Log Date: 9/21/98 Log Cast: Ozzle, Selektah, Morganna, Shenner, Hunter, Rabid, Kaein, Aerilaya Log Intro: It just really hasn't been a good week to be Shenner. Between mysterious individuals shooting lightning into New Republic Princesses, unexpected encounters with men who just seem far too interested in the fact that she's a single young female (not to mention encounters with certain Corellians over whom Shen is still pining), and a returning trickle of memories from the disastrous Mandalore expedition, the young musician has found her stay on Caspar growing rapidly more stress-inducing than she'd like. On top of everything else, she still has no idea where her mysterious friend Nelun has disappeared to, and the only thing that has been holding the girl together is the fact that the Sandbar's lead singer Rekkie has let her move in with her. Rekkie Sheldon has been enough of a balm to the girl that Shen's managed to fight off at least _most_ of her tension and keep her attention on her studies and her music. She is not, however, entirely oblivious to the world, and her sympathies are easily roused as long as one isn't a human male -- especially a Corellian male. It's all the more to one's advantage to be a Horansi.... ---------- You leave The Sandbar, entering the fresh air of Fountain Square. Fountain Square - Plaxton City The huge buildings in the background threaten to take over this small patch of green that is the center of Plaxton City. A stone fountain -still in place from another time- sits in the center of the square. It depicts a young woman looking into the sky. water flares around her and bursts into a star pattern ten feet above her head. The inscription at the base of the fountain is written in the aging language of a more romantic time. 'Farewell, for all journeyers that leave this place shall always return to call it home.' Wandering the square throughout the day are Caspar Marines; some off-duty and enjoying their downtime while on-duty commandos in full armor and uniform keep watch over the area. Despite the commandos' aggresive appearance, they are viewed with admiration and respect from most of the citizens, some of them even joking and talking with families. The afternoon sky above is cloudy with patches of clear spots allowing you to see the sky behind them. -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Leftenant Harrsion => Kael => Rabid => Morganna => Ozzle => Hunter => D2-P15(Toopee) => IGNews Terminal - Caspar => Mail Terminal: Caspar -=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=- ndbar leads to The Sandbar. outh leads to South Mergansar Ave. - Plaxton City. ast leads to East Blake St. - Plaxton City. orth leads to North Mergansar Ave. - Plaxton City. est leads to West Blake St. - Plaxton City. Ozzle doesn't turn around, but speaks to Morganna as he walks. "Your aide should wait outside..." Not wanting to be too curt, he adds, "There's more chance of trouble outside than in." Selektah enters the square from the south. Selektah has arrived. Selektah walks to the south. Selektah has left. Selektah enters the square from the south. Selektah has arrived. Morganna motions to her aide with a hand, "If I need you I'll contact you, let me know of any interesting passings.." her aide seems dissatisfied, but nods, obeying Morganna. "Let's go." Ozzle enters the Sandbar. Ozzle has left. Morganna enters the Sandbar. Morganna has left. Shenner emerges from the Sandbar, a sizeable tote bag dangling off one shoulder, a sizeable textbook grasped in one arm, and a set and grim expression upon her young face. Hunter is playing a soft guitar peice, singing softly, but clearly into the air. Music... out here? Shenner blinks, as if rather startled to be encountering such a thing. It's enough to slow her steps as she glances in the guitar's direction. Rabid stands over in the middle of the square, talking with some blue-uniformed soliders, and a man in a business suit. Selektah looks at you for a moment. Kaein walks into the square from the east. Kaein has arrived. Hunter /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Rick Hunter Before you is a tall, olive green skinned Humanoid, who stands at almost 7 feet tall. He has black hair, which is in an almost anime-style spike on his head. His eyes look like sapphires, exactly. He has no pupils, or anything, just the color of sapphires. His skin is smooth and unblemished, making him look like a pretty boy if it weren't for the fact he has a rather large framed, with athleticaly toned muscles that are stronger then even the average strong Human. He walks with a certain gracefulness for a man his size, and his voice is smooth and musical, making him sound like a con-man or some kind of sweet talker. This man is wearing a tee shirt with a lifeless Imperial Storm Trooper laying on the ground, set aflame, with tthe flames spelling out 'Burning White Shells'. In the background there is citizens fighting Imperials on the dusty sands of Tatooine. On the chest pocket there is a symbol : a crimson lightsaber with a black serpent entwined about it. On the back of the shirt there is a inverted Imperial Logo, with a bloody red 'X' through it. Below it are the names : Hunter - Lead Vocals/Guitars (OOC: I need band members!). On his legs he wears a pair of faded jeans, and a pair of old combat boots completes the outift. