"An Ebbing of the Spirit" Log Date: 2/15/02 Log Cast: Coralfire, Vardeus, Flashfire, Quietharm Log Intro: It has been a restless Vardeus indeed who has been recovering from his injuries upon the island of the Raft Elves... and struggling to assimilate the existence of the elves in general into his view of the world. Most of the tribe that has taken him and Maerro in remains wary of him, but some small number of them have reached out to befriend him -- like Raven, who is sharing her tent with him and his loyal cabin boy, and Quietharm, who is fascinated by them and their alien language. And Shay'la, who has fascinated Vardeus in turn by being an elf close to his own kind's size... and who, despite the barriers of race and language, has realized that Vardeus is an exile from a faraway home. Like her. The news that Kephissa and Valnek are alive has only increased the Captain's restlessness, as well. Injured as he is, he cannot go across the water to the mainland to find his missing crewmates, which frustrates him to no end... and morever, his injured, exhausted state has only left him more vulnerable to the guilt and anxiety that have been plaguing him ever since his people were lost at sea. Vulnerable enough that he cannot keep himself from breaking down, even as he discovers that he and Maerro are _not_ the only humans on the island of the Little People.... ---------- Raft Beach - Shoreline - Raft Holt(#10028RJLS) Truly magnificent and unique in its beauty, Rafter's beach unfolds before you. The sand is soft yellow, verging on golden, patterns of black sand trickling through the monotone coloring. The soft rushes of the waves playing upon the beach is accompanied by the light breeze which stream through the palm trees further into the cove. There you have it, rising up on either side is majestic cliffs with reefs and rocks underneath. The cliffs rise further, forming a lush green ridge formed as a giant U, which surrounds this secluded area. At the mouth of the U, there is only blue-green ocean to be seen with exception of the tribal gathering raft dipping on the waves. The tide slips greedily ashore, concealing and enfolding all it can reach. Midnight passes and the second moon rises to chase after the first. The silence is nearly complete and all you hear is the soft sound of water in the distance. The bright tangle of the Waterfall glitter brightly the hot summer skies. The moon and stars dancing overhead dancing attendance. Contents: Flashfire Obvious exits: Fire Camp area East Swim Late night and Coralfire wanders along the beach, barefoot to enjoy the feeling of the sand on her feet. It's good to be home, after all. She is only half paying attention to where she is going, knowing there are others here who don't know who she is. Most are friendly though, and she's had a chance to visit with family. Silently she moves though, having learned from Shadowslip and the Raft elves. Late night, and the human woman is not the only person out and about on the beach. A figure significantly larger and broader of frame than just about every other being on the island sits on one of the boulders overlooking the beach; in fact, from the size of him, he can't be anything but a human himself. Vardeus, his hair ruffled in a passing breeze, pays no mind to the beach behind him. Some of his attention is caught by the activities of the objects in his hands: a small piece of driftwood, which he strives to whittle with one of his iron daggers. The rest of it is on the ocean, however, and he watches it with a kind of barely shuttered, agitated frustration. Frustrated, too, is the sound of his voice as he sings absently under his breath, the words of a Vraeyan sailing song keeping a rhythm to his whittling. Nighttime, especially in the tropical climates, is a much more comfortable time for one Flashfire, the tall, fuzzy wolfelf preferring shade and cool water during the day while he's more apt to roam at night. Vardeus has been a source of some curiosity and interest, though for the most part he's been watched from a bit of a distance, close enough that Flashfire can keep tabs on him without the human noticing. Sight good, he spots the occasional glint of a blade while the odd song finds his ears from the spot in a bit of shrubbery he's crouched in, blending in with much of the greenery around the beach. Coralfire continues along, catching the odd sound of singing. Around here, that's enough to wend her feet towards the source. She pauses as she spies the singer. Odds are that isn't an elf. Well, Keffiza did say there were humans over here too. She stops where she is, a good few paces away, a brow arching. Her hands move to her hips and one knee bends alertly before she pitches her voice to carry, in elfin. "Calm tides." Instantly, the low, gravelly baritone singing stops, and the man on the rock whips his head around in the direction of the voice. Eyes the color of the ocean look vaguely, unsettledly sheepish, as though he's just been caught at some sort of intimate activity, and is embarrassed to have been so caught; however, when Vardeus realizes that the person who has called out to him is in fact... well, from what he can tell, _not_ one of the Little People, his expression turns to one of apparent shock. "Ah... taydes," he calls back, the elfin word awkwardly accented in his voice. Coralfire Tall and slender, the woman before you is a definite athlete. She has the lean lines of a swimmer, body muscled and toned, while leaving the feminine curves that mark her as female. Her complexion has been tanned a rich golden brown by the sun. The coppery waves that spill down around her face have been bleached to a lighter fire red and even touches of blonde in places, lending highlights and depth to the gentle waves. Her features are fine and delicate, set in a heart shaped face. A hint of natural rose colors her upswept cheekbones and full lips. Her odd, slightly pointed ears can be seen as normally she she wears her waist length hair back into a functional braid down her back. Her bright blue eyes have the barest of slants, lending an exotic appeal to her face. She is wearing clothing made of a combination of styles. Green leather breeches hug to her slender, shapely