Log Date: 3/31, 4/1, 4/5, 4/7, 4/14/98 Log Cast: Dane Noth, Shenneret Veery, Paul Nighman, Kairne Saa'thul, Urio'kosh Log Intro: The small band of adventurers hypothetically led by Paul Nighman has made its way into the crypt they've been seeking -- but the going has proved treacherous with practically every step. Paul and Shenner have fallen into a pit trap in a corridor floor and escaped from it by having to crawl through a corridor full of flame... only to end up in a room with a strange glowing orb that appeared to have taken over Urio'kosh. To Shenner's dismay, however, something seems to have happened to her immediate short-term memory, for there's a gap between her recall of entering the room and reaching for Paul... and suddenly finding herself held by Urio'kosh, reeling and hot, and finding Paul lying unconscious nearby. Even as this has befallen her, though, Dane Noth has grabbed up the mysterious orb, desperate to avert all their certain deaths if something cannot be done about the rising temperature of the room. Dane's gambit has paid off, but Shenner is about to discover that there's something else she's lost out of her immediate memories, too.... ---------- Dane starts to examine the hole in the ceiling as best as he can from the distance he's at, he glances over towards the others for a moment and starts towards them.. Shenner, apparently, has barely noticed the ascent of the floor. She's still clinging to Paul for dear life, and even from a distance, it can be seen that the girl's shoulders are shaking. Dane moves up behind Shenner, his eyes falling on Paul, "Shenner..how is he?" "I..." Shen swallows hard, as it occurs to her that she's not... sure. She lifts her head from where she'd placed it against his own, frowning at Dane, feeling disturbedly disoriented. "I-I don't know..." And the girl looks down at Paul more fully this time, lifting a hand to stroke his face. "P-Paul?" Paul is now staring at the Dane and Shen confusedly, and then sitting up slightly he looks down at himself, half expecting to find something dramatically wrong, like his insides on his outsides, or something sticking through him. When all seems well, he looks back up in confusion and then all around. "Clearly," he murmurs softly, "I -missed- something." Dane nods to Paul and starts over towards Kairne, "Yes..lots of fire and pain and raising rooms. " he kneels and starts to examine his old friend, "Kairne wake up..." Shen sits back as Paul rouses, still feeling herself trembling with relief, but something else, too. She lowers her eyes, disturbed, and muttering under her breath, "That makes two of us..." Kairne moans groggily, rolling his head back and forth from shoulder to shoulder, trying to regain his bearings before opening his eyes and sitting up. Rubbing the back of his head and wincing at the regained pain in his shoulder, Kairne says, "Someone was not enlightened enough to be touching something, eh?" Kairne noticed the new level of the ceiling and remarks, "What in To'kai have I missed, and how long have I been out?" Dane stands and offers a hand down to Kairne with a lopsided smile, "Not much..just a firey inferno and this interesting room..You were out for a while...well ever since we plunged into this area." Biting her lip, Shenner peeks around at the sounds of Kairne's rousing, still frowning darkly to herself. _Something's wrong,_ she thinks, but for the life of her, she can't grasp what, and it's with darkened eyes that she turns back to Paul and asks him hoarsely, "You... okay?" Rising up causes more than a few aches in the Corellian, so he takes his time. "I remember plenty fire and pain .... and I can see the the room has definitely been altered. What did you do?" Then Paul's gaze drops to Shen and he blinks uncertainly. "I think so ..." Uneasily, Shenner nods, falling silent, unnerved. Kairne takes Dane's hand with his good one, motioning for his friend to lift help lift him. Dane shrugs nonchalantly and lifts Kairne to his feet, "Nothing much..I grabbed the Orb and willed all of it to go away.." he grins, "Pretty easy this Force stuff." Hesitantly, though not due to any physical problems on her part besides general exhaustion, Shenner follows the others to their feet. She takes in the drastically changed room with a continually disquieted gaze, and for lack of anything better to do, her hands fidget at her sides. She has no gear to lift up again, she'd lost it in the pit room. Nothing on her except... "My blaster," she suddenly speaks up, glancing around in bewilderment. Kairne moves about slowly, taking in his new surroundings, "Nothing is ever truly easy Dane.. we both know that to be true. There is always more that we cannot see, more than we cannot touch." Dane glances at Urio at Shen's utterance and just acts like he didn't here it. He starts towards the door and motions to the others, "This looks like the only way out.." "Wait, where's my blaster?" Shenner blurts obstinately, her gaze darting around the room even as she cautiously edges towards the exit. Paul is leaning against the wall in confusion but Urio rises up slowly and murmurs, "I think, under the circumstances, it would be best if it was kept out of your possession." The younger Mandalorian seems somewhat more composed, but his gaze still seems altered - almost innocent in a way. Shenner freezes, then gapes, and finally explodes, "What the karkin' hells are you talkin' about?" She bolts towards Urio'kosh, but, perhaps surprisingly, stops short before she actually makes physical contact with him, something like fear warring with what is clearly hot anger in her expression. "You _took_ my gun?!" The man watches her calmly, now all the more convinced of his actions. "You would have prefered me to let you blow your head off? My mistake." Urio's gaze shifts toward Dane, uncertain if the man had noticed her actions or not before he used to orb to their benefit. Dane says "Shenner..he's telling the truth" the older man pauses for a moment, "I think it's best that he keep it for now. If you don't want him to I will instead." Shen just... gapes, again, first turning white, and then red-cheeked with fury, as she whirls on Dane. "Wh-what?! What the _hells_ are you people talking about?" The Corellian's head is still whirling, and whether he wishes to or not, it seems wisest to just stay well out of this one. If Dane hadn't have spoken up, he may have forced himself to do otherwise. As it is, this is just a little more than his well shaken brain can deal with. Dane stands quietly looking at Shenner with a definite steadfast gleam in his eye, "If you want it back -right- now you're going to have to take it from me..I don't think you're in control enough to have it at the moment." he starts over towards Urio and extends a hand, "Give me the blaster Urio." Kairne says "Let us not argue amongst ourselves, I think we've done enough of that already. It's best we continue on, the crypt only has more to test us with.." Urio'kosh sighs and nods. "You touched the orb, and caused some kind of explosion that shook me free of whatever was holding me there and blasted everyone. When I came to, you were quite madly grieving it seemed. You were clearly delusional." Glancing over toward Dane, Urio pulls out the piece and hands it to him calmly and willingly. "I think she is far too high strung to handle such a dangerous weapon at this time." "Gods _dammit_," Shenner howls, "you're telling me I tried to shoot my own karkin' head off, and you're telling me not to _argue_?!" Dane tucks the blaster in his belt and shoot a glance at Shen, "Just stick close to me and if you need it I'll give it to you." He doesn't like any of what he's heard but one thing seems clear and Paul finally speaks up, his voice firm and sharp. "Shen. Do you recall anything that has happened? Because if not, considering what we've seen and experienced, I have to trust their mutual witness, as insane as it may sound." Shen's face turns hard and white as she stares at the old warrior -- but not until Paul speaks up does she turn a sudden, stricken gaze to the Corellian. Then, and only then, does she seem to wilt ever so slightly, her face settling into a brittle mask, her eyes turning almost black, unreadable. Jerking her gaze off to avoid meeting anyone's gaze, she snarls lowly, "Let's get the kark outta here." The urge to say something soothing ... or harsh, is strong, but the Corellian doubts she will hear either. Clearly this is one more test that they have managed to pass. _But how many more are there? And how many more before one of us breaks?