Site update

OKAY so I know I said I was going to try to get caught up around here, but a few things got in the way big time, folks. First and foremost, the group has had major difficulty with not one, not two, but three of us smacked hard with major medical issues. Cyn has been spending all summer receiving surgery and a lot of other treatment for a brain tumor. Dara has undergone surgery as well and is still recovering from that. And me, I broke my arm and have been recovering from that for the last eight weeks.

That said, this website has not been abandoned even though our group is on hiatus for the time being. Once we are all healthy again we hope to resume playing — and in the meantime, if any of you folks out there are musicians in the Puget Sound area who are looking for a relaxed jamming environment, drop us a line! We need more guitarists!

Lastly, the look has changed around here as part of my overall major overhaul to my site; see my What’s New page there for details. Hope y’all like it.