"The Captain Takes a Rest" Log Date: 10/13, 10/27/02 Log Cast: Vardeus, Tiana Log Intro: Life has settled down into a comparatively quiet state again within the camp of the Vraeyan refugees, a ways out from the outskirts of the village of Wen-a Neyo. Quiet enough that the recent antics of Torgan and Coralfire have been a source of considerable gossip -- as well as the hunt being conducted by the elves of Lostholt for a possible creator of the three-headed monsters that attacked the company many months back on the shores of the Vastdeep Water. Now the party from Lostholt has stopped back by on its return trip, returning young Maerro to the Vraeyan camp, though Arnos has elected to accompany his friend Wayfound back to her home tribe... And Vardeus, in the meantime, is finding that hardworking Captains who have stood tall in the face of monsters and shipwreck and magic are less immune than he would like to something that is all too human: a simple, common cold, which gives Tiana an opportunity to demonstrate that Xhosa does not necessarily hold a monopoly on herbal lore within their camp.... ---------- Vraeyan Camp(#1655AJae) This is a sizeable camp of approximately two dozen humans -- impossible to miss from afar, regardless of one's race. There are simply too many of the Tall Ones, and they are too noisy as well, to make stealth much of an option. Obvious, too, are the impromptu shelters and cookfires they have created for themselves in this camping place, and the smells of burned wood and sod and cooked food, along with the general aroma of humankind, override any subtler scents in the area. More astute observers, however, might note that the camp is not occupied by humans alone -- for there are the scents of elves here as well, and their smaller footprints intermingle with the bigger ones of the humans on the ground in and around the campsite. For that matter... perhaps most amazingly... the elves in the camp seem to be dwelling here as equals to the Tall Ones, and not as prisoners. Contents: Torgan's Tent (#1678JYes$) Tiana Hide Tent(#990JU) Salmakis Coralfire's Tent(#1669AJe) Raven's Tent(#6222Je) Though the camp is still a goodly distance away from the Olbar Village, as of yet Vardeus has yet to order the company to move any closer. For one thing, Raven is still in the area -- and the Captain is reluctant to abandon entirely the connections forged with the elves, while at the same time reluctant to impose them upon a people untrusting of the Little People. Besides, with a river's headwaters so near, he's reluctant as well to give up on a clean, fresh source of water... and so, for the time being at any rate, the camp has settled in for an extended stay. This gives Vardeus time to take pride and pleasure in his son and daughter, proudly carrying them around the camp and holding them up for the amused inspection of his crew, his grin so beaming and his air of 'Look, I've got a CHILD!' so patently obvious that it's been the cause of many amused snickers... at least, behind the Captain's back. Today, though, something's different. Vardeus has awoken with a heavy feeling to his head and a gritty feel to his eyes, and though he's stubbornly pressed himself into the day's labor, his inherent cheerful nature has diminished. Though he's dutifully carrying Marcos in a sling on his back -- for Kelthes, it is said, frowns upon a father who does not take his share of caring for his offspring -- and though he cannot be said exactly to be ignoring the boy, there's something a little distracted and sluggish about the good Captain's attentions to his son. Tiana, on the other hand, seems to have awakened feeling quite full of herself and has been bustling about the camp with Rilke's sling on her back, humming a jaunty tune under her breath. Having awakened before Vardeus and slipping out to check on things across camp, she failed to realize her husband's sluggishness, noticing only that he seemed to be needing to sleep in. To be sure, there's plenty of reason to be jaunty. The autumn day is a fine one, with a bit of clean crispness in the air, and the sunshine is as fine as anyone could wish. Word has come back from the party of elves from Lostholt that their quest into the grove of the Mad One called Doreel has been successful -- and although Arnos has elected to accompany the elves back to their distant dwelling-place, young Maerro is bouncing about the camp telling tales of the hunting of giant spiders to anyone with ears patient enough to take in his youthful prattle. In fact, with the coming of the midday meal, the boy's holding forth now, to the intrigued amusement of Rizon, Virdi, and Iletya. Some distance away, the Captain's been hard at work trying to help assemble a new water-barrel, but as Aeolus and Salmakis head off to take their meals Vardeus lags behind them. Frowning vaguely to himself, the Captain settles down heavily upon a rock, his brow sheened slightly in sweat, unconscious shudders gripping him underneath the leathern tunic he's taken to wearing along with his vest, now that winter is on its way again. _Something's wrong with me..._ But he shakes off the passing thought as Marcos squeals at him, and he jerks as if rousing from a dream. The child. Boy needs his father's attention. "((What's