_ He checks his possesions, his satchel, closing and sealing everything in place that can be before nodding. "I agree ... if we're all ready, let's move on before this room decides to revert back to it's previous form." He slowly begins to make his way across the room and toward the opening. Urio stares coolly at the girls immature reactions but makes no comment. Turning away from her he faces Dane and nods to him respectfully. "Thank you for making the wise choice. Major? Lord General? Are you ready to press onward?" Kairne nods to Urio, "Yes, let's move on.. I care not to lose consciousness again anytime soon." Dane nods and raises his rifle, starting for the door, "I'll take point..." he grins slightly and mutters, "Seems to be the safest place." Dane disappears into the opening. Dane has left. Paul Nighman disappears into the opening. Paul Nighman has left. You climb into the opening, but it abruptly shifts downward. The surface is too slick to gain purchase on, and you going flying down the shaft, shooting out into mid air before falling down, crashing heavily into the dark waters below you. Crypt - Water You are floating in a room of water it seems. The entrance from which you came is too high to reach, and the walls are slick and smooth, with no way to get purchase or a hold. As you tread the dark water, looking down, there is no bottom in sight. Contents: Paul Nighman Dane Obvious exits: Underwater Urio'kosh slides rapidly down the shute as you did, flying out into space before plunging below the waters surface, only to bob back up a few seconds later. Urio'kosh has arrived. Kairne slides rapidly down the shute as you did, flying out into space before plunging below the waters surface, only to bob back up a few seconds later. Kairne has arrived. "Sh...hiii...iiiit?!" hollers Shenner, as she comes plummeting into the water, realizing too late exactly what they've just, quite literally, fallen into. Frantically, she begins to unsteadily tread water. Dropping below the surface, Paul awkwardly makes his way up to the surface again, sputtering. With one arm tightly bound, treading water is not exactly the easiest of tasks. For once the Corellian is extremely grateful of his youthful interest in aquatic sports. It gives him a little leverage at least. It also reminds him of something though. He shifts, peering through the darkness, trying to find Shen's form about the ones floating. "Anyone have any light?" Dane floats in the water well out of everyone's way..his blonde hair haning somewhat in his face which ebars a rather unhappy look, "Out of the fire into the ocean.." he glancces down, "I hope there's nothing in here.." Kairne calls out to Paul in the darkness, "I still have glowsticks, they should provide adequate lighting and pose little danger." Kairne does his best to stay afloat in the water with his one good arm and legs, but lets himself dip down below the waters surface so that he is free to move and retrieve the glow sticks without hassle. Searching in a world of black water, Kairne reaches his pocket containing the glowsticks and retrieves what his one hand can hold, and kicks back to the surface, breaking through with a slight gasp for air. "Whose ever next to me, come help me light these, I only have this hand to work with.." "I... I-I lost..." That's all Shen manages to get out, in a breathless gasp, only slightly audible over the awkward splashings she's making in the gloom. _Oh shit oh shit oh shit..._ "Shiisa," Paul mutters darkly, "Dane, help him, eh?" and Paul swims closer to Shen's voice. "Shen, get your arm over my shoulders and we'll tread water together ... just keep kicking your feet, remember?" "Y-you're hurt," Shen wails. "You _can't_...!" She's obvious enough to find, with the clumsy efforts she's making trying to keep herself afloat. Dane kicks his way over to Kairne, his rifle held firmly in both hands with the strap wrapped around one arm, he then reaches out one handed and takes a glow stick, "Here let me help." "Just for now," he assures her, "just till we know what's going on and how to deal with it." Paul presses up next to her with his bad side, grateful for the darkness that hides his gritted expression. "Once Dane is free he can help you instead." The Corellian has the good sense not to even mention Urio to the redhead. "O-o-okay," Shen stammers, fear growing more palpable in her voice. She fumbles an arm around Paul's shoulders, then starts to clutch at him with the other, and just as quickly catches herself, in anxiety that she'll overburden him... none of which is aiding her efforts to tread water. Kairne says "See if we can't get one of these over to Paul and Shenner, see if we can ease up Shenner's nerves a bit with some light." "You gotta use one arm, your right arm to tread water ... think of us as one body that happens to have two arms and four legs ... a bit freakish, but perfectly able to tread water." At Kairne's words, and with the way Shen is grabbing at him, it's clear that this course of action won't succeed for long ... she'll only tire him out as fast as she does herself. Clearly a trade off will be necessary ... Dane nods and swims back over to Shenner with the one he's got, igniting it, "Relax..here I come.." she stops just short of Shen and reaches out to her, "Take my hand.." he smiles, "I won't bite." "O-o-okay," stammers Shen again, flailing out again with her right hand, struggling not to go under. When the light comes near her it can be seen that the girl's eyes are wide with fright, limp strands of hair fallen wetly across her face. Urio holds back until Dane moves off from Kairne, and then he swims closer. "Lord General, are you holding up alright, or do you need some help?" Despite the younger Mandalorian's robes, he seems to holding his own just fine, his eyes honestly concerned. Dane slings his rifle and puts the glow stick in his teeth as he takes the young woman's hand. After establishing a grip he draws her close and holds her for a second to give her a chance to rest Paul is rather low in the water, due mostly to the fact that he is holding most of her weight up. As that weight is shifted, Paul rises up a touch. "Dane, as you might have guessed, Shen has had only one swimming lesson ... but she -does- know how to swim and tread water. I think the current circumstances are just a little unnerving." With the pressure off slightly, Paul turns to look at the girl between them. "Shen, look at me." Kairne turns to Urio, breaking one of the glowsticks to light it, "I am quite fine, I've tread water for long legnths of time with just my feet.. this is merely.. something different.. Here, take this glow stick.." Kairne reaches his hand out to Urio, the freshly broken glowstick illuminating the