Most of y’all will probably have already seen me flailing around Facebook and G+ about this, but for those who haven’t: we’ve got hornets at the Murkworks! YAY!
Once the cats caught the hornet, though, that pretty much necessitated calling in a professional. Who showed up yesterday and informed Dara that we had the worst nest he’d seen all year, with approximately 600-800 hornets in it. This, I can assure you all, is NOT an area in which I want our household to excel. He wound up hitting the nest with two different extermination products, and didn’t even take a check from Dara because he intended to come back (tomorrow, as I write this) to follow up and make sure the job’s actually completed.
Since his visit yesterday Dara and spazzkat
Dara’s phobic about bees and wasps and hornets. I’m not, but you know what? 600-800 hornets is enough to make me cringe, too. That is entirely TOO MANY HORNETS, no matter how you slice it. Hopefully the exterminator will make sure we don’t have any other stragglers. We’ll see how tomorrow goes!