legs, going down into sturdy, but supple leather boots of the same color. Both breeches and boots have some slight mottling to them to lend better camouflage. Tucked in the top of her boots are a pair of knives for protection. Her top is a mottled brown and green tunic made of softer sea elf fabric... though the style is definitely wolfrider. It is made for camouflage. Flashfire's head tilts as the second human, one he's more used to seeing in this world, walks in and speaks to the strange seaman in the elfin tongue. Settling down a bit lower for the moment, he continues to listen as Vardeus more or less answers back, at least in a way that he can make out what he's trying to say. Coralfire listens to that accent, and she is rather bemused by it. What did he just say? It's too bad she didn't get to speak much to Kephissa before they got separated. "Was it you Keffiza was looking for?" she asks, curiously. She's not entirely sure what he just said, but it seems like it was a bit of a greeting. Coralfire certainly does look like she's Olbar, yes. At least she does so far. Wait until she gets hold of the weaver around here, and perhaps she'll be changing her wardrobe to match the weather. Maybe. "I'm Coralfire." So stunned is Vardeus to see a woman of his own kind here that for a moment he just stares, half-whittled driftwood in one hand, knife in the other. Then he catches himself, shutting his mouth with force enough that elfin ears might almost hear his teeth snap, and slides the knife into the empty sheath at his side before he slides off his perch on the rock. "Vardeus," he says, pointing at himself, and then his brow furrows, in intermingled frustration and pre-emptive apology. "No... hae good elf-say. You... _huimin_...!" Flashfire rises a bit and at least considers moving elsewhere, but it seems to be an interesting thing, listening to Vardeus trying to talk in elfin. He's been watching the man when he could, but he'd missed the progress made with the language. As for the wolfelf, he still doesn't know the stranger's tongue, but at least it looks like some communication may be improving. After glancing around his own area, he sinks back down, this time to all fours. Coralfire has very good elfin, but no Vardeus-speak at all. She puzzles out the words, trying to figure out what's being said. "True enough. I'm not an elf. I'm human." she says, eventually. She moves closer, now that she won't surprise this stranger. "You must know Keffiza. She's on the beach, across the vast deep." She tries to use simpler words, though this language is actually her first. "Vardes? Vardos? Vardees?" she tries to get that name, and a soft laugh escapes her, curving her lips in a smile, as she raises both hands, palms up. _Now_ it seems to register with this big stranger that this woman has uttered the name of one of his crewmates twice now -- and it provokes first a start and then a broad smile that somehow doesn't quite manage to dispell the anxious frustration in his eyes, not yet. "Kephissa, aye!" he answers swiftly, bobbing his wind-tousled head. He seems not only unbothered by the strange woman's approach, but even rather wonderstruck by her. With an unthinking, restless energy to his gestures, he once again indicates himself, this time with the hand that holds the half-carved figurine. "I, Var-de-us. Kephissa... elf-say word, _tribe_? Kephissa tribe! _You_ _see_ Kephissa? See Valnek?" His hands keep moving as he speaks, long lean fingers indicating his eyes to try to help clarify 'see', his free one flexing at the empty air as if he hopes to pull better words out of the very night itself. As the five-fingers attempt to talk to each other, Flashfire slips quietly out of the brush to settle himself a few lengths out into the open, possibly able to be spotted if either sees the way his eyes shine in the night. Vardeus..Kephissa..Valnek. At least he knows the first name, but the two that follow don't register. Coralfire chuckles a bit at all that. Well, if she can make out the Elfin words, she can understand you. Mostly. "Vardeus," she repeats, listening to the sounds themselves and trying to say what she hears. The accent might not match, but she gets a close approximation. Valnek - no. Keffiza looked for him." Coralfire's brow furrows. Oh, this is worse than learning the human speech from Shadowslip! At least they had a language in common. She glances around the beach as she thinks, catching sight of the shining of eyes, but disregarding it. Her attention goes back to Vardeus. "He went other way." Valnek wasn't around? This seems to disturb the man called Vardeus, and hsi brow furrows further as he struggles to try to figure out how to put what he desperately wants to say into the limited set of words he possesses. "Nae see Valnek," he acknowledges frustratedly, shoving his empty hand back through his hair as he nods and then goes on, "Kephissa, nae hurt? You see--" Skyfather! What's the right word? "Ah... ah, other huimins? Like Kephissa? Like Vardeus?" Cautiously, Flashfire sticks closer to the ground as the elfin-shaped mass of fur and claws approaches a bit closer, growing more certain that there isn't anything to really worry about for the time being. They're just talking. Maybe he can, too. Soon enough, more of him may be visible, shifted into more of a crouched, sitting position again as he watches openly. Coralfire works her way through that one. "Kephiza no hurt. No, no others like you. Others like me, yes. Coralfire." She repeats her name once more, absently gesturing towards herself. Not really a human name, but that's okay. She's just special. No, really. Ask her brother Talorin about her. He would no doubt love to kill her, since she associates with demons. Erm, but that's another story. Coral glances around and finds a rock to sit on, somewhere she can let her feet touch the water and enjoy the sensation. "You missing more tribe?" Quietharm arrives from up the beach. Quietharm has arrived. Well, all right. So 'tribe' may not really be the proper one one might want to use for the crew of a Vraeyan ship -- but it's the closest word Vardeus has right now, and it'll do him for the time being. "Koorelfaer," he repeats, brows winging down over his eyes, as he gleans her name. 