YOU GUYS. Remember this blog post, in which I described how I had this picture in my head of all of my various fandoms over the years having a kitchen party in my head?
My friend Yngvar in Norway, crafty devil that he is, commissioned no less an august personage than Sonny Strait to sketch it for me, as a combination Christmas/birthday present! Sonny Strait, comma, who’s best known to me with his background in Elfquest! Behold!
And that’ll be Battlestar Galactica, Doctor Who, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer referenced in this sketch for my TV fandoms, as well as Great Big Sea and Elvis being the most obvious musical fandoms–but with the baby!me babbling in French being a callout to my Quebec trad fandom, not to mention my rampageous affection for learning French in general. :D I particularly like how baby!me looks a lot like the pic of baby!me I’ve posted before! Somebody was clearly given a reference source!
All hail Yngvar and Sonny Strait for making this happen! Thank you, gentlemen!
Seriously nails it with content and style.
Pauline Galley MacDonald liked this on Facebook.
Wow! That is a great piece. I presume you’re going to get it properly framed?
I just pointed him to your Facebook gallery. Clearly he found that baby picture. I recognized it, too. :)
I cannot like this enough!
Geri Fargher liked this on Facebook.
Ellen Eades liked this on Facebook.
@annathepiper That is so squeeingly cute!
Mike Knauer liked this on Facebook.