surface of the water. _This is great, just great,_ Shen's mind gibbers at her. Reflexively, she clutches at Dane, breathing far too hard and far too quickly. Another surge of fear is roiling up in her gut, hard on the heels of being told that she'd apparently just narrowly escaped killing herself -- and falling headlong into a watery trap. Only a fragment of her pride remains, just enough to keep her from babbling out in terror to any of her companions, but her terror is apparent in her eyes as she snaps her gaze around to Paul. Taking the stick, Urio simply nods, looking for a moment and then looking down again. In soft tones and in Mandalorian, he murmurs, "The girl is not managing well, but I suppose there is nothing to be done for it now." Dane just holds Shen for a bit, trying to give her time to relax, "You going to be okay?" he smiles and looks down at her, using his feetto tread water. It takes a supreme effort of will for Paul to force himself to relax. He smiles at Shen. It isn't a forced tight smile, but a genuine warm easy smile that touches his eyes as well as his lips. "Shen, I want you to close your eyes and picture yourself on Corellia, in the ocean. Remember? I want to you keep your eyes closed and keep remembering how you mastered the art of treading water. I want you to swim in the Gold Beach shoreline all over again ... here and now. You're on Corellia, the sun is shining, the beach is mere feet away, and you are peacefully and happily treading water. Are you there yet?" Kairne responds to Urio in a similar tone of Mandalorian, "Unfortunately you are correct, she is in a state of shock.. and our current location is not helping her any.. she may yet induce hypothermia on herself if she continues on like this.. So that means we must find a way out of here.. I have an idea.." Kairne takes one of the two remaining glowsticks in his hand and snaps it between his fingers, and the glowstick begins illuminating. "We surely aren't going to find an easy way to get back up.. Have you got something to weight this down?" Shenner mumbles "Sure" in a voice far too high to Dane, her only response to the man, and her eyes linger frantically on Paul. His smile and his words bring a look of desperate pleading to her face -- but she also obediently clamps her eyes shut. _Corellia. Corellia. I wanna be on Corellia. Corellia..._ And to Paul, she squeaks, "Yeah..." Frowning thoughtfully, Urio simply removes the pack from his back ... which carries little of use at this point. Offering it to Kairne, he mutters softly in their native tongue, "I imagine this will do ... you want to see if there's a bottom?" Dane speaks up in Mandalorian, his tone one of command, "Urio start looking for an exit..she won't last long." "Well if you're on Corellia then you need to start swiming, don't you? Show me what I've taught you Shen. Tread water for me." Moving slightly Paul murmurs, "Dane and I are going to remove your pack ... you don't need it anyway. Just relax and tread water." Paul nods to Dane as he swims around Shen, dropping below the water's surface occasionally as he works one handed on releasing her pack from her shoulders. Kairne speaks in Mandalorian, "I want to see if there is anything down there.. " Kairne takes the pack and attaches it to the glowstick so that it will fall first, and hopefully give some indication of depth. With that done, Kairne slowly releases Urio's pack, "There has to be something down there..." Dane starts working on some of the packs clasps, one arm around Shen's waist to make sure she stays afloat, "So what's a Corellian beach like?" The light shows nothing nothing nothing and gets smaller and smaller till it finally stops. Through the haze and the murk of the water you can only tell that there is a bottom to the chasm, a fair swim down for someone good at it. The rest is too murky to discern with any clarity. Just shadows. Awkwardly, mechanically, Shenner responds to Paul's coaxing. Tread. Splash. Kick. Tread. Splash. Kick. Her pack comes off of her with disturbing rattling sounds -- something within must have broken, doubtless when the girl had gone plummeting through the trap door with Paul before. "Wh-what?" she blurts to Dane. Dane says "What's a Corellian beach like? I've never gone to one before." he asks quietly while the pack is removed, "Must be a nice place.." "Tell 'im Shen ... tell Dane what Golden beach is like," Paul urges. "You're swimming there, so tell Dane. He didn't get to go swimming when we were there." Paul manages to keep up his light warm tone as the pack slips free and off, tumbling silently into the murky depths of the water. "P... p... pretty," Shenner babbles. "Warm. E-ev'rybody's... p-pretty, on Corellia..." She keeps splashing, eyes squeezed firmly shut. Dane nods, "Is it big?" he smiles and continues to tread, "I bet it's better than the beaches on Rodia." Kairne looks through the murkiness at the faint glow at the bottom, "So.. there is a bottom.." Kairne looks around the rest of the room, walls reflecting the shadows of glowstick light off the water. "Damned... there has to be something here.." Urio'kosh looks about as well, but there seems little but water, themselves, and the bare slick walls. "Yeah... big... real big... sky... bright... _warm_..." That last word comes out of the girl almost longingly. "I-I got me a swimsuit, I never hadda swimsuit before..." Kairne moves himself over to the nearest wall and runs his hand and glowstick over it, tracing for any break in the smoothness. Flashing Dane a look that says, _Stay with her .... keep her afloat_, Paul turns and carefully swims toward Kairne and Urio'kosh. Both Mandalorians seem to be handling things well, and are examining the walls. Paul peers along with them, murmuring softly, "See anything hopefully ... text or a trigger?" The wall beneath Kairne's fingers is smooth and flawless. Not a nick or a scratch or the slightest indentation. There isn't even any kind of growth that has managed to find purchase on these cylindrical walls. Kairne murmurs out loud, "Fire.. now water.. " He continues to move himself along the wall, running his hands and glowstick along the smoothness, looking for some sign or interuption in it. Dane smiles at Shen, "So what did your swimsuit look like? My ex-girlfriend used to wear some of the smallest ones she could find just to make me mad...I bet you had a little more taste than that though." he continues to keep the young woman afloat although he seems to be letting her get used to treading water as well, occasionaly helping her back up if she starts to go down. "Gr... green," Shenner gasps out hoarsely, as she keeps doggedly treading in place. Her eyes remain firmly clamped shut. "P-Paul h-helped me pick it o-out. And a-a-a jacket thing. S-sandals." Splash. Paddle. Splash. Paddle. Paul stares at the walls and then down at the glowstick flickering at the apparent bottom. The Corellian quietly starts to breath faster and faster and faster, then takes an extremely deep breath, and in a surprisingly agile move for one so bound, he dives down below the surface, clearly swimming toward the illumination at the basin. Paul Nighman takes a deep breath and then dives under the surface of the water. Paul Nighman has left. Dane nods, "So how much swimming did you do on Corellia?" Paul Nighman breaks through the water's surface with a splash and a great gasp of air. Paul Nighman has arrived. Paul Nighman takes a deep breath and then dives under the surface of the water. Paul Nighman has left. Shenner swallows hard, struggling to hang onto the half-formed mental image of Corellia she's clinging to within her thoughts. "J-just the o-o-one