"Overtures" Log Date: 8/26/97 Log Cast: Han Solo, H'rraal (NPC), Rellawy Woodlake, Thraknor Log Intro: Minor altercations weren't unusual at the Burning Deck, and somehow Rell hadn't been surprised when one broke out involving the obnoxiously behaved but heavily tipping customer who seemed to favor Table Six. On the other end of the argument had been Cami Garrison -- and as women were rare in Lerren's establishment, once the brouhaha had died down, Rell had enjoyed talking to her. But to learn that the woman was also the employer of Thraknor came as something of a shock. To learn that Thraknor had apparently spoken to Captain Garrison of his getting into a 'fight' with Han Solo was something more of a shock, though, and Rell couldn't help but wonder if the bruised state in which she'd seen Thraknor had been the result of a clash with Solo that she hadn't witnessed. That felt wrong, somehow, though Rell had to admit that she didn't know enough about the Corellian - or, for that matter, about Thraknor - to judge what had happened. Nor did she want to question Lerren about it. But as she alternated between her work at the Deck and her lessons with H'rruuk and H'rraal, she had to shove the matter to the back of her mind, at least until the next day.... ---------- You step through the open archway of the Cafe. The Meltdown Cafe - Lvl 601 - The Pot [Nar Shaddaa] Tired-sounding popular music drifts through the smoky room somewhat sluggishly, as more purposeful conversation centers around tables and booths dotted here and there about the room. Little expense has been devoted to decor here, as the place's purpose seems to be clusters of talk and drink. The tables are dirty, and chairs find new homes occasionally, at other tables or in the skulls of unfortunate beings. A circular bar is in the center of the room, lit from below by blue light, and a droid barman serves drinks there. A doorless archway leads out to the north. Contents: Solo Obvious exits: Out Solo is seated off in a corner of the fairly deserted bar, turning a glass around and around with one hand as he watches the door fixedly. The ursoid H'rraal, flanking the much smaller Rell Woodlake, lumbers after the latter into the cafe, scanning the place before whurfling lowly to the young woman. Rell, looking somewhat ragged, lets the big creature lead her to a booth, where she falls into one side of it tiredly. Solo half-blinks and follows the creature and girl with his gaze a moment, frowning. H'rraal appears to be scolding the young human, who crinkles her brow at him defensively; the two of them murmur as the larger sentient settles slowly into his side of the booth, still rumbling sternly at the girl. Solo smiles somewhat grimly and lifts his glass to drink from it, instead of playing with it. He watches the pair, obviously thankful for the distraction from the door. "Alright, alright, H'rraal, so my aim's as poor as a summer on Tatooine is hot," snaps Rell, a little more loudly than her previous murmurs. "I've gotten the idea, are we needin' to go over it four or five times more?" Solo chuckles and calls, gruffly, "Don't let up, H'rraal, she needs it." At the call, the ursoid's head snaps (as quickly as the head of a being his size can) in Solo's direction, then back to the young woman. He whorrrrrrls out something triumphant-sounding, as if pleased that the Corellian is backing him up. Rell, too, glances in Solo's direction and rather more quickly, but her response is to blush and mutter, looking genuinely upset, "I'm doin' the best I can, dammit." Solo grins, leaning a bit out of his booth to reply, "Yeah, you will at first. Then you'll get better. Trust me, I know." H'rraal leans forward and squints nearsightedly at the girl, his muzzle crinkling as he sniffs at her. Evidently deciding he's made his point, the big being gets up and lumbers towards the bar, waving a paw to catch the bar-droid's attention so he can place an order. Her expression suggesting someone who's very tired and cranky and trying not to show it, Rell casts a look over at the Corellian again and mumbles, "I dinnae like the accursed thing..." H'rraal acquires a couple of mugs of something, then lumbers back to their booth, rumbling softly at Rell and handing her the smaller of the two drinking vessels. Solo nods, asks, "What don't you like about it?" He seems content to call across the room at the girl, rather than, oh, imposing his Corellian self on the two. With her mug in her hands, Rell turns where she sits, frowning unsurely over at the man. She, perhaps, seems somewhat more nervous about a conversation at that volume -- and perhaps more than a trifle annoyed at her ursoid companion, for she rises, mug in hands, and approaches Solo's table. When she's within better earshot, she simply stops and says tautly, "I dinnae like weapons." Solo shrugs, replying with a half squint, "I don't think you have much choice, kiddo." It's a good-natured observation born of years of cynicism, obviously, and it fits him like a flight glove. H'rraal settles back in his side of their booth, slurping from the enormous tankard grasped in his enormous paw, and keeps his furry visage pointed in Rell's