on yer mind, then, lad?))" he rasps, pulling the baby around to his front to inspect him... and frowning again as it seems difficult to focus his thoughts on trying to figure out exactly what the baby might be vocalizing about. Tiana, having been helping with the gathering of winter stores, ventures into the area and at the sound of her son's vocalizing, she moves in the direction of her husband and son. Of course, Rilke decides to fuss since she's also heard her brother's whimperings and responds with her own tiny voice chiming in to add to the light din starting to build in the clearing. Tiana smiles patiently at the sound of her daughter's voice chiming in, then casts a smile in Vardeus' direction though that quickly shifts to a frown of concern once her gaze takes in his coloration and the expression on his face. "((Are you feeling well, Carrus?))" she queries even as she shifts Rilke around to one hip and reaches to touch Vardeus' forehead with the back of her free hand. Marcos' small flailing hand is almost hypnotically fascinating, and Vardeus finds himself staring blankly at it till his son's fingers close upon his wooden amulet; as it does and the infant yanks in his hungry frustration, his wife's shadow falls across him. Blinking, Vardeus looks up, and there is a momentary confusion in his eyes at his beloved's question. "((Th' boy,))" he mutters. "((He's frettin'... tryin' t' figure what he's after needin'. Hungry, maybe?))" Beneath _Tiana's_ fingers, his brow betrays that slight dampness, along with a slight heat inconsistent with the autumnal coolness of the air. Tiana's frown deepens just a bit at the telltale signs her fingers find. She then reaches for Marcos and smiles, "((Let me take the twins to Kephissa for a little while. You're not as well as you'd like everyone to believe, Carrus.))" In typical Tiana fashion, she cuts straight to the heart of the matter. Wait a minute, when did this conversation get to be about him? Vardeus blinks fuzzily up at his mate, his brows knitting together over his hazy eyes; before he can muster up a protest, however, another shiver shoots through him and his features crumple up in the heralding of an impending sneeze. He just barely manages to cover his face with the back of his hand, and without either moving it or opening his eyes he grumbles, "((S'naught... it's just a wee bit under th' weather I am, love...))" Which is a ridiculous assertion, given the magnificence of the weather, and this seems to occur to Vardeus as soon as the words are out of his mouth. He frowns, too, but in bemusement, and then in renewed dismay as Marcos, dismayed by the jolt that went through his father's body with that sneeze, yowls and yanks on his necklace again. Tiana tsks at Vardeus' paltry attempt at making nothing of his feverish condition. She reaches down and scoops Marcos out of his arms, deftly unhooking the child's fingers from his father's necklace by destracting him with her braid, which he readily grabs hold of and gives a lusty tug. Tiana winces only a bit since she's gotten quite used to having her hair yanked by one twin or the other. It seems to be their favorite toy these days. "((I'll be right back. Don't you even think about leaving that spot,))" she says in a tone that Vardeus might have gotten from his own mother if she'd been standing there. Nor can Vardeus muster up a protest to this. Truth be told, he mostly just blinks, seemingly a bit taken aback by the abruptness with which Marcos is lifted out of his arms, though a mumble of "((Stay here, aye... c'n do that...))" The Captain lifts a hand to his head, but only after casting a wary glance off towards the camp at large. Nobody's looking, are they? Tiana nods her head and moves off in the direction of the tents and returns only moments later without the twins but, carrying a small, leather pouch. (("Come with me, Carrus..")) she says and holds out her hand to him as she speaks in a tone that belies her concern and love for the headstrong captain. "((Why d'I get th' feelin',))" Vardeus croaks as he hauls himself laboriously to his feet, "((that if I told ye th' barrel isnae done yet, ye'd tell me it c'n wait, eh?))" Shivering, he clasps his hand about Tiana's, trying to stand up as normally as he can and smile for her. Tiana smiles sweetly, (("Because, that's exactly what I would say given the circumstances,")) she replies even as she gives her husband's hand a surreptitious tug, hoping to help him at least a little without looking as if she is doing so. With a sigh, she adds, "((Besides, Aeolus and Salmakis have made barrels before this one. I think they can handle the rest of the task without you standing over them.")) There, perhaps that'll make him feel a little better about leaving the rest of the task to the other two. "((Good,))" Vardeus mumbles, so softly that any other ears besides his wife's might miss the hoarse words. "((Standin' is... gettin' a little shaky, t'th' moment...))" He manages to put up a good show of walking back to the tent. Once he's within, though, he abruptly sinks again, this time onto the sleepfurs. Another sneeze escapes him, and after that, a thickly mumbled curse. "((Bloody botherin'...))" Tiana sighs and shakes her head even as she reaches for a