Log Date: April 1994 Log Cast: Skybow, Clearsight, Nofti, Savah, Blackmorn, Mender, Shayilbey, Kirran, Kalista, DreamTide, SunnySong, Ruah Log Intro: Safe now in Sorrow's End, and recovering from their ambush by the foam-mouthed cat, Clearsight and Blackmorn have been receiving several visitors... and Blackmorn has been aghast to discover his behavior towards Clearsight while he'd been ill. But he has some recovery yet to do, and he and Clearsight continue to receive visitors as word of their presence in the village spreads. ---------- Skybow walks in from the Visitors' Courtyard to the South. Skybow has arrived. Skybow pokes his head in, "How're you donig? Clearsight lies sleeping, curled up against Blackmorn's shoulder. But at the question, she stirs groggily.... "Mmmmmm?" Skybow smirks slightly, "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. I just wanted to see how you and Blackmorn were doing." Clearsight gasps slightly, and tries to sit up, making Blackmorn stir in his sleep. "Blackmorn... ! I... oh, High Ones, I feel asleep...!" Skybow comes into the door, and goes over to Clearsight, "I was so intent on healing Blackmorn before, are you injured?" Clearsight's eyes are fogged, as if she's slept long and slept hard. She blinkblinks fuzzily at her prone companion, and then up to the healer. "Oh... no, I" - abruptly, she yawns - "I was just so tired... " Skybow nods, "I'll let you go back to sleep." Clearsight sits up though, glancing around in all directions. "Shouldn't sleep," she mutters groggily. "Need to watch Blackmorn... " Skybow shakes his head, "He'll be fine. There isn't anything to hurt him here." Skybow says "You'll be as bad off as him, if you don't sleep." Clearsight scrubs a hand across her eyes, and answers solemnly, "Slept.... fell asleep. After Blackmorn woke up... what time is it?" Skybow looks outside. Skybow re-enters the visitors' court from the cottage area. Skybow has left. Skybow walks in from the Visitors' Courtyard to the South. Skybow has arrived. Skybow says "Afternoon." Skybow says "Actually, It's probably better you stay in here, I can't imagine that you are used to the heat." Skybow wipes a hand across his face, "I'm not even used to it yet." Clearsight tries to right her rumpled clothing, and look more alert as she says around a yawn, "Oh...! I have slept a long time... " She turns automatically to Blackmorn, though, who makes a small noise as she smooths his hair, but who otherwise does not wake. She goes on, "It is hotter here than on the Plains... but not too much... I am used to the sky and the sun!" Skybow says "Just as a warning. It's hotter here. That sunburn should be pretty evident that that's true." Skybow smiles, "Wear something on your head if you go out." Skybow smiles, and heads out the door. Clearsight nods very earnestly. "Thank you...! I will." Skybow waves as he goes out into the sun. Skybow re-enters the visitors' court from the cottage area. Skybow has left. Ananda has arrived. Clearsight, blinking sleepiness out of her eyes, turns back to Blackmorn after Skybow's departure. Her gaze goes soft as she looks down at the sleeping one's face. Nofti walks in from the Visitors' Courtyard to the South. Nofti has arrived. Nofti pads in, grinning with pleasure. Nofti says "Greetings, dear lovely one!" Nofti looks at you for a moment. Clearsight sits beside Blackmorn's sleeping form, one hand on his forehead; at the greeting, she blinkblinks, looking up. "Hello," she says solemnly. Nofti kisses her avuncularly on the forehead. Nofti Nofti is tall, burly, and blazing with a powerful, virile energy. His hair is a violent crimson, and his eyes brown and piercing. He wears only calf-length leather breeches. Even his silence is jovial and overbearingly charismatic. Nofti indicates Ananda, crouching before the wolf. "Handsome animal, that." Ananda wags her tail. Clearsight tilts her head a little, and looks a little overwhelmed, but as her visitor's attention shifts, she says earnestly, "I do not know whose wolf she is... she came in a little while ago. Whiteridge must not have minded." Nofti stands and paces restlessly. "I caught one of these bristle-boars. Squalid little beasts, indeed, but the flesh had a certain rugged toughness that was quite enjoyable. Nofti says "You have been resting?" Clearsight inclines her head. "I fell asleep, for a long time," she answers. You say "I am glad that your hunt went well, though." Nofti says "Good, good, good..." Nofti says "What path do you choose now, young Wolfrider?" Clearsight blinkblinks, at that. "Oh, I am not a Wolfrider," she replies. "Blackmorn is... but I am of the Plainsrunners." Nofti says "Ah, I see...I did say to myself, Nofti, that one's features are hardly wolflike. Glad to know that my instincts are still sharp." Nofti grins. "The hunting here is, alas, not for me. Best done by day, and it's so dry here. I intend to move back to wetter and darker climes. Clearsight nods quietly, listening. "There is not much water," she agrees, "and it is very hot." Ananda re-enters the visitors' court from the cottage area. Ananda has left. Nofti laughs. "Sharp senses, young." Then he quiets. "But I do not mean to mock you." Clearsight nods serenely. "I know this... it is alright. But you asked what my path was...?" Nofti says "I find you pleasant company, lovely. If you travel some way I fancy, and wish my presence, perhaps I can help guard you while you seek a name." Clearsight's scarred face reddens a bit at the appellation 'lovely', but she gives no other ready response, at least not to that. But she does say, "You are kind to offer... but I do not know where I must go, next, if I do not find my Sign here. I-I have not have a chance to dream, since I have had to tend Blackmorn." Nofti cocks his head. "You pathfind through dreams?" Clearsight considers. And