'Missing'. That's a word he's not sure he knows, but he's willing to hazard a guess. His face falls. So do both his hands, though he still holds the driftwood he'd been whittling. "More... tribe. Gone. Many gone." Quietharm ambles her way up the beach, habitually soaked as she made runs between the island and mainland. A bit fatigued now, she drags herself to a gathering of three figures just ahead, two notably tall, one slightly shorter. Tipping her head up to examine each in turn, the huntress proffers an uneasy smile. One was familiar, the others vaguely. She eventually ceases all motion when she comes within a few paces of those gathered. "((Hello, Vardeus.))" To Coralfire and Flashfire, she switches to elven. "Tides. What is going on?" Coralfire is sitting on a boulder, chatting with Vardeus, or trying to. Flashfire is crouched a ways away, listening in and openly watching. It's late night, and Coralfire has her toes in the water, enjoying the waves playing over them. "Calm waves, Quietharm," she says, with a smile, though her eyes widen a bit. "You speak the language of Vardeus?" There is hesitation before the name, and she pronounces it very carefully, coming almost close to getting it right. Flashfire frowns at the bits of conversation he picks up on, opening his mouth once before shutting it afterwards when Quietharm appears and greets the seafaring man in his own tongue. That earns a few blinks of the eyes before he attempts to explain, his answer rather minimal. "Lost..tribe..?" Truth be told, Vardeus hadn't actually seen Flashfire until the wolfelf speaks up; now that he does, though, the Vraeyan captain blinks noticeably in his direction, staring at him oddly, as if not entirely convinced he's not seeing a fever dream come to life. Only when he glances swiftly at both Coralfire and Quietharm and sees no sign of shock in either of their faces at the sight of him does he seem to hesitantly accept him as part of the conversation... and even so, the arrival of Quietharm provokes visible relief from him. "Kyethaerm! Taydes!" he greets her, before gesturing with those restless hands of his at the human woman. "Koorelfaer come. Say elf-say, say see Kephissa -- ((ach!))" His rugged features twist up in weary frustration. "((Skyfather, I need more words here!))" Flashfire At first glance, it is clear that Flashfire isn't at all like most elves. One can see a fine layer of fur over any skin that's exposed - even his face, but nothing shows on his palms or beneath his feet. Its color is a rusty reddish-brown. The Glider-tall elf's face is marked with larger-than-normal eyes of a golden yellow, surrounded by a mane of fire-red hair that darkens a bit as it trails down to partially frame the rest of his face. It is a bit darker at the roots and his hair rests somewhat wildly on his head, with no rhyme or reason as to where it falls. His pointed ears are upswept, and a thickening tuft of fur-like hair can be seen around his earlobes. His nose pokes out slightly, turning up very faintly at the tip, and when his lips part, you can notice his canines are sharp, definitely a telling sign that Flashfire is a 'throwback' of sorts, wolfen qualities stronger in him. Those attributes are clearly enhanced by his current appearance. Flashfire wears no clothing over his fur, though it is thick enough to allow him to look decent in the necessary areas. His weapons of choice are either a spear or a bow and arrows, a spear commonly found in his possession these days. Once smaller and somewhat lanky, he's undergone quite a...growth spurt, suddenly, even more lanky than before. It seems that, for the most part, he's able to get around pretty well in this new form. Quietharm draws her lips into a thin line, the corners creasing upward at the several looks aimed her way when she greets Vardeus. Shrugging a bit awkwardly, she lightly remarks, "A little." Turning to face Vardeus, the she-elf blinks several times before regarding Vardeus with amusement. "((Skyfather no help you here. Kephizza, Valneck and I make little raft for them to use on big sea. They come to little land on raft.))" She makes several motions with her hands, indicating the proposed plan. Coralfire is actually a little curious about Flashfire, since she's never met him particularly. Though she's perhaps seen him from a distance before, having grown up at the Raft. Maybe not. She listens to Quietharm's words, though mostly they slide right over her. High Ones, but it's quite a neat sounding thing. She glances back at Flashfire, and then at Vardeus, unsure which one should get more of her attention. You know, some moons, you can go forever without seeing anything interesting. And now this? Flashfire sits up further as Vardeus stares his way with that weirded-out expression on his face. Causes the wolfelf's head to tilt in response. Is it possible the man doesn't recognize him? Yellowed eyes shift towards Quietharm as she speaks in the man's own tongue, quite a few words in fact. As far as it goes with Coralfire, this isn't the first time Flashfire's been here, so she may have caught sight of him at some time in the past. He's silent, however. Quietharm's news is the first good news Vardeus had had in days, and though he does not quite sag per se in his relief, a measure of tension nevertheless eases out of his face and frame. Kephissa and Valnek are coming _here_! Impetuously, he crosses what little distance remains between him and the small she-elf in two quick strides of his long legs; then, he drops right down to one knee and seizes her in a hug. "Is _good_ say!" he cries. "Kephissa, Valnek come? Nae hurt? Nae hurt big?" Then he pulls back, most of his anxiety eased. But not all of it. "Kyethaerm nae see more ((crew))? Nae see more, ah... tribe?" And then his gaze wanders back to Flashfire again, distinctly bemused. To him, he says haltingly, "Vardeus... see you? Head hurt... _you_ come?" Quietharm emits a short, startled noise as the large human sweeps her up in a hug. She initially tenses, but then relaxes as she reaches around to embrace Vardeus in return. Drawing away, she parts them to pat his arm reassuringly and a bit sadly. "((It is good. I no see other