time..." she mumbles, her voice trailing off a little. _I'm... -cold-..._ Kairne moves into a corner and pushes himself back into it for some limited support as he peers across the pool at the other glowsticks. Noticing one less body in the pool now, he asks in Mandalorian, "Where is Paul?? He didn't.." Dane glances at the group of searchers for a moment and calls out quietly, "How's it going?" Urio'kosh pivots away from the wall at the comment, looking about, but counting only the three visible bodies himself. He then naturally looks down. Pale eyes squint, but finally he makes out one shadow that seems to be moving. "There," he murmurs, "under the water," in Mandalorian. Dane calls out again, "What's going on over there?" _Corellia,_ Shen thinks wildly. _I wanna be on Corellia. It's nice there. Warm on the beach. Wanna go climb Dream with Paul. Go dancin'. I-I wanna... -Paul-..._ Inevitably, the girl's thoughts start shifting towards the Corellian rather than the warm golden beaches of his homeworld, and she flicks her eyes open, mumbling, "P-Paul?" Kairne responds in Mandalorian, "Dar'ka! Wounded and he proceeds to put himself in even greater danger. I cannot allow him to do this alone.." Kairne begins to breathe in and out, preparing to put his mountain lungs to use. Dane watches Kairne dive and decides to peer down into the dark depths below him as he continues to help Shenner stay afloat. Shenner blurts to Dane raggedly, "Wh-where's Paul? Where's he at?" Kairne sucks in one large, deep breath before pushing himself off the wall and down into the depths of the pool, his feet kicking wildly and a glowstick ahead of him. Urio'kosh's cool tones echo slightly as he answers in Basic, "I would hope that he is exploring under water ... seems that the Lord General has gone to make sure of that." Dane nods, "Okay..I'm sure he's fine.." he looks to Shen, "He's fine.." he says, probably to reassure himself, "He should be back any minute." "O-o-okay," Shenner mumbles as she keeps mechanically treading water, apparently unable to do much else at the moment, though her face is still scared and wan in what passes for light in this place. _He's gonna come back. He's gotta come back. Come back, Paul, d-don't leave me, please..._ Kairne takes a deep breath and then dives under the surface of the water. Kairne has left. Paul Nighman breaks through the water's surface with a splash and a great gasp of air. Paul Nighman has arrived. Dane smiles at Paul surfaces and breathes a sigh of relief, "Hey good to see you.." he motions the man over, "Find anything?" Breaking the surface with a deep rasping gasp, Paul coughs, dropping below the water line and then bobbing back up again. It takes him a moment to regain his composure, but he looks to Dane and nods. "Nice weather you're having up here." "Paul," Shenner croaks in a tiny voice, the single syllable nevertheless coming out of her like a prayer. Dane looks to Paul, "So is there a way out down there? I would assume so as you were down for a long time." "It takes about a minute to get down," Paul puffs, swimming closer. His face is a trifle twisted and his eyes dark and discomfited by something. "Maybe a minute and a half ... little less to get back up of course. It's deep." Dane nods and glances at Shen but speaks to Paul in his native tongue, "The real question is can she make it?" his face grows a bit dark, "She's in bad shape the way it is." "O-out?" Shenner pleads huskily, a much terser form of Dane's own question. She squirms around in the water, almost going under, and spluttering water. But her eyes stay above the water's surface, and fix despondently on the Corellian. Apparently oblivious now to Dane's murmured and unintelligible words, the girl has apparently seized on Paul for a crumb of hope, or at the very least, another instruction. Looking between the two, Paul sighs and shakes his head, not bothering to respond in Mandalorian. "The way out is not through there ... exactly." His gaze turns away and finding little to settle on, drops onto Urio's form, which is still searching the walls in vain. "It's another trigger mechanism, I'm pretty sure." But the Corellian doesn't sound pretty sure. He sounds pretty uncomfortable. Kairne breaks through the water's surface with a splash and a great gasp of air. Kairne has arrived. Dane sighs and rolls his eyes, "Another one?" he shakes his head slowly, "So what does it look like?" Urio turns at Kairne's return, swimming toward him and the rest of the clustered group. Paul eyes Kairne as well, waving with his head. _It doesn't look good_ he muses. "I'm not exactly sure," he replies quietly. There is a long and awkward pause as the Corellian starts to think deeply. "I'll have to take another look ... I want to be sure." Shen's expression starts quivering, what remains of her composure treading a ragged edge. A small still coherent portion of her brain beats at her, sternly ordering her to Get a Grip Dammit, but the rest of her is mentally cringing at the notion of having to go down... into the dark... into the water. _Isn't staying -UP- the idea?! I don't wanna I want out I want out..._ Her hands paw clumsily at the water, and although she knows her legs are still kicking beneath her, her already exhausted limbs are beginning to feel as if they aren't attached to her. She bites down on her lip, hard, trying to keep herself from whimpering, and she's not entirely successful. Kairne says "Hold Paul.. I made it down to the bottom also. What are you not sure of?" Treading water carefully, Paul turns to consider Kairne, eyes dark and oddly shuttered. "Exactly how the mechanism is triggered ...," he answers carefully. Kairne steadies himself into a steady rythmic tread, "The pillar you mean?" Looking down into the water, Paul nods slightly, taking a slow measured breath. "Yeah ... the pillar." His eyes raise and narrow. "I'll need to examine it again ..." _Don't leave me Paul!_ Shen's mind wails. But the only noise she makes is another tiny little gasp, as she almost bobs under again, her motions growing more frantic to compensate. Dane floats quietly in the water for now, he glances in the doctor's and Kairne's direction, "Whatever you two do please hurry..we're cold up here." he smiles Kairne says, "All that I recognized was the water symbol. Beyond that, they were just runes to me." "They're pictograms," Paul murmurs softly, "but I ... I need to confirm what I thought they said." He starts to slowly swim off from the rest of the group, not specifically leaving but making some space. He glances uncertainly at them all, frowning, then away again and down into the water. Dane raises an eyebrow, "What is that look for?" he asks quietly.. Shenner keeps desperately treading water, only dimly aware of the taste of blood in her mouth as she's bitten through her lip. _Hurry Paul... hurry... hurry..._ Paul's eyes flicker toward Shen and then raise toward Dane, silently hoping that the Mandalorian will realize the awkwardness of the situation. Swallowing hard, he mutters, "I'll be back in a bit." He turns around and starts breathing, ignoring the sharp twinges and pain as his cracked ribs protest at their misuse. There is a deep intake of air and he pivots, arrowing down almost silently into the dark waters and out of sight. Paul Nighman takes a deep breath and then dives under the surface of the water. Paul Nighman has left. Urio'kosh stares down at the water uncomfortably, but clearly has no desire to follow the Corellian down. Indeed his face has grown rather grave and thoughtful and the younger Mandalorian makes no comment whatsoever. Kairne is clearly unhappy with Paul's hasty departure, his