answers at last, "I do not know if that is the right word... but I have had dreams which have shown me where to go on the Walkabout. They said to come here, before Blackmorn was hurt." Nofti nods. "How long before you seek the dream again? Clearsight's eyes go a little absent, as she considers that, too. "I... do not know," she admits. "I have to see right now if Blackmorn will continue to get better... then I must see if my Sign is here." Nofti nods again. "This is a dry place, but somehow also a friendly one to scents. I know not why. But if I am not here when you choose to depart...I shall follow you...if you wish." He pauses and waits. Clearsight blinkblinks at that, and looks up at you for a long moment. Her gaze is very innocent, guileless, yet somehow _searching_... then, she tilts her head slightly, and is once more simply a blue-eyed maiden. She says, "I... do not know. Blackmorn has already offered to guard me." Nofti says "And he has done an excellent job of it, meseems...ah, but yes. He has kept you safe, and gotten hurt himself instead. Efficient, that." Nofti's eyes blaze with a frightening predatory light...for just an instant. Nofti says "But I surmise that you mean more than you say. And I would not cross that hidden meaning." Clearsight's eyes flicker a little, puzzledly. "He could not help the cat," she protests. "And he tried to make me run, but I picked up his bow and shot the cat to help him kill it." Nofti's eyes blaze again. Nofti says "And the cat could not help itself, either, I suspect. It is my way to befriend brother creatures, not kill them." Nofti's eyes have become gentle and friendly again. Nofti says "But my Way is not the Way of all. And I must remember that." Nofti says "I wish you good hunting for your Name, lovely." Clearsight frowns, though. "It was mad and sick, Lhovrik said so...! It had foam in its mouth! And it made Bl-Blackmorn sick, too!" Nofti says "And if I be in sending distance, I shall come to help guard you too." Clearsight, distressed, falls silent, and simply nods. At the door, his back to the room, Nofti turns his head. Nofti says softly, "Blackmorn, though sick, was made well. The sickness caused the cat to attack you, doubtless, but..." Nofti sighs. "Alas, there are no easy answers. Nofti says "I have forgotten much." Clearsight's mouth tightens. "You speak as if I should have let the cat kill him!" Nofti spins, eyes full of intensity. "Of course not, child. Kill not to be killed is the Way. Nofti lowers his eyes. "You did well and admirably. I wish only that there were healers among our four-footed brothers." Clearsight blinkblinks again, that guileless starlit gaze bright in her face again... and she nods heavily, whispering, "I am sorry. I was... very upset." Nofti's eyes cloud with inspiration. "Ahhhh..." he breathes. "The healer...the one who dislikes the sun...where is she?" Nofti's eyes clear. Nofti says "Child...I meant no offense. Tongue is quicker than heart and head, at times." Clearsight nods gravely, and answers quietly, "I have not seen the other healer." Nofti says "I shall find her. I have an idea." Nofti says "Good hunting, child." Nofti re-enters the visitors' court from the cottage area. Nofti has left. [And later....] Savah enters quietly (And is likely to idle a lot :) Savah says "Shade, kitling..how is your friend?" Clearsight sits quietly beside Blackmorn, smoothing his hair from his forehead. She herself seems to have just awakened from a long sleep... and at the question, she ohs softly, looking up. Clearsight looks up, and up, at the tall robed elf, and her eyes widen shyly. "He.. he is sleeping again... he woke up last night. I think... " Savah walks over to look down at him, then rests her golden eyes on you. "He seems much improved, my dear." Indeed, Blackmorn sleeps quietly, his lean face tranquil, his hand loosely clasping Clearsight's. Clearsight nods shyly under the kind regard. "He... is not hot inside, anymore, or snarling. He is not having the bad dreams." Clearsight glances down at Blackmorn again, her brow slightly furrowed, as if she tries to remember something... but she adds, softly and fervently, "I-I think he is alright, except for needing much rest." Savah smiles gently, and touches your shoulder lightly. "You have both travelled far. I hope you will stay with us, to rest, and recover." Clearsight looks up once more. "I... we... needed to come here... " Savah looks down, a query in her eyes. "What do you seek, kitling, to bring you thus far?" Clearsight's eyes are wide and solemn, but she relaxes instinctively under the maternal gaze as she answers, "It... it is a long tale, elder." You say "But I will tell it, if you wish...!" Savah sits carefully down by Blackmorns side, and smiles warmly. "Time, I have in abundance. Would you tell me, my child?" Clearsight nods slowly, and says in forthright earnestness, "It is my Walkabout time, eldeer, and I am seeking the Sign for my name. I dreamed... and the dreams said that I should come here." Clearsight adds shyly, "The Walkabout is a way of my people... do you know about Chief Darkwind's elves, elder?" Savah thinks for a little. "Young WindSinger is of that tribe, I believe..I know your people wander much. THis Walkabout is new to me, however. " Savah smiles, and leans over to touch Blackmorn brow for a few heartbeats. "I would like to know more of it." Clearsight gasps a little. "I-I know Windsinger, yes...!" Her eyes widen, again, with a kind of ache, perhaps that of memory and loneliness for tribesmates she has not seen in a long time. Under Savah's long brown fingers, Blackmorn stirs slightly. Clearsight seems about to burst with questions of her own, but she manages, her voice stammering a little, "Th-the Walkabout time... is for growing up... and finding the tribe-name, to replace the