Log Date: 10/29/98 Log Cast: Tance Vokrim, Capria McNamee, Espra, Fiana Sullivan, Katya Reynar, Ynsira Da'taln, Alec Mathers, Travis Stewart, NPC orderly, Remina Log Intro: Returned from his trip into the Ranges under the supervision of Gyles Lee, Tance has retained a vague memory that he is to report to the Infirmary, and thus he has done so, as the Infirmary is one of the few places in the JPF he can reliably find on his own. But the addled old Singer can't remember which medic he is supposed to see -- and furthermore, he is certain that there's something else he needs to do, some reason he needs to leave the JPF immediately, something to do with his beloved Jade. Unfortunately, he is unaware that Medical has no intention of letting him leave Ballybran any time in the immediate future... ---------- Looking rather dazed and disheveled, a battered-looking, grizzled man is sitting disorientedly in one of the chairs in the waiting area, fidgeting every so often, brown eyes blinking absently about the room. Tance(#3209POQce) This man stands at about 5'10" in height, though the way he seems prone to slouching over often disguises how tall he actually is. His height is further confused by the state of his undernourished frame; from the look of him, he probably hasn't eaten decently in several days. Despite a deep coppery tan to his weathered skin, there's an unhealthy pallor beneath it, suggesting recent illness or injury, and the brown eyes within that face meet the galaxy with a wild, disoriented, and frequently anguished gaze. Tance's hair has grown out into a shaggy unkempt mop, that at one time might have been a dark shade of brown. Now it's shot through with grey, and lightened into paler yellowish streaks as well from exposure to sunlight. He's had a beard and mustache grow in, equally unkempt, showing that he hasn't been near a razor in weeks. He's wearing a simple standard-issue jumpsuit, the kind the Guild Infirmary hands out to Singers who come in with their own clothing destroyed beyond re-use, and a battered pair of workboots. He walks and sits rather gingerly; the movement suggests a bruised bottom. Capria wanders into the informary, peering at the doors. From the way she holds her hands pressed closely together, wincing every so often, she just might need to see a medic. At the same time, she seems to be looking for someone in particular. Infirmary(#403RAM) The main infirmary is a bustling place with medics, orderlies and patients constantly moving about. The floor is covered with a sterile-looking white tile, the walls painted with stripes of various colours. A velvet black stripe leads past several medical offices to Long Term Care, while a dark red stripe leads off in the direction of Short Term facilities. At the nearest end to the lifts, a large administration area has been set up, complete with monitors and computer equipment lining the walls behind the long counter. Towards the other end of the room, several examination tables sit quietly amongst movable privacy screens and sterile cabinets. Since the infirmary is so buried so far underground, only the strongest Passover storms produce any sub-vocal resonances. The ever-present smell of medicines and antispetics hangs in the air. The lighting on this level has been set to a muted glow for the evening hours. Contents: Capria Dr. Bear Catering Unit Obvious exits: Medic Shuttle Private Door Long Term Care Short Term Care Lift "... said I gotta find a doctor... right room, ain't it? Must be, pointed me down here... ah, kark...." The fellow with the shaggy graying hair can be heard muttering uneasily to himself, and he shoves one workworn hand through that wild mop of his... and starts at the sound of footsteps crossing the room. Capria blinks at the man once or twice. "There're doctors here. I think." A glance around proves that none are suddenly jumping from corners; perhaps this /is/ the wrong place. She wrinkles her nose. "Just have to wait." Capria Her deep brown eyes are wide open, taking in the world around them fully and completely. Though her demeanor is typically quiet and reserved, a sparkle in the eyes and slight spring in the step shows that she could likely be boisterous if she so wished. Her nut-brown hair is tied up into a bun set atop her head, though several bits of it are escaping, making her look fuzzy. One stray lock constantly finds itself dropping down over her face, to be immediately pushed out of the way. She wears a jumpsuit of dusty and somewhat dirty white that fits fairly closely to her body. This isn't to say that much is revealed; the suit is loose enough to be comfortable and to hide whatever curves the woman may possess. Short sleeves are banded by a blue cuff, and the high collar sports the same blue. Several pockets line the legs and there is one pocket on either side of the zipper down the torso. The outfit is in good repair, not a rip or tear to be seen. She wears a pair of sturdy black boots upon her feet. She stands at an average height, and looks to be in her early 20's. Her hands are lacerated with cuts, apparently from somthing sharp and jagged. The main cut on each hand goes fairly deep, almost to the bone in some places across her palms. Carrying: Climbing Equipment Katz lamp OFF Brown eyes blink several times, as the man gazes up plaintively at the young-looking woman who's addressed him. "Okay," he can be heard to mumble; his voice is odd, a strange mix between a low rasp and a timid warble. But he adds anxiously, "You're... not a