Log Date: 7/28/97 Log Intro: This is the second attempt at a plot consultation involving the resolution of the long-overdue Rayek Rescue Plot. Some background: Some time around March '97 on the Two Moons Timeline, Rayek, Suntop, and Ktai were kidnapped into Blue Mountain; by May of '97, the word had begunto spread and Dart of Sorrow's End had begun to organize a sizeable rescue force, including many jackwolfriders and practically all of Lostholt, to storm to Blue Mountain and break the captives out. However, unfortunately, Dart's player passed away. This put an understandable crimp in the ability of the plot to proceed, and when this was complicated with it being summer and that Dart's player had not yet had the opportunity to fully organize everything that was going on, it became very difficult to pull the plot back together. In my capacity as a Two Moons wizard I basically requested all involved parties to vote on whether the plot should be resolved off-camera or on. The responses received essentially amounted to voting for an off-camera resolution so that all involved parties could get caught up with their IC lives. The purpose of this meeting tonight was to settle out the details of what happened, with three things in mind: 1) How soon after Dart's arrival in Lostholt (about mid-May) the combined rescue force arrived at Blue Mountain. 2) What happened when they got there. 3) Any other loose ends. ---------- [Begin log.] Alorn nods sagely. Rayek is glad to see you, Winnie, we'd been hoping you could show. Cutter tosses confetti. Winnowill warns. Has had one of The Worst days at work, and if she sees a certain guest again, she'll probably be carted off to jail. Anyway, here I am. Rayek opens a log, and basically summarizes what I hope to get settled tonight now that we have a critical mass of major players here. Vale feels loney, being out of his Winnowill Personality for a long time. I saw a picture of Lucy Lawless in this week's Entertainment Weekly and got lonely. Rayek hugs Winnie's typist, and nods. Rayek grins to Vale. Anyway. You say "What I see needing settled is the following:" You say "1) When did Lostholt & Company get to Blue Mountain, in relation to when Dart showed up with the news of Rayek 'n' Suntop's capture (which was like mid-May); " You say "2) What happened when they arrived at Blue Mountain;" You say "3) Any other loose ends." You say "I myself am thinking that Rayek will have grudgingly sacrificed himself by offering to stay in the Mountain if Winnie let Suntop go. What I'd like to see y'all settle tonight, though, is the three points I've mentioned above." Winnowill abstractly likes that idea. Savah says "So Suntop will have been rescued offscreen, Rayek is still there sorta voluntarily?" Cutter says "Suntop would have been released, in trade for Rayek. Which I still think is a wimpy way to end this thing that has kept so many of us in limbo, but, it's an end." Winnowill tucks that wrapstuff tighter under her bed. Vale says "The non-wimpy way is to kill off lots of people and start an all-out war." Savah thinks a wimpy end is better than... what Vale said, mostly :) Cutter <-- fan of killing off people. Anyway. Savah says "I think a lot of people feel unhappy about another battle at Blue Mountain." Vale says "Now, I don't mind a war, as long as people are willing to maintain it." Savah says "I'm not directly involed in said battle myself, but I've spoken to two players at least who are pretty miserable at the thought of violence there." Rayek agrees that it is a wimpy end, but thinks that given the time delay that this is a better off-camera option than one of violence. Besides -- killing off people requires volunteers to be slain. Winnowill would offer an alt, but she'd be killed OOCly. Savah says "My vote is offcamera Suntop rescue, then Rayek "rescue" can be negotiated. That should suit both parties, perhaps?" Winnowill does know of two who are willing to get 'offed; though, if any RP of that nature would be effected into 'off-camera' Cutter says "Just my opinion. Didn't mean to make a big thing out of it. Sorry." Telia is willing to die, although I'd prefer an on-camera death to an off-camera one. You say "Not a problem, Cutter. :) It's exactly these things that we need to mention." Winnowill could arrange that, Telia. You say "So. Let's go with the option of trading Suntop for Rayek, then. My original first point still stands, however: we need to determine how long it took Lostholt & Company to get to Blue Mountain, with mid-May as a starting point." Winnowill says "RavenHolt is involved in this somehow as well..." You say "WolfFlame informed me that she and hers went back to their Holt with orders to await Dart's coming to fetch them." Savah scratches her head, wondering where Zirek fits into plots. Guess that might be moved back, I'm not aware of other relevant lostholt RP after May. Vale says "Yay." Winnowill nods thoughtfully and relays. You say "There wasn't any