crew. Just Kephizza and Valneck..sorry.))" She wears a sly little smile now, crossing her arms against her chest. She shifts her weight to the other foot, and for the first time acknowledges that she was the shortest one present.. how ironic. Most of her comrades were shorter than she, on the average. Ah well, variety was the spice of life.. or so they said. Her gaze meanders slowly from one face to the next, taking in alien features and expressions. Truth be told, she hadn't seen an elf quite like Flashfire before, and it intrigued her. Coralfire glances to Vardeus at his words, and then she looks over at Quietharm. "Did I hear you say Keffiza?" she asks. "She coming here? That might help her out. She was looking for her tribe too, I think." she says, before she just has to go closer to Flashfire to take a look at him. She pads over, hands in front of her, palm down, fingers spread. "Calm waves, friend. I am Coralfire, and who are you?" Even if she's seen Flashfire before, he wasn't quite so tall then, was he? Flashfire isn't exactly like tales depict Timmorn Yellow-Eyes himself, but the resemblance can be found. He, too, tenses visibly when Vardeus all but springs to his feet and engulfs Quietharm in the embrace, coming to bite at his lip as more of the snippets of conversation come to be grasped. It sounds as though others of Vardeus' kind are coming, then? At the questions the man asks of him, his head bobs in a slow nod. "Aye.." he answers somewhat gruffly before Coralfire approaches. Seems his very first instinct upon seeing the elfin-garbed human is to inch back a step or two, then sniff in her direction. "Flashfire.." he answers quietly. As for his height, he may or may not have been this tall the first time he was here. It's been some time. "Kephissa-tribe, Vardeus-tribe..." Ach! Help him out here, Quietharm? Vardeus makes that absentminded gesture again, the agitated flex of his fingers that suggests he's trying to pull words out of the very air. Still kneeling, he shoots a look up at Coralfire and then gets the word he wants: "Same! Vardeus -- ((captain))! Elf-say... chief? Chief!" This small triumph's enough to make him smile, just a bit, lopsidedly. Only then does he absently rub his free hand at his side, frowning down at himself. Ow. Cursed ribs. Now he shifts again to just sit right down on the sand, and as he does, he espies the half-whittled figurine he's still holding. And he just stares at it, broodingly, as the human woman and the elves converse around him. Quietharm keeps her gaze riveted to the tall elf; seems they just kept sprouting higher each year. The beach was now full of them, in her opinion.. not that that mattered much. Picking up a few lines from the male human again, the elfess nods once, almost curtly. Turning her body a bit to face the others, she explains, "Kephizza and Valneck are a part of his tribe. He is their leader, called a 'Captain'. It basically entails the same rights that goes with being a Chief, or so I have come to believe." That said, Quietharm cranes her head to regard Vardeus once more, a fleeting wisp of concern foreshadowed upon her features. She lays a hand on his side, raising questioning eyes to his stead. "((Still hurt bad? Need new bandages?))" Coralfire just holds her hand out, wondering if this strange wolf elf will want to sniff for real. Rather like Shadowslip's wolffriend, isn't he? She glances back at Vardeus. Chief is he. Oy. Well, too bad Jacynth is already married. Though he is quite something to look at, isn't he? She forces herself to look back over at Flashfire, just in case he decides to bite or something. Somehow he's not quite so cute as the human to her. "Thank you for translating, Quietharm. I appreciate it. It made me very curious to see Keffiza. Even if only for a very short time. "He's..chief?" Flashfire repeats to Quietharm, his words still rather few and a little far between. Indeed, he can be quite the odd one at times, and it's not that uncommon for him to go through spells where he's much more wolf than elf. This seems like a time when the balance is a bit skewed towards wolf, given that he approaches Coralfire on all fours, moving like he's done it many times before before pausing to sniff the hand again, eyeing Coralfire with a bit more curiosity. Can't remember seeing a hoo-man that looks more like an elf in dress, smells a bit like elf too. Apparently unaware of Coralfire's scrutiny, Vardeus stares at the little piece of wood in his hands: from the shape of it, one might perhaps glean the vague shape of a form of some kind, human or elfin. It has a crudely carved head, shoulders, the impression of arms. More than that, though, is indeterminate -- and it brings back more of the brooding look to Vardeus' ocean-colored eyes. "((Nae hurt sae bad, no, Kyethaerm,))" he rumbles distractedly to the little elf. _Just badly enough that I still can't go look for my crew and do something besides thinking about home... gods! Stop it, man, it won't help you to brood, now will it?_ Desperate for a distraction from the turn of thought threatening to ambush him even now, he forces his attention to Flashfire as well. "I chief," he rasps to the wolfelf. "((Captain.)) You...?" Feh. He isn't sure of the word for 'what', but that's obvious query in his features now. Quietharm uncrosses her arms, letting them rest at either side of her body. "It is not a problem. Sometimes I just get caught up with their speech, and I tend to forget myself." When Flashfire drops to all fours, she watches him closely, a bit taken aback. What an odd being. She knew that she was indeed part wolfrider herself, but this elf clearly embodied the very aspect of 'being of the blood'. Nodding affirmatively to the wolfen elf, she adds, "Yes, he is a Chief. If I am not mistaken, he told me earlier that he has a second out there somewhere, still missing. Her name is Tiana. I once found him calling her name in a nightmare. She must be very important to him." With that, she shoots a look to Vardeus. Coralfire smiles at Flashfire, reaching out to touch his arm. "You're different than most of the other elves." she says. She hadn't entirely understood wolfblood until about now. Her eyes go back to Vardeus and