doctor?" Capria shakes her head slowly. "No, I'm looking for a doctor. I'm not a doctor; not anymore." She looks around again, shakes her head, and finds a place to sit. A check of the hands produces mumbled self-reassurance, mostly having to do with symbionts and pressure. Espra is finished in Short Term Care and steps into the infirmary. Espra has arrived. The shaggy-headed man blinks at this -- and at the damaged hands. "Oh," he mumbles to Capria. "You, um... you should go first, I guess..." Espra gives a nod as she reappears in the infirmary. "Back already, Capria? Tance! Didn't expect you in here again so soon." Capria sits with her hands firmly clasped in her lap, enough that they're turning a bit white. She manage a smile up at Espra. "Yeah... but I'm a patient now." She looks over at the man, filing that away. Tance. "I'm supposed to see a doctor," mumbles the grizzled male Singer. He looks up at Espra bemusedly, his brow crinkled under his unkempt bangs. Espra looks over at Tance, an eyebrow arching, and gives him a quick look up and down. "Well, take a seat on that bed over there, and I'll be right with ya. Capria, if you'll move to /that/ bed, we'll see what's up with you." She makes shooing motions at both of them. There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with Tance per se, though as the man timidly bobs his shaggy head, obeying Espra's request, his motions are a bit stiff. He limp-shuffles over to the bed she indicates and sinks gingerly down into it, looking around nervously as he goes. Capria nods, moving and notedly keeping her hands clasped as she stands. They remain that way as she walks over to the indicated bed, sitting down with a sigh. "I think I would've been better off sleeping in my sled instead of coming back here while my cutter recharges." Espra hmmms? Unhooking her scanner from her belt, she asks absently, "Why's that?" Espra slowly runs her medical scanner over Capria's body. You hear a slight hum and lights on the small, black gadget flicker. Two beeps sound, and a red light stabilizes, indicating a medical condition for Capria... Her hands are lacerated with cuts, apparently from somthing sharp and jagged. The main cut on each hand goes fairly deep, almost to the bone in some places across her palms. Capria holds out her hands to Espra. "That's why. Cut them on some wreckage I found outside... wandering to keep myself from going back out, powered cutter or no." She wrinkles her nose once more. "There was a dead body in there, too. Wonder if the Guild knows about it." Espra ows softly, nodding as she crosses the room to rummage in a cabinet. "Yeah, they do. I think they leave it there on purpose. Never went out there myself." Tance goes very, very still at the words 'dead body', swallowing hard and fidgeting uneasily in the biobed where he's sat down. He jerks his attention away from the two women, then, or at least tries to; only at Espra's further words does a measure of relief cross his weathered features. Capria nods. "Probably do... to scare us, maybe? Or give unsuspecting new Singers lacerations?" Espra chuckles, coming back to the bed. "I think to scare folks, yeah. Maybe in the hopes it'll warn somebody enough to get their butts back here /before/ the storm hits. Hold out your hands please, Capria. I need to clean 'em out." Capria nods, holding her hands out for Espra, ignoring the blood and seemingly the pain. "I'll certainly remember that. How is Remina?" Espra shakes her head, glancing toward the door to STC before bending to gently dab at the singer's hands. "No better, but no worse either. Time will tell." Fiana walks softly from the lift area. Fiana has arrived. Tance keeps sitting quietly, his head bowed, occasionally fidgeting uneasily. His hair keeps falling into his face, despite repeated shovings of a hand back through the gray-streaked locks. Tugging her jacket on, Fiana walks slowly into the infirmary. She pauses to straighten Dr. Bear's jacket and pat its head. Then, she nods a greeting to Espra and Capria. Catching sight of another patient fidgeting, her eyes widen in surprise. "Singer Vokrim?" she asks softly. Capria nods slowly to Espra, remaining silent as her hands are cleaned. Espra looks up from Capria's hands to give Fiana a nod, her mouth quirking at the meditech's response to Tance's presence, then she leans back, giving her patient's hands a thoughful look. Parked in the biobed to which Espra had directed him, Tance doesn't immediately register Fiana's question. Her footfalls, however, catch his attention, and he whirls nervously around, fixing wide brown eyes on her. "Wh-what?" he blurts. Katya walks softly from the lift area. Katya has arrived. Katya limps in Katya Takes a seat and waits patiently for her turn Katya looks at you for a moment. Espra nods suddenly to herself, giving Capria a reassuring smile. "Your hands are already starting to heal up. I'm just going to bandage them up and send you on your way. Do you prefer purple or green?" She gives Katya a nod as she reaches for the bandages. Capria blinks a moment. "Purple," she finally decides. "Yes, purple." She turns to peer at Katya, wincing slightly at the gash on her leg. Fiana takes another few steps toward Tance, her lips curving into a warm smile. "It's very good to see you, Tance," she murmurs. "It's been quite a while. I'm Fiana Sullivan." Nodding then to Katya, she closes one eye in a wink afterward to Espra, hearing the question about bandage colors. "Are you hurt, Tance?" The shaggy-haired man in