Which is good, because there are a few books that are available electronically only in Kindle format, such as an SF novel called Arapeta by New Zealand author Peter Tashkoff, which I’d added to my To-Read list a while back. My only options for getting hold of a copy of this were either ordering a print copy, or getting the Kindle version. Now I have the Kindle version. Yay!
Meanwhile I have also bought J.C. Hutchins’ 7th Son from Barnes and Noble’s e-book store. This is the print edition of a story that’s seen quite a bit of love in podcast form, and which eventually scored the author a print contract. The whole situation is pretty cool to me, since Hutchins had originally tried to pitch his story to the traditional publishers, without any luck; he then turned to making it a podcast, which finally actually got him a print contract. Plus, the story sounds pretty fun; it’s an SF thriller involving cloning and political machinations, and it starts with a bang with the President being assassinated by a four-year-old boy.
This brings me up to 170 books for the year. And Fictionwise is trying to tempt me again with a 15% off coupon I got as part of a monthly drawing, too! Ohnoez! ;)