I realized tonight, seeing both mamishka
However, thanks to castleicons
I need to find one of Castle actually writing as well, but this assortment should do me nicely for now. <3
Where Anna the Piper geeks out
I realized tonight, seeing both mamishka
However, thanks to castleicons
I need to find one of Castle actually writing as well, but this assortment should do me nicely for now. <3
It occurred to me that if I was going to go around calling my LJ “Ordinary Day”, I should damn well have a default icon that reflects that. So for the benefit of those of you looking at this on my various LJ-flavored sites, check out the Alan and Sean loverliness. That shot is of course from the video for the song. The icon is by turple_purtle
And if you’re looking at this on annathepiper.org, here!
If you happen to be like me and am crossposting these days over to LJ and LJ-related sites off of WordPress, you might want to give a look to the shiny new version of the JournalPress plugin. It just upgraded to version 0.3 and includes, finally, support for letting you choose what userpic you want when the post shows up on LJ!
This gives me a Happy, since it takes a few extra steps out of my crossposting efforts. And lets me specifically do something like oh, say, choose to show those of you who’re looking at this post on LJ or Dreamwidth the shiny new icon that spazzkat
But for those who’re looking at this post via WordPress, here’s the icon itself, behind the fold!