the worn jumpsuit blinks dazed brown eyes up at Fiana; clearly, he doesn't recognize her. "A-are you a doctor?" he mutters in husky and plaintive tones. Espra grins. "Good choice." Carefully she wraps amethyst purple bandages around the singers palms, and finally steps back with a pleased expression. Fiana nods affirmatively to Tance's question. "Yes," she responds. "I'm a doctor. Been here quite a while. Have an accident out on the Ranges, Tance?" "I... um... I was shepherded," murmurs Tance vaguely, once more shoving unkempt hair out of his baffled eyes. "He, uh... said I was supposed to come back here...." Katya says "shoot Espra I hate to tear you away from your patient but do I /have/ to go to hanger duity considering my injury?" Capria grins slightly, looking up from an examination of her bandages. "I always hated it, too." "Who took you out?" Fiana asks Tance, tilting her head to one side. "And how do you feel? Anything broken?" Espra chuckles. "You're outa here, Capria. Come back in a few days for another look, okay?" Giving a sigh of infinite patience, she turns to Katya. "If you hate to tear me away, then don't. I wouldn't want you to stress yourself. And somehow I doubt you can carry cartons effectively while you're on crutches, so, no." Tance frowns at this, though the frown's a bit hard to pick out amidst that thick beard that's taken over most of the lower half of his face. "Kid," he mutters sheepishly. "Little guy... um... dark hair...?" He trails off and then blurts, "I'm... I think I fell." Espra adds, "Cleaning sleds shouldn't be a problem though." Capria nods, getting up off the bed. "Thanks, Espra..." she sighs a tad mournfully as her hands and then starts for the door with a wave to the others. Katya says "They won't let me carry cartons anyway" Fiana nods to Capria as she departs, then turns back to Tance. "D'you remember cutting? Was it a good find?" She pulls out her scanner and runs it over the Singer's body. Fiana slowly runs her medical scanner over Tance's body. You hear a slight hum and lights on the small, black gadget flicker. Two beeps sound, and a red light stabilizes, indicating a medical condition for Tance... He walks and sits rather gingerly; the movement suggests a bruised bottom. Katya says "Well i'm gonna sit there, they'll have to drag me out" Capria heads toward the lift area. Capria has left. Espra keeps her expression bland. "Well, I suppose that's to be expected, neh? So, no on the cartons, yes on the... " She blinks. "Sit where? In the hangar?" "Black," mumbles Tance, in strangely doleful tones, his gaze lowered shyly down as Fiana scans him. Katya says "No right here" Katya says "I was wondering if I could get some pain killer, that's why I came up here" Fiana whistles softly. "Maybe it was that Gyles you went out with. He seems to find rather a lot of black." She looks at her scanner after she's run it over Tance's body. "Looks like you might have a few bruises, but nothing serious. A nice soak in the radiant tub would likely do you a world of good." She pauses a moment, lips twitching. "And perhaps a nice, big bowl of peach ice cream?" Espra ahs, nodding as she tosses used supplies in the disposal. "That we can do." She reaches into a cabinet, bringing out a hypo. "Now why in the world would you want to sit in here?" she asks as she presses it against the recruit's neck. "I-I-If I'm okay can I go find Jade now...?" Tance asks plaintively, his attention lifting again to Fiana's face. There's an odd desperation welling up in his expression, and he starts to get up. At Tance's comment, Fiana's normally placid expression falters, momentarily replaced by a look of extreme sadness. She takes a breath, and manages a tiny smile. "Maybe a little later, Tance. Would you like me to get you that ice cream?" Vokrim makes it to his feet, though he gets up rather stiffly. "I gotta go find Jade," he maintains anxiously. "She needs me... she, she needs me, I gotta find her...!" Espra looks over at Tance, catching the anxiety in his voice. Fiana shakes her head, reaching out one hand toward Tance's arm. "Not right now, Tance," she says, softly. "You need to stay here on Ballybran for now. You need to take care of yourself." "I-I-I'm okay, I'm okay, she needs me, I gotta find her," Tance argues, his voice rising in volume, his eyes full of agitation. He doesn't exactly swat at Fiana, but he does flinch when she reaches for him, and he stumbles back from her, trying to get out of her way. "Jade needs me...!" Espra exchanges a look with Fiana, moving silently to put herself half between Tance and the door. Fiana shakes her head slowly. "No, Tance," she says firmly. "You're not okay. Your resonance is still at dangerously low levels, for one thing. You need to stay here on Ballybran." She lowers her hand, glancing briefly at a pair of orderlies who take up positions behind Espra. "Jade would understand." Tance jabs a forefinger to point at Fiana, a gesture that would be forceful if his hand weren't noticeably shaking. "She... _needs_ me," he insists, his voice roughening. He whirls then to shuffle towards the door, blurting as he goes, "Gotta get married, I gotta find her, I gotta...! I gotta find Jade now...!" Espra shakes her head, fully blocking the door. "I think Jade would be rather upset if she knew you aren't taking care of yourself, Tance, especially on her account. Do stay here." "Tance," Fiana says quietly, "look at yourself. You can barely walk. At the very least you need to take a good soak and clean yourself