child-name." Clearsight remarks plaintively, "I have been Walking... for a very long time." Savah removes her hand from Blackmorns head, and looks solemnly at Clearsight. "You hope to find your Name here, then. Clearsight goes on, "Sometimes, I dream, and I see... where I need to go. The dreams said I should come here, when I-I was in Wolfhaven. Blackmorn and I... were walking here, when the cat... attacked us." Clearsight admits, "I... have not had a chance to consider my Sign, w-while Blackmorn has been ill." Savah says "He will be well now..and then, you can search." Clearsight nods, hopefully, the glimmer of starlight in her eyes growing a little brighter. "I want that...! I have lost so much time...!" Savah says "There is time, here. No urgency, or danger." Clearsight sighs, looking out of the hut, all around, now, as if trying to _feel_ this place... starlight behind her eyes, she murmurs, "There is... urgency in me. I-I need to find the Sign. It has been too long." Clearsight finally returns her wide innocent gaze to her visitor's visage, and adds, "I would like it... so much, if we could stay for a time... to let Blackmorn heal, and for me to see if my Sign is here... I could be helpful, elder! I know how to cook food in a fire, and to sew leather for clothing." Savah smiles warmly. "You will do well here, child. Both of you. I sense something about you.." Clearsight ventures shyly, "I... I have a magic." Savah smiles, encouraging. "You are talented..I sense this." Clearsight blushes a little, under her scarred cheeks. "I... hear things. Sends. They are... loud." Savah nods solemnly. "So I sensed.." Clearsight admits shyly, "I am not good at making things not-loud... but I try... Blackmorn has been helping me." Savah smiles, looking over to the sleeping elf again. Blackmorn draws a deep breath and shifts a little... Savah says "This one too, has hidden qualities...Ah, he wakes." Clearsight's breath catches, and her eyes unconsciously light. Blackmorn's eyes slip open, and he smiles, lightly, gaze falling on Clearsight. Then he looks to Savah, and pushes himself a bit more upright. Clearsight reaches again to Blackmorn's hand as she tells him softly, "The elder came to see us.... " Savah smiles warmly at Blackmorn. "Lie, and rest, young cousin. You are not well, yet." Blackmorn takes Clearsight's hand, eyes lightening. ** Aye..but better, at the hands of your tribefolk, or so I am told. I.. am in your debt. ** Clearsight clasps Blackmorn's fingers in hers, fallen silent, but her eyes bright. Clearsight ventures finally, though, "I was telling the elder... about my Sign, Blackmorn..." Blackmorn nods quietly. ** Perhaps she might know..where to look? ** Savah moves a hand in gentle emphasis. "I would help you in your search, my dear..if you would wish it." You say "Oh... I would not know... how to let you help...! I have been seeking alone, for so long...." Clearsight frowns a little, looking vaguely worried. Savah's golden eyes look into Clearsights, then Blackmorn. Savah smiles quietly, even as she gathers her robes and stands. "I will help you, my children..but first, rest, and recover your strength. Shade, and sweet water." Clearsight looks up at the ancient elf, a glimmer of awe in her eyes, mingling with her concern. As if disappointed that she will go, she starts to protest. You sense in a locksend, Savah touches your mind gently, still shielding. "There will be much time, to talk, and to search. Take care of your wolfish friend, now..he needs your attention. ** Clearsight whispers, "I... I will." Savah smiles warmly, and gives Clearsight a careful hug, then leaves silently. Savah re-enters the visitors' court from the cottage area. Savah has left. Blackmorn watches Clearsight, and nods solemnly. ** There is time for rest.. ** Clearsight looks back down to Blackmorn quickly. "I... I fell asleep!" Blackmorn smiles. ** Good. You were tired..do you feel more rested now? ** Clearsight nods earnestly. "My head does not feel so heavy...! Are you better, too?" Blackmorn nods, glancing at his shoulder, then back to you. ** Stiff, but no pain..** Clearsight nods, softly, her gaze fervent. "The healers have done well...!" Blackmorn gives your hand a gentle squeeze. ** You have eaten, yes? Sleep is important, but so is food..** Clearsight admits, "I... haven't eaten, yet." Blackmorn nods, as if expecting the answer. ** Then we must find you food. ** Clearsight blurts, "Can you get up?" Mender walks in from the Visitors' Courtyard to the South. Mender has arrived. Blackmorn draws his feet back and shifts to get them beneath him, removing his hand from yours and pushing forward, standing a bit shakily a moment, then steeadying. He looks down and gives you a nod, a flicker of light through his eyes. ** It would seem so. ** Mender comes into view, finely drawn eyebrows lifting as he spies Blackmorn's efforts to rise. "Well, now, what's this?" Clearsight ohs! and looks up. Blackmorn's gaze flicks upward and he nods. ** Cousin.. ** Clearsight hastily gets to her feet, trying to support Blackmorn and keep an eye on the newcomer at the same time. Mender smiles openly, and leans against the doorsill. "Well, again. I was told we had visitors, and that my skills might be needed... looks like I came home just in time!" He steps forward, offering a lean tanned hand. "My name's Mender. I'm a healer." Clearsight ventures, slipping one arm about Blackmorn, "We didn't see you before...?" Mender chuckles. "Well, maiden, that's because I wasn't _here_ before. But I am now. Do either of you need attention?" Clearsight opens her mouth to speak on Blackmorn's behalf, but then looks shyly up at him. "His shoulder is hurt." Clearsight adds, "And I-I think that we need food." Mender eyes both visitors, then. "Alright then... which first? Healing, or food?" Blackmorn looks down