Goodness, a lot of you are dropping by from Facebook today! This is apparently what happens when one of your favorite Quebec bands posts your review of their album to their Facebook page! (HI ALEXANDRE, YANN, AND PASCAL! I see what you did there!)
Anyway, if you’re popping over from Genticorum’s page and you see this post, say hi, won’t you? Talk to me on the topic of Damn Those Boys Sing Pretty Don’t They, or maybe Screw Wanting to Play Like Alexandre When I Grow Up, I Wanna Play Like Alexandre NOW (And If I Try to Match His Tempo I Blow My Own Head Off), or how about Exactly How Much Wine Does a Quebecois Fiddler Need to Knock Back For a Concert’s Worth of Podorythmie?
And if you’re coming in from Quebec, because I appear to have broken my record for most visits from La Belle Province in one day: bonjour! Je suis ravi à voir tout le monde! J’aime tellement la musique traditionelle du Quebec, et j’apprends français à comprendre et apprécier meilleur toutes les chansons merveilleuses! Et j’apprends les tounes sur ma flûte, mais je ne joue pas aussi bien que Alexandre! ;)
I mean, because SERIOUSLY, people, lookit that guy go! I try that, I do indeed blow my own head off.
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