up." She gives a little nod at Espra's comment. "Kesya would be terribly upset if she discovered you were neglecting yourself for her." "But she's... she's..." Tance stares, grimacing, at the young medic and the pair of orderlies at the door, and then he abruptly tries to surge past all three of them, crying out sharply, "Don't understand, y-y-you don't understand, she's hurt and, and, I gotta find her, let me out, I gotta find her...!" Katya Watches in awe at what's happening Espra barely has time for a sigh before she's too busy trying to hold Tance back. "Fiana!" The orderlies take up position beside Espra, fully blocking Tance's attempt at leaving the infirmary. Fiana gives a quiet sigh. "Tance, everything that's possible is being done for Kesya. You're barely able to function at this point. Please, try to calm yourself down." Meanwhile, one of her hands has slipped into a pocket. "If you don't, I'll have to sedate you." The shaggy-haired Singer cries out wordlessly as the orderlies quite deftly snag both his arms. A healthy Tance Vokrim with a Singer's full strength might be able to elude them, but he is not a healthy Tance Vokrim, and he's forced to writhe desperately in their grasp. "N-nnnooooOo!" he groans, his eyes gone round and panicked. "Lemme go... lemme go! Jade, I gotta get to her, _please_, lemme go...!" Katya says "Espra do you want me to call security?" "I'm sorry, Tance," Fiana says quietly as she steps up to him, pulling the hypospray out of her pocket. She has to shuffle a bit before she gets a good angle from which to apply it. "I'm sorrier than I could possibly express." Espra takes a step back from the mob, eyeing Tance with a sigh. After a moment, she glances at Katya, shaking her head. Katya stands and goes over to Espra "No! Nnn-noooOOO..." Tance starts to growl this out, but then Fiana's hypospray finds its mark. Vokrim jerks violently in the orderlies' hands, trying all the more wildly to break free from their grip, but his struggles last only for a scant handful of seconds before his thin frame abruptly sags between them. A look of profound astonishment crosses Tance's bewhiskered visage, and he mumbles confusedly, "Jade...?" Espra's brow furrows in a frown. "He's not crazy, he's in love. And if my partner was missing, I'd probably be acting worse than poor Tance here." She stalks back over to sit at the desk. Fiana nods to one of the orderlies, who moves aside. She slips under Tance's arm and helps propel him back toward one of the biobeds. "Yes, Jade," she says quietly. "She'd want you to get a good rest, Tance. And maybe a shave, too. Would you like something to eat?" She glances briefly at Espra and nods, slowly. Fiana looks at you for a moment. Why can't he get to the door...? And why can't he make his arms work right, all of a sudden...? Deeply concerned by this, Tance frowns down at his own feet, and doesn't seem to realize that Fiana's taken over from one of the orderlies until she's guiding him back over to lie down. "Wh-what'd you do?" he asks, something of the growl leaving his voice, leaving him sounding lost and bereft as he tries to lift a suddenly heavy head to peer at the medic. Ynsira walks softly from the lift area. Ynsira has arrived. Ynsira walks in limping and in farely bad shape for a small adventurous excursion. Ynsira's wristunit beeps and she listens to it carefully. You can just make out "... you..." Fiana continues helping Tance to move slowly back toward one of the biobeds. "I just gave you a little something to help you relax," she says quietly in response to the despondent Singer. "You need rest, food, and recharging of your symbiont most of all right now, Tance. Do cooperate with us, please." She nods a greeting to Ynsira as she enters. Espra glances over, takes one look at Ynsira, and sighs, pointing her to the nearest biobed. "And pray tell, how'd you manage this?" Ynsira speaks softly into her wrist comm. You can just make out "I'm... cut... ankle." Ynsira says "Let's say I got adventurous." "But... I don't... I'm not tired..." murmurs Tance vaguely, as Fiana sits him back down on that biobed, and even as he utters the words, his brow crinkles in puzzlement. Strange, he _feels_ tired... Ynsira's wristunit beeps and she listens to it carefully. You can just make out "Nevermind... soon." Espra arches an eyebrow, running her scanner over the young woman. "Which means you either got mouthy with a ressing singer, or went climbing on that wreckage out there, right?" Espra slowly runs her medical scanner over Ynsira's body. You hear a slight hum and lights on the small, black gadget flicker. Two beeps sound, and a red light stabilizes, indicating a medical condition for Ynsira... She is hobbling, favouring her right ankle. It looks a bit swollen and, by her expression every time she puts weight on it, painful. Looks like a nasty sprain. She has a shallow gash on her forehead. It is bleeding profusely as all scalp wounds do, but doesn't look that serious. Her hands are lacerated with cuts, apparently from somthing sharp and jagged. The main cut on each hand goes fairly deep, almost to the bone in some places across her palms. Espra arches an eyebrow, running her scanner over the young woman. "Which means you either got mouthy with a ressing singer, or went climbing on that wreckage out there, right?" (re) Fiana's placid smile is once more in place. "Maybe not right now, Tance. But do indulge me and try to rest, okay?" She helps ease him down onto the biobed. "Sure you don't want something