at Clearsight, then back to the healer in the doorway. ** Food first. ** Mender replies cheerfully, "Food, then! Timmorn's Blood, I could use some myself. Shall we go see what we can find you, then?" He looks Blackmorn up and down, and asks, "Can you walk?" Clearsight remains quiet, but keeps her arm about Blackmorn unobtrusively, supporting him. Blackmorn slips his arm stiffly around Clearsight in return, and nods. ** I will be fine. ** Mender grins affably, then, and gestures out. "Follow me, if you will...!" Mender re-enters the visitors' court from the cottage area. Mender has left. Clearsight whispers, "He is... loud." Clearsight helps Blackmorn out as best she can, though. You re-enter the visitors' court from the cottage area. Visitors' Courtyard(#668RJ) This walled courtyard is paved with several sizes of circular tiles scattered in seemingly random patterns. Between the stones moss and thyme grow, creating a pleasing contrast with the cream and brown colored tiles. In the center of the court, a small live-oak grows, gracefully sheltering a small fountain and pool. Planters full of bright colored flowers alternate with wide stone benches along the edges of the courtyard. Clinging vines of grape and wisteria veil the walls and along the south edge of the court the covered arches of a shaded pavilion beckon you out of the sun. Contents: Mender Obvious exits: Guest Cottages(N) Crossroad(W) Blackmorn emerges from the guest cottages to the north. Blackmorn has arrived. Blackmorn locksends ** ** Mender smiles warmly to his companions, keeping up an easy stream of chatter. "It seems I've just missed all kinds of excitement... the Festival, Kirran coming back, you two...!" You locksend to Blackmorn, Clearsight touches your mind gratefully. Mender turns to leave the Visitors' Court. Blackmorn turns to leave the Visitors' Court. Clearsight blinkblinks in the brightness outside, but keeps her grip steady around Blackmorn's waist. You turn to leave the Visitors' Court. Crossroad The paved pathway widens here and the circular paving blocks are set into the sandy soil in a seemingly random pattern. The bright tangles of the Waterfall begin to come out as the dimming red light of sunset fills in the hot summer skies. You can go into the nearby Visitors' Court for a temporary home, or go South to the Dancing Square. To the West the paved pathway wanders towards caves in the nearby hills. To the North the path leads past the well and out onto the desert.. Contents: Blackmorn Mender Obvious exits: Winding Path(N) Dancing Square(S) Boundary Path(W) Visitors' Courtyard(E) You step out of the shaded courtyard into the sunny crossroads. Mender looks around, thoughtfully. "Let's see, now, let's see... food, food, food." Mender smiles and hurries towards the Dancing Square. Mender has left. You smile to yourself and hurry towards the Dancing Square. Dancing Square A wide paved square surrounded by brightly colored pavilions and canopied platforms. Gaily colored banners and paper lanterns hang from poles at the corners in the setting sun. hot summer dip to ground level from time to time. As the sweet coolness of a summer evening settles on the square, the lanterns are lit and the sound of drums calls the village to the gather for dancing. Contents: Mender Whiteridge Drum Obvious exits: Pool(NE) Garden Canopy(E) Savah's House(NW) Boundary Path(S) Crossroads(N) Clearsight ohs... "Whiteridge...!" Mender grins, spotting the unfamiliar wolf. "Yours?" he asks the silver-haired maiden. Clearsight shakes her head gravely. "He is Blackmorn's wolf!" Blackmorn has arrived. Whiteridge rises to his feet. Mender ahs, and nods wisely. "You're Blackmorn?" he asks the wounded one. Mender adds, gesturing off towards the Garden, "There's a fruit tree there, come this way!" Mender leaves the dancing square, heading for the peaceful cool green of the Garden of Shade and Sweet Water. Mender has left. You leave the dancing square, heading for the peaceful garden. Pleasant scents, and soft sounds--wind through leaves, water burbling--envelop you. Garden of Shade and Sweet Water Nestled in the rocky canyon, this area has been turned into an oasis. Rows of herbs and flowers, blooming bright blue and white, perfume the air. Mature sticker-plants are bursting with yellow and red blossoms. A row of woody shrubs lines the the stone path. They blaze with orange-pink blooms--one could easily hide in these bushes. Tucked back near the rock walls several short, gnarled trees provide shade for the benches below: most are covered in puffy pink flowers, but one sports round, orange fruit peeking out from beneath its glossy leaves. You can hear the gentle burble of water. The bright tangles of the Waterfall begin to come out as the dimming red light of sunset fills in the hot summer skies. Contents: Mender Skitterpaw DarkWing(#5039Jp) Sleepblossom Shaded Stone Benches Dreamberry Bush Obvious exits: Dancing Square Blackmorn arrives from the dancing square, brushing past the bushes that line the path. Blackmorn has arrived. Blackmorn nods, following after. ** Aye, I am called Blackmorn. ** Mender briskly gathers a pair of large fruits off the nearby tree, and hands one to each of the visitors. To Clearsight, he asks, "And you, maiden?" Clearsight answers solemnly, "My mother named me Clearsight." Mender grins, curiously. "What did your father name you?" Blackmorn raises an eyebrow slightly. Clearsight blinkblinks, as if taken aback by the question. But she answers earnestly, "It was for my mother to name me." Clearsight as she speaks spies the nearby bench, and gently nudges Blackmorn to sit down. Mender unruffledly continues to smile, and gestures towards the bench. "Indeed, indeed, sit down. If you're new to the desert, friends, the heat will get to you quickly." Clearsight sits, keeping one arm about