Computer status update: SSD transplant successful!

Meanwhile, aside from the significant relief of finally getting the first shot of a COVID-19 vaccine in my arm, I canĀ also report the significant relief of getting my computer problems resolved.

When last we left our heroine, Time Machine had been having a lot of mysterious copy errors, and the only way I got it to work was to do a full backup in Safe Mode. EvenĀ that threw an error about problems setting ownership of files, and the copy errors returned as soon as I tried to do another backup in standard mode.

Continue reading “Computer status update: SSD transplant successful!”

Adventures in Time Machine backups

A few days ago my belovedest Dara got us a shiny new NAS to use as a backup server. I was prepared to get excited about this, as up until now our Time Machine solution has been to use an older Macbook in the house (and by older, I mean, it’s still running Snow Leopard) as a Time Machine server. That box has three hard drives plugged into it, and Dara and I both have been using this for years mostly without problems.

However, as we’ve acquired more machines and that backup server gets older and older, it’s meant that our backups have been… shall we say… less reliable than we’d like.

This is a post about that, in in-depth detail, so I can point at this when I put out calls to ask for help. Technogeekery behind the cut!

Continue reading “Adventures in Time Machine backups”