relevant Lostholt RP between Dart's arrival and Zirek's, no. If Zirek's arrival needs to stand, he should probably have arrived _before_ Dart -- because Dart's arrival did create a pretty big stink." Cutter says "Or he showed up -immediately- afterward." You say "Yah. That'd work." Savah says "Wouldn't somebody have told him people had been rescued? Pardon if I'm not making sense, my player is finally getting sleepy :)" You say "Well, the idea here, Savah, is that Zirek and Dart could have gotten to Lostholt about the same time with the news of Rayek and Suntop being held; this is before any question of rescue, IC." Rayek thinks it's plausible to have them show up at about the same time and raise the same general hue and cry; individual actions past that can be up to people as the whole shebang moves to Blue Mountain. Savah ahs, right. "Makes sense." Winnowill finally notices who we are missing: Jadesong. Rayek will suggest that in order to keep what RP I have done lately with Rayek in line with events that have involved Ktai that I retroactively declare Rayek to have been in wrapstuff longer; just about all of the RP I have done with him is pretty much time-independent _except_ Ktai's recent escape and Recognition, which affects more people. Vale's brain frays at the edges. You say "Jadesong RSVP'd as probably late if showing up at all, Winnie." Savah nods at all, so far. You say "Alternately, time involving Rayek and his offer to stay in Blue Mountain in Suntop's stead will need to be tweaked a bit. Which brings me back to my original question, that being, how long would it be reasonable for the Horde to have taken to get to the Mountain from Lostholt?" Cutter says "Two weeks, probably. To gather everyone, send the rest to the GoBacks, and head out." Mirya has arrived. Savah says "Isn't lostholt 2 months from BM or something? I used to have this map around..." You say "I expect at least a month of transit time, depending on whether y'all got held up anywhere by nasty weather. Suffice to say that arrival at Blue Mountain could probably have been achieved by the time frame of early to mid June." Cutter says "Fine." Vale says "Just a month?" Rayek DID say 'at least a month', Vale. :) Cutter says "If we make it more than a month, then what's the problem with time? Let's just say it took them three months to get there, and be done with it." You say "Sounds like a plan; any seconds to the motion? thirds?" Winnowill says "Do I get to have kept the annoying bug? I can't imagine they actually _wanted_ it back..." Savah seconds it, herself. Rayek grins to Winnie, we'll get to that. ;) Telia acks at Winnie, "And we do?" You say "Okay. So. Let's say mid to late Juneish, then, the Horde shows up at the foot of Blue Mountain. A lot of anxious elves trying to decide what the HELL to do to get Rayek and Suntop out of there." You say "My question for you all is then: What happened when you got there?" Winnowill smiles blandly at Telia. Winnowill would have told them to go home. Savah needs to go sleep, and hugs&waves at various peoples. "Night!" Savah goes home. Savah has left. Rayek settles back and listens, as his only affected alt here is Rayek. Y'all cuss 'n' discuss, please. :) And 'night, Savah! Cutter says "If we had Ekuar, as we were supposed to, we'd have him shape his way in. Cutter would growl at people to keep their eyes open, and weapons at the ready. He'd be planning a full out attack. And he wouldn't go home." You say "You do have Ekkie." You say "I fully expect that Ekkie would be sending like crazy for Rayek, too. Winnie: would you block Rayek from reaching outside in sending, once the Horde showed up?" Winnowill ponders. Cutter imagines Leetah would too, but won't speak for her. You say "And, perhaps even more importantly, do you tell Rayek that the cavalry has arrived?" Vale imagines Leetah would be looking for Winnowill. That's personal thought. Winnowill thinks she'd try to convince him that sending to them was not useful, nor necessary. He doesn't need them anymore. Winnowill says "And Azeure wouldn't let Leetah anywhere near Winnowill. *Added by Azeure's player*" You say "Rayek, if given a choice in the matter, would be all over any sending contacts he gets. If he is not blocked y'all could zero in on him with reasonable quickness. He does not, however, know where Suntop is and has not been able to reach him. He suspects Winnie's hand in this." You say "Winnie, if you _don't_ block him, and Rayek _does_ find out that the others have come, this is a desperately needed boost to his spirit." You say "You'll find him less tractable. ;)(" Winnowill had better block him then, hadn't she :) Vale says "Some day we'll have an on-line dictionary." Cutter thinks if Rayek's blocked, that's going to cause added conflict. You say "Your call on this, Winnie -- just want you to understand the consequences of Rayek in full possession of his sending abilities." You say "If he is able to commune with the nastybad