Blackmorn as she nibbles at the fruit she has been given. Blackmorn sits easily, and takes smallish bites of the fruit in his hand. ** It would seem your tribe has been gifted with many healers, cousin. ** Mender chuckles, nodding approvingly as both sit, and he says with a gleam in his grey eyes, "Oh, I'm not of the blood of this place, although I was raised here. I'm a Wolfrider, too!" Clearsight listens quietly. Mender says "And Skybow, he's another Wolfrider, too. Actually, our _best_ healer was Leetah herself, but she went off with Cutter, you know, so Skybow and I get by as best we can! But speaking of healing, now, you want to tell me what happened to you two?" Clearsight, seemingly a little daunted by this handsome young healer's briskness, says simply, "Blackmorn was attacked by a cat." Blackmorn locksends ** ** Clearsight blinkblinks at the new arrival, and nods shyly, politely. Mender turns back to Blackmorn at Clearsight's quiet statement, and asks, "Cat, hey? Skybow already have a look at you?" Blackmorn looks to Clearsight. ** She will know.. I do not recall. ** You locksend to Blackmorn, Clearsight, at that, almost giggles. Clearsight nods gravely to Mender. "Skybow, and another healer, one with a mask, helped him." Mender lifts an eyebrow. "Healer with a mask? Can't say as I know... but ah well. Want me to look you over, Blackmorn?" Mender Slender as a whip, with leanly defined muscles, this young elf moves with lupine grace. He is richly tanned, but palely, hinting that while he might be a desert-dweller, he is not a Sun Villager by birth. His hair is a pale, bleached blond, wavy and tumbled; it hangs loosely about his angular features and down to his shoulders in back. Slanted and wideset, his eyes are a warm shade of grey, like the sky during a gentle rain. He is clad in next to nothing, as dwellers of Sorrow's End often are: a green loincloth with panels of blue and green dangling in front, and light boots of blue, green, and gold, open at the toe and heel. The belt of his loincloth sports a golden ornament with a sliver of teal-colored clearstone, that matches a similar ornament embedded in his segmented golden necklace. On his left arm rests a matching golden armband. Blackmorn sends openly ** Most has been looked to, if I am correct in feeling. ** Clearsight adds quietly, "But he is still very tired." Mender inclines his head sagely. "I see...!" He looks more closely at Clearsight. "And what happened to you, maiden? If I might ask." His grey gaze goes to her scarred cheeks. Clearsight blinkblinks, not understanding the question. Clearsight begins, "I am fine... I have rested, now... " Blackmorn raises both eyebrows slightly as well, and looks to Clearsight. ** Fledgling?** Mender clarifies delicately, "Your scars, maiden." Clearsight ohs, and blushes a little, ducking her gaze. She says huskily, "I... was in a fire." Mender lifts _both_ eyebrows, this time. Forthrightly, but with a kind of infectious good humor, he asks, "Was this before or after the cat?" Blackmorn shakes his head. ** Before.. much before ** Clearsight nodnods, hastily. "A few turns ago, at this point." Skybow arrives from the dancing square, brushing past the bushes that line the path. Skybow has arrived. Skybow heads directly for the dreamberry bush. Mender ahhs. "Well, I take it a healer saw to _you_?" He regards Clearsight's thin features clinically, and adds, "Maybe not a very skilled healer, maiden, if those scars weren't cleared up... heyla, Skybow!" Skybow plucks several dreamberries off the bush, "Heyla Mender. Who're all talking about?" Clearsight says shyly, "Brightfire helped me breathe again... " Her arm tightens a bit around Blackmorn, reflexively. Skybow pops the dreamberries into his mouth, letting the tasty red juice run down his throat. Mender smiles, and gestures to the two visitors. "These two. Just got home, and I find out the village is full of people needing my attention...!" Skybow nods, "You shouldn't go off jaunting like that... Healing just isn't my game." Skybow smirks. Clearsight ohs! as Blackmorn abruptly falls asleep. Embarrassedly, she tells the young blond healer, "I-I did say he was tired... " Mender smiles lopsidedly to the older Wolfrider. "Well, you know how these things are sometimes, the wolf-blood calls, and you can't help but answer...!" Skybow nods. Clearsight pulls Blackmorn to her, and blinks a little dauntedly between the two healers. Skybow staggers over, and leans up against a tree, "I found something out Mender... Never try to heal when you've just eaten dreamberries." Mender, half-turned back to Clearsight, looks up to Skybow again and laughs! "Huh." Clearsight blinkblinks again. "What... happens?" Skybow plops down on the bench, "Let me just say, it doesn't work too well... kind of fuzzy... like my sending..." Mender smiles to the girl, and winks conspiringly. "Skybow gets featherheaded and turns your skin blue," he tells her teasingly, winking again at the older healer. Skybow tries to shake the effects of the dreamberries off. Clearsight eyes Mender searchingly, and then, her eyes lighten a bit as she realizes he's teasing. Skybow takes several deep breaths, and then picks one of the orage fruits off the trees by the bench. Mender, still smiling, adds, "Now then, though, a pretty maid like you can't want to stay all scarred up? You want me to have a look to see if I can fix that?" Skybow bites into the fruit. Clearsight ohs, as if quite taken aback. Still supporting Blackmorn against her, she asks, "Shouldn't... Blackmorn be helped, first?" Juice squishes from the fruit, flying everywhere. Skybow says "I'll try to take care of her Mender, I couldn't fix all of Blackmorn's wounds..." Mender as if in easy habit leans out of the way of spraying juice, and tells Skybow blandly, "You were just talking about not healing after dreamberries." Skybow shrugs, "I'm over it..." Skybow goes over to Clearsight, and sits down in front of her, looking at the scars. Clearsight says quietly, perhaps teasingly - though it is hard to tell, for her eyes are still wide and guileless - "I do not want to be blue." Skybow smiles, "It'd suit you... don't worry." glance of you desc. Mender looks Skybow up and down, and chuckles. "You were also talking about how healing wasn't your thing, cousin." Skybow reaches up, and places his fingers gently on the elf's face, he closes his eyes, and his hands start to glow slightly, *It's something to do...