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Example(#8463LOeM) => SpamBot Shenner stops, then, peering with furrowed brow off in the direction of the tall guitar player. It's curious, the expression that skulks across her face -- half annoyance, half appreciation. A young felinod hobbels into the square, moving slowly and leaing heavily on a crutch under his left arm. he moves in the direction of the fountian, stopping every few steps to wince in pain. Hunter continues to play, moving to a more clasical tone, siinging happily. For a time, at least, Shenner eyes the young man with the guitar in apparent wariness -- then, she turns, whatever opinions she's having kept to herself. Her face still holds that dogged, grim look, and she sets off across the square again, angling for the fountain or perhaps intending to pass it. Hunter plays a grand farewell tune, as if he were politely telling Shenner goodbye. If the redheaded girl is paying attention to that farewell flourish on the guitar strings, she's not showing any sign of it. Still regarding the world around her as though she is carrying a personal grudge against the galaxy, she continues on her way... only to slow again at the sight of Kaein, not far away. This seems to hit her rather differently than the music had done, and the girl slows once more, the look she turns on the felinoid becoming troubled. Kaein contines toward the fountian, reaching it after what seems like an eternity and seddels into his bench slowly and carefully. HE adjusts the sling holding his right arm and leans back as much as a being in a neck brace can. he glances around the square for a few moments, his eyes lingering on shenner, the face being vaguely fimilar but he seems to be having troube placing it.... Selektah heads into the square and stops to check the mail terminal. Then goes to have a seat on bench near the fountain. The redheaded girl adjusts her course, now directly heading for the fountain, though she has to wait for a passing child to scurry past her before she continues her approach. Once she's within earshot, though, she clears her throat awkwardly and ventures in badly accented Horansi, "Uh... hello?" Upon hearing his native tounge, the felineoid seems to wince momentarilary, not from pain though as if someting deep inside of him has been triggered. That emotion disappears as fast as it came though, being replaced by a bright smile as the horansi turns to regard the woman. "hello to you too." he says kindly "your face...is fimilar to me but i am haiving trouble placing it..." Not entirely sure how to read _that_ reaction, Shen reels back a moment on her booted heels, then ventures a little nearer as she realizes that the Horansi seems pleased. This time in Basic, she says gruffly, "I, uh, just wanted to ask if you were okay." She doesn't smile. "I... saw ya... get banged up the other day." Kaein looks at you for a moment. Kaein seems to grapple with this for a few moments and shakes his head slightly, wincing as he does so. "i am having trouble remembering that day.....it is coming back to me slowly though. " he says a hint a confusion in his voice. he smiles though "but i am recovering quite well, the facilites here are wonder full" he pauses to glance you over breifly "you seem to have excaped that ordeal realtivly unharmed" The girl certainly _seems_ hale enough; there's not a mark on her, and save for a slight hollowness about her eyes, it would seem that this young human is about as healthy as a human can get. "Yeah well," she hedges, glancing off at some safe random point across the square, "I kinda... stayed outta the way of the fireworks." This is delivered quickly, as if she finds the topic unsettling and would just like to get it overwith as soon as possible. "But, well, I gotta coupla Horansi friends, so, well. Glad you're gonna be okay." Hunter plays a soothign tune now, sighing softly. Kaein nods "it would have been silly for anoyone else to have gotten hurt, i am not even sure why i got involved" he says trailing off, dropping the subject...."yes, the dictores said i was lucky, if i had arrived 5 minutes later i would have been dead....kind of makes you think.." Shenner nods slowly to Kaein, her one free hand reaching up unconsciously to fiddle with the silver-and-brass necklace dangling at her throat. Then after a moment she brusquely thrusts that hand forward, venturing, "My name's Shen." The young feline stands from the bench quite akwardly and almost falls over but plants his crutch into the ground stoping his fall. He grins and chuckels lightly at his own physical uncoordination. He plants the cruths firmly in his shoulder joint, and shakes shenners hand "Kaein" he says "pleasure to meet you shen" Kaein Before you stands a five and 1/2 foot tall feline creature that you would identify as a Horansi male. He seems young, probally only about 15 or 16 years of age