The fine folks at Carina Press are promoting me today, with some tweets and Facebook posts going up! The first of the promo tweets just went up a little while ago, and it should surprise exactly NONE OF YOU that this is what it says:

Now, this is all very well and lovely (and in fact you should also soon be seeing a tweet go up about how I once stood three feet from Russell Crowe and my brain fell RIGHT OUT OF MY HEAD), but it occurs to me: why should Carina get to have all the fun here? I am a complex, living organism! And just like Scully once said unto Mulder, I just keep unfolding like a flower. I have LAYERS!
So starting RIGHT NOW, O Internets, I’m throwing open a brand new giveaway: spread your own promo tweets, Facebook posts, etc. about me and Valor of the Healer! The rules are as follows:
- You have to link to my official site,, or use this for a short URL:
- Or you can link to Valor of the Healer’s official page, or use this for a short URL:
- Or, if you want to encourage your friends to jump in too, link directly to this post! Or use this as a short URL:
- You have to share one fun fact about me! Note: this fact does not actually have to be TRUE. Tall tales are highly encouraged, in the vein of the “Chuck Norris” meme, or if you happen to be a Doctor Who fan, the “Rory Williams” one. ;D
- You have to post on a social network or on your own blog or journal.
- You have to send me a screenshot or a link, or tag me on your post so I can see it.
- Each place you post a “fact” about me will get you one entry in the random pool of entries!
This giveaway runs from NOW until midnight Pacific time, Friday April 19th! I will choose a winner on Saturday the 20th!
Ready? Set? GO!
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