* Mender leans back, then, affably, but watching. Skybow hums slightly to help him keep his concentration. Mender then gently murmurs to Clearsight, tugging at Blackmorn, "Here, now, let's make him a little more comfortable." Slowly the scars on Clearsight's face disappear, making her face as it once was. Clearsight starts, as one healer abruptly directs his power towards her and the other seems intent on moving her companion... but she is distracted enough to allow Mender to move the groggy Blackmorn to lie down on the bench. Clearsight then starts again, as her entire face suddenly seems to _itch_.... Skybow takes deep breaths, the glow of his hands wavering slightly. Mender looks up after making Blackmorn as comfortable as he can get on a stone bench, watching the other healer work. Skybow sweats more than he normally does when he heals, obvious an adverse effect of the dreamberries. Mender politely doesn't interfere, at least not yet, though his alert gaze notices the effort expended into the healing work. Skybow slowly stops, doing as much work as he can, though most of the scars on her face are gone. Skybow takes his hands from Clearsight's face, and then crawls over, and leans against one of the benchs, his eyes closed. Clearsight, slowly, as if bemused to find both her hands empty now that Blackmorn is resting beside her, reaches her fingers to her face. Her nose wrinkles a little. "Itches," she murmurs. Skybow smiles tiredly, he slowly falls asleep... Mender leans over to Skybow, murmurs, "Not bad, cousin!" And then turns to the maiden, asking gently, "Would you like me to finish that off?" Clearsight looks up at Mender, and says shyly, "It... it is alright, it just itches a little... " Mender smiles fetchingly, and says, "Well, Skybow's skilled enough when he's not berry-muddled, pretty maid, but he was berry-muddled, so! It won't take much, let me see what I can do for you, here." Shayilbey arrives from the dancing square, brushing past the bushes that line the path. Shayilbey has arrived. Shayilbey hmms and nods gently to those here. **Greetings. Do not allow me to disturb you.** Kirran arrives from the dancing square, brushing past the bushes that line the path. Kirran has arrived. Kirran comes in in Shayilbey's wake, his hand clasped in hers. Clearsight blinkblinks, first to Mender, and then to the newcomers; Mender stands before her, one long lean hand propping up her chin. Her face glimmers a little, evidently with the attention of healing. Mender looks up, and smiles! Shayilbey nods quietly, smirking, obviously pleased. **I see.** She settles near the benches. Blackmorn looks a bit bewildered at so many at once. Mender says "Kirran...! Tribesmate, they told me they'd found you!" He smiles to the other newcomer, and adds, "No disturbance at all, I was just about to help this little maiden, here, with a small problem..." Shayilbey chuckles and nods. **Of course.** Clearsight turns, as Blackmorn stirs again, and looks to him as if infinitely relieved to see him stirring. Mender grins, and turns back to Clearsight. "Now, then, maiden, Skybow's work is almost done, but I think we can restore that delicate little face of yours?" Shayilbey looks carefully at Blackmorn. **And you...are you well?** Kirran leans over and murmurs to Shayilbey, "That is Mender... " Mender winks, as he peers again at Clearsight. His fingertips shimmer warmly. "That's me!" Blackmorn nods to Shayilbey. ** Aye.. is it you I owe my thanks? ** Shayilbey chuckles quietly and leans back against the bench, watching the healer. **So I see, and true to his name. So physical.** Shayilbey turns her attention back to Blakmorn. **No...to Skybow. I did little.** She smirks a bit. Clearsight looks up as the blond-haired healer touches her face; the subtle light washes her features, touching the small pale scars left on her cheeks. Mender's grey eyes twinkle, and he holds his hand against Clearsight's face for continuing moments, eyeing her clinically. "How's that feel, pretty maid...?" Clearsight murmurs shyly, "That doesn't itch." Shayilbey chuckles softly. Mender laughs, and tells her conspiringly, "That's because I'm better than Skybow, and not berry-muddled." Blackmorn sits up a little, watching the healing more closely. Kirran lingers on the edge of the garden, a little daunted, if awed, by Mender's display of power. Shayilbey chuckles. **And so filled with himself. Yes, I see it.