direction, his round ears pricked at her as well. Rell looks down at her own mug, frowns at it, then takes a long gulp of its contents. "No," she agrees in weary resignment, "I do not." Solo's smile fades and he nods. "So practice. Take it like medicine." The girl smiles, but without much enthusiasm. Her gaze goes inward for a moment, as she murmurs, "I'll not be findin' healin' in the learnin' of a blaster." H'rraal, at their table, whulfs out something, and the girl flicks him a peevish look before adding to the Corellian, "But aye. I'll practice, as long as I must remain." Solo lifts his eyebrows. "Huh, well. I ain't going to go into my theory on the goodness of sentients or anything, but..." He shrugs, dragging his cup over to him and taking a drink. "You'll get used to it." From the look the girl's wearing, the thought's already occurred to her, and she doesn't care much for it, either. She flashes another glance at H'rraal, crinkles her freckled nose, then asks Solo, "May I sit?" Her tone carries a touch of plea to it, for all that she's striving to keep it out of her expression. Solo looks a bit deadpan, or at least uncomfortable, but nods. "Sure," he murmurs, turning back to his normal position and motioning at the seat across from him. The girl sighs out a very quiet thanks, then sinks into the indicated seat. "H'rraal and his den-brother ha' been drivin' me mad, this day." And she grips her mug in both her hands, staring down into it. Up close, it can be seen that her hair is frizzed about her face in sweat-darkened tendrils. Solo chuckles, giving the creature friend a glance, drawling, "Well, they sure look like they take care of you anyway. Probably used to cubs or their kind of something. Get a bit overprotective that way." Rell makes a noise that doesn't quite manage to be a laugh. "Aye... they both call me summat that translates to 'hairless heart-cub', or some such." She pauses, swirling her mug's contents, and adds, "H'rruuk has decided he'll be teachin' me to defend m'self without the blaster. I've bruises where I didnae ken I have muscles." Solo looks at you critically, sitting back and keeping himself from propping a foot on the edge of your seat, out of habit. "I dunno, you don't look like you could match up against some of the bullies around here, even pretty fit. Hey, -I'd- have a job laying 'em out with a blaster." He takes another drink, adding, "They going to watch you though?" "Lerren doesnae let me into the streets without them," the girl murmurs, blushing again, briefly. Solo nods approvingly. "Glad to hear he has -some- sense then. I can't always be pulling you out of trouble," he says jokingly, "And Drake neither." At the mention of Drake, Rell lets out another, longer sigh, and drinks down more of what's in her mug. "Drake," she observes lowly, "has already chimed in his opinion on what I ought to be doin', again." Solo looks curious. "Yeah? What'd he say?" Rell's eyes darken a moment, and she doesn't answer immediately; when she does at last, it's to say only, "He wants me off Nar Shaddaa now. Before now, actually." Solo chuckles low. "That's what everyone tells everyone else. Place isn't exactly a picnic. He say why?" The girl doesn't move, and doesn't speak for another pause, lifting her gaze to the Corellian across from her; she looks worried for some reason, now. Tentatively, she allows, "Aye. He did." "So what'd he say?" He's either fairly clueless about someone's discomfort, or exceptionally sly. Given his track record, the former is a fair bet. Lowering her gaze to her mug once more, her stance and expression both turning more tense, Rell says awkwardly, "It would seem he finds me... valuable." Solo looks somewhat surprised, but hides it; hey, someone's valuable, great, this is self-esteem, don't blow it. "Well..." he hazards, "He's right. But does he expect you to find your own way off?" Rellawy murmurs, her voice small, "He offered me passage the day we met." Rellawy jerks her gaze up a bit, startledly, however, at something Solo must have said. Solo is about to reply, but pauses as you look up. "What?" "He... told you?" the girl blurts. Bewilderment fits him well too. "Told me what?" Blue-green eyes blink a time or two, as Rell's face of its own accord tries to decide whether to wear relief or further wariness. As her look settles somewhere in between, she breathes to herself, "Air, sea and sky...!" She lifts a hand, scrubs it across her eyes, and peers back at you now to append, shakily, "You... may wish to ask of him, what he knows of me, if ye trust his word." Solo chuckles, looking at you uncertainly. "I'll ask him...you alright?" Rell closes her eyes, sucks in a breath, then releases it. "Aye," she roughly murmurs, after a moment. As alright as she can be, at any rate... Thraknor comes into the Cafe from the floor outside. Thraknor has arrived. Thraknor steps out through the open doorway to the north. Thraknor has left. Solo's discomfort increases and he hides his expression in his mug for a moment, saying casually, "Well, if I see him I'll talk to him. He around?" Rell simply nods and says lowly, "He pledged to help me... it'd be tough to be doin' that, if he