Site update

Added copies of another player’s logs to my Solo page, logs dating from before the crash. Look for “Have I Got a Deal for You” and “Shocking Discoveries”.

Site update

Dawn’s and Dusk’s bios have been moved to the bios directory on this account and reformatted to match the other Holt bios. Several links to Dawn’s, Dusk’s, Woodhawk’s, and Rillwhisper’s bios have been fixed to point to the right places. And a font change.

Site update

Willowholt logs moved to the account; links to the logs should work now, and the logs index has been given the same graphics and color as the main web page. Several new logs have been added as well.

Site update

The page has moved again, this time to Have also moved the Willowholt bios into the Bios section of the overall page, and have updated links in the Willowholt pages accordingly. Also, Woodhawk has been removed from the freechars page, due to his having acquired a new player.