"Calm and Storm" Log Date: 7/14/09 Log Cast: Arnos (emitted by Wayfound), Vardeus (emitted by Wayfound), Wayfound, Tefin Log Intro: As the camp of the Vraeyans heads east across the land, two of the elves that travel with it, Wayfound of Lostholt and Tefin of the Go-Backs, have taken to one another with great mutual joy--for each is the only elf of rational mindset the other has encountered. Both have also taken with great interest to the companionship of the humans from the ocean, and they're hungry to learn anything about them they can, for each new tidbit of knowledge makes the world richer and broader than it had been before. Wayfound has had more time with the Vraeyans than Tefin, but the Go- Back has his own ways of learning things. Moreover, he's taken on a personal mission he finds as vital as knowledge and reason: that of teaching Wayfound to let herself relax and enjoy herself. And with the aid of a Vraeyan game, he thinks he's found the way to do it.... ---------- Vraeyan Camp(#1655AJae) This is a sizeable camp of approximately two dozen humans -- impossible to miss from afar, regardless of one's race. There are simply too many of the Tall Ones, and they are too noisy as well, to make stealth much of an option. Obvious, too, are the impromptu shelters and cookfires they have created for themselves in this camping place, and the smells of burned wood and sod and cooked food, along with the general aroma of humankind, override any subtler scents in the area. More astute observers, however, might note that the camp is not occupied by humans alone -- for there are the scents of elves here as well, and their smaller footprints intermingle with the bigger ones of the humans on the ground in and around the campsite. For that matter... perhaps most amazingly... the elves in the camp seem to be dwelling here as equals to the Tall Ones, and not as prisoners. Contents: Shelbor's tent Tefin Coralfire's Tent(#1669AJe) Yellow Raven's Tent(#6222Je) The Camp has moved again, heading steadily eastward -- and tonight, the Vraeyan and Olbar humans and the elves that travel with them have settled at the juncture of a pair of rivers. From the look of the place, others have obviously camped here in the past; with a wide expanse of ground and a ready supply of water so nearby, it's an excellent campsite indeed. But one which leaves a lot of approaches to the camp that might be taken by any creatures who might be on the attack -- and so, even though the camp has in fact settled down for the evening, Vardeus has several of his crew on watch. Several of them, but not all of them. The humans aren't trying for stealth -- it's impossible to hide nearly two dozen humans and all of the things they're carrying with them. And so Arnos has his instrument out, trying to encourage Dharce and her infant to smile by serenading them; his rich, warm voice rolls over the camp and calls up harmonies even from those members of the crew occupied with evening work. Vardeus' baritone rises up periodically to bolster Arnos' tenor, and for the first time in many weeks, the music calls up a plaintive smile out of Dharce. "((Until we strikes bottom inside the two sunkers, when straight to Catranides Harbor we'll goooooo!))" Wayfound has set up her own small camping place, and there, with the Preserver on her shoulder twittering happily in time to the music, she gazes out thoughtfully at the humans. Would it be so bad to sing and dance, Tefin has asked her; she remembers it, quite clearly. And the thought of it brings a sheepish little expression to her face that might almost be called a smile. Occasionally Tefin can be seen weaving in and out of campsite after campsite, each time leaving with just a small bag slung over one shoulder. His camping place is slightly away from yours, but still nearby. After all, he did give you that cute nickname for a reason; what good is it if he's no-where nearby to use it? "I promise I'll come play with you later, Arnos..." he says to the crowd of singing humans who have noticed his little flute hanging from his belt several times before. With a sheepish smile and a wave, he makes his way back towards the campsite that he shares with you, his little bag in tow. "Good evening, Riddle." Slowly he makes his way over to where you sit and gestures to a spot by the fire. "Would you mind if I join you? I've got something that you may be interested in." That Arnos has made an overture of music at Tefin sits well with Wayfound; she's noticed that the humans' Wordgiver, as she has come to think of him, has been periodically eying the two of them with traces of consternation in his lean bronzed face. He _is_ her primary friend among the humans, and the she-elf does not want him and her newer companion at odds. Seeing Arnos toss Tefin an easy nod that doesn't throw off the pacing of his song, she then turns her attention to the Go-Back as he draws nearer to her. "Please do," she invites, patting the ground beneath the tree under which she's sat herself for the time being. Fallberry on her shoulder perks up, fluttering cheerfully and piping as it peeps over the top of Wayfound's shaggy head, /Hellohello busyhead snowhighthing!