Seafarer Log posted

This is mostly for the amusement of my fellow veterans of Two Moons MUSH! Since I went and merged my archive of TM logs with the rest of my roleplay logs, I’ve been absorbed in re-reading a lot of the best of the lot–especially the ones involving Wayfound and the Seafarers. So I got into the mood tonight to pull out a few of the ones I never posted and add them to the archive. I may do one of these a day for a while and see if I can get more of them caught up.

Tonight’s log is “Calm and Storm”, a quiet little scene between Wayfound and her soon-to-be Go-Back lovemate Tefin, who’s introducing her to a Vraeyan version of chess.

Site update

As of this writing, folks, the Lostholt, Scattered Tribe, Seafarer, and Willowholt web pages are back online after its unexpected hiatus thanks to our home server getting hacked. Very, VERY annoying. We hope it won’t happen again. Everything should be intact on the site, but if you happen to see anything that’s broken, do please drop me a line!

Site update

Every last Two Moons MUSH log on has now been merged with the logs archive on the main Two Moons site, which is now available on the Browse Logs page over there. So if you’re looking for Lostholt, Willowholt, or Seafarers logs, or any logs pertaining to any character I’ve ever played, go look over there! The Lostholt, Willowholt, Seafarers, and general TM pages have been updated accordingly, as has the Sitemap.

Site update

As part and parcel of my overall site update, all of my Two Moons MUSH pages have been reorganized. The layout and styles now match the main site for ease of updating; the logs have been organized into one big logs page (and although you have to use the search page over on my main MUSH logs archive, you can even SEARCH the logs!); the various tribal pages have all been tweaked so that things like membership rosters and characters available for play are pulling out of the same database used by the main TM website, and should therefore be more up to date. All of my personal character pages have been added to the same database along with webpages for several other folks that I have been maintaining — Willowholt and Lostholt former PCs and NPCs — so that I don’t have to maintain that stuff in two separate places. In general, my TM pages should be more cohesive; hope y’all approve.

Site update

Added some new PHP to more efficiently handle my log indexes, especially the ones with piles and piles of several years’ worth of logs. Check out Wayfound’s logs page for an example (and note also that I have moved Wayfound’s logs page into its own subdirectory; the sitemap has been updated accordingly); similar work has also been done on the Willowholt logs and Lostholt logs.

Also updated the Sitemap to reflect other overdue changes to the Two Moons section of the site.

Site update

Major re-org of the Logs; it has had some PHP added to more efficiently present the logs as well as improving how to navigate from the logs back up to other parts of the Willowholt page.

Site update

Added “News of Disaster” and “Chieftess No More” to the 2000 logs page; added “Cubs Among the Gathered”, “Gestures of Diplomacy”, and “Confrontations and Comfort” to the 1999 logs page; added “Mending What Was Broken” to the 1998 logs page; also finished the updates of the logs page in general, to add a link for 1995 logs and a link for logs from 1992-1994, and corrected broken links on the main index as well as adding a link there for the Roleplay Logs.