Log Date: 7/24/99 Log Cast: Han Solo, Casey/Canir, Dan Kantos (NPC emitted by Davin Rivax), Pasha (NPC emitted by Ehridane) Log Intro: And in the latest episode of the Lando Calrissian "It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time" Annals, Han has let his incorrigible friend convince him and Chewbacca to accompany him to Nar Shaddaa in search of some illicit transponder parts. But as is almost always the way, the trio has run into trouble: a barroom brawl, a Horansi bounty hunter who has wounded Han, and a woman out of Han's past who has abruptly appeared to save his life. And now, following the fight with the Horansi, the woman Han once knew as "Canir" tries to help Han get to safety.... ---------- Han_Solo(#1491POUA) This tall, rangy man moves with the loose and confident motions of a fighter, someone accustomed to getting into tight situations... and getting quickly right back out of them. Coal-black hair, cut pragmatically short, is slicked back from his forehead, giving clear view of well-defined black brows over eyes of an emerald green. His features are ruggedly handsome, weathered, and mature, and a barely detectable scar crooks across his chin. Currently, his attire is what might be described as a uniform of some sort, made of a velvet-like material that catches the light in subtle variations of color. Trousers, shirt, and boots all look expensive and tastefully tailored -- but the problem is, they're also quite rumpled. The shirt, halfway in color between a muted green and tan that sets off the hue of his eyes, has come free of his dark brown trousers. He had had a cloak, but it is now lost, revealling a shoulder holster for the heavy blaster pistol he's carrying. On his feet are a pair of brown leather boots that _were_ impeccably shined, but which have now picked up some wear and tear. His hair is thoroughly mussed, and there are small streaks of dirt all over him, but despite his disheveled appearance he nevertheless still appears rakish. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol _Nice plan, Calrissian... real nice plan, pal..._ With gritted teeth, Solo repeats this mantra over and over to himself as he and his unexpected rescuer go creeping as best they can out of the alley where the Horansi had cornered him... and where the woman Han knows as Canir had chased off the felinoid bounty hunter. Sirens are still blaring in the distance, but at least some measure of fortune is with them, for they're able to put some space between themselves and the alley as well as the bar where the original brawl between Solo, Calrissian, and the Horansi had taken place to start with. Moving with a pounding headache and ribs that are very likely cracked, though, still takes some time. And so, by the time Solo manages to lead his companion several levels further down into the Corellian Sector, he is pale and subtly shaking with exhaustion, sweat sheening his brow. Still, though, he hauls himself determinedly along, till at last a corner is reached not far from his intended destination. "We're headin' there," he whispers to Casey at his side. "Calrissian should know to meet us, and if we're lucky I can call Chewie from in there and not have to worry about bein' picked up on..." His voice shows signs of the energy getting down here has cost him, too, turned low and harsh and gravelly as he speaks. Casey sighs as she follows along with Han, holdong her wounded arm against her.." Keep to the shaddows and I'll cover you fly-boy.. I guess some things never change..", muttering to herself as she shakes her head.." I dunno if I believe the rumor you've gone legit.. Still too much of a trouble maker..", her blaster drawn and ready, as she covers Han's back, constantly looking behind ehr as they move. Walking outside the shop, a tall man dressed completely in black clothing is pacing around in the streets of the Corellian Sector. He is glancing around the streets and buildings with his piercing blue eyes. He puts his BlasTech EE-3 Blaster Rifle into it's holster on his right leg as he adjusts his armor. He notices something move in an alley to the right of him as he whips his rifle out of it's holster. He slowly walks into the alley but turns back around soon enough, mumbling. "Bah, it's nothing." He looks back up as a transport flies above a nearby building and he appears to get irritated by the noise. Pasha looks over her glasses at some of her... unusual merchandise. The sign: "Pasha's Pleasure Palace" flickers several times with a neon glow, then goes out. "Vat da hell?" She murmurs irritatedly, moving away from the shelves of long, cylindrical elements, and waddles over to the window. Her squat, seventy-year old frame was just not made to move with any speed, and her