/ Tefin settles comfortably on the ground next to Wayfound, but not before playfully tipping Fallberry's hat a little off-kilter with a well-aimed fingertip. "Hello Fallberry. I trust you are well?" he asks with a playful smile, knowing that the wrath of this preserver isn't going to be aimed at the elf who allowed himself to be wrapstuffed as a present to the little purple bug. "Have you slept well this evening, Riddle?" the bag he was carrying resting on the ground with an interesting "clink" "I drowsed on the raft," Wayfound acknowledges, "and Torgan was most careful to keep those doing the rowing speaking softly to one another, for which I was most grateful." She sits up a bit, that hint of a smile lurking about her mouth as the Preserver giggles and grabs at its tiny hat, then flutters up off her shoulder to investigate the fascinations of rock and leaf and new spring flowers in the immediate vicinity. "I find," she adds earnestly, "that the pacing of a raft on a smoothly running river is very soothing!" "Torgan is very sensitive to our sleep requrments. It wouldn't be very wise to have the watch falling asleep before the sun rose, now would it?" Tefin replies, scrunching his back up and down the tree to relieve an itch right between his shoulder blades. "Besides, I think that the humans have a hard time staying awake on the rafts themselves. The rocking back and forth is almost like swinging in a hammock or, better yet, in a mother's embrace." Tefin offers a slight smile that mirrors your own. "You're smiling again...I like that." She is? Oh... she is. Wayfound seems surprised at this observation, and her cheeks pinken a bit in the growing dusk; the smile, however, does not disappear. "I greatly enjoy hearing the Vraeyans sing," she sheepishly notes, when the Captain's vigorous baritone comes in again on the chorus of the shanty Arnos is belting out for everybody in earshot. "I have not yet figured out why, but the blending of their voices is very pleasing to my ear. And..." She trails off a moment, till she recollects that Tefin _has_ invited her to speak freely to him, and then she blurts, "When they sing of their home... I try to imagine what it must be like!" Tefin chuckles softly, looking over at Arnos and the rest of the group who are all singing merrily, the lute and their voices blending together in a racous, but pleasing harmony. "It may be pleasing to you because it reminds you of the howling of the wolves, each voice part of the greater whole. Or, it could just be that it's a new and interesting sound. They do sing very well." He looks up at the stars, his eyes closing momentarily. "I have wondered that as well." A short chuckle. "Imagine how we would be welcomed if we arrived in ((Vrae)), elves in an entire village of humans." Wayfound's brows slant up, and she turns her head to look at Tefin measuringly, before her brow crinkles and she confides, "And... from what I have learned... their villages are _large_ indeed, and they have more than one in their home!" With a slender hand she points, noting Vardeus as he crosses the campsite with his lyre in his hand, coming over to join his crewmate so that the two of them may play together. "The Captain is from a place called Shalros; Arnos, from a place called Kalros, which he said is named in honor of one of their ((gods)). Tiana and Kephissa are from Catranides and Franni is from Notus... Rizon from Renssalaer. They seem to have as many villages in their home as there are tribes of elves _here_." Tefin lets out a low, slow whistle. "So many." he murmurs quietly. "And just imagine that they all are probably as advanced as these humans are. It would be very, very interesting to visit, to say the least. There would be so much to see and to do...learn their language and customs, their ways of making things, their games.." he stops, chuckling a little. "Now I'm wanting to visit their home." Wayfound slowly nods, for more than once she has wanted that very same thing. It promises to be a dangerous undertaking -- who knows how the people of Vrae, if they are as numerous in their homeland as the elves are in this one, would react to discovering a whole new race of beings? "I do not know if it will be possible," she admits, "as Vardeus and his people do not know how to get home from here... but perhaps we will discover it, someday." Then she cocks her head, glancing downward at the bundle the Go-Back has brought, and she adds in a tone that for Wayfound might almost be called light, "But you have brought something, and yes, I am interested. What is that?" Her finger points, this time, at the bundle. "Aye, perhaps we will, Riddle. A quest for knowledge across the seas; At the very least, we will have to have Vardeus teach us the way he navigated his way across the vastdeep. And this.." he says, hefting the bag with one hand, "is why I've been running back and forth from camp to camp over the past few days. I've been learning how to play." And he lets that sentence hang there, tantalizing you... Wayfound blinks. "Play--?" One of the Vraeyans' instruments? Certainly, Wayfound has been more than interested in learning the intricacies of Vardeus' lyre or of the oddly named cwrth that Arnos treasures -- but that bundle is not shaped like any of their objects for making music. She leans forward unthinkingly, eyes narrowing musingly, brows winging in over those lambent eyes of hers. And then, in a tone that might have come out severe if it weren't for the hint of humor glittering in her gaze in what is apparently a rare high good mood