Quietharm and then she shrugs. "I'm a hunter, for my people. Not chief." Well, chief hunter perhaps in another season or two, but that's another story. "Oh. What happened? Where is he from?" she asks, distracted now by the thought of the story she hasn't heard yet. Flashfire also casts a glance towards that figure Vardeus had been working on, making out that it does hold an elfin or human-like shape so far. Eyes shift back to Coralfire, more specifically her hand as it meets his arm and the fur that covers it. Different? That he is, the stating of the obvious met with a half-smile and a nod. "Noticed," he comments before nodding to Quietharm's explanation of what Vardeus' status is. His answer to the 'Captain' is on the simplistic side as he points to himself with a claw-tipped finger. "Not chief.." That's the most he figures the man is asking so far. As Quietharm looks at him, Vardeus is still rather distracted by this bizarre wolf-creature that seems to move like both an elf _and_ a wolf, and which also _talks_ -- in the speech of the Little People, he thinks he's able to make out. Though to be honest, Vardeus has seen so many wonders as of late that in his current mood he's not entirely certain of anything other than that he'd give his right arm to see a few more familiar faces, to be able to converse in more than broken snatches of sentences. To have his lyre in his hands and be able to make proper music again. Flashfire's answer is not exactly informative, though. And so Vardeus starts as he realizes Quietharm has said _that_ name -- "((Tiana?))" he blurts then, gruffly. "((What about Tiana?))" "He comes from a place he calls Vrae. They sail rafts called 'ships'... and I think he wants to know what type of station the wolf elf holds." Dark eyes turn to Flashire appraisingly, waiting for a response. After none is provided, she scrunches up her nose in slight irritation. At the mention of Tiana's name, however, Quietharm turns to settle her sights on Vardeus again. "((You said 'Tiana' when you slept, once. You said it many times. You woke up, and then..))" She shrugs, barely a visable movement of her shoulders. "((It was over. I tried tell you, but you no understand.))" Coralfire shrugs, and settles down, content to listen to the sounds. Maybe she'll start picking some up, aside from just names if she hears them enough. She gives up on Flashfire, since he's obviously not the talkative sort. Well enough, she can sit silently, when she wants to. And besides, it's really very late now, and she's beginning to tire. A yawn is stifled. "Is there - is anyone going out looking for the rest of Vardeus' tribe?" she asks, looking to see if there's something she can help with. Though if there are wolves on the hunt, they'll find the humans, no doubt. Flashfire looks from Vardeus to Coralfire and even Quietharm next, frowning as all three of them seem to react a bit poorly to his lack of words. Sitting down and patting at the spot on his arm Coralfire touched, he figures out that Vardeus probably meant something else. "I hunt..can scout, track.." He's not always this quiet, really. "Ships..?" comes the question to Quietharm, confusion evident. "Don't know where tribe is." he shrugs at Coralfire's question. _Vardeus_ would like to go out to look for Vardeus' tribe. However, certain persons have strongly advised him against straining his still-healing ribs by the journey to the mainland, and, so, well, he is a frustrated man with too much restlessness and not enough strength to easily burn it off. And is that a _blush_ beginning to darken his cheeks? Human eyes could not pick it out in the darkness, but perhaps elfin eyes could. Especially elfin eyes with the sharpness of the wolf-blood. "((Tiana is... little captain,))" he mutters, and his voice grows even gruffer. Now he takes out that knife again, going to work on the crude little figure he holds now, bent on doing _something_ even if he winds up whittling the driftwood into splinters. "((She's... a good little captain. Gives me bloody buggerin' hell, though. Prob'ly gonna be after givin' me a thrashin' an' a half for the mess I've got us in now an' no mistake. She never has liked me much since I went and got us bloody buggerin' _lost_...))" The words pick up speed as they come out of him, but not volume. Forgetting that he's probably surpassed Quietharm's meager knowledge of his syntax, just needing to say _something_ to vent the frustration out of his system even if his words are nonsense. With each word he whittles clumsily at the wood; apparently, he's not exactly skilled at it. His knife slips, nicking one of his fingers, and with a sharp hissed oath, he brings it up to his mouth to suck on it, eyes smoldering. A worried look passes over Quietharm's features, but then darkens, like a stormcloud waiting to hail. "We shall find them." She gestures down to Flashfire, still unsure of what to make of the lupine being. "If anything, he can sniff them out. Native human or not, they all have a distinct smell, to be sure." When the wolf elf finally takes the initiative to speak up again, Quietharm spills into a winning smile. "Yes, ships..big sails. Like our rafts, but much larger." As Vardeus spills into the ramble of unrelated words to her limited vocabularly, Quietharm spins on her heel, eyes wide open. "((Vardeus, slow! I not know much!))" Ever as he grazes the sharp blade over his flesh, peeling a thin, uneven graft away, she growls quietly. "((You hurt -you-. You much too angry now. Calm, no more worry. Tiana is well.))" She just had to be, judging by the retalliation Vardeus displayed. The man had something going for her. It would seem he does, hmm? Coralfire understands even less than one word, but she shrugs, eyes closing and then blinking open to look over to look at Vardeus. "Should go slow," she says, before she stifles another yawn. She curls up in the sand, resting her cheek on one arm and just considers the sadness of losing family, of not knowing where you are. She sighs. "No rush." Course, she is just about drifting off to sleep where she is, now that she's let herself stop moving. So much for switching to wolfrider time for a while. Her eyes are heavy lidded and slowly close once more. Quietharm