Outsiders, he will." Winnowill definately blocks Rayek then. All the while making it appear that he isn't being blocked. Rayek lifts an eyebrow. Meaning, what? Cutter er. How? You say "Can they sense I'm in the mountain?" Winnowill says "They would be able to, I wouldn't ICly be able to control everyone... but Rayek wouldn't sense them." Cutter says "How are you going to make us think that he's not being blocked, then?" You say "That's the thing, yeah. Can Winnie's blocking be detected at outside-the-Mountain range?" Winnowill says "For all intents and purposes (dark as they may be) Winnowill's only keeping others from sending to Rayek. That large majority of the Gliders don't know he's even there, so no-one sends to him, save Demell and Winnowill." You say "I'd think that at that distance all you could get is that Rayek's in there and not answering for some reason." Vale says "Lock-Sending implies the communication is two-way. But before you're locked, you're casting about. Yesno?" Cutter thinks . o O (Rayek's in there. Rayek's not answering. Something's wrong.) Problem. Winnowill would think that if you had a prior 'link' to the individual, that 'casting about' would be drastically diminished. Vale is hard pressed to imagine Cutter not thinking most things a problem. ;) Rayek thinks it depends on the mechanics of how Winnie turns off Rayek's sending, Vale. And yes, Cutter -- I'd say that regardless of whether y'all could sense actual Winnie blockage, you have MORE than enough reason to suspect that if you can't actually reach Brownskin, it's probably Winnie's fault. Cutter well, yes. Telia says "Although the gliders are going to be just a bit curious about why a big bunch of wolfriders are here." You say "I mean, it's common sense to conclude that. ;) So." Rayek nods to Telia. Alorn grins at Telia. "Do they ever really have a reason?" You say "So, we have the Horde at the foot of the Mountain, and a Rayek and a Suntop who are not answering hailing frequencies. The Horde has Ekuar who can shape his way in as needed. What then, folks?" Vale says "I grab my BFG-9000 and waste you all." Mirya snorts. Aeika giggles. Winnowill smirks Telia says "They run into the gliders waiting for them." Alorn likes that solution, and looks mighty glad she's not anywhere near home. Winnowill sends her messenger out. Enter Azeure and a bondbird with an urge. Cutter says "So then we have violence." Rayek notes that Kianna had expressed a wish to kill off Eagle, one of the deceased-Dart-player's alts; this would probably be an appropriate time to do that, at this point in events. Telia would probably attempt to talk to the wolfriders on her own, preferably without Winnie or toadies finding out. Winnowill says "Az will have a problem with that, Telia. He is Chosen, after all." Cutter states unnecessarily: Chosen. Froth. Kill. Alorn observes that Telia has a better chance than most of getting out to talk to said wolfriders, being ex-Chosen. Mirya sighs, at this point. "Most of you know I play Lhyree. Those who don't, well, please don't bandy it about. Although I think that in light of Cutter's last statement, Lhyree's likely to have to die." Vale says "Wouldn't anyone noticing the wolfriders attract attention, so Just One Person going out would bring Many Others." Winnowill takes a deep breath before typing that Azeure's player has stated: "Azeure is available to be killed, but I'd probably only do it under pretense of actually RPing it out." Mirya ditto. Strongbow has arrived. Cutter says "S'bow!" Aeika whistles softly. Winnowill beats her head against her screen as 3 Chosen now decide to die on her Alorn yikes. Mirya says "Wait, Winny." Rayek hugs S'bow hi. Aeika chuckles, "Leetah wouldn't let them." Mirya emphatically *does* *not* *want** Lhyree to die. Aeika says "If she had any say in the matter." Cutter gets a headache, yes he does. Strongbow'sChosen ain't dying, though he's idle as heck. Howdy, all. Telia says "Who's the third?" Mirya, however, thinks that in a battle between the two halves of her family, Lhyree's one of the most *likely* to die. Winnowill peers at Strongbow musingly. Rayek briefs an S'bow in another window. Strongbow peers around. Y'all can spam me anywhere you want, I trust you all. Alorn fuzzles Winny. "You can scratch me off that list, at least for now. I think Tilia's going to want my head." Winnowill grins knowingly at Alorn. Cutter explains, again probably unnecessarily: Winnowill, already an Enemy with a big fugging E, has his son. Cutter wants him back. Getting Rayek is secondary, but would also be nice. If there is -any- Glider interference, he's gonna want to attack. I didn't design the character, but I don't think any other reaction is realistic. Vale wonders when Cutter decided Rayek was Worth It (tm). Winnowill says "Azeure says: 'As soon as I get back from Vacation, it's on, dude.'" Cutter says "Leetah cares." Cutter says "Therefore.." Rayek finishes briefing S'bow. Strongbow