** Mender doesn't move much, as he works, but slowly, Clearsight's skin begins to shimmer with the light with which he surrounds her. "Ah," he murmurs, "I see another healer fixed your hair, maiden? Used to be black?" Clearsight ohs softly, startledly. "You can tell...?" Shayilbey leans back and lays her hand at her throat, smiling. Mender says "Indeed! Hrmm, not sure if I can change it back, but perhaps that isn't needed, it's growing back in nicely." Mender, with a sure deft touch, moves his fingertips further back under Clearsight's hairline, making further observations: "Fire hit you from behind, aye?" Kirran watches quietly, and eventually sits down beside Shayilbey. Shayilbey continues to watch, amused. Clearsight's eyes widen a little further, and she simply nods. You locksend ** ** to Blackmorn. Mender hisses softly as his hands reach Clearsight's shoulders. "Ahhh, the healder didn't reach _this_...!" Blackmorn locksends ** ** Clearsight murmurs, "Brightfire couldn't help...!" Shayilbey smiles and nods a bit to Kirran. Mender says warmly, "I'm sure Brightfire did her best! Do you mind if I take a closer look, maiden?" Clearsight blinkblinks, and reflexively glances to Blackmorn as if seeking his support. Blackmorn nods slightly, his gaze shifting to Mender. Mender pauses, awaiting the girl's answer, though idly keeping up a pale healing glow that seems to settle into her skin. Shayilbey twines the fingertips of both hands near her throat. Clearsight nodnods at last, and shrugs her tunic down a little, revealing as she turns around what are clearly old burn-scars. Mender's eyes narrow in concentration, and he brings both hands to her shoulders, now, murmuring, "Huh, this'll take some doing... set yourself, little maid!" Clearsight straightens a bit, but seems to be doing her best to relax. Shayilbey yawns. **Such scars must have had some effect in carving...** She smiles idly, looking up into the trees above the benches. The warm shimmer around Mender's hands brightens, as he focuses on the shiny scars that criss-cross the maiden's slender shoulders. Clearsight bites her lip a little, as if in memory. You locksend ** ** to Blackmorn. Kirran glances at Shayilbey, blinking confusedly. Blackmorn locksends ** ** Shayilbey turns her head toward Clearsight. **I see.** Shayilbey chuckles softly to herself. Mender works... long minutes pass. Perhaps obstinately, scar tissue finally deigns to be replaced by newer, real skin, of a golden shade only a little darker than Mender's own.... Clearsight sits up a little, eyes closed, one hand moving to find Blackmorn's. Mender's angular, pointed face sheens over a little with a hint of sweat... but at last, beaming with satisfaction, he lifts his hands and takes a step back to survey his handiwork. "There...!" Blackmorn reaches and gently takes her hand.. Clearsight's fingers close around Blackmorn's, as, shyly, she tries to glance over her own shoulder. "Are... are they gone?" Shayilbey nods, smiling. **A work of art, I'm sure.** Mender squeezes one of those newly-healed shoulders, and says cheerfully, "Ask your dark-haired friend here, he'll tell you!" Clearsight looks over to Blackmorn, eyes wide, hopeful. Shayilbey chuckles softly. Blackmorn looks closer, and then smiles, nodding. "Gone..." Kirran smiles shyly, at the scene. Clearsight lifts a hand to her face, wonderingly. Shayilbey chuckles and turns at a stirring sound from the benches. Clearsight looks between Mender and Blackmorn and blurts, "From... from here, too?" Mender's eyes sparkle. "Aye, pretty maiden, you're all the prettier now." From a bench Kalista stirs.... Shayilbey nods and smiles. Blackmorn chuckles quietly, his eyes lighting. "Aye, from there as well." Clearsight glances to Blackmorn again, wide-eyedly. Then she blurts to Mender, "But... Blackmorn's shoulder...!" Kalista stands, leaving the stone bench. Kalista has arrived. Shayilbey chuckles. Mender inclines his head graciously, and asks the wounded one, "You want me to have a look at that, and see if I can't finish its healing up?" Kirran looks up at the new arrival, and nods shyly. Blackmorn glances to the shoulder himself. ** It will heal.. ** Kalista smiles at those here, before pulling her mask down.. Shayilbey untwines her hands and offers one to Kalista. **Set down and watch the show of the blond one, there. He is quite a healer, and quite filled with himself, too.** She smiles almost affectionately. Shayilbey nods a bit to Kali. Mender tells Blackmorn affably, "Well, aye, friend, it'll heal, the question is whether you want it to heal _now_, or _later_." He grins. Kalista chuckles softly, and takes Shay's hand, turning to watch the blonde elf as Shay mentions. Mender grins over to Shayilbey, too, and bows. "Glad to provide your evening amusement, good lady!" Clearsight sits, still looking rather daunted, one hand touching her cheek and the other one clasping Blackmorn's. Blackmorn says "I... it makes no change.." Kirran ventures quietly to Clearsight, "You look well." Shayilbey chuckles. **If I saw work here that was so within my specialty as yours, I would do it.** Blackmorn locksends ** ** Kalista nods to Mender, chuckling aoftly. Shayilbey turns again toward Clearsight. **Work of mine that was wanted.** She then turns to Kalista and squeezes her hand. Clearsight looks at Blackmorn a little more closely....? Mender turns to Kirran, and with no lessening of his cheerfulness, says, "You, tribesmate, are another I hear has been needing healing attention?" Kalista puts her other hand to her mouth as she bites back a loud chuckle at a send. Shayilbey laughs. **Indeed, Kirran, he hears well, hmmm?** Kirran starts a little, but nods shyly. "Shayilbey" - he indicates her - "and Skybow have helped me, a bit?" Shayilbey chuckles to Kalista and leans over to nip softly at her cheek, clearly willing to be every bit as jovial as Mender. Mender tells Shayilbey smoothly, "I hear, hunt, and stalk as a wolf, good lady, even as I heal as - well, as Mender." He grins. Mender adds to Kirran, "Hit on the head, were you?" Kalista nods briefly, ** Shayilbey has a tendency to help where needed.. ** And giggles as Shay nips at her cheek. Shayilbey laughs. **My meaning was that Kirran's memories have been put back in order.** Kirran nods shyly. "I have been getting my strength... and my memory... back, Mender." Shayilbey waves one hand toward Mender. **Which you had not, evidently, heard.