When I was walking down the hill to the bus stop, the sunrise over the lake was stunningly pretty. There was quite the cloud formation going on over the treeline and the lake, and sunlight was pretty much setting the entire thing on fire. Best of all, it was bouncing off the lake as well so there was this great lovely span of pink before me as I was heading to the corner.
My dinky little iPhone camera doesn’t really do it justice, but here it is anyway:

(ETA: Grf, for some reason the photo isn’t coming through on the version of this post mirroring out to LJ and Dreamwidth. Possibly due to a recent WordPress upgrade on my part! Anyway, if you’re looking at this from anywhere but the WordPress blog, try looking here for the picture.
ETA #2: No wait duh. I didn’t see the picture because AdBlock Plus was eating it. Oops!)
I wanted to call this out particularly because the last couple weeks of weather here have been classic Seattle winter: rainy and windy and awful. The last day or two though, it’s cleared up. And it brought us the lovely sunrise, so!
Meanwhile I would also like to note that the tally of books purchased or otherwise acquired has jumped significantly for the month! Continuing the January theme of “Buying Things Written by desperance
I do think I’ll have to have me a Chaz Brenchley marathon sometime soon.
Also! I volunteered to do a bit of coding work for Smart Bitch Sarah Wendell, as I posted before. Took me a couple hours this past weekend to get her something approximating what she’ll need; it’ll need a bit of fine-tuning perhaps, but it’s at least in the ballpark. She kindly paid me for my time in the best way possible: a Fictionwise gift certificate! So I have a new pile of ebooks to add to the list of things purchased/acquired thus far this year:
- Magic Bites, Magic Burns, and Magic Strikes, the Kate Daniels novels by
. Urban fantasy. In the case of the first two, re-buys of books I’d previously purchased in paperback formilona_andrews
- Dead to Me, by
. Urban fantasy. Another re-buy in ebook formantonstrout
- Unperfect Souls, by
. Urban fantasy. Pre-order of the forthcoming next Conner Grey novelmarkdf
- Three Days to Dead, by Kelly Meding. Urban fantasy.
- Deadtown, by Nancy Holzner. Urban fantasy.
- Sentinels: Wolf Hunt, by Doranna Durgin. Paranormal Romance.
- Exception to the Rule, by Doranna Durgin. Suspense/Romance.
- Beyond the Rules, by Doranna Durgin. Suspense/Romance.
- The Knights of the Cornerstone, by James P. Blaylock. Fantasy. Re-buy in ebook form, since Fictionwise was selling it for only 84 cents!
This brings the Books Acquired tally for 2010 thus far up to 22. Go me!