few pieces of wood and puts them into the small, clay brazier that helps keep the inside of the tent warm and serves as a cookfire at times as well. She then turns to pouring fresh water into a small bowl which she then sets to the side, along with the small pouch while she waits for the wood to catch fire from last night's coals. (("It's a good thing that Kephissa had some fever powders left,")) she says then sighs, (("We're starting to run low on our own supply of herbs. Perhaps Xhosa's people, or one of the elfs, will help us in locating suitable plants here.)) "((Raven,))" mutters Vardeus, by way of offering a suggestion, Mostly, though, the man's primary interest has become easing himself down onto the sleepfurs. "((Talk t' Raven.))" He shudders again, scowls vaguely, and wraps his arms about himself. "((Can't be sick. Dinnae have time. Nae even th' winter, yet...))" Tiana smiles over at Vardeus and nods her head, (("Very well, I'll do that in a little while,")) she replies. She notes that the wood has caught and moves a flattened semi-circle of metal over the brazier then sets the bowl atop that. She moves over to the sleepfurs and folds a smaller fur into a cushion, which she slips behind Vardeus as he lays back. That done, she runs her fingertips across his forehead. A troubled frown creases her brow at the heat there and she sighs, (("Whether you can or can not is inconsequential, Carrus.. You are ill and that's all there is to it.")) Hazed, reddened eyes blink up at Tiana, before his lids droop and a soft, husky sigh drifts out of him. "((Tha'... feels grand,))" Vardeus whispers. "((Yer fingers... sae cool. Feels grand, love....))" Tiana smiles softly and traces her fingertips once more across his forehead before she leaves his side only to return a moment later bearing a larger bowl of water and a soft cloth. She quickly soaks the cloth and wrings it out, then folds it and places it across Vardeus' forehead, then stands to check the water that's heating. She deems it warm enough and puts a small amount of the herbs from the pouch into the steaming water. Almost immediately, the tent fills with a strong scent that is a mixture of lemon and mint with an undertone of something that's difficult to put a finger on. "((Jus' had a wee headache last day or twa,))" comes the Captain's fretful mutter. "((Though I'd last it out, bit o' fresh air, sunshine... jus' a headache...))" He draws in a breath at the feel of the cloth over his brow, before it terminates in another sneeze. Tiana covers the bowl with a bit of leather and allows the brew to steep for a few moments before she brings it over to the sleepfurs and carefully settles herself at his side, wincing at the force of his sneeze as she does so. She removes the cloth from atop the bowl and holds it out to him, (("Drink this. It doesn't taste so good but, there's no uzo left to cut the taste with.")) The Captain makes as much of a face as he can muster, hauling himself up on one elbow for a moment and muttering dryly, "((What, ye think I cannae down summat without th' uzo?))" He belts it back, then promptly makes a rather more pronounced face, as well as a noise somewhere between strangling, coughing, and a gasp of "((Skyfather...!))" Tiana makes a valiant effort to hide a knowing smile as she watches her husband's reaction to the foul tasting brew. "((I didn't think you couldn't.. I just was warning you that it tastes terrible, Carrus,))" she replies. She sighs then and takes the empty bowl from his hands and brushes a hand across his forehead, "((I was told that this will make you sweat it out of your system.))" This of course, makes her wonder if they have enough spare furs for afterward. Ah well, she sighs inwardly.. if not, she'll just have to make do. That's quite the risk, indeed. Vardeus is a large man, and can produce a copious amount of sweat; for the time being, though, he just slumps back again, his grimace relaxing a trifle at the touch of the fingertips along his brow. "((Lousy timin',))" he grouses. "((Why couldnae I ha' got th' sneezin' when th' elves o' Lostholt were here, aye? Wayfound said that wee Derra lass was a healer... do ye think th' elves get th' sneezin', love? Didnae ever see Wayfound wi' a cold...))" Tiana gives a little shake of her head accompanied by a shrug of her shoulders and the barest of tender smiles on her lips, "((I don't know.. you've been around the elves much more than any of the rest of us, Carus. I would suppose that they do have hurts and sickness of some sort. I don't believe the gods would grant such gifts of power unless they were needed.))" "((Ach, that wee Splash didnae hardly heal aught, when I saw 'er th' once... but I'm a Tall 'Un, as they 'call us...))" In unconscious memory he rubs at his ribs, while his head tosses back and forth just a little. "((They c'n get 'urt... an' sick... an' lose their hearin', one o' th' Rafters, she cannae hear... Splash didnae 'eal 'er though...))" His words, hoarser of voice than normal, ramble a little. "((Never seen an elf that sneezed...))" One beat. Two. Then Vardeus sneezes again, mightily. Tiana nods as she listens to Vardeus's words concerning his observations of the Raft elves and their health. She winces at the force of his sneeze and reaches