"Maybe You'd Like It Better Back in Your Cell...?" Log Date: 9/27/97 Log Cast: Christopher Morgan, Rellawy Woodlake, Thomas Drake Log Intro: For the first time in a very long time, Rell felt safe. It was an intoxicating feeling, this certainty that she need not always be looking over her shoulder... that no one lurked in shadow waiting to carry her off to a dark cell... that no Hutt would chain her to a wall and force her to use her talents for his amusement. Just as intoxicating was the feeling of openness and freedom of the Rebel cruiser to which she'd been brought; oh, aye, the air here was recycled, but it was clean and pure, a far cry from the atmosphere of the Smuggler's Moon. There was space aplenty, and all she had to do to indulge in it was step off the ship that had brought her to this unexpected refuge. And yet, Rellawy Woodlake remained ill at ease. Oh, she was safe, all right... but what about Lerren? What about H'rruuk and H'rraal? Would the minions of Kelga the Hutt seek to harm the ones who had cared for her on Nar Shaddaa, because of her escape? Were Lerren and the others worried about her? And what place did she have on board _Home One_, for that matter? _Everybody seems to think I should be signing on with their cause,_ she mused uneasily as she wandered the quiet corridors of the _Rampart_, reflecting upon the entirely unexpected rescue that had delivered her from Kelga's stronghold. Thus far, the only person who seemed at all within her ken was Major Morgan, and even he frequently startled her for all that she instinctively felt she could understand him. Far more intimidating was the Lady, the Senator Mon Mothma. Rell had never before seen a woman of her like, and for the first time -- indeed, it seemed to be a time of firsts for her -- she felt as if she'd learned what a ruler was like. But even so, Mon Mothma was not half so daunting as the Jedi, Thomas Drake.... ---------- You walk down the ramp of the Rampart. Hangar Bay The primary hangar bay for the Alliance Flagship, this facility is large beyond words. Deck upon deck of hangars, catapults, landing pads and launch strips open into the main bay and beyond the force-shield into space. Turbolifts move between decks and control rooms dot the platforms; security details spaced at regular intervals about the hangar. While this hangar is home to a number of the ships aboard the Home One, there are other fighter hangars elsewhere in the cruiser's body. By way of turbolifts, one can reach any of the landing decks; the main access to the body of the cruiser being a large bulkhead off the main platform. Contents: Artoo Fortune's Fool <9103> Morgan Rampart <9107> Red One <9402> Red Seven <9407> Rogue Five <9410> Rogue Four <9409> Rogue Leader <9403> Rogue Six <9412> Rogue Two <9411> Rogue_3 <9408> Obvious exits: Central Corridor Morgan lounges in his deck chair, beside the Fool. Cleaner and less pungent he may be, he doesn't appear to be in the corresponding mood. Rellawy Woodlake, looking rather as if she suspects something large and rabid is about to leap onto her back if she shows her face in the hangar, comes quietly down out of the _Rampart_. Probable sleep and the application of a comb to her hair have combined to restore something like normality to her appearance, though there's still tension in her expression. Morgan says "Finished the interrogation, did they? They get better't hidin' the scars every time." Rellawy turns round, this time without the startled jump. "I've talked to no one, save the lady who was here before," she replies. Morgan says "What 'bout? You ain't tell her what I look like naked, did you?" "Of that, I'd not be knowin'," says Rell, reddening and looking away, though not before noticeable embarrassment can be seen flashing across her face. "She spoke to me of where I am, and who is here, and what it means that I am here, mostly." Morgan says "Gonna stay, then?" Rell's posture stiffens, as though the question troubles her. A few seconds elapse before she allows, "I havenae decided." Morgan smirks. "Run! Run while you still can!" Rellawy, too, smirks, turning partly back round, glancing at her questioner. "It's not far I'd be gettin', without a ship of my own, or anywhere to which I could be flyin' it." Morgan shrugs. "Technicality. S'what escape pods are for." The girl snorts, studying the deck, her eyes dark. "Aye. Though not much good a pod would do me, either, when I've no idea where in space I am, and what few coins