has been quite the swift study in what words he's been able to teach her, through physical objects, through gestures, through pantomimes. Enough that now, though her phrasing is still crude, it is far better than his own in _her_ tongue -- and more than enough to bring a look of distinct embarrassment to the man's countenance. Uncomfortably he looks away from her eyes, struck with the uneasy sense that she sees far more of him than he's comfortable with revealing to anyone. His gaze passes over the human woman, Koorelfaer... sleepy? And the inscrutable wolf-creature. Then it skitters out to the ocean again, drawn there inevitably, just as the tides are drawn in to the shore. "((I... nae calm, Kyethaerm. Nae calm... many days,))" he mutters. Flashfire is certainly one who could sniff out a scent, that's for certain. After Quietharm explains the concept of a ship, a hint of recognition flashes before he eyes Vardeus when he speaks more of Tiana, having heard that name many times now. Did his face flush? Hmmmmmm. He doesn't even bother trying to follow all the Vrae-speak, instead shifting into more of a seated position as he watches the man work with the knife, getting himself along the way. "Careful.." Quietharm temporarily looses her attention on the group to scan the beaches and coastal tide. She had been expecting her young son, Kelp, (who in reality wasn't that young anymore, although she could always make with some pretense) to show himself earlier in the course of the day. As always, the pip was most likely somewhere off with Waterlark or another playmate who could do him the same amount of trouble. She nibbles her lower lip disparagingly, before focusing back on Flashfire and Vardeus, just as Coralfire nods off. What an odd, rag-tag group they had made up. She sighs and just watches the others. "Vardeus nae hurt big," the human mutters then, switching back to his clumsily pronounced store of elfin words, though it makes him scowl to hear his own awkward phrasing. Fretfully, he wipes his blade on the black pants that Shay'la has stitched together for him, before jamming the iron weapon back into its sheath. The figurine he stares at a moment, before jamming it away behind the thick belt that encircles his middle, for lack of anywhere else to put it. He looks at Quietharm. Then he looks at Flashfire. And then he announces to the both of them, smirking slightly, "((I hope the two o' you ain't after waitin' for _me_ to hold up this conversation.))" Flashfire's somewhat shaggy head nods to the statement of the sailor that he's fine, and truly, it /was/ just a little nick. "Good you didn't cut your finger off." he smirks, again looking lost at the Vrae-words he adds before settling back down into a partially curled-up pose, chin settled across an arm as he watches Vardeus. Quietharm barely manages to catch the deft movement the human made of that strange figurine, but she does note it. It still sticks into view, being tucked behind the belt as it was. Approaching it with an ambiguous expression abiding on her countenance, the smallest of the three reached out to give one good, quick tug on the item of her interest. "((I know Vardeus not hurt. What that?))" Another yank. The human looks down at it, his eyes liquid in the moonlight, pensive. Though he's not about to keel over on the sand as the apparently entirely relaxed Coralfire has done, still, there are lines of weariness etched into his face. He is _tired_, but then again... language lessons by moonlight trump restless solitude and dreams in Raven's odd little tent, as far as he's concerned. "Vardeus make... ah, ((doll)). Vardeus huimin, ((doll))... little huimin. Vardeus think--" And he taps his temple, still pensive-eyed, as he finishes on a hoarse exhalation of breath, "Little... ((sister))." Openly confused and not at all for the first time, Flashfire blinks a few times before simply rubbing behind an ear, giving himself a bit of a once-over to pick at a few pieces of twig and such that have found a home in thicker fur and hair. "Made little..hoo-man..?" he questions. There was once a time that he and Suntop made a small palace and bowl with clay near the river that runs by Lostholt... Doll...Doll...nope, she hadn't chanced to encounter that word yet. "((Dooll?))" A quick snap of eyes shifting from Flashfire to Vardeus again, and it's clear that Quietharm is thinking hard. It was a figurine he whittled, to be sure, so that must be the word he used to describe the creation. Running a hand through her hair, a bit agitated, the female elf throws glances between the two introspectively. She tries again with the latter word, "((Seester? Little Seester? Who little Seester?))" "((Sister)) is..." Gods, trying to think of how to explain concepts like this, makes his head hurt; Vardeus rubs his brow, then blows out a breath and gestures at himself. "Vardeus... ((man))." Oh, here we go. He turns, and gestures over to the slumbering Coralfire, adding, "Koorelfaer ((woman))." Turning back around, he continues, "((Man, woman))..." He brings his hands together. "((Join. Uh, marry.)) Make... little huimins. ((Babies.))" Remembering Shay'la's own pantomime of her lost child, he tries to mimic it now, though the gesture of rocking an invisible baby looks a trifle awkward with his big broad arms. "((Sister... baby like Koorelfaer.))" Get it? He sure hopes so. Anxiously, Vardeus looks between both of his odd little companions. Flashfire's head could start to hurt if he tried to follow half of what Vardeus is trying to show, so he doesn't even bother. It's beyond him, really. Glancing elsewhere, he comes to stare at the moons up in the sky for a number of moments, gaze almost locked on them. Quietharm's look goes from befuddled to enlightened in a snap. She points to Vardeus, repeating his actions to confirm the idea forming in her head. "((Man))" To Coralfire, she acknowledges, "((Woman))". Pressing both of her palms together, she states. "((Join-Marry, Make little humans?))" Well, that made a world of sense, to be sure. Sister was still a sketchy concept, though. "((Baby Coralfire. Little Coralfire, little Vardeus. Join-Marry, Make little humans?))" That did it, she was completely lost. She suddenly