and moves akwardly on his hind legs, but at the same time he is extremely silent, making noise only when he wants to be heard. The young feline is dressed in simple yet efficent clothes. He wears a grey tank top which is tucked into a pair of kacki shorts that are held up with a brown belt. The clothing allows freedom of movement, wether walking on his hind legs, or on all fours, and it is very practicle, The fur of this young creature is jet black, denoting him of the Mashi subspecies. His eyes are deep golden/copper color and swim with life and emotions. There is one thing you find troubling about this horansi, the series of gray and white rosetta spots that run the length of his back, tail, and speckle the back of his arms legs and head. These spots would mark him as a Treka, except that Treka do not exist with black fur and golden eyes. Currently the cub looks pretty beat up. He looks very haggered and moves slowly using a crutch in his left arm. His neck is in a brace and his right arm is in a sling. You can see a large white bandage on his back and occasionaly the cub stops -=-=-=-=-=-=<>=-=-=-=-=-=- => Vibro-Knife Shenner's mouth curls up on one hand, as she takes and shakes the profferred furry hand. "Hey, don't get up on my account, pal," she protests, nevertheless. Her voice lightens a bit from its gruff low tones, warming up to an easy near-tenor. Kaein grins and shakes his head, wincing in pain when he realises that he is still in a neck brace "heh, i keep forgetting that i am in this stupid thing...they say i am going to get it off next week...not soon enough if you ask me...its annoying, hot and it itches..." he cub says with a mock sigh. Shen sets her tote bag down, along with the big textbox -- a battered volume proclaiming itself to be _Overview of Known Primitive Civilizations_ -- and gestures at the bench. "Siddown, will ya?" She grins crookedly, her mood apparently significantly lifting. She herself parks a foot on the side of the bench, leaning over on her upraised knee. "You live on Caspar, or just visitin'?" Ozzle leaves the SandBar. Ozzle has arrived. Kaein nods and sits down promply "yes'm" he says with a small grin. He listens to you question with a perked ear and sort of shrugs "well i guess i do consider caspar my home now that i think aobut it. How about you?" Ozzle steps out of the Sandbar and walks along the perimeter of the square, passing easily through the crowds. His confidant, slow strides take him toward the south. "Visitin', for now. I'm singin' for the Sandbar.... " The redheaded girl shrugs a bit. "I might go to school, if they'll take me." Ozzle walks to the south. Ozzle has left. Kaein raisis a brow curiously "You sing? any spefice type of music that you specialize in?" he asks, his other ear jumping up, giving the young cat a almost comiacl appearance. The redheaded girl smiles faintly. "I sing anything. Right now I'm just sittin' in with the Sandbar's band." A pause, and then Shenner adds, "Gonna be a xenomusicologist. I been lookin' up Horansi songs, but I can't exactly fit my throat around 'em." The horanis golden eyes catch the light, his pupils flashing green as he cocks his head slightly, ignoring the pain "Xenomusucolkdktkenist, gah. thats a mouth full." he says witha grin "thats the umm study of...acienty music and its effect on culture?" he asks curiously and mutters witha grin "if i could only pronounce it.." Shenner's grin broadens some, though her eyes are a trifle distant. "Yeah... somethin' like that. See... there's a whole helluva lotta ways to make music in the galaxy, and I wanna go check 'em all out. A..." She pauses. The grin fades, but her tone still seems fairly bright as she goes on a moment later, "Somebody inspired me, I guess." Kaein nods "it is always good to have a mentor to set you off in the right direction. i still havent found a place in this galaxy that i am comfortable with. There are so many options and such little time to explore them all." he says with a slight sigh. He shrugs slighty and grins "and as for horansi songs, i am sorry to say i do not know much of them...except the few childs rhymes i remember from my youth.." Aerilaya enters the square from the north. Aerilaya has arrived. Aerilaya enters the Sandbar. Aerilaya has left. Aerilaya leaves the SandBar. Aerilaya has arrived. Aerilaya walks to the south. Aerilaya has left. Shenner's nose crinkles. Of the various words she could use to describe a certain Corellian she'd just as soon not think about -- and who immediately springs to mind despite her attempts to pretend otherwise -- 'mentor' is not one of them. But it's apt enough that she smiles a little and nods to Kaein. "Enh well. I might hafta ask the friends I mentioned... one of 'em lives here, I think. Did last time I checked anyhow." Kaein grins as he begins to stand again, this time a little more gracefully. he smiles to the human "I do hope you find him, but i must get going." he smiles warmly "I hope to see you around Shen" Shenner bobs her red head. "Sure thing." She leans over to pick up her belongings. Selektah walks to the south. Selektah has left. [End log.]