and clothes I own are parted from me. The Hutt didnae exactly let me pack a bag when his hirelings took me." Morgan says "Looks like you're stuck. Tommy'll be happy." Morgan winks. The wink is not returned; if anything, Rell's dark look deepens. "I know he's relieved that I am... safe," she allows grudgingly, her voice small and soft. Morgan chuckles to himself. Morgan says "I've never gone for blondes, myself." Rellawy's dark look transforms into a scowl, and she looks away again, saying stiffly, "He doesnae want me for _that_. This, too, I know." Morgan cants his head at Rellawy. "He's gay?" She does not look back around. "He could prefer desperate Jawas, for all I know. It isnae what he wants _me_ for." Morgan says "What /does/ he want you for, then? He doesn't strike me as the type who mounts a raid on a Hutt's estate in the center of criminal activity in the galaxy just to ask the rescuee out for tea n' biscuits." "He didnae tell you?" the girl asks, without looking over her shoulder. Morgan says "All I'm supposedly good for is breaking people and fixing machines." Rell is silent for a longer span this time. Then she makes a small noise that might almost be a laugh, save for its lack of mirth; when she speaks again, her voice is taut, strained. "Fitting. All >I< am supposedly good for is the fixing o' people who are broken." Morgan says "So you heal. So do half the droids I know." Rell makes that almost-laugh noise again, startled enough, it would seem, to look back around at the Major. But her gaze flits down to her hand, as she lifts it, watching her fingers curl and uncurl. "Aye," she says roughly. "I guess it's a flesh and blood medidroid I am, and that's why the Hutt took me." Morgan grunts noncommitally, too unsure of a proper response to make a coherent one. "Drake knew," Rell finishes lowly. "And wanted me off Nar Shaddaa." Morgan says "Would y'have gone, if you were a waitress and not a prisoner?" Drake has arrived. Drake disembarks from the Rampart. There's a small sigh from the girl, as she looks down, then closes her eyes. "He asked me to go, but I had to find the Hutt, and I told him nay... 'twas stupid he called me, for stayin'." Morgan looks up to Drake, chews on his lower lip. "You. Senator wants you in her office yesterday, pal. I took some guff for you I shouldna'." Rellawy whirls, gaze lifting again. Drake appears from inside the Rampart, his shoulder wrapped in a bandage. "Does she," he mutters acidly, dragging a hand through his hair. "I guess I'd better see her soon, then." Morgan says "N'my fault. You ain't tell me you were supposed to be in your cell ... er ... room." Rellawy, silent now, her brow crinkled, looks pensively up at the _Rampart_'s captain. Drake shrugs. "I told her I was leaving. They weren't /doing/ anything with me -- just making me sit there. Besides," he gestures towards Rellawy, "We had things to do." Morgan smirks. "Way you put that makes it sound dirty." Drake says "I'm sure the Senator agrees with you. She has a remarkable capacity to think the worst of me." Morgan says "She don't think much better o' me." Drake gives Morgan a look, and just shakes his head, turning back to and approaching Rellawy. "I guess you're feeling better," he points out astutely. "The sleep helped," the girl replies. She still looks thin and worn, but no longer wears that shattered expression she'd had while chained to the Hutt's wall, or when she'd just awakened from the stupor in which she'd been dragged free of Kelga's stronghold. Drake inclines his head. "You have any other place to go? Relatives or friends on Corellia or one of the Core worlds? Or if you like it here," he smiles ruefully, "I can probably get them to give you some nice quarters and make you stay there; they're good at that." Morgan says "What? Think I'm a liar now, d'you? Ask her, she was there. Icy ol' lady came at me like a starved mynock!" Morgan makes 'pointy teeth and claws' motions with his fingers in exaggeration. Morgan squints and Rellawy and Drake, smirks. "I've got a duty roster to compile. If somebody's pregnant when I get back ..." He makes a pistol shape with his right hand. "Zzzap!" Laughing to himself, he heads out. Rellawy's face flares up scarlet, and she whirls around to holler something, but the Major is already gone before she can recover breath enough for words. "Morgan's always like that," Drake grins wryly at the Major's departure. "--To everyone. But he's worth his weight when it comes down to ... well, you were there. Without Morgan," Drake affects a nonchalant sort of shrug, "I might've had a hard time the other night." The girl turns back, looking at Drake, her eyes still unsure, her gaze speaking of trying to absorb... everything. "He told me he breaks people, and fixes machines." Drake nods. "He's a commando. It's his job. It's war out here; they need people like that." Rellawy blows out a breath, eying the deck now rather than the fair-haired man before her. "Aye. That doesnae surprise me." She frowns. "There was a woman -- she spoke as though she leads, here. She asked why I am here, and whether I would stay." "Senator Mon Mothma," Drake folds his arms across his chest. "She means well--she's very clever. Used to be part of the Imperial Senate. This'd be a good place for you, Rell. You can do what you're good at because they need it, not because you need to scrape up the credits." Rell is silent again, her expression very dark, gaze full of a tangle of emotions, and the thoughts driven by and driving them. But what she says is, simply, "Do ye know what happened to Captain Solo?" "Yeah," Drake glances over his shoulder at the Rampart and then back, "He's investigating the man I was telling you about a while ago -- Kal'Jorad. Solo's better suited to it than I am." The lass pulls in a breath, looking relieved, perhaps, though this does nothing to ease the tension in her face and frame. But if she's relieved that the Corellian is alright, she doesn't say so; what she does say is, "He gave me a box, a pretty bauble, to bribe the Hutt with." There's a strong sense of defeat in her tone, an underthread of 'For all the good it did me...' "Before I... knew the Hutt already sought me." And she silences herself, looking troubled, before she abruptly adds, "Do Lerren and H'rruuk and H'rraal know where I am?" "Not precisely," Drake answers evasively, "They knew to whom I'd take you, but naturally they don't know where 'here' is -- and neither do I, beyond whose ships these are." "Are they alright?" Drake rolls his eyes. "They're /fine/. They know how to get around and live where they do. Stop worrying! That's what got you in to this mess." Rellawy's face tightens, and she does look up, then. "They are my _family_," she retorts, her voice growing sharp. "And knowing how to live and hide on the Moon didnae keep them safe, when the Hutt sent in his raid and they _hurt_ H'rraal, to get _me_! What's to keep the Hutt from... from--" She cuts off, even as she starts to pace, looking for words and gesturing in frustration with her slender hands. "From doing something to punish them, for me getting away, hey? Or am I a stupid girl to be worrying for that, too?" "What do you want me to do?" Drake demands, looking a little defensive. "Put you back? Bring them here? Stars, Rell--look at yourself. They're in danger because you can't control whatever it is you do, the same reason that you're in danger. They run a business. They're used to dealing with thugs--they're /not/ used to escort service. If they want to leave, I'll be happy to bring them here as well. Your family is armed, and is capable of protecting itself more than most on that moon. Besides," he shrugs, "The hutt's dead. Most of his thugs are dead. I don't think you're going to attract too much attention from anyone else -- they can't find you here, and so long as you keep your hands to yourself in public, you should be fine." Rellawy bursts out, her eyes turning hot and liquid, "Damn ye, it's because I couldnae keep my hands to myself that that slimy dank little weasel Galdric knew of me, and it's because of _him_ that Kelga knew! If I _could_ turn it off, I _would_!" She thrusts a hand around the hangar bay, gesturing to encompass the entire vessel and its populace, though she has nothing resembling a working idea of either, yet. "I can still _feel_ Galdric's black little soul inside my head! He made me _sick_ and I could _not_ keep myself from healin' him! And now, and now you bring me to a ship of war, where people will be hurt, and dyin', and ye tell me I'll be _fine_?!" "Yes." Drake replies, deadly quietly, "Where do you want to go, Rell? Somewhere where people don't get hurt and don't die? Good luck. You can't escape it. You can control it. If you don't--if you keep going as you have been--then Galdric won't be the last. You tell /me/ what you want!" Her mouth slams shut, and she stands there, her eyes brimming over with threatening tears. But Rell's face