Namely, Bandcamp embeds! So here, have a couple! (Does this also work on Dreamwidth? LET’S FIND OUT.)
Like “Manteau d’hiver” by Le Vent du Nord!
Tromper le temps by Le Vent du Nord
And “La déroutée” by Yves “Most Badass Accordion Player in Quebec” Lambert and his trio! A song which rattles me around every time I hear it. I LOVE the repeated chorus.
Le monde à Lambert (Yves Lambert & le Bébert orchestra) by La prûche libre
And last but MOST ASSUREDLY not least, Dara’s got some tasty previews up for the WE SWEAR TO ODIN IS ACTUALLY FORTHCOMING Bone Walker Soundtrack!
Bone Walker (Preview Tracks) by Crime and the Forces of Evil