got a strong mental image of two human children, the girl giving birth to more little children just like the originals, and that didn't give a clear story at all...unless the girl was what he meant, in comparison to the boy. Boy and Girl, both small, perhaps both of the same parents? Ah, mayhap sister and brother? "((I think I know. Little Sister like..))" Oops, problem. How to word that to convey she understood? C'mon, man, think! Vardeus pounds a lightly clenched fist at the air for a moment, then rubs that same fist across his left eye before straightens up again. "((Aye, aye..... ah, man, big! Vardeus big, Vardeus man. Maerro little, Maerro little man, _boy_! Boy, little man. _Girl_, little woman!))" As he speaks, he keeps those big lean hands of his moving, spreading them apart first for 'big', bringing them closer together for 'little'. "((Man, woman, make babies. Boy baby, girl baby. Girl baby, _sister_.))" Showing just how deeply involved he's become with this particular conversation, Flashfire props himself up on both hands, head craning up at the moons before he offers them a howl. A much more content, relaxed look flashes once he's finished, and he glances back to human and elf as if he just did the most normal, commonplace thing imaginable. Quietharm makes a fleeting motion in the air as she is drawn into the madness that Vardeus presents, her need to absorb as much of his language as possible spurning her on. "((Yes! Maerro little boy. Little man. Little boy is to little girl. Little girl is to -sister- to little boy...!))" She would have expanded on that further, had it not been cut short by the rather eerie howl that Flashfire erupted into. She had never seen an elf actually howl like a wolf, nor had the inclination to do so herself. Her eyes rivet to Flashfire, and her head inclines to one side. "What did you just do, and why?" Had Vardeus not already been sitting down, he might well have fallen at the unearthly sound that Flashfire unleashes to the skies. The big human jolts, turning eyes more spooked now than they've been since his awakening on the wolf-elf; his right hand sweeps to one of his daggers, though he does not draw thanks to the fact that the... creature... seems to be happily still sitting right there and not about to, oh, say, attack him or Quietharm or Coralfire. "((A wolf,))" he mutters to himself, sounding rattled. "((A wolf that talks. Walks like a man. But it howls, too, aye? Of course it does, wolves howl...))" Gods. What kind of a land has he been dropped in, where most of the beings that live here aren't even his own kind much less familiar with his homeland? Where, as near as he can tell, beasts can stand up on their feet and converse as men do? Where monsters can rise up out of the ocean and demolish his ship-- _Don't think about that!_ Making a strange, strangled little noise in the back of his throat, then, Vardeus frenetically rubs his hand across his face, as if by the force of that action alone he could try to hide exactly how unsettled he is. Especially after having the sheer _alienness_ of this place driven home to him while trying to explain why he was trying to carve a doll to look like his little sister. Flashfire's initial reaction when Vardeus stares at him and starts for his dagger is to tense up and inch back warily, seemingly as cautious towards Vardeus as the man is towards him. Quietharm's question can only be answered with a blank look and a number of eye blinks, only able to shrug and murmur, "Why..? Because..." Because that's what he does. How do you explain something that's completely natural to do? Indeed, at least he's not going on the attack or anything of that nature. He just doesn't understand what the big deal is. Yes, wolves howl. Suddenly left out of sorts at the way Vardeus has reacted, looking rather frightened and all, the wolfelf begins to draw back further, just in case. Quietharm jumps just as Vardeus startles, but only for that reason. There were enough wolves around the raft holt at any given time to assume that the half-seaelf knew what a howl sounded like. It only perturbed her that an elf would mimic the sound so perfectly, with a resonating quality to the high pitched noise that rattled the trees. Looking fretfully at the human with stricken concern abundant in her expression, Quietharm moves to comfort him. "((No worry, Vardeus. He no hurt you. That <> not like other <>. He is safe, you are safe. He make sound because he does. Who he is))". She lifts both webbed hands, palms facing up. It was a helpless move that showed she couldn't make it anymore blunt. With regard to Flashfire, she blinks. "You still haven't answered me.." The wolf-creature is an _elf_? Vardeus' half-panicked scrubbings of his hand across his face slow and finally stop, and he flashes a glance sidelong at Quietharm. Uneasily he nods, just enough to show that he'd heard and more or less already come to the same conclusion... he thinks... he hopes. His mind has grown overfull, stretched almost to the breaking point with all of the oddities he has seen on this island of the Little People, when he'd already been worn down in heart and spirit by the tribulations his crew has suffered at sea. And all at once more of his outer resolve cracks away, letting leak into his eyes a suddenly acutely vulnerable mix of despair, exhaustion, and more than a little fear. It drops years off his age, making him seem suddenly significantly younger. A heartbeat later, as if aware he's on the verge of breaking down, he slams those anguished eyes of his shut, dropping his head heavily down into one hand, reaching blindly with the other to clutch at the half-done figurine as if it were a sacred talisman, his only charm against losing himself entirely to chaos. "What can I say?" Flashfire retorts a little defensively when Quietharm presses for an answer. "Just felt it..in here." he explains, patting over his heart with a hand. That's about the best she's going to get, the best he can give. Hasn't she ever seen a Wolfrider howl? It's as much a part of them as it is for the wolves themselves. But at least, well aware of the discomfort and fright it stirred up in Vardeus, he tries to 'make it better' somehow by standing