So I went to Third Place Books tonight for a reading and signing by the mighty cmpriest
Also happened to see caitkitt
But on a related note, I also asked the staff about their shiny new POD machine–with, of course, an eye to whether they could print Drollerie books. I had the guy at the info desk do a couple of searches, but sadly, it looks like Drollerie books are NOT in its database. So assuming that Faerie Blood joins the Drollerie print roster, the only option will be to order it. If the situation changes I will of course let folks know.
Meanwhile I must note that the following books have now been purchased by me:
In print:
- Demon Bound and Witch Craft, by Caitlinn Kittredge
In e-book:
- Breathers: A Zombie’s Lament, by S.G. Browne
And, since Fictionwise is having a massive and I mean MASSIVE sale for the end of the year (to the tune of everything between 40 and 60% off, so if you haven’t bought Faerie Blood yet now would be a REALLY GOOD TIME, not like I’m hinting or anything okay yeah well I am), I’m probably about to do another e-book run. A good chunk of this will be buying stuff by Morgan Howell, because I just read Book 1 of his Queen of the Orcs trilogy and liked it quite a bit.
Until then, the yearly books purchased tally is now up to 173.