for her, she adds, "If you have been learning how to play ((dice)) from Virdi and Maerro, I must warn you that they are both prone to attempting to gamble others into doing their chores." "I never really was the gambling type...I lost too many times, but you are right on target. It is a game...a very interesting one." He opens the bag and withdraws a rolled oilcloth and several small wooden pieces, setting them on the ground in between you and him, where they are illuminated by the fire. The Wolfrider maiden draws in a startled little breath, eyes widening out from their prior thoughtful narrowing in her reaction. "Ahh--! High Ones, what are these?" She scoops one of the wooden objects up into her fingers, turning it out, and studying it intently; it is a tiny male figurine, bearing in his hand what looks like a stylized bolt of skyfire. "This is their Andros Skyfather," she breathes, and then she looks swiftly through the rest of the pieces, till she finds the female figurine with her long flowing hair and the shapes of tiny fish decorating the bottom of her robe. "And this, Lerain Seamother..." Her face brightens, as comprehension dawns -- and now a genuine smile, one that makes teeth flash in her countenance, flares up across Wayfound's features. "These are pieces for Calm and Storm, aren't they? Arnos told me about it but I didn't think anyone had the pieces, who made them?" "I wish I could take credit for all of them, but I only made the smaller ones. Dharce carved Andaros Skyfather and Lerain Seamother" He holds up one piece that you can see is not as well carved as the others, but looks as if he spent a great deal of time on it. "Arnos told me about Calm and Storm and how it was played and I thought, well, that it would be an interesting diversion for around the fire." He unrolls the well-worn oilskin, carefully dyed with the game-board for Calm and Storm, and lays it out on the sand. "From what i've learned, it's a simple game, but it can take a long time to master." Despite the fact that the Vraeyans are quite short on the dyes to which they are accustomed, the help of the local humans -- and, for that matter, the local elves -- has brought to their disposal some of the natural dyes that the locals are used to for decorating their clothing. And so although the cloth board is not as colorful as one crafted in Vrae might have been, still there are fancifully sketched waves and fishes on one side, clouds and a sun and moon upon the other. The pieces feature several similar tiny fish for Lerain, eight-pointed stars for Andros, and range up through matching pairs of larger sea creatures... and clouds, rainbows, birds, a Mother Moon and a Child Moon. At Andros' side, there is a single piece to represent the Daystar... and at Lerain's, a great creature that the Raft Elves would call a Deepsinger and which the Vraeyans have named a ((whale)). "So _this_," Wayfound breathes, "is what they've had Dharce doing... it is well, she has needed something to occupy her mind since her mate was lost...! It is wonderful work!" "Aye, it is. I had to set up bargains between most of the Vrae here to get this made and to learn the basic rules. There's even a story to go with the game." he holds up Andaros Skyfather and Lerain Seamother and begins to tell the story. "Long ago, when the world was made, Andaros and Lerain, to pass the time while the Vrae were growing, made this game. Using the creatures of the sea and of the earth, the game ended when one side captured the other's leader." he places the pieces in their appropriate spots and gathers the rest, placing then where they should go in their colored squares. "The Vraeyans say their ((gods)) are eternal," Wayfound muses, wonderingly, and then she actively grins, a rare expression indeed for her. "If so, surely, they must require amusements to pass their time. I expect that being immortal would be boring, if you could not occupy your mind and body; that is why I would not wish to spend my time in wrapstuff. How does one play?" The young Wolfrider's expression grows noticeably eager as her gaze roves keenly over Tefin's actions with the pieces. "Arnos would not explain the rules to me, without pieces to demonstrate!" Almost like offering a bit of meat to a hungry pup, Wayfound seems to be nearly salivating over the opportunity to learn something previously unknown. And really, who can blame her? It took Tefin the entirety of the raft trip to convince Vardeus to show him how the board was set up, and how each peice moved in relation to each other. "Allright, we'll have a game." he turns the Sea side of the board to face you, righting the pieces that have fallen. "there are six types of figures..." He holds up one of the eight pointed stars. These pieces can only move straight ahead one space. the only time they can move to the side is if one of the opponent's pieces are diagonal to it." He places the pieces in relation to show how they should sit. Wayfound nods once, intently, her attention now so thoroughly seized that Fallberry could be making a nest of her hair and she wouldn't even notice. Her eyes flicker their gaze across the star pieces, noting that for all the inevitable dissimilarity that comes from each being carved by hand -- and, for that matter, one or two of them showing small subtle suggestions of having come from two or three different hands -- they are close enough to be easily grouped as a set. "I see," she murmurs, low and clear. "Now, the pieces on the back row can move much farther than the ones in front of them. The cloud, the one in the corner, can move in a straight line as many spaces as you choose. The moon, next to it, can only move in a broken line, one space forward and one diagonally, or one diagonal and then one space forward." Each time he mentions the way a piece can move, he shows how it moves in space, showing rather than explaining. Each explanation is readily absorbed, and the uncommon lightness of Wayfound's expression now clearly broadcasts how there is nothing she loves so much in the world as to have a new kind of knowledge presented to her -- and it can also be concluded that, somber and dour though she might generally be, it takes but a bit of patient encouragement to get the reclusive Wolfrider to engage in simple entertainment. Explanations for the stars, who can only move diagonally, the whale and the daystar, who can move where they will as long as there's a clear path, and Andaros Skyfather and Lerain Seamother, who can move but usually do not without provocation, are given, and the moves are shown. Tefin quickly re-sets the pieces to their proper places, adds another log to the fire, and sits, cross legged, behind Andros's mountains. "Lerain Seamother always goes first, Riddle." The game has started! If I see an incorrect move, I will tell you, but you must promise to offer the same courtesy. We can not grow proficient in this game if we make the same mistakes over and over again." Wayfound is not incognizant of a bit of gentle irony that Tefin gifts her with the pieces for Lerain; true, she is the female of the two, but thus far the sea is almost entirely outside of Wayfound's ken, and what lore she has managed to absorb about its creatures has come only from tentatively ventured questions to Quietharm and Arnos and others on Vardeus' crew who have taken the time to satisfy her curiosity. "Naturally I shall make that promise," she says, looking up long enough to look Tefin square and earnest in the eye, before her attention is inexorably claimed again by the row of fishes arranged before her. Her mind begins to work at the possibilities; what should happen, then, if she should move a fish _so_, and oh, a question! "Can you move pieces on the back row before those on the front have cleared a path?" she inquires. The choice of Lerain's side for Wayfound was partially due to the fact that she is the female of the pair, but mostly because Lerain moves her pieces first, always. Ladies first! "The only piece that can move out of the back row without a path is the moon...or in your case, that dolphin, there and there." He points and moves it, into position in front of the row of fishes "These pieces can leap over the fish in front of it like this." Tefin says "The others need a clear path." Ah, so then the responsibility is in her hands: her first action will be what starts off the intriguing chain of possibilities. But lest her thoughts run too far ahead of her, Wayfound chooses instead to first learn from theory put to action -- and moves her leftmost fish forward a single square. "I am greatly intrigued that the Vraeyans make a game to honor their ((gods))," she remarks as she does. "I wonder what train of thought led them to it?" "My theory is that some of the people that were not affiliated with the ((priests)) wished their own way to honor their ((gods)) while having fun at the same time." Tefin moves the third star from the left one space forward and awaits your next move. "Or perhaps it was a way to make a game seem more acceptable to the ((priests)). Whatever the reason, it is a very simple...but very complicated game. There are so many moves that could happen, just in the first few moments." "I can already see great potential for this being a fine way to exercise the mind," Wayfound murmurs, and the rush of her words makes this as eager a statement as she has ever uttered. How to proceed? Thinking to try a strategy that lets some of her pieces stay behind to help guard her whale and the Seamother, she moves her rightmost dolphin this time, making it leap ahead over the fishes before it to wind up on the third row out, three squares in. "The Vraeyans have no ((priests)) with them; I wonder if they will choose new ones, if they stay here. Xhosa has acted as a ((priest)) for them, but she speaks for the ((gods)) of her own people. You have noted that the different humans do seem to have different ((gods))?" Tefin nods as he slides his sun out into the third row through the newly established passage, lining it up with your dolphin, but out of the range of your small fish that only moved one space. "I have noticed that, yes. When speaking with Vardeus, he told me of more than a hand of different ((gods)) that his people belived in. Perhaps it is not expected to worship a single omnipotent ((god)) but it is acceptable for each person or family to have its own ((god)) to look towards." Maybe moving his sun out wasn't the best move...Tefin's brows knit together as he ponders his next move. "Like Vardeus follows the Seamother, because he lives and depends on the sea for his livelihood. A farmer would perhaps worship the Skyfather, or a ((god)) of green, growing things." "Ah, but Vardeus swears by ((Skyfather)) and ((Seamother)) both, I have observed; they are both great favorites of ((sailors)), possibly because they look to the stars to guide their ((ships)) as well as to the waves to carry them," Wayfound offers, glancing up at Tefin with a hopeful, slightly anxious look about her face. Were she thirty turns of the seasons younger, it would be the exact sort of look she would offer by way of hoping to gain the approval of an elder by the displaying of a lesson learned. "Franni says that in Notus, where she comes from, they worship a ((goddess)) called Seid, who does seem in charge of green growing things, though." And oh yes -- she'd better move, hadn't she? Is the sun threatening her dolphin now? She squints one ambergreen eye, trying to discern whether by the rules she has been given, the sun can rightfully move to claim her hapless wavedancer. By way of sending it some support, she brings up one of her front fishes, putting it into the space next door, three in from the opposite side of the board. She needn't try gain his approval for knowledge...he already has his respect and approval many times over. "That is a very good point, Riddle. I hadn't considered the option of following multiple ((gods))." He gives off a soft mrrrf of annoyance at her move, though. his nice, safe capture of a dolphin is now threatened by a little fish! Perhaps....ah. Tefin smiles and moves his sun out of reach, leaving his front line slightly open. "Moreover, they _all_ seem to call upon their ((Allmother)) in times of great stress," Wayfound notes, while she cups the fine-boned point of her chin in one hand and ponders what to do next. Conservatively she opts to move the little fish on the other side of the dolphin forward, making sure it is flanked on both sides... and while she might not necessarily need to actively seek Tefin's approval, still, there's a bit of a blush in her cheeks and a bit of a shine in her eyes, at the sheer fact that they have this knowledge to exchange between them. "I do not yet have names for all of their ((gods)), but I am most fascinated by where they have seemed inclined to find them... Tefin, did they tell you they have _forges_? Like the trolls do?" "It seems that the Vrae have a god for nearly everything under the daystar..." Tefin says quietly, moving his version of your dolphin out into the field, ready to battle for his lord. his hand stills at the word about forges, and he looks up, still holding the piece. "They can shape metal as the trolls do? That's...wonderful!" Wayfound nods enthusiastically. "You have seen Vardeus' armband, yes, and the earrings that all of the adults are wearing? And Vardeus' daggers and sword, yes? They are not the brightmetal, but they were forged in Vrae -- and Aeolus, the large one who cannot talk, they say he is a smith. They have not been able to make a new forge _here_... but Aeolus has the knowledge!" But then she too goes still, and her brow crinkles up fretfully while her voice drops to a low whisper. "Do you truly think it a wonderful thing? I cannot help but think that almost all of the elves I know would be greatly troubled to hear that there are humans who can make weapons of metal." "I have seen all of these things..even the metal bits holding the hull of the ship together before it was disassembled, and the fact that these people can create such wonderful things, without trading with the trolls, is wonderful. All knowledge is a wonderful, but it is the perversion of that knowledge that can be dangerous...." He goes silent for a time, letting his piece stay, unmoved, the game forgotten for now. "I have been considering the fact that we are heading for the same group of humans that were instrumental in burning the Wolfriders from their home." He glances up, face solemn. "I do not believe that Vardeus would allow his tools...his knowledge...to be used to harm those that helped him and his people in their time of need. These are not the average humans that we are used to dealing with." he turns to look at the group, who's music has drifted off to low, soft, soothing melodies as they drift off to sleep one-by-one, turning back to Wayfound with a nod. "These are not the humans that we are used to dealing with. I'm an optimist; this group will teach the Olbar that we are not demons and allow us to live in peace." A soft smile breaks. "I'm sure of it." "I truly hope so, I do," Wayfound breathes, with a light in her eyes that speaks of a conviction that burns deep within her heart. "I have thought it such a wondrous thing, that there could be others in the world that think as we elves do... certainly more than the trolls or Preservers seem to." She half-grins, glancing off to where Fallberry has curled up in a gossamer-winged ball in a little hollow in the roots of the tree. "I love it dearly," she gruffly appends, "but I cannot say that Fallberry is a very stimulating conversational partner." With that, then, the she-elf blows out a breath, squares her shoulders, and fixes Tefin with a stare that can be called nothing but challenging, finishing, "But we should give this game the honor it is due, and play it out properly, my friend...!" It is not battle of the sort that involves striking and slashing with a weapon, but it is battle nonetheless, and it calls up a bit of the wolf-blood along with the agility of her mind. "Let's _play_!" [End log.]