to eat or drink? A nice glass of Yarran? Or some of that good ice cream?" Ynsira nods, "Yeah just slightly exploring that wrecked up sled...guess my mind slipped and I got stuck in memories I guess." Ynsira says "I didn't feel the pain until I started back toward the complex." Slumping back on the biobed now, Tance blinks slowly and heavily up at Fiana leaning over him, and he mumbles in distant tones, "Food...?" Espra's mouth quirks. "Looks like more than your mind slipped. Oh, I just bet you noticed it then. Okie dokie, hold on..." She rummages through various cabinets, bringing an armful of supplies back to the bed. Ynsira sits and sighs, "I could have done most of the treatment myself, but I didn't have enough clean cloth to do it with." Fiana smiles. "Food, then, Tance. Something nice and nourishing. My treat." She pats his arm reassuringly. "What would you like?" "I... I dunno," comes Tance's absently murmured reply. "I can't... think straight..." Never mind that this is an understatement of the year when it comes to Tance Vokrim; the irony certainly seems lost on _him_. Katya She's fixed on Tance and can't believe that someone could love someone else so much Espra chuckles, dabbing at Ynsira's wounds with disinfectant. "Oh? You've got medic training?" "Why don't you let me pick something out, then?" Fiana asks Tance with a smile. She pads over to the catering unit and punches up a nice, nutritious casserole dinner and a glass of Yarran ale to wash it down with. Putting everything onto a tray, she heads back to the biobed, offering Katya a little smile. "Let's see how this goes down, Tance. If you're still hungry afterwards, I'll get you some peach ice cream. I know you like that." Ynsira says "I was a medical doctor when I left Taal'en for here."" Ynsira Ynsira is a tall, dark-haired woman, very mysterious if one takes a look at her. She has waist -long dark brown and wavy hair, which she keeps meticulously braided due to the ease of keeping it neat with it being so long. Her eyes are a deep and mysterious jade shade of greenish-gold, that are very piercing and sensual. Sira has a very slender body and a bronzish tan from many hours of working out in the sun. She is not very heavy in weight, but has fine muscle tone that adds to a shape that is firm. Combining her physical attributes with a modest sense of dignity and self-esteem show in her warm, caring smile. Ynsira wears a modest white blouse with a dark sienna brown skirt, that fit to her shapely feminine body. The colors of her outfit show off her deep bronze tan. She is hobbling, favouring her right ankle. It looks a bit swollen and, by her expression every time she puts weight on it, painful. Looks like a nasty sprain. She has a shallow gash on her forehead. It is bleeding profusely as all scalp wounds do, but doesn't look that serious. Her hands are lacerated with cuts, apparently from somthing sharp and jagged. The main cut on each hand goes fairly deep, almost to the bone in some places across her palms. Katya says "I guess I have to go to the hanger, but if it's possible i'm going to get out of it" Espra ohs? She grins. "Okay, you're right then, except for the hands. Those'll have to be stapled." "I... like peach ice cream... yeah..." Tance agrees, eyes dropping languidly shut for a moment and then opening again, as he tries to focus on Fiana and the tray she's bringing him. His gaze makes it up to her face, and now, although the sharp edge of desperation has drained out of his eyes, the plaintiveness is still there in those hangdog brown orbs. Katya Looks at Tance and smiles Katya Then makes her way out Katya heads toward the lift area. Katya has left. Fiana hooks a stool with her foot and slips to a seat on it, balancing the tray in her lap. "Do you want me to help you with this, Tance?" she asks, softly, again reaching out to touch his arm - perhaps in reassurance, perhaps as a gesture of comfort. Tance reaches for the ale, first, and frowns disorientedly at the slow motion of his own hand. "Feel weird," he mumbles. "Part of that's probably the hypospray," Fiana says. "And your symbiont is still in debt. So your coordination isn't quite what it normally is. Need some help with that ale?" Ynsira sighs and looks at her palms of both hands. "I never thought being so adventurous could look so bad." A blush starts creeping across what little is visible of Tance's features. Slowly and heavily and embarrassedly, he nods. Espra grins, applying stapler to said hands. "Ah, it's not so bad. Luckily, the staples are a very pretty color." *KA-CHUNK!* *KA-CHUNK!* Ynsira laughs with a bit of pain, "So how long in your estimation, this will all take to heal?" Fiana smiles gently, reaching out to steady the glass and help it reach to Tance's lips. "It's good Yarran, Tance," she says. "Nice and cool. It'll go down a treat." Espra mmms, stepping back to give her work a final look. "The hands? I'm thinking a couple of weeks. Let's see about that ankle." Watching Ynsira's face, she gently feels around the sprain. "Lemme guess- hurts like hell?" Tance seems to agree with the medic at his side, if the slight easing of his dazed features is any indication. He fumbles next towards the food, but it's fairly obvious that the sedative has played havoc with his physical coordination; his hand comes down heavily on the tray and only narrowly misses landing right in the casserole. Ynsira nods, "Yeah you can say it hurts." Ynsira's face cringes as she touches the ankle. "It was nasty. I guess they