** Shayilbey smiles. Shayilbey er, chuckles a bit (since you can't see a smile). DreamTide arrives from the dancing square, brushing past the bushes that line the path. DreamTide has arrived. SunnySong arrives from the dancing square, brushing past the bushes that line the path. SunnySong has arrived. Ruah arrives from the dancing square, brushing past the bushes that line the path. Ruah has arrived. SunnySong giggles Blackmorn tenses just slightly. DreamTide walks in, SunnySong dangling in his hair, looking at it crosseyed Mender nods, approvingly. To Shayilbey, "Well, lady, I must offer you my thanks on behalf of my tribesmate, here...! Kirran, if you're getting along alright, perhaps you won't need me, then. I'm just happy to see you home - Dart and I and the others have missed you on the hunts." Shayilbey nods to DreamTide. **Greetings...and to you, Ruah...and...oh!** Shayilbey abruptly rises. Ruah smiles. "Good evening." Kirran looks up rather dizzily at the sudden sweep of arrivals. Mender beams! "Ruah! DreamTide!" Shayilbey peers at the preserver. **My, my, my.** Ruah walks up and stands slightly behind DreamTide, smiling amusedly. DreamTide is having a hard time focusing, with a preserver dangling by his hair, blocking his vision Kalista looks curiously at the newcomers...eyeing the preserver curiously..never having seen anything like it before.. SunnySong says "BreeeeDeeeeeDEEEEET!" Clearsight glances up at the Preserver herself, and unaccountably frowns. Clearsight scoots over to Blackmorn, and murmurs something to him. Shayilbey smirks. "Dear Chaimon will be so very upset to have missed you, little preserver!" You whisper "Do... do you need to go rest? Are you alright?" to Blackmorn. DreamTide sends openly ** Hello...er, everyone ** SunnySong scrambles up into a more comfortable perch on DreamTide's ehead Shayilbey settles back down by Kalista and smiles to her. Kalista blinks. ** Preserver? ** Ruah says "Hello, Mender, and to you again, Shayilbey. Ahhh...Kirran? How...are you?" SunnySong says "HelloHighThings!SunnySingNow???"" Kirran shifts shyly, and says, "I am... remembering, a little better." Kalista looks at the preserver with distinct interest. Blackmorn bends his neck and responds. "I am.. there are so many here.. it will take some growing used to.." Ruah smiles a little hesitantly at Kirran. "I am glad." Clearsight nodnods softly to Blackmorn, and clutches his hand. At the Preserver's arrival, there's a rustle in the trees over Clearsight's head, and another Preserver pokes a golden head into view, crying /OoooOOOOO! Many many highthings!/ SunnySong launches into the air...much to DreamTide's relief, and flies in happy loop-de-loops around and about the gathered HighThings :) Shayilbey nods to Kalista. "Little preserver...?" She smiles gently. Mender comes happily over to Ruah and DreamTide, and says brightly, "I hear you two lifemated, let me wish you both happiness, and a warm hut!" An apple-green preserver flits into view as well. /More wethings?/ Kalista watches Sunny flit around, and she chuckles softly. DreamTide looks relived as the presrver fly away, then glances down to Mender SunnySong giggles happily at the arrival of another wething! "HelloHello!" Ruah blushes a bit, ducking her head slightly. "Thank you for your good wishes, Mender. We have been...very happy." The golden Preserver does happy flitting circles around the newcomer, and says brightly /HoneyGold happy! Many highthings! Many wethings!/ DreamTide smiles, "Very happy" SunnySong is as happy as preserver can be...which is very happy indeed!! Ruah smiles up at the preservers, watching their dizzying flight. "Happy, though perhaps not _that_ happy..." SunnySong says "BreeeDeeeeDeeeeeDEEEEEET!!!" Mender grins to Ruah and DreamTide, notes Clearsight's discomfited reaction to the little winged ones, and says warmly, "I think the maiden isn't too pleased with her winged attendants...?" Tumbleberry joins in the singing /BrreeeEEEEdeeedeeeeEET!/ HoneyGold pipes importantly /HoneyGold take very good care of highthings!/ Kalista chuckles softly, listenging to the preserver's singing.. ** Very unusual creatures.. ** SunnySong says "BRRRRrrrreeeeeeEEEEEEETdeeeeDeeeeDeeeeDEEEEEET!" Kirran quietly boggles off to the side, rather amazed by the Preservers himself. SunnySong flutters about the other two preservers happily "SunnyHappySeeWeThings!HappySeeManyManyHighthings!" Clearsight mutters embarrassedly, "They... decided to come with us, on the Walkabout." Tumbleberry chirrs /Wethings come farfarfar with highthings!/ SunnySong says "Sunnysong take good care of HighThings...butNoHaveHighThingToTakeCareOf...Phooo!" Ruah nods to Clearsight. "They are so colorful and delightful, but...I can imagine their presence might become somewhat...tiring..." HoneyGold SWOOPS down and comes in for a landing in Clearsight's pewter-colored hair, and waggles a scolding finger at her. /Silversoft highthing should no have left valley, but we take good care anyhow!/ SunnySong says "SunnyFly farFar too...come see SunHighThings, SingPretty!" Kalista shakes her head, watching and listening to the Presrervers' talk...Rather..TRYING to listen, but having a time of diserning the speech. Clearsight shifts a little, looking vaguely uncomfortable and glaring up at HoneyGold and Tumbleberry. "It... was a difficult meeting we had." SunnySong says "BreeeDeeeeDEEEEET! deeeDeeeDeeebrrreeeeeet!" Mender smiles, plucking himself a fruit off the nearby tree and leaning against one of the benches, to listen. "What's this Walkabout, maiden?" Clearsight looks around at the gathered elves, and says shyly, "Well... I... came to look for my Sign... for my tribe-name." Shayilbey sighs, unable to catch the little creature's attention, but still evidently of a good mood. Tumbleberry swoops down and perches on Blackmorn's good shoulder, looking very proud of itself. SunnySong perches next to HoneyGold "HighThings Always ComeGoComeGo...NoStayPut...IsBad, ShouldJust Stay HomePlace, should! [To be continued....]