Back up a little behind schedule, but
We now return you to your regularly scheduled Internetz, already in progress.
Where Anna the Piper geeks out
Back up a little behind schedule, but
We now return you to your regularly scheduled Internetz, already in progress.
The power came back on not long before it was time for me to get up anyway–which was long enough of a delay that I got to fail to go back to proper sleep for about three and a half hours, yay! Kept dozing and dreaming that the power was back on NO WAIT NO IT ISN’T no wait do I hear power trucks outside AUGH zzzzzzz.
Set the alarm on my iPhone to go off at my usual get up time, only to discover that my bedside clock had gotten fast by 20 minutes, so it actually woke me up first. Stumbled awake to get ready for work, resurrect the servers, and reset the blinking clocks.
Still don’t know what exactly happened; Puget Sound Energy’s automated message said they were on top of things and damage crews had been dispatched when I called around 3am. No notice on their web site though about what might have happened. I’ll have to see if I can find some news or something.
Anyway, newmoon, lodestone, and door are alive again, so all services should be functional. Anybody with mailing list subscriptions or web pages or DNS or whatever on our site, if you see any issues, let me know!
Awesome, turned out that the power came back online shortly after
Paul and I are home from that now and I’ve brought the servers back online, so things should be returning to normal on the Murk. For the time being our net’s even behaving, though we’ll be keeping an eye out on that too. We now return you to your regularly scheduled geekery, already in progress.
Here are a couple of quick pics I snapped today!
Last night, like I am wont to do, I was whipping through my “Anna’s Set” playlist on my iPhone, which is the various songs I can play to one degree or another on the guitar. And while there’s even stuff that isn’t Great Big Sea on that list, it was somewhere just after “Lukey” when I looked at my pick and realized it suddenly had extra points on the end. Oops!
Meanwhile, the cats have gotten very fond of parking on the windowsill in the kitchen and staring out to the walkway just behind the house. I still don’t know what they think they see back there. And by “they” I mean “Fred”, because George is clearly a slacker when it comes to being a watchcat.
As I found out shortly after I yoinked this video off my iPhone, I didn’t actually manage to get proper footage of both of the cats closing in on this little guy… but I did at least get about a minute or so of the robot making cute noises.
So here it is, y’all, this little video snippet of the most unusual guest that came to Turkey Day at the Murk this year–and as it happens, this is the first video I’ve ever managed to take with the phone, too. Props to
Cute, ain’t he? I was totally convinced the little guy looked like something that should be wandering around a Star Wars set. He even made R2-D2 noises. <3