face showing displeasure, "Damn him sometimes." With that Kairne sucks in a few deep breathes and launches himself back into the depths. Kairne takes a deep breath and then dives under the surface of the water. Kairne has left. Dane looks to Shen and smiles, "How are you doing Shenner?" "I'm... I'm... " Shenner swallows, gasping in short sharp breaths. And she manages to finish, "I-I'm okay," though she looks anything but. Dane nods slightly and takes a hold of Shenner's arm, pulling her over, "Here rest for a bit you look a little winded." It's very easy to tug the girl closer. Free of her pack, there's hardly weight at all to her. Shen, nevertheless, keeps paddling, over and over, as she mumbles plaintively, "Paul told me to tread water..." Dane says "You need to rest for just a bit..I've got you." he smiles, "don't worry about it..just relax and enjoy the break." "Y-you... you sure?" Shenner's voice has turned very small, almost childlike. Dane nods slowly and drapes Shen's arms over his shoulder, wrapping his around her waist, "Sure am..just sit tight and take a breather." Paul Nighman breaks through the water's surface with a splash and a great gasp of air. Paul Nighman has arrived. Kairne breaks through the water's surface with a splash and a great gasp of air. Kairne has arrived. Braced up by Dane in the water, Shenner can be felt by the old warrior to be shaking, perhaps in general reaction to her situation, perhaps due to the temperature of the water. The young redhead blinks blearily as Kairne and Paul resurface, looking over with as much attention as she can rally. Dane continues to let Shenner rest for the time being. At the sound of the two returning he looks over and asks quicetly, "Any luck?" Catching his breath takes the Corellian a moment but he swims over to one side, nodding to Dane and motioning to Kairne. He swims as far as he can away from Dane and Shenner ... just to be safe. Kairne swims over to Paul, hoping to hear good news after their trip to the bottom. Treading water as best as he can, Paul slowly draws off his satchel, dropping below the water's surface with the effort. He presses it to Kairne. "Here ... I need you to take this. There are a lot of valuable things in there, and you may need them if things go ... badly ..." His voice is pitched very low and he glances back down underwater with a twisted expression. "Wh... what're they' doin'?" Shen mumbles tiredly to Dane. Her feet are still kicking feebly beneath her, occasionally knocking into the warrior; she's apparently forgotten to still them. Dane frowns as he overhears the conversation between Kairne and Paul, "What's the situation?" he asks agaian, the tone in his voice taking on a more insistant tone. Flashing Dane a serious look, Paul calls over in Mandalorian, "Dane ... plase ... I'll let Kairne fill you in. Just give me a minute. She's freaked enough as it is." Kairne takes Paul's satchel, but assures the Corellian, "Things will not go badly.. I will make sure of that." Dane nods slowly but the look on his face shows definite confusion. With a glance at Kairne he tries to judge the man's assessment of the situation without speaking to him. Hearing Paul speak up in syllables she doesn't understand, Shenner calls hoarsely, "P-Paul? Wha's goin' on?" Cursing softly under his breath, Paul nods to Kairne, grateful that the man does not press or argue with him. "Hold on Shen!" he calls out in confident tones. "Just gotta talk to Kairne for a minute and then we'll be right outta here." "H-hurry," pleads the redheaded girl, much more softly. Kairne swims about, trying to collect his thoughts, "Paul, you were trying to convey something down there, but I didn't catch all of it.. what were those symbols you were gesturing?" Kairne tries to imitate them the best he can as he asks the question. Dane just listens for, his eyes dropping to Shenner, "How are you doing?' he offers a kind smile, "You can stop kicking you know." Turning back to Kairne, Paul whispers softly, "Look, I need you to take care of the others ... I'm going to go trigger the mechanism. That's what I was trying to explain to you down there. The pictograms explain how to do that ..." The Corellian's voice is not quite confident, but his eyes are intent and earnest. Dully, Shenner mumbles to Dane, "I gotta, I gotta keep swimming..." Dane nods to Shenner and pats her head lightly, "Okay..I can hold you if you want..We will need you fresh if trouble pops up." Shenner admits tinily to Dane, her voice barely audible, "'Mtired..." Dane nods, "I know Shen..I know. Stop kicking for now and let me keep you a float..Paul will want you to be as strong as you can after we get out of here." "H-he will?" Shen mumbles. The idea that Paul might want her to _stop_ treading water strikes her as a touch confusing, when she'd just barely gotten down the concept of his wanting her to tread water. But Dane can sense her slowing her kicking to a halt, and she starts to slump a little in his grasp. Dane keeps a firm grip on Shenner, nodding a bit, "Yes..he would want you to pace yourself so that you don't get tired..I can help you do that." he smiles, "So tell me more about Corellia." "Th-there was a-a tree," Shen mumbles to Dane, her voice heavy and distant with her exhaustion. Dane nods, "What kind of tree?" "Big," is Shenner's hazy reply. "W-we climbed in 'er. I never got to climb a tree before..." Dane nods with a smile, "Must have been fun then?" "Y-yeah," Shen breathes out, leaning limply against Dane's supportive arms. "C'rellia's... so pretty..." Dane continues to tread water for the both of them, nodding slowly, "So what else did you do there?" Kairne asks Paul in Mandalorian, "When you trigger it, what will happen, did it give any indication?" Kairne looks to Dane and then back to Paul. Shenner's eyes drift closed a moment, then snap open, as she mumbles, "We went... dancin'," she confides tinily to Dane. Dane says "I haven't been dancing in years..what type of dancing did you do?" Shenner's eyes dropped closed again, and she breathes distantly, "Ballroom. It was... best night o' my life..." Replying in the same language, Paul murmurs, "No idea ... there is only one set of markings and they are at the pillar, so I'm fairly sure that that is it ... and it makes sense considering the key and the other rooms. It'll trigger your escape ... what does it matter how you get out so long as you get out?" There is a strange quality to the Corellian's voice, not to mention his choice of words, but perhaps it is just the stress and exhaustion. Dane smiles and let's Shen rest for now, merely dropping into a focused continuance of his water treading.. Kairne moves closer to Paul, "Because we will not leave without you my friend," in Mandalorian. "This is not a time for heroics, you must be careful and wise." There is a long pause as the Corellian weighs the facts. "Kairne ... I'll be straight with you. I may very well not be coming back and you may -have- to leave without me. That's why I gave you my satchel. I'm not being heroic ... just ... just following directions," he finishes with a soft note of sarcasm. "Seriously Kairne ... if this doesn't go well, I need you to keep going. Just get free of this place." The Mandalorian breaks in a few places, but Paul's words are clear enough. Kairne shakes his head, "That is unnacceptable, I cannot break my oath to you. What do these directions tell you? To sacrifice yourself so that we may continue? My oath is stronger than any such thing.. this place knows that." Kairne turns to Dane, "What say you old friend?" Dane says "I say we all need to walk out of this place alive.." he looks to Paul, "What