up to approach slowly, a hand extending towards his forearm if it isn't stopped first, trying to pat it once. "Didn't mean to..scare." Hopefully it's understood. The man doesn't look very composed... Quietharm is immediately at Vardeus' side, sensing a growing unrest in the man that threatened to overtake him. She hadn't believed it had worn this far into his psyche. He had grown stronger with each passing day physically, but his emotional wounds were much more grave than she had realized. Her arms go around his waist, and she hugs him tight, one hand rubbing slow, comforting circles into his back. "((Slow, Vardeus. Hush. Quiet.))" She opens her eyes to watch Flashfire approach, and then make contact with the human. Hoping this would do something to ease his fears, the she-elf continues her ministrations, beginning to hum in a low tone. She had reservations with humans of course, but it was moot at this end, for she was rather fond of Vardeus. "((No worry, no fear...))" _Gods take you, Vardeus Alirreus, son of Marcos, sailor, seafarer, you are -not- -going- -to- -cry-..._ Too late. A convulsive shudder sweeps through his frame at the contact of the small arms around him; he hadn't known whether the elves would even _want_ to hug one such as he after what Shay'la had told him people like him have done to people like them. He'd impulsively gambled that Quietharm would not mind, eager as she'd been to learn his language and help him find what's left of the _Windrider_'s crew. Now, though, all he knows is that there are suddenly arms about him providing comfort, and a hand on his arm, and Vardeus is undone. "Vardeus... know... ((wolf))-elf nae bad," he mumbles, the best he can manage. And then a suspicious wetness begins to trickle out from under his lashes, gleaming silver in the moonlight, as he shivers in Quietharm's hold. Flashfire's hand returns to his side, it looking as though Quietharm is having better success with Vardeus than what he tried. Oh well - she's developed a stronger 'relationship' with him anyhow, working on bridging the language barrier the way she has. "Remember..? Helped your..cub? Helped him back to the tent.." See? He's not bad, an agreeing nod following the man's murmurs as he stands nearby biting his lip in wondering what else to do. Maybe another pat on the arm, which he tries, tentatively. Quietharm tips her head back, exposing a length of her bronzed neck as she feels something drop onto her head. One small nudge, stirring sensitive hair follicles near the base of her forehead. As she watches Vardeus begin to cry, a look of pure misery streaks across her countenance. Something tickles in the corner of her own eyes, and they were quickly shining with unshed tears. "((Vardeus, please. No pain. I am here. Other <> here. He say he help find Maerro. He likes you too. We -care-))". She was speaking for other elves, of course, and that might have been an overstatement on her part. At this time, however, she wouldn't be open to -any- debate on what the opinions the others held towards the strange visitors. As far as Vardeus knows, what was left of the ship's stock of uzo went down with the ship herself, in the treacherous monster-infested waters. Nor has he seen any sign that the Little People have anything he would recognize as wine or anything else he could use to drown his sorrows in temporary forgetfulness. But now, hugged, murmured to, learning that at least in _this_ elves and humans seem not entirely unalike, he finds a tiny grain of comfort even as he hears himself croaking out dolefully, "((I cannae gae home, Kyethaerm... ship's gone... m... monster... broke 'er. Killed 'em, must hae killed most of 'em. And... we w... were lost. I dinnae... I dinnae ken... I dinnae know how t' get home...))" And if he can't have wine, he'll take the offered comfort of contact instead. He turns his head slightly away from Quietharm, dimly aware he is crying, shamed at the prospect of getting her wet and yet simultaneously aware that such a worry is ridiculous. And as he does, he squeeze her with one arm unthinkingly, while his other hand fumbles clumsily to pat whatever part of the wolf-elf is nearest. Call it a shoulder that Vardeus can reach, Flashfire not exactly objecting to the touch right now. The man seems to be needing something like that, but he knows not what else to say. Whatever he and Quietharm are saying remains beyond his ability to understand, so he can't do much more than just 'be there,' in some way. He probably does care in some way, even as the other elf insists others do. He glances down at his hand, slowly making to rub Vardeus' forearm with it, at least as long as he can manage it. Quietharm squeezes Vardeus tightly, which took a great amount of strength on her part to pull off. Drawing away slightly, the beset huntress keeps a supportive hand at the man's back, urging him in the direction of Raven's Tent with gently applied pressure. She watches Flashfire from across Vardeus' midsection, a wealth of gratitude in that one look as she catches his gaze. Nodding, she tilts her head up to settle her focus on Vardeus once more. "((Come. You need rest, you are tired. Sleep. Feel better later. We help.))" Taking a small, hesitating step forward, she timidly takes the lead. Part of his mind rails at him that he should be ashamed of himself, losing his grip on himself so severely... and yet, Vardeus _is_ tired. Another part of him, a sterner, more rational part, points this out. And reminds him that he _had_ already decided he needed the help of the Little People; should he not, therefore, let go of his pride enough to admit that he _definitely_ needs their help now? He can almost hear Tiana again, chastising him for foolishness. He can almost see that look in her eyes when she'd caught him swaying on his feet on the deck... _Tiana._ Vardeus is swept all at once with a desire for _her_ arms around him, which shakes him to his core as badly as everything else has done tonight. _Now,_ he thinks foggily, _I -know- I'm tired..._ And so, shaken, unaccountably shy, Vardeus wobbles to his feet and lets Quietharm coax him away, to sleep. And prays, as he goes, that he is tired enough tonight that he will not dream. [End log.]