increased size and decreased level of exercise has put her well into her "golden years". She bends over awkwardly, peering out through her half-glasses at the burned out sign. "Soooo, yew decide to short out now, eh? Ve vill see about dat." Wait... Pasha's... Pleasure... Palace? Han scowls up at the unfamiliar sign that _should_ have been sporting the name and logo of the cantina he and Lando were expecting. A low oath escapes him, but -- well, no time to waste. Maybe he can get a clue within on where the nine hells Sh'var and his cantina have wound up. "C'mon," he grunts to Casey, his own hand on his blaster, as he's more comfortable with it in his hand rather than in the shoulder holster he still hasn't had time to move back to its proper place on his thigh. The Corellian edges through shadow as far as he can, but the last little distance between himself and the front door of the... er... Palace is entirely open. With an effort, he straightens himself up into as casual a stance as possible, and prepares to approach his destination. His face, however, is not as casual as he'd like, reflecting just a little bit of consternation at this particular turn of events. Casey puts on a smile, and absently runs a hand through her hair as she simply chuckles at the front of the building, shaking her head.." You definately haven't changed dear..", winking at him, she casually tucke her blaster back in it's holster, her good arm going through Hans, and helps to lead him into the shop, not saying another word, her other hand fingering her eyepatch briefly. Dan_Kantos continues looking around, probably looking for something or someone. He turns to his right and notices two people standing at the doorway of a store - Pasha's Pleasure Palace. He moves forward and squints to see if he can make out one of the two people, who looks familiar. His eyes seem to almost pop out of his head as he is startled by what he sees. "Solo...? Nah, can't be. What the hell would he be doing at...Pasha's Pleasure Palace. I thought the scoundrel was married. Hmpf." He turns back around and continues walking down the street and catches a lift to the spaceport. Pasha takes one of the... uhm, cylindrical objects... and taps at the sign vigorously. The sign lets out a spark, which send a spark into the object, which begins whirring and vibrating uncontrollably. She yips, dropping it, her glasses flying off her face, but not to the floor. A silver chain connects both arms together, which causes the fragile half-glasses to bounce off her very sturdy bosom. "You leetle stuck auf sheiss!" Breathing a sign of relief, she groans, as she bends over, her legs straining against her weight. Her face turns beet red, as she finally grasps the object, with much effort. She straightens up, just as the door swings open. Too close to the door, she takes it square in the nose, sending her onto her back and feet straight up in the air. "Gracious! Vat da hell?!?!?" Han's not a bit bemused by the sight of a door that swings rather than slides -- this is, after all, Nar Shaddaa, and an eclectic mix of technologies is only one of many things one can find on the Smugglers' Moon. What _does_ bemuse Solo, though, as he edges into the establishment, is the sight of that apparently rotund form on the floor with her feet sticking up, and he actually stops and staggers for a moment in a double-take, the blaster he's holding lowering down in startlement. "Wha...?" Casey sops short and blinks, staring at the form laying on the floor, feet straight up and blinks again, trying hard not to laugh, before sputtering out a laugh.. Making her way towards her, she grin that lopsidd smile of hers, and reachs out her good hand to help her up.." He.. Let me madame..", crouching her legs to get a good stance, she she herself doesn't go tumbling over. Pasha's pudgy, yet tawny, face changes from a look of shock to a look of welcome! "Hallo! Velcome to my eshhhhhtablishment! I am Pasha!" She waddles back up to her feet, grinning through stained teeth and a poor choice of lipstick color. "My, you are a big vone! Lots of shhhhhtamina! Vat sort of merchandise do you vish to try?" She winks rather bemusedly, albeit flirtatiously at Han. She looks at Casey, "Mebbe somezing for ze both of yoo? Oh boy. Han Solo has been for the past nearly twenty years more than comfortable dealing with women of practically any species, shape, size, and color... but this one gives him a bit of pause. _I musta taken a harder knock on the skull than I thought..._ He shakes his head to try to clear it -- a bad idea, for his tall battered form tilts a degree or two sideways before he can fight off the dizziness. It takes him some effort to call up something resembling his normal crooked grin, and