Two more Kaiulani logs: “From the Shards of Their Lives Before” and “Marketplace Standoff”. Also, since I retired both Rillwhisper and Oriolle from play, I’ve put them on my Old TM Characters page, and updated it as well as my main Old MUSH Characters page, having reformatted both to designate various types of characters in a way a bit more fitting with the overall style of the site.
Site update
Two new (old) logs posted: Rest and Reunion in the Oriolle section, and Catching Up in the Lostholt section.
Site update
“The Cry in the Night”, a log from late December 2002, has been crossposted to the logs page as it features activity by several Lostholters in Sorrow’s End. Enjoy, all!
Site update
I’ve added a new link to my Likes page: the official site of author Jim Butcher. He writes a fun series called The Dresden Files, about a modern-day wizard who doubles as a private eye in Chicago! Also: three new logs have been posted to the Oriolle logs page, “Elisel Uprooted”, “Sundering the Two Made One”, and “The Sadness of the Shaper”.
Site update
Broken links fixed on Oriolle’s Info and Quick Facts pages.
Site update
“The Blossoming of Magic” posted to the Oriolle logs page.
Site update
Removed some material from my TOFOG page by request; check there for details. Also, posted a new log, “Dreams Outside of Time”, to Oriolle’s logs page.
Site update
Since my old character Aureole is now back in play under the name of Oriolle, I have rearranged and moved her page, giving her a link off my main TM section now. Her logs have also been separated out from my old archive of Starwing and Plainsrunner logs. The Sitemap has been updated accordingly. Logs both old and new have also been added to Oriolle’s log index.