site update

Changed the pointer on the Holt history page for Willowholt logs; now points to my new web page version of the log index, rather than to the FTP directory.

Site update

Willowholt homepage moved to; notes on Holt customs and how to join the tribe added to the Intro page; Chitter bio added. Rainfire bio filled in with what’s set on his +info.