does it say?" Shen lolls in Dane's arms, evidently about done in. Dimly aware that the men are still talking about... something... around her, she frowns to herself, but their voices make no sense... and they're so far away, anyway. Nicer to think about Corellia. Where she and Paul swam on the beach, and climbed trees, and danced... Reiterating what he has already gone through in his mind time and time again, Paul informs them darkly, "Each test was foretold to us... stone to courage, which is where Shen and I came from when we "found" you. Fire to flesh ... you had to touch the burning globe to make it do your will ... and water to sacrifice." He treads water for a moment, eyes dropping down to the nearly invisible bottom. "The symbols are simple - water, life or spirit, cocoon - meaning the case down there, and help or salvation." Hazel eyes lift grimly as he rasps, "It seems fairly clear to me, although I have to admit I don't know what kind of sacrifice it is looking for ... it may be less than I ... we ... suspect, but if it isn't, I need you to keep going." Dane nods slowly, a grave look crossing his features, "I understand..." he looks to Kairne, "This has to be done old friend..by one of the four of us. IF we don't we all die." he inhales slowly and looks down at Shen, "One of us is just starting life and deserves to live." Shenner's wet red head has lolled over towards Dane as he keeps her face above the surface of the water. That the girl still lives can be seen by the exhausted, puzzled frown still darkening her features, and the occasional restless, awkward pawing of her hands at the water around her. Kairne looks back and forth between his two friends and converses in Mandalorian, "Then it should be one of us then, not them. They still have much to do in their lifetimes. I can afford a sacrifice." Kairne turns back to Paul, "Let me bear this burden my friend, you are the only one who can figure out what to do after this." Clearly Paul does -not- like this option, although he knew that it might come up. His features twist with the displeasure, the Corellian unable to verbalize a reply one way or the other. Instead he rasps softly, "Kairne, I can't ... I mean, it just isn't that simple ... that you, intead of me ...." His voice trails off in discomfort, Paul's eyes flickering closed as the weight of the choices weighs heavily against him. Kairne motions to Paul, "Life is not simple, but yet, it attains purity in comlpexity. What road can we travel without you?" Dane nods in agreement with Kairne and continues to keep Shenner's exhausted form a float. "By that arguement, I could say the same in return," Paul counters softly. "I'm not comfortable with this choice .... " But of course, there is no choice which would allow comfort for any of the expedition's members. "Unfortunately, that interpretation does not apply," Kairne quickly replies. "You can interpret these markers better than any of us, better than myself. And I know how to survive if it comes to that. I will find a way." He attempts to look stoic and passes his glance at Dane, "If the Empire could not vanquish me... I do not believe something created by my blood will." Treading water awkwardly, Paul cannot, despite his fervent wishes to do so, argue against logic. Nodding he finally reaches out for his satchel. "Better give that back then ... just in case ...." Kairne hands Paul back his satchel, "My friend.. do not worry. There is meaning in everything." Dane nods to Kairne, "Good luck old friend." he offers a smile, "I know you won't let us down." Shenner lolls in Dane's support, her eyes occasionally drifting closed, then open again. Her world has narrowed down to the weight of her wet clothing, clammy and cold against her skin, and the pair of arms bracing her up. _Tired. I wanna sleep, I hate this..._ But she _can't_ sleep. She can still hear the others' voices, Paul's gravelly baritone standing out in her ears even if she _can't_ quite make out the sense of his words... Simply nodding again, Paul murmurs, "The pillar should just open if you pull at the exposed seam ... Urio'kosh? Would you help your brethern? It could be quite heavy." Swiming closer, Urio'kosh simply nods, observing the older Mandalorian quietly. "I'll go down with him - help the Lord General get inside." Kairne questions Paul, not in fear, but only ponderance, "And after that.. does it say anything?" Shrugging with one bound shoulder while treading water is a peculiar motion, but it still manages to get across the same message. "I have no idea what happens after that ... I can only hypothesize that someone has to get inside the pillar in order to activate the mechanism." Dane says "Is there air inside there?" he asks quietly, "Like there is in here?" Glancing over his shoulder, his features grim, Paul replies, "I doubt it ... what kind of "sacrifice" would that be?" Doubt and determination flicker in the Corellian's gaze, and despite himself he glances back down again, as if reconsidering his decision to allow Kairne to go in his place ... Kairne motions the Corellian away, "Do not even think about taking my place.." Dane nods in response and looks to Kairne, "Are you sure you don't want me to go?" Kairne turns to Dane, "I do believe you have your hands full with Shenner. Keep her and Paul safe." He stops for a moment, thinking. "Our paths have been intertwined for many years old friend.. I'm sure they will cross again." Dane nods with a small frown, obviously not liking this much, "They better...you still owe me a drink or two.." he forces a smile, "Besides who else can validate my war stories.." Shifting closer to Kairne, Urio'kosh softly murmurs, "Lord General? Are you ready then?" Still displeased with the situation, Paul's pained hazel gaze shifts between the two men, but he makes no move to dive down to the bottom and makes no further dissenting noises. Turning to Kairne, he murmurs formally, "Warrior's fortune and honor go with you .... see you soon." He emphasizes the -soon-, as if any other alternative were not acceptable. Kairne turns to Urio, and nods, "I am ready to undertake what will come." Nodding silently, Urio'kosh takes in a deep breath and dives beneath the surface with a large splash. Urio'kosh takes a deep breath and then dives under the surface of the water. Urio'kosh has left. Kairne once again prepares his lungs, rythymatically breathing in and out before taking one big breath and diving down the depths. Kairne takes a deep breath and then dives under the surface of the water. Kairne has left. Shenner stirs once, looking blearily around the pit, making a tiny wordless noise of query. Dane continues to tread water, his eyes fixed on his friend of more years than he can count as he disappears below the water, perhaps for the last time. With a small sigh he glances at Shenner, "How are you doing Shen?" "Are we there yet?" the girl mumbles. Dane shakes his head and responds quietly, "No..not yet but soon." Somehow Paul cannot find the strength to swim closer to his friends. Instead he draws off to one side, treading as best he can and peering down into the murky dark with an equally dark expression. Shenner bats feebly at the water with one limp hand, murmuring indistinctly, "Wanna go dancin'. Wear m' dress...." A small frown curves her mouth as she apparently registers water against her palms. "N'Corellia." Dane just holds Shenner and pats her head softly, "You will once we're out of here.." he pulls her a bit closer in an attempt to warm her up. "Ask Paul?" Shen mumbles plaintively, peering up at Dane as he draws her nearer to him. Dane says "Ask Paul what?" "He hasta come," Shen explains slurrily