say us medics never make good patients they're right about that." Espra chuckles, reaching for her supplies. "I don't even want to think what I'd be like if I got injured. What color do you prefer? I've got orange, purple, and green bandages." Ynsira says "Let's go with the green." Setting the glass back down on the tray, Fiana smiles at Tance. "Looks like your coordination is a bit off today," she says, helping curl his fingers around a fork and scooping up a little bit of the casserole. Espra beams, deftly wrapping the ankle. "Very good choice! Green's one of my personal favorites." Ynsira nods with a bit of pain, "So should I walk on the ankle doc?" Understatement of the year, no doubt about it, and no doubt about the fact that Fiana is going to have to feed this patient she's sedated. Tance tries his best at it, but the man seems to be doing well to keep conscious, much less rally enough wits to consume the meal before him. In sluggish and clumsy motions, he makes slow progress through the food, and some of it gets sidetracked to his jumpsuit. Ynsira says "And what about sled cleaning and all?" Espra shakes her head, ducking into a supply closet. She emerges a moment later with a pair of crutches, which she offers to Ynsira. "Not unless you want to be in a lot worse pain for a lot longer. Your best bet- go soak in the radiant tubs. The heat'll do wonders. I'll allow ya to keep cleaning sleds, yes." Ynsira nods, "Yes doc." "Now isn't that tasty?" Fiana asks Tance with a smile. "Bet it feels good on an empty stomach." She deftly wipes up the bits of casserole that made their way onto his jumpsuit and helps him spoon up the casserole. Ynsira takes the crutches. "Never had to use these before, should be interesting." Espra grins. "You're all done. The ankle- eight, maybe ten days. C'mon back in in two weeks and we'll see how you're doing." Ynsira smiles to the female meditech, "Ok, see you then hopefully not sooner." Espra laughs, making shooing motions. "Right." "'Sgood," is the only commentary Tance makes on the food and the ale. Eventually, with the medic's patient assistance, he gets most of it consumed. If his expression is any indication, he's still wrestling between the imposed languor of the sedative and the need for nutrition; his brow remains crinkled in deep concentration the whole time. Alec walks softly from the lift area. Alec has arrived. Alec looks to the medic and nods, "Evening Espra.. do you have a moment?" "I'm glad to hear it, Tance," Fiana says with a smile. "And look. You've finished it all. Care for some nice ice cream to finish it off with?" Ynsira heads toward the lift area. Ynsira has left. Espra was heading for the door after giving Fiana and Tance a glance, but pauses at Alec's call. "I have approximately one moment, yes." Tance slumps again backwards in the biobed, frowning absently. "Don't want any ice cream," he mutters. Alec hrms.. "well, not long enough to check my arm then? If you have to leave, I can ask Fiana, or I can wait.. Fiana picks up the tray and stands, taking everything back to the catering unit and setting it all in the disposal bin. "Okay, Tance," she says. "No ice cream for now. Feeling a little better are you?" She smiles a greeting to Alec. "Wanna go find Jade," murmurs Tance drowsily. Alec nods back a faint smile to the medic.. Espra mutters to Fiana, "... but can you... needs is... checked,... should... and... to... elsewhere..." "We'll talk about that later, Tance," Fiana says with a smile, smoothing back his hair. "For now, you need to have a good rest. You're looking better already." She listens to a murmured comment from Espra, and nods. "Of course. Security Officer, you'd like me to take a look at that arm?" Tance frowns absently, but subsides with barely a murmur against the pillow underneath him, leaving Fiana free to attend to the newcomer. Alec nods, "please.. those staples are itching a bit.. woudl be nice if I could have the removed." Espra smiles her thanks, and bops out the door. Espra heads toward the lift area. Espra has left. Fiana looks from Tance to Alec, nodding to the latter. "If you'd hop up onto one of the biobeds, please," she says, "I'll take a look and see how you're doing." She detours around the biobeds and scoops up Dr. Bear, setting the little stuffie down on Tance's bed. Alec nods and does as asked, without a sound he slides up on the bed.. and slides off the upper part of his suit to make it easier to access his arm.. Fiana gives Tance another little smile before turning to Alec. "Well," she says, peering at the arm, "it looks to be healing well. The staples are itching you? Any other pain?" Tance makes a soft and wordless, confused little noise as the toy is set down beside him, but otherwise lies there quietly. Alec shakes his head, "no, no pain, but them things do itch. Fiana nods to Alec. "Okay," she says. "Actually, the wound looks healed enough for me to take the staples out." She reaches for the instrument tray. "Shouldn't take a moment." Alec nods, puting the left hand in his right so that his arm is steady for the medic. "How is Samira doing? and that applicant Katya? Im sure her leg is hurting her.." Fiana extracts a solution spray which she then proceeds to apply to Alec's arm. "I've not seen Singer Samira," she murmurs. "But the applicant was down here earlier. The leg does seem to be causing her some discomfort. Still, she's able to move about some, which is good." Alec hmms.. "Was there any work restrictions put on her? I noticed her cleaning a sled