I know I’ve been neglecting personal posts as of late, but in the interests of literary thoroughness, here’s the roundup of books I’ve picked up as of late:
A Kiss Before the Apocalypse, by Thomas Sniegoski; this is the first book of the series touched on in the Mean Streets anthology, about the angel who’s trying to pass as a human PI
A Red Heart of Memories, by Nina Kiriki Hoffman; I’ve been looking for this for ages and managed to find a used copy at Third Place
Smoke and Ashes, by Tanya Huff; third of the Smoke trilogy featuring Tony Foster
Why Mermaids Sing, by C.S. Harris; this is the third of the Sebastian St. Cyr mystery series
A Spell for the Revolution, by ccfinlay
And, mentioned already in my post about Vancouver, but noting for the count: Salt Fish Girl, by Larissa Lai
This brings the grand total of books purchased in 2009 up to 41. I’m still ahead on books read, but only just; I need to get caught up on my book review posts, too!