he rasps as politely as he can, "Uh, nothin' for me, thanks, ma'am... we just need some information..." Casey stands aside quietly after helping her up, a small smile purely humorous covering her lips, as she regards the other woman, and let's Han do the talking.. Is is the master after all..tossing him a wry look of ausement as she studdies him briefly, thoughts racing through her mind. Pasha cocks her head, looking out the window at all the commotion that followed her two customers, "Not here... follow." She waves Han and Casey forward, to the back of the shop, past the chains, whips, epoxies, lubricants, and sauces. She waddles at top speed, grabbing an over-elongated cylinder from the back shelf, something that no normal orifice would accomodate. She is unscrewing the bottom of this... fallic object. "Don't vorry, I vont bite eizah of yoo." She points to the back room. Casey arches a brow as she keeps and eye on the woman, tossing han a wry smirk, before letting him lead the way and following along quietly. Frek it, his head seems to be swelling up to three times its normal size, and never mind any snide commentary Leia or Chewie might make about it being that way anyway due to his ego. Han tries to hide his grimace as he forces himself across the room. His gun's still out, as he's not entirely convinced yet this place is safe, but by the time he makes it where Pasha directs, his face has gone white and the hand that isn't holding the blaster is shaking. Pasha finishes removing the lid from the cylinder, and shakes some blue power-battery sized smaller cylinders into her hand. She tosses both of them at Casey, for her to catch. "Uze deeze on your boyfriend here. Zey are bacta." She turns, presses a button just outside the backroom door, and the neon lighting displaying "OPEN" under her burned-out sign now flickers, "CLOSED". She slams the door to the back room, waddling over to a stack of blankets. "My zon, Sh'var, zaid zomevone like yoo might be showing up at my doorshhhtep when last I shhhpoke to heeem ze othah day. I am Sh'var's mother. That shhhcheming zon auf mine told me to watch heez store. Casey smiles faintly at the woman and takes the cylinder, ripping her shirt sleeve to use as a cloth, and start to apply it gently to Hands wounds.."Easy there fly-boy..", her voice quiet and soothing as she tries to clean Han up a little. Twin jolts of shock hit Han's system all at once. "Not her boyfriend," he mumbles, even as he tries to peer at Pasha, trying to register this round little female as Sh'var's mother. It hadn't ever occurred to him that an enormous, burly fellow like Sh'var, who's only saved from being mistaken for a Wookiee by the fact that he isn't furry, could even have _had_ a mother. He hisses involuntarily as Casey goes for the bruise on his temple, protesting thickly, "M'okay, I'm okay..." Casey tosses Han a dark glance.." We can discuss politics later my boy.. Right now.. these need tending.. So sitstill and shutup!", barking this out quietly as she stares him down, before continuing again, her voice quiet.." I just found you again.. I most certainly am not oing to LOSE you again.. Now just hush!", her patience running thin, as she continues to dab at his wounds with the bacta, her hands gentle but firm, forgettingabout her own injury for the time being. Pasha topples over the blankets, to reveal a foot locker. She kicks it with her heavy pump, opening it. She bends over, groaning again. Out comes a very large repeating blaster. She grabs a clip, slapping it into its undercasing. She slings the bandolier over her shoulder, prepping the weapon with a push of a button. "Zat zon auf mine needs to do less eating and more thinking..." Sitting... he _is_ sitting. Han frowns, only now belatedly having registered that he'd stumbled to and sank stiffly down upon the nearest chair... and bothered that his increasingly sluggish mind hadn't registered that. About to bat irritably at Casey's attentions -- the bruises are superficial, after all, and bacta isn't going to do a damned thing for the fire in his ribcage -- he stops and stares muzzily at Pasha and her arsenal she's bringing forth. "Listen... Pasha... where is he...?" he blurts. Pasha says, "Zat fat bastahd got drunk again and is in ze slammah. Yoo are Han Zolo, eh? Don't look one bit like your vanted postah." [Unfortunately we were never able to finish this scene, but I have posted it here for posterity. It can be assumed that with Pasha's help, Casey got Han patched up as best she could, though Han was disappointed that Sh'var was out of his reach! But Han and Casey haven't seen the last of the Horansi bounty hunter, either, and will be separated by him before returning at last to the _Deliverance_... End log.]