leaves the moon." She lifts her mug, then, and drains it, then pauses to wait for the stuff to run down through her. Solo frowns at this idea, and nods, muttering, "Yeah it would. This doesn't make me trust him much more, you know." He settles forward with an amiable grunt. "Well, you got your friend over there, at least. You'll do fine." He pauses. "-Are- you going to try to leave the moon?" Casting a brief glance back up at you, Rell replies, "Aye. I... hope." She sighs, then looks at you again, more steadily. "I told ye of the Hutt I'm seekin', do ye remember?" Solo nods in recognition. "Yeah, but I hadn't heard of him." He smirks a bit, adding, "I'm not on first name basis with many Hutts." "Nor I," concurs Rell. Her gaze goes distant again, as she goes on, "I... I'm hopin' that Kelga will have my father's logs. I'm needin' them, if I'm to have somewhere else besides here to be goin'." Solo shakes his head, asking nearly a rhetorical question, "What's in the logs that you need so badly?" With a sigh barely loud enough to register as more than an exhalation of breath, Rell says gravely, "I'm hopin' to find where he met my mother." Solo looks a bit blank at this, but nods slowly and takes a philosophical sip of his ale. "Yeah, I can see how that'd be important to some people..." Rell stares at her now-empty mug, drumming her fingertips slowly along its side. "I've nothin', Captain Solo, now that my Da and the _Mystery Lady_ are gone. Lerren has been more than good to me..." She closes her eyes briefly, opens them again, and concludes, "But I dinnae need to be told by him, or H'rraal, or H'rruuk, or... Drake, or you, that I shouldnae be here. I ken it, in my bones. And I've nothin' else to do, but seek my mother." Falling silent a moment, she studies you, then abruptly smiles a little. "If ye grow weary of me yammerin', dinnae fear to hurt my feelin's by tellin' me to shut my trap." Solo grins, sincerely even. "Hey, it's alright. Everyone has their quests around here. Yours is one of the more wholesome I've heard on this moon." He sits back again, asking, "So how close are you to finding her?" The girl's expression shifts a bit, towards the plaintive. "I dinnae know how to find Kelga," she confesses. "Da never let me see him, when they did their business." Solo thinks a moment, and says slowly, "Well...finding the Hutts here isn't too hard, but finding them in a way that'll keep you clean is another thing. I take it you don't want to barge in there and ask for these logs?" Rell's nose crinkles again, slightly. "I know enough of Hutts to grasp that that would prob'ly not be wise, without somethin' to offer in return." Solo's face lights up and he straightens in his seat. "Yeah, that's it. You need to find something to take to them." He leans forward, gesturing a bit in choppy motions. "These Hutts like to be flattered like you wouldn't believe. Nothing sounds too much to them. Call 'em 'Your Excellency', they like it. But they like gifts. Uh, little tables and things..." A thought seems to occur to him, like a brick to the head, and he continues, "I might have something, if you really need it." Finding herself relaxing -- part for having stumbled across a source of desperately needed information, and part for the conversation itself -- Rell takes in the offered details attentively. Then blinks, at that last. "Eh?" Solo grins widely, explaining, "I found this jewelry box a little while ago. I was planning on selling it, but..." Ah, the hesitation... "If you need it to get these logs, I can let you have it to give to the Hutt." Rell smiles a bit more, uncertainly, but reacting to that grin. Then, her brow crinkles a bit, and she points out, "But ye'd be out the credits..." "Well, yeah..." he says, on a roll, then pauses. He shrugs, saying vaguely, "You can owe me. Sometime. When you're rich and famous." His grin returns. Startled, Rell stares almost wonderingly at the man across from her, before the smile she's wearing steadies out with a short little laugh. "That'd be an awfully long time I'd be owin' ye, then, Captain Solo, for it's no time soon that I'll be either of those, rich, or famous." Off at the booth he'd claimed, H'rraal, keeping a steady eye on his young charge and content to leave her to the conversation in which she's become involved, orders and starts working his way through a large platter of meat. Don't mind the backup bear. Solo grins, shrugging at the same time and drawling, "Yeah, well, you never know about these things. It was a lucky find anyway, so I'm not really out anything. Just keep me in mind if you have an extra few credits or something. I really think the Hutt would go for it, too. It's just the sort of thing they like." The loss of credits there phases him a little, noticeably, but he's doing a good job with brushing it off. "It's a fancy box, then?" the girl asks, clearly interested now, her head quirked slightly. She plays with the mug at random, shifting it from hand to hand. "Fancy trinkets, and fancy words, for the Hutts?" Solo chuckles, nodding, describing a rectangle with his fingers. "About so big, with gems. I don't know what's real on it, but...it sparkles." No jeweler