to the warrior. At the sound of his name, the Corellian glances up, watching the pair silently with eyes ravaged by guilt. His mouth draws into a thin line as he fretfully observes Shen's descent, knowing that if she saw herself, she would be mortified. Dane nods, "I'm sure he would love to Shenner..I doubt he would miss it for the world." Urio'kosh breaks through the water's surface with a splash and a great gasp of air. Urio'kosh has arrived. "Has to," Shenner repeats, murmuring the words almost as if they're a mantra. "Hasta come. Dancin' with me..." Breaking the surface with a loud gasp and cough, Urio swims over toward a wall, struggling to catch his breath. His hair and robes floate about him freely. As Urio'kosh floats wearily, Paul glances at the man strangely, as if something he couldn't quite place is happening. Turning he places his finger above the waterline against the wall, kicking furiously not to sink below the surface. He watches as slowly, but surely the water level rises to over take the position of his finger. Treading about to face the others he announces, "We're rising .... the water level is rising." And to himself _seven minutes_. Shen, at Paul's call, rouses just enough to make another small questioning noise. "Wha...?" The girl blinks eyes that seem bent on dropping closed. Dane mutters a Mandalorian curse under his breath and keeps a hold of Shenner, "Are you sure?" he frowns and looks up hoping the room is very tall. "I'm sure," he murmurs as he tests it again, frowning. "We're definitely rising up - more water is being pumped in from somewhere." Paul swims over to Urio'kosh, his body aching with the strain of the cold and the constant effort to stay afloat. "You have two free hands ... test to see if the water level is indeed rising ... can't hurt to have able confirmation." "Wh-wha's goin' on?" Shenner mumbles thickly. Dane says "The water is rising Shen..we're probably going to need you to tread water again...are you ready to do that just in case?" "Wha... risin'? Wha..." With an effort, the girl lifts her head, eyes starting to go wide again, anxious. "M-more water?" Dane nods gravely, "Yes..it may be our way out though so hold on." The rise is now visible to the naked eye. Since the walls are smooth and unmarked, it simply is an indication at the rate of ascent. Paul twitches uncomfortably, looking down into the depths of the water, unable to even see the glow stick that had been dropped down when they first arrived. It's as if a beacon had been cut off from him, and the Corellian can only realize dimly, _ten minutes_. Shen rouses a little more, looking around bemusedly and beginning to weakly paddle at the water. Dane can feel her kicking, too, though the movement is mostly rote. "H-how come it's risin'...?" Dane shakes his head, "I'm not sure..I think it may be part of the trigger for the marker..it may let us out..who knows." Ten minutes turns into twelve ... fifteen, and then suddenly there is a soft rushing noise as water begins to pour off into an opening on the side. The water stops rising and all is quiet suddenly. Shen has begun to paddle again in earnest, though it's clear that the girl is still cold and exhausted, and neither condition is going to improve until she gets out of the water. She lets out a startled little cry as that rushing sound is heard, her head wavering in that direction. "Wha...?" Dane breathes a sigh of relief as he hears the water start to pour out.., "Just relax..I think we may be on our way." There is a strange burbling noise as bubbles rise up to the surface ominiously. With a wooosh of water, what appears to be a large casket surfaces, recognizable to those that have dove beneath the surface to be what was perceived as a stone pillar .... and with a gasp Paul swims toward it, eyes wide and frantic. Dane starts towards the casket as well, dragging Shenner along with him as he continues to keep a firm hold on her. "Ahhh? Wh-wha?" Shen, tugged by Dane, paddles feebly, her head moving around in the direction she's being hauled. "Whassat?" Dane continues swimming towards the casket with Shenner in tow, "Some sort of casket.." Not liking the looks of this at all, Paul's hand rises up, the rest of him bobbing down as he fumbles to open the thing. For perhaps the first time since they have all left on this journey, he turns his gaze to Urio'kosh, dark and almost pleading. "Help me?" he asks in soft low tones, worry twisted tightly about each word. Nodding, the younger Mandalorian swims closer and begins to pull on the thin exposed seam, his lips a thin grim line. Casket? Wha...? Blinking dazedly, Shen rouses up a little more, and only now realizes: "Wh-where's Kairne?" Dane shakes his head, "I dunno.." he looks to Paul, "What now Doctor.." his question carries a tone of aggitation. Paul doesn't respond to either, his one hand frantic on the seam edge. With their combined efforts, Paul and Urio manage to part the container, the top hinged and dropping to one side heavily. Water seeps out to reveal that inside the casket is Kairne, his hands curled like claws, his eyes blank, calm despite the rigid and desperate position of his body. There is a thin coating of what appears to be some kind of plastic about his still, unmoving, and seemingly unbreathing figure. Dane digs down and takes out a knife, gently he nudges Shenner up to the casket, "Hold on to this Shen." he says and starts to cut the plastic off.. Shenner swallows hard, registering enough of what's going on now to let out a tiny whimper of dismay. Moved by Dane, she clings to the casket's edge and gazes with fear-darkened green eyes at Kairne's silent form. Laying a hand on Dane's arm, Paul barks out, "Wait!" as the plastic clouds over, a thin pinkish colored gas filling in the space between it's surface and Kairne's skin. It was clear that the Mandalorian had drowned ... but perhaps his sacrifice would not go unrewarded ....? Dane stops his hand and glances at the Doctor, "Why?' he looks back as the platic starts to fill, eyes narrowing, "What the hells is going on?" "I don't know," Paul murmurs wearily, with the expression of a man who believes that Kairne's fate should have befallen him instead. "I don't dare interfere ... if this test killed him, perhaps it will restore him." Dane nods slowly and looks unconvinced, "I'll trust your opinion Paul..but I don't like this.." Kill...? Shivering where she huddles by the casket now, Shen registers only that she _doesn't_ like the sound of that. The girl bites down on her lower lip, her eyes huge and dark in her wan face, making her look far more waifish of appearance than she's been in some time. There is a violent shudder that runs visible over Paul's form, the fact that his judgement in this situation, is the deciding factor in Kairne's life. He cannot help but think that if he were in the casket instead, the weight of this decision would not have to burden his shoulders, as almost every decision on this journey has. He can't even recall now if he's made any wrong choices yet, but statistics will judge him soon enough, one way or the other. Dane gazes down into the coffin at the lifeless form of his freind..a sadness appears on his face for just a moment as worry cracks his resolve. He sheaths the knife for now and just watches. Urio coughs lightly, pointing as several rods, unexposed before, extend from the walls of the casket, penetrating through the plastic without breaking the surface open. Through the mist of gas, it's impossible to see what they are doing, but after a few minutes they draw back. The plastic then, miraculously seems to start moving. To Shenner's dazed brain, the sight before