over for a bit of cloth to give him to wipe his nose with. "((Perhaps they go to their healers before it gets too bad,))" she says thinking that if they get sick and can have so many other similarities to humans then they must get colds too. "((Must be nice, aye? Aie. Stupid cold. Dinnae have th' tayme...))" Grumpily, Vardeus accepts the offer of the cloth, then just lies there for a few breathless moments, sprawled on the furs and feeling himself shiver. Then he mumbles again, scatteredly, "((But maybe _they_ have th' tayme... many of 'em... older 'n' us. Sae old. Shay'la... older 'n' Shalros. Cannae bend me mind 'round it...))" He sucks in a breath, before blinking owlishly and abruptly up at his beloved. "((Summat in that brew t' fuzz me head?))" he complains. "((Or is't th' stupid cold?))" Tiana smiles, "((Aye, I'll bet that it is.. having someone who can just make you feel better with a touch.))" She lifts a brow at the mention of Shay'la's age, "((Seamother's teeth! Is she really that old?))" she exclaims under her breath.. she chuckles softly at his sudden muzziness, "((Well, there is supposed to be something in it to help you rest.. You do need to rest, you know..))" she adds that last with a motherly look of concern on her features. "((She tol' me she was... twa thousand years old,))" Vardeus whispers. "((An' there's another elf she said was _nayne_ thousand...! Could barely believe... and when she was after tellin' me about th' elves comin' down fra th' _sky_...))" He trails off then and blinks glassily up at Tiana, appending plaintively, "((I'm sae damned dizzy...))" Tiana blinks owlishly at the ages given and is struck speechless.. but, as she hears of them coming down from the sky she can't help but, ask in a hushed, awed tone, "((Are they children of the gods then that they can live so long and come from the sky?))" She blinks then and lets the thought slip from her mind as her concern for Vardeus takes over again, "((Rest, Carus, we can talk more when you're feeling better.))" "((Gods' children... Wayfound said they're nae gods, but children, maybe, aye... I... ach, curse it...))" Feebly Vardeus tries to roll onto his side, one big muscled arm wrapping closer about himself as a shudder racks its way through him. Somewhere within the dull haze across his thoughts, it occurs to him that he'd probably be warmer _under_ the sleepfurs than _on_ them, and he starts to try to get up, or at least move enough to better accomplish the goal of relocation. The moment he's even close to vertical, though, his eyes go unfocused; his head, drooped forward. "((Summat... t' help me rest?))" he mumbles. Tiana nods her head and even as Vardeus tries to sit up, she reaches over with one hand to steady him, "((Why don't you just lie down and pull the fur over you?))" she asks. With the other hand, she finally sets the bowl aside and reaches to tug the part of the furs, that usually cover her each night, over him, "((That should keep you warm.. and if not, we have others to put over you.))" A great sigh slips out of him, and, not entirely unlike Rilke or Marcos might do with much smaller blankets, he clutches the fur to him as he slowly settles down again. The change in position seems to require a few moments of adjustment; during them, Vardeus just breathes, eyes half-closed and fogged over. But at last he looks up once more, a tiny smile curling one side of his mouth and the faintest dreamy glimmer kindling in his eyes. "((Sing t' me?))" he requests huskily. "((Rilke likes me t' sing 'er t' sleep. Wanna see what she sees in't...))" Tiana chuckles a bit and nods then sits thoughtfully as she thinks of something soothing to sing.. After a moment, she chooses one of the many that she knows and her voice fills the tent with the soft tones of a sailor's love song. The song starts off low with a low and plaintive verse and the chorus is sung only a little bit louder, "((It's true I must be going but I swear I won't be long. There isn't that much ocean between Talros and Marchon. I'm a rover and I'm bound to sail away. I'm a rover can you love me anyway?))" Vardeus murmurs wordlessly, a soft grunt of something that sounds like approval. His eyes begin to drift shut, drowsiness overtaking his rugged features, though this apparently does not stand in the way of one big hand fumbling out from beneath the fur to seek out contact with his love. Bronzed fingers find a soft thigh and caress there, though their touch is absentminded, slow. Tiana sings the song until the very last note which seems to hang in the air even after she's finished it. She smiles and reaches down to hold Vardeus' hand for a moment. He doesn't stir. His arm has gone limp, though that big hand of his reflexively closes around Tiana's smaller one, his grip firm though not hard. Vardeus' eyes have closed at last, and for all that his breathing might not be exactly silent, it is taking on the deeper rhythms and timbres of slumber. Tiana smiles softly and leans over to press a tender kiss on his forehead then slowly tugs her hand free and tucks his back under the furs. Then, she rises quietly and goes about the business of cleaning the bowl, keeping the brazier lit and digging out the other sleep furs for after Vardeus' fever breaks. [End log.]