this eve." Fiana continues spraying the solution. "It'll dissolve the staples in a few moments," she says. "And yes, there are restrictions. She's allowed to clean sleds, but not to carry cartons." Alec nods, "Ok, I didnt recieve any restriction notice for here.. I didnt know what she was allowed to do.. Fiana nods. "You may want to check with training or legal," she says, "but the only medical restriction on her is that she's not allowed to carry cartons at this time." She looks at the arm and sprays another solution onto it. "There you go," she says. "The arm looks to be almost completely healed. The scratch'll disappear in a couple of days." Alec nods as he drops his hand to his side and makes a fist, then curls his arm up flexing it.. he nods, "good.." Alec heads toward the lift area. Alec has left. Fiana steps over to the mahogany door, turns the knob, and steps through into the room beyond, closing the door after herself. Fiana has left. [And after a while, in the Infirmary's short term care ward...] Travis is finished in Short Term Care and steps into the infirmary. Travis has arrived. Travis walks out of short term care with a limp. One of the Infirmary's orderlies, looking rather bored, is apparently on duty over a quiet, begrizzled-looking man lying in one of the biobeds; the orderly glances up at Travis's footfalls and calls a polite, soft greeting. The man in the bed stirs a little, but not much. Travis looks at you for a moment. Espra walks softly from the lift area. Espra has arrived. Travis nods to Espra as he heads out of the Infirmary, smiling slightly to the sleeping singer and the intern. The young orderly, a fresh-faced young fellow looking rather restless and bored, grins sheepishly to Travis, and fidgets a bit as he takes another scan through the records he's been given to study. On the biobed beside him, CS Vokrim stirs again, mumbling faintly, a frown creasing his brow. Travis limps out of the infirmary Travis heads toward the lift area. Travis has left. Espra steps over to the biobed, smiling down at its occupant. "Tance?" "He's been sleeping off that sedative Meditech Sullivan gave him," the orderly pipes up, sitting up swiftly as Espra draws near. The Singer, however, shifts groggily where he lies, his head turning in Espra's direction. Espra nods slightly, acknowledging the information. "Looks like it's partially slept off, at any rate. You with us, Tance?" "Meditech Sullivan got called away," the orderly says uneasily, blinking blue eyes at the stirring figure on the biobed. "Do you want him put under again?" The boy's trying to pitch his voice low, but this lad -- just out of adaptation -- apparently hasn't quite gotten the knack of speaking outside the range of Singer ears yet. Tance, in the meantime, half-opens his eyes, trying to focus on Espra's face overhead. "Whuuhha?" he groans faintly. Espra shakes her head. "Not if I can avoid it." She leans over so Tance can see her (once he's able to focus). "Tance, I'm Meditech Espra. You feeling any calmer now?" Brown eyes eventually do focus, more or less, upon Espra's face and frame. The Singer wets his lips, then croaks out huskily, "I... I think so... where'm I..." Espra gestures around them. "You're in the infirmary." Tance can be seen to frown vaguely. He starts to try to sit up, then reels, even as he mutters, "Am I hurt...? Aigh..." Espra shakes her head. "You came in with a few bruises, but they should be gone by now." Espra reaches out hastily to help Tance maintain his balance, "Do take it easy, Tance." "Can I go?" the man in the biobed asks plaintively, lifting his free hand to rub across his face. "I gotta go..." Espra keeps her voice light. "Why? Is our hospitality that displeasing?" Tance frowns, trying to sit up and remaining half-propped in Espra's hold. Perhaps some of the sedative is still in his system, for his expression is muzzy, his voice vague, as he answers, "I... gotta do something... kark, I can't... remember..." Espra sighs her relief. "Well, Fiana said she wanted you to soak, if I remember correctly. Maybe that was it?" "Am I buzzy?" mutters the grizzled Singer, fumbling around with his free hand till he can more or less support himself, though it seems to take him a little effort. And he muses groggily, "I don't feel buzzy..." Espra shakes her head. "No, but you've been a bit unconscious for a few hours." Tance frowns some more, peering uncertainly at the medic, while the orderly behind her tries his most amiable and unintimidating smile. Then he frowns down at himself, and mutters, brows drawing together under his tangled hair, "I'm a mess..." Espra chuckles, nodding. "You were out in the ranges, so that's to be expected." She nods toward the orderly. "He can help you clean up if you wish..." "Clean up," mumbles the Singer, half to himself. "And... then I.. gotta do _something_... important... I can't stay here... nnhnnhhnn...." Tance pushes himself into sitting up, then reels sideways, just barely catching himself on the side of the biobed. The orderly jumps, and shoots an alarmed sort of 'eek, orders, ma'am?' look at Espra. Espra gives the orderly an impatient look, reaching out to support the Singer. "Yes. You gotta do several important things. First, you're going to get cleaned up, and then you're going to sleep." Travis walks softly from the lift area. Travis has arrived. Travis's wristunit beeps and he listens to it carefully. You can just make out "... like that.... if... busy..." Travis comes limping back in, heading toward Short