To wit, her birthday! And there will be cake and sushi and Things! And you should all wish her a happy one. Because she is Awesome!
And oh yes, belated thanks!
It’s now a week after the fact, but I must give some public thanks to everybody who wished me such nice birthday wishes last weekend–whether on LJ, DW, Facebook, face-to-face, or what. In particular:
- Thank you,
, for the lovely card!jennygriffee
- Props to
for getting me a signed copy of this, and a card as well!technoshaman
- Big smiles over to
who actually hand-made me a book cover, with a suspiciously familiar face cross-stitched onto the front. How sweet was this? Handmade gift, people! <3janne
knows me very, very, VERY well and sent me this awesome Han Solo shirt.mamishka
- Extra big smiles to my beloved
for the new instrument rack where the General, Rags, and my bouzouki Spring are all now residing! There’s room on it for my octave mandolin Autumn as well, although Autumn’s getting more play time at Dara’s hands these days.solarbird

My birthday technically isn’t even over yet, as spazzkat
Thanks much to you all! I feel loved. <3
Many of you have remarked upon this already in your own posts, but for those of you who might not have yet, hey, it’s the Day of solarbird
Happy birthday, beloved! <3 <3 Today there will be sushi and movie viewing (we're going to go see How to Train Your Dragon), and hopefully also speedy recovery from strep throat since Dara picked that up from Norwescon. Doh.