Site update

Another facelift to the pages; graphics redone; new footer and links list added; Quickblade’s email address updated on the global footer; pointers on current contacts for the Scattered added to the Intro page; removed “I” and “me” references to all information provided, as the page is now kept by multiple people (names have been inserted where appropriate); changed pointer to Natil’s TM character creation primer; FAQ referring to RP with Thicket deleted, as Thicket is deceased; references to several text files deleted for now as those files were lost in the server crash and have yet to be recovered.

Site update

Web page turned over to Quickblade, due to his on-line activity as new chief of the Scattered tribe. Web pages given face lift, adding text, backgrounds and other slight changes.

Site update

Move to completed; links to my email address updated appropriately; guidelines for making Scattered characters given final re-edit to be Scattered-specific, along with general pointer to the main character primer Natil wrote.