term care. Espra gives Travis a nod and a smile, her eyes flicking toward STC. Travis enters Short Term Care. Travis has left. "You want me to take him to the tub room, ma'am?" the orderly whispers loudly, apparently under the fond delusion that he can keep his voice down. Tance protests, his voice turned faint and a little high for what's probably his normal register, "'Mnot sleepy..." Espra sighs, lifting her eyes heavenward. "Yes. Then you'll help him to his quarters, or wherever he wants to go, except to the shuttles." Her expression changes dramatically as she smiles at Tance. "Alright, but I do want you to relax. Go to the lounge, have a few drinks, whatever." He's catching the tones of the voices around him, even if half the words aren't quite making sense, and Tance blinks groggily at the medic and the young orderly. "Can't," he finally mumbles to the former. "I can't..." Relieved to have something to do, but looking a trifle nervous about handling this Singer, the orderly mumbles under his breath, "Least he's not rezzing," and steps up briskly to help Vokrim to his feet. Espra shoots the orderly a scathing look. "Never mind." She beckons to another to relieve the first of his burden. "Yes, you can, Tance, and you will." Erp? The young orderly finds the Singer taken out of his grasp, and he protests, "But ma'am--" Dislodged by his movement -- someone, perhaps Meditech Sullivan, must have put the toy on the biobed Tance had been occupying -- Dr. Bear falls off the biobed with a soft *ploff*. The Singer blinks down bemusedly at it, and then explains absently to Espra, "I don't have any credits." As she takes hold of him, he sways, frowning again at the slight disruption of his balance involved with being handed between the orderly and the medic. Espra ahs, bending down to scoop up Dr. Bear. She thinks about that for a moment, them smiles. "My treat?" Espra is, yes, now ignoring said young orderly. The orderly creeps off, knowing a dismissal when he sees one, but inwardly relieved he doesn't have to deal with a Singer liable to start ranting at the slightest provocation. Despite the boy's concerns, though, Tance Vokrim blinks owlishly at the woman who remains, and mumbles, "O-Okay..." Espra chuckles, setting Dr. Bear down gently on the bed. "Only if you want to though. Or you can go to your quarters and relax. It's up to you." Tance goes still, a strange frightened look coming over his grizzled face, and he suddenly and vehemently shakes his head. "N-no...." Espra's eyebrows arch. "No...? No, you don't want to go back to your quarters?" The Singer shakes his head several more times, apparently visibly rattled. Espra frowns slightly. "Alright." She jerks her head toward the door. "Let's go get you cleaned up." "O-okay," comes the timid mumble again, the arm under Espra's grasp relaxing a little, though palpable tremors shoot through Tance's limb. Remina is finished in Short Term Care and steps into the infirmary. Remina has arrived. Travis is finished in Short Term Care and steps into the infirmary. Travis has arrived. Remina smiles, "Espra." Espra helps Tance off the biobed, turning her head to acknowledge Travis and Remina. "Hmmm?" Remina smiles, "I want to go to my room." Tance, swaying a little in Espra's support, blinks several times at the pair of approaching figures. He goes very still, looking as if he's caught in the running lights of an oncoming sled. Remina smiles at Tance. "Hello, I'm Remina or so they tell me. Do I know you?" Espra thinks for a beat. "Why?" she asks Remina. Tance blurts, "I... I-I dunno..." Remina A heart shaped face is surrounded by waves of raven hair. Her midnight blue eyes gaze out from beneath long dark lashes, her lips are full and naturally a soft red in color. Her frame is lean and well muscled. She appears average in height if she were to take off her shoes, otherwise she is slightly tall for her body type and gender. Remina is dressed in fine-cut, blood-red jumpsuit with jet-black trim on the sleeves and collars, the jacket of which is zipped only half way up to reveal a black sleeveless shirt beneath. Black boots and a utility belt complete the outfit. She's taken a blow to the back of the head when her sled crashed. The slight scratch she received is almost entirely healed, but the large bump remains, and the skin around it is a lovely shade of purplish-black. She looks around in confusion, seeming not to know where or who she is. Carrying: Remina's Crystal Cutter Remina thinks, "Because it might help me remember to be around familar things, don't you think?" Espra nods. "I agree with that, but I'd rather not have you leaving here." She gestures toward the chastened orderly. "He can help Travis bring some stuff down for you." Remina sighs, "Will I ever get to leave?" Espra chuckles, guiding Tance toward the door. "Sure. As soon as you get better, Remina." What? Oh yes. Any work that doesn't involve hauling around raving lunat--er, uh, disoriented Singers. The orderly brightly leaps up off the chair he'd occupied across the way, and pipes, "I'd be happy to fetch any of the Singer's belongings!" Tance blinks from face to face, looking thoroughly disoriented by now, peering at everyone from behind his unkempt bangs. Remina pouts and returns to short term care. Remina enters Short Term Care. Remina has left. Travis sighs slightly and follows Remina. Travis enters Short Term Care. Travis has left. [And Espra, at last, quietly escorts Tance off to get him cleaned up and out of the Infirmary. End log.]