This is a few days after the fact at this point but I wanted to do a shout-out post on behalf of a couple of very nice encounters I had last week.
First, I had lunch with two of my old coworkers from the Times, Kathy and Adila, and that was great. Conversation and tasty sushi were had by all, and we vowed to do this again. For general reference, local-to-Seattle peeps, Sam’s Sushi in Queen Anne is good tasty lunch-type sushi.
Second, solarbird
It was great fun, and Dara and I quickly decided we really need to play more Mah Jongg again. If any local peeps want in, let us know!
Meanwhile, it was wonderful to see the Schrams again. Amy and Erin and Sharayah are on the way back East again, and get to stop at Mt. St. Helens and at other nifty spots on the way. I envy them the whole Traveling Across the Country thing.
On Saturday, the Murkworks descended en masse to The Burninghand, where kathrynt
This week has been kind of crazy-making at work, but in the sort of challenging “trying to solve particularly thorny QA problems that are driving QA, Dev, and IT collectively crazy” kind of way rather than anything really, y’know, bad. So it’s nice to have had some relaxing social encounters.
And there definitely needs to be more Mah Jongg. Especially since on Saturday morning, spazzkat