is Solo, but boy, it's shiny! Thraknor comes into the Cafe from the floor outside. Thraknor has arrived. Thraknor strolls in and heads for the bar. Solo is seated with Rellawy, talking to her animatedly. Thraknor sees the two of them and stops suddenly, and turns for the door. Thraknor steps out through the open doorway to the north. Thraknor has left. Rell's smile widens a trifle, as she tracks the hand motions. "For bein' the lords o' Nar Shaddaa, it'd seem strange for them to be swayed by shiny baubles. But... I'll gladly be acceptin' your help, Captain." Solo smirks, admitting, "Yeah, but see, they think they're the best sentients around. Uh, do you know the Hutt language?" Ah, that knocks the girl's smile askew a little. "Not... well," she admits, ruefully. "'Twas tough for me to study before, Da not lettin' me see a Hutt to practice th' speakin'. Tough now to study, for th' same reason." And her smile morphs towards a smirk. "My accent willnae be helpin', but there's naught I can do for that." Solo shrugs, waving a hand and sitting back casually. "S'ok, you just need to understand it. You speak Basic with them, it's alright, just act humble if you can stand it." "Playactin' I can do," says Rell, a touch dryly. "If it gets me the logs... if Kelga still has the holos, and hasnae wiped them clean to be usin' the discs...!" She looks troubled a moment, before shielding it. "Is there aught else you'd advise?" Solo considers, then murmurs, "Not really. Just bluff it, unless you think he might just arrest you on the spot when you ask. What's the danger of that?" Rellawy frowns. "Can he do that?" Solo shrugs, answering, "Sure, if they get offended. Depending on what you did, or your dad did, you can talk your way out of it." Setting her cup down on the tabletop, Rell runs a fingertip around its rim, and snorts. "My Da, as far as I know, had a poor sense o' timin'. The _Lady_'s engine blew, and ripped a hole through him and the hull, before he could finish his last job. Not much I could say to talk free o' that." Solo hmms, asks carefully, "So what was he hauling for them? Do you know?" The girl's teal eyes return to the Corellian. Just as carefully, she allows, "Our hold was empty, last I left the ship. I dinnae know what the Hutt had asked him to carry, this last time." Solo's face turns a bit serious as he mulls this over. "Might be...bad. You should find out what their mood is toward your dad, and you, before walking into their audience chamber." Rell's dark golden brows knit close over her eyes. "Kelga doesnae know of me, Da said he never spoke o' me to them..." But she doesn't sound completely certain. Solo shakes his head. "Not enough, unless they just don't -care- after so long. I'd check around though." Evidently the girl is not quite so fresh off the dock as she seems, for she doesn't immediately question, 'But how do you know what a Hutt thinks about you before you see them?' What she does say, after moments of consideration, is an annoyed and low, "It will take me a bit... as ye say... I stand out." She glances down at herself, darkly. Solo chuckles, not unkindly, and points out, "They're liable to eat you alive in there. Uh, not literally," he is quick to add. "Might want to ask around, quietly, see if you can get an inside on the Hutt." Rell half-smiles at the swiftly offered assurance; she didn't look any more troubled than she has up till now, and at your further advice, she nods solemnly. "Aye," is her only reply. That, and, "It's more thanks I'm owin' ye then, Captain." Solo makes dismissing noises, and adds a few motions in there, muttering, "Nah, it's alright. I don't like seeing you stuck here, so if it helps, then I'm in." A sudden scary thought occurs to him, and he asks, "You and your buddies don't have any life debt things, do you?" Apparently, the thought of collecting an entourage of Chewbaccas seems a bit much for him. The girl blinks a time or two. "Life debt?" she echoes. Solo grins, sitting up. "Never mind, it's alright. Say, bring your pals over to my ship and take a look at the box. I'll see what I can find out about this Hutt Kelga. Alright?" Rell grins back steadily enough at that, a bit of brightness in her worn face. "We'll come," she promises. Solo nods once, moving to stand. "The Falcon, on top of the Pot tower. Just wave or something." He glances briefly to the 'bodyguard' and adds, possibly to both, "Take care." H'rraal -- who has been paying discreet attention all this time -- rowls out a reply as Solo looks his way. Rell jumps, as if having forgotten completely that her ursoid friend was over there, but she recovers her composure quickly. To the Corellian, she smiles again, and replies, "Thank ye, Captain... you, as well." Solo grins, the expression looking only slightly goofy on him. Though, odd, it looks somewhat better than the deep scowl he's been firing at people for the past week or so. He turns to the door, striding out. It's Rell that watches Solo go this time, and it's with a bemused sort of grin of her own that the girl rises to rejoin H'rraal... her own mood significantly improved. Solo steps out through the open doorway to the north. Solo has left. [End log.]