her makes about as much sense as the shape-shifting statue had done, and it's just about as alarming. Not able to speak, she just bobs there and clutches at the edge of the floating box. Kairne begins an attempt to move, his limbs lightly flailing in small motions, trying to get his friends attention. He tries to speak, but his voice comes out as a gurgle, his lungs and throat still very much full of water. Desperately he tries to communicate with his friends. Kairne's voice strains to mouth the words, "Cut me out," and doesn't exactly come out as that. Dane takes the knfe from it's sheath and starts to cut open the plasttic membrane as he sees the movement..he's doing it quickly but not so much so that he kills Kairne again. Unable to assist with his single free arm, Paul simply leans heavily against the floating casket, his eyes fluttering closed in a gesture both grateful and exhausted. _I gotta wake up,_ Shen thinks dimly, the sensations being reported in by her chilled, leaden limbs jarring dully in her head against wisps of daydreams of Corellia... and Paul. Her gaze instinctively seeks him out, even as she strives to rally her exhausted wits. _I gotta pay attention._ And she finds Paul with her seeking eyes, then; the sight of him, soaked and as bone-weary of appearance as she's feeling, provokes another whimper out of her. But this one's of worry rather than fear. Dane splits the center of the the wrapping and uses his hands to pull it open, "Give me a hand.." Urio'kosh seems to be the only one with a free one, and reaching over he too pulls at the hefty plastic embracing Kairne. "Get him upright," he murmurs, "He needs to get the liquid out of his lungs." Dane grabs Kairne by the front of his uniform and pulls him up, "Get his back Urio.." he re-sheaths the knife and and glances at the younger Mandalorian. Kairne begins to move out the cut plastic, small amounts of gas and liquid flowing out of the 'shell' that up until now had completely encased him. Kairne, still a bit dazed, does hear Urio, and tries to upright himself, but the residual water still in his system starts to make him cough. Shenner _wants_ to help, but for the life of her, she can barely manage to string together two consecutive thoughts, much less do anything useful to aid the Mandalorians with their comrade. As Urio'kosh and Dane with their efforts keep the casket bobbing back and forth, Shen clings to the side... and casts a fearful glance at the water around her, as if afraid that the slightest motion will send her dropping beneath the surface. Pressing a hand to Kairne's neck, Urio bends him up and forward, the coughing needing the help of gravity to expunge the fluids from his lungs. "That's right," he encourages, "let your body cough it out .... your lungs are probably going to hurt like hell, but it certainly beats being dead." There is a strange light in the younger Mandalorian's eye as he half wonders -why- the Lord General is -not- dead. Kairne coughs loudly, fluid spitting out of his mouth each time, and dripping down his chin. Somehow he manages to turn to Urio and say, "Dead? I was dea.." Kairne coughs more before he can finish his sentence, expelling what is left of the water from his system. The word 'dead' bouncing around the edges of Shenner's cognizance, the young redhead peers groggily up once more at Dane and Urio'kosh and Kairne held between them, a dismayed frown darkening her face. It would seem the girl's woken up enough to listen, and to grasp at least something of what she's hearing. Lifting red-rimmed eyes, Paul nods, muttering, "I think so ... you certainly looked like it. But it seems that the willingness to sacrifice was all that was required .... so let's get the hell out of hear before we have to do it again or something." 'Out'. _That_ word resounds through Shen's awareness, too, and she glances with unvarnished hope around the altered environs. Dane nods and glances around, "I agree.." he looks to Kairne, "How do you feel old friend?" Kairne shakes his head back and forth, trying to clear his senses, and takes in a deep breath, something he hadn't been able to do for a long time. "As I was saying.. I was dead.. I had to be.. but how did I end up back here?" Dane shakes his head slowly, "I don't know..but don't shun the gift..just be glad you did survive." he offers a smile, "Now why don't we get out of here?" Nodding weakly, Paul swims over to the opening in the wall, water sloshing into it occasionally with the motion. "I'm just grateful ... either way. When we get out of this, you'll have to tell us what you remember ...." Paul's motion through the water... and, accordingly, the movement of his voice... draws Shen's attention to that opening. Deep in her gut, fear bubbles up, as she realizes that despite it not looking particularly far away, she's going to have to _swim_ over there. _Got to, Dane and..._ Her mind shies around the thought of Urio'kosh, as she finds herself bizarrely unwilling to name him in her thoughts, but her mind shies just as quickly away from that hesitance. _... they gotta help Kairne..._ Shaking as she floats, Shen pushes off from the casket... and immediately yelps as she has to make herself tread water all over again. Kairne raises himself so that he is now kneeling in the casket, "Well, where is the exit, I'm somewhat clouded at the moment if you will.. And as for what I remember.. I do not know where reality and the death end or begin.." Dane extends a hand out to Kairne and starts helping him out of the casket, "Come on..I'll give you a hand." he looks to Urio, "Give me a hand." Urio reaches over to steady Kairne as he exits the casket and re-enters the water. Paul turns back, staring at the small cluster and calling out to Dane a gentle reminder. "Don't forget Shen." Awkward and clumsy, panting for breath, Shen starts trying to paddle through the water towards Paul. Swimming, just that short distance; how tough can it be? _Move it, street rat!_ "C... comin'," she calls out to Paul in reply. "'Mcomin'..." Dane nods and swims over to Shenner, leaving Kairne in the hands of Urio for now, "Got her." he swims up next to her and looks over, "You going to make it okay?" "'Mokay," Shen mumbles automatically, though as before, she doesn't exactly look it. But she also doesn't stop her efforts. And eventually she makes it to the waiting Corellian, flailing with her shaking hands for the opening in the wall. Dane just swims by her side for the most part, letting her make it on her own, "Okay Shen." he smiles, "We're proud of you." Kairne swims out a few strokes and treads water to adjust himself again, then swims back to the group, "This doesn't feel nearly the same as it did before.. warmer.. but who knows what that ordeal did to me..." Kairne swims over to Paul, speaking quietly in Mandalorian, "Don't worry my friend.. It was my decision, my life.. and as I told you.. I would find a way.. or this place found a way rather.. now let's be gone." Kairne calls out to the rest of the group, "Shall we be off now?" Shenner can't manage anything more than a strained, miniscule smile in response to Dane, but she does at least achieve that. Now, though, the girl's mind is focused on only one thing -- hauling herself through that hole in the wall. She grabs hold of the slick side, nearly goes under, and with far more desperation than strength or agility, she fumbles her way into the opening. Nodding weakly, Paul reaches into the opening, trying to drag himself in with one arm. It is no easy feat, but he manages to finally attain his goal and starts crawling into the tunnel, sharp gusts of ir blowing out into the room. [To be continued....]