remains stonily, furiously set, and she snaps out, "I want to be treated like a person -- not like a med droid with nothin' in her brain but a program -- and _not_ like a child who doesnae know how to take care of herself!" "I have given you everything at every opportunity," Drake scowls in return, "Risked my life, my ship, my crew for your sake. Maybe you didn't ask for it--maybe you don't know what you have or why. If you want me to put you back on Nar Shaddaa with your 'family,' and get the living shit beaten out of you, I'll do that. I figured maybe you'd prefer my idea of treating you like a person to Kelga's." Her taut expression remains -- until that mocking emphasis on 'family', at which point her face flares up in rage, and Rell shouts, "You're no better than the Hutt! You don't give a fat fardlin' damn about me, except because of what I can _do_! To the nine netherhells with ye, Thomas Drake! I want no part of ye!" And she whirls, the tears beginning in earnest now, as she storms off looking for an escape route. Any escape route. She doesn't care where. "You don't know what I give a fat fardl--a frig foodli--a ... a damn about!" Drake hollers right back, storming off in roughly the same direction, "You don't know /me/! I couldn't care less about what you do," well maybe--"Can you believe for just one minute that maybe, all this time, the only thing I really wanted to do was prove to myself that I could give a damn about who someone was and not what they did, and that I do?" Rellawy spins around on her boot heels, her slim hands clenched into fists at both her sides. Her cheeks are soaked now, her eyes overheated, wetly bright. "Then look me in the eye, and tell me ye didnae save me just because of my" -- and she pauses a beat, her fists balling even more tightly, before she bites out the word "powers!" The words come easily to Drake's thinly set lips, and he delivers them scant inches from Rellawy's face, quietly and soberly: "I didn't save you because of your powers." Without consciously knowing she does so, Rell fixes her gaze on the face before her, thinking only _I have to know if he's telling me truly_. And before she can stop herself, her _other_ gift reaches out from somewhere behind her eyes, looking for whatever truth it can find behind those gravely presented words. "I--" Drake awkwardly reaches towards Rellawy's face, but abruptly draws his hand back. "How quick you are to distrust me," he mutters, "Go on--my mind will tell you the same thing I will." He pauses, and then adds: "Perhaps more. But it is the truth." Rell reels back an inch or so, only just now registering what her own gift is doing. As taken aback by that as by Drake's reaction, she vacillates, clearly torn. But then, she lifts a hand, not quite touching the man; her head cocks slightly to one side, and her eyes turn searching. Frightened, but deeply searching, strangely sharper of gaze. It is, arguably, the first time she has ever let herself deliberately Look at someone... Perhaps Drake doesn't find her lack of faith so disturbing; maybe he's just quick to forgive. He lets out a long-held breath in a drawn out sigh and swallows. What he does next is founded on what certainly could appear to be questionable motives, but on the same note Drake looks very tired, as if the effort of explaining himself had drained him, but the Jedi more or less Looks at Rellawy--for a moment--and then he kisses her, but it is not gushy or even romantic or any of those things; no, it's quick, it's somewhat dull, and it's on the cold floor of a fighter bay, and Drake is just as soon back where he was standing a moment before -- a more acceptable distance, but perhaps foolishly not out of striking distance. Quick and dull that kiss might have been, the surge of utter shock that it has in fact happened wipes out the anger and anxiety in Rell's tear-streaked features. As Drake steps back from her, her eyes go round, her cheeks go crimson, and she stumbles backwards a few steps of her own. "I, ah," Drake stutters in terribly uncharacteristic fashion, "--Have to get ready to see Senator Mon Mothma. See you around." Briskly, he starts off towards the central corridor. Rellawy's hands fly up to her mouth, and cross there gingerly, as if she can't quite register what was just done there. Her eyes remain huge above her fingers, and as Drake beats his retreat, she does no more than nod mutely and shakily in reply, before she too flees. Drake has left. [End log.]