snorts. "The snake can USE him. Therefore, he's worth it just to get him away." Winnowill polishes her scales. Rayek notes also for giggles and grins that since Rayek IS incommunicado y'all won't know that Winnie's been bodily mucking with him as well as mentally. Rayek has been changed. Strongbow's typist suffocates in a fit of giggles. Winnowill nods approvingly. "He's much taller now. His body almost matches his ego. Ergo, he's much better IMHO." Cutter snerks. Alorn snickers. Rayek looks essentially like Rogue's Curse Rayek, without the extra mental passenger. ;) Telia smirks. Winnowill might arrange for that in part as well. Strongbow mmm stringy hair. You say "ANYway. Horde Vs. Chosen? How much violence are we talking here, people?" Winnowill imagines lots of bird-droppings involved. You say "What does the Story demand we do here?" Strongbow uh oh. I have to have a split personality on this, don't I? Vale says "The amount of violence depends on how it started." Rayek nods to Vale, just so. Winnowill is thankfully spared that, Bowie. Alorn observes, from a mostly neutral tactical POV, the Chosen are going to be somewhat... um... understaffed for this particular scene, in any event. Aeika says "Leetah will minimize the fatalities as much as possible." Cutter says "Azeure coming out alone is likely to be overwhelmed." Rayek nods to Aeika; Leetah, to my knowledge, is the only healer the Rescue Horde has available, as Ynderra snuck to Willowholt with her sister, to be appropriately hollered loudly at laer. Rayek er, later. Winnowill says "This is true. However, he's acting as messenger, not attacker. Cutter does have somewhat of a lever head." Strongbow observes that whatever Winnowill wills, will be willed by Kureel, and that will will be willfully carried out to the best and strongest of that will, if you will. Winnowill says "Level, even. So he might be persuaded to listen first" Cutter says "Not likely. Might. But not bloody likely." Mirya dittos S'bow, regarding Lhyree. Winnowill chuckles. Aeika says "Leetah would encourage Cutter to listen before charging in." Alorn . o O ( Azeure? Messenger? Oh, yeah. There's gonna be a fight. ) Strongbow would even encourage that. Tactical strength in knoweledge. Strongbow would not encourage returning the messenger alive, is all. Strongbow grins. Cutter says "If Leetah and S'bow encourage it, he'll listen. Grudgingly." Rayek interjects for general reference that for those who don't know, I am logging, and will summarize events in a later report to be sent out to all involved. Strongbow's wrists have truly missed typing fasty. ;) Strongbow fast, too. Rayek, with that, shaddups, and lets y'all hammer this out. :) Winnowill nods and eyes Azeure thoughtfully. Strongbow well. We figure Az means violence. How much? Where? What will happen next? What does Chiefie CHief Choppey-Chop here order, against the better judgement of his betters and elders? ;) Vale waits for typo corrections to understand what the hell Strongbow just said. Telia rofl. Alorn says "He wants to know what's gonna happen when Az comes to give terms for surrender." Strongbow notes that Chiefie Chief Choppey-Chop was NOT a typo. However, what I'm asking is, "What will Cutter wanna do, and how much of it will he actually get away with in terms of what his tribe will do?" You say "What _are_ the terms of surrender?" Cutter snorts. Vale says "Who started the fighting?" Vale seems to have missed this point. Rayek thinks we're still trying to settle that, Vale. :) Strongbow ahso. I think Cutter did, me having my great faith in him as I do, but Az probably led him to it. :) Rayek also supposes that terms of surrender are possibly irrelevant as they are liable to be met with a big ol' Wolfriderly nyaaaaah. Strongbow thought perhaps even a big ol' Wolfriderly PTHLLBBBT, complete with spittle. Vale thinks it's pointless to talk about surrender when no one's started the fight. Cutter thinks it depends on how Azeure approaches. Winnowill nods, taking all this into thoughts. Cutter says "If he comes out saying, 'Puny savages, surrender or die', then.. well." Mirya has disconnected. Rayek nods to Cutter, yah. So we're still on the issue of how Az presents himself. Telia says "Well, I think that's up to Winnie and Az." Winnowill thinks (ack re: Mirya) that Az ask why we have a lollapalooza of WolfRiders You say "To which Cutter basically goes, "We're here for mah boy."" Cutter answers truthfully then. Y'all have Suntop (and Rayek) and we want them back. Winnowill says "Az will not engage the WolfRiders in either verbal battle or physical unless attacked first." Winnowill, in case you haven't yet guessed, has Azeure's player beside her Vale thinks the Gliders have discovered Diplomacy. At last. Strongbow snerks. This is a mighty cool-headed Az. (Friendly snugs to said player anyway) :) Winnowill says "And Azeure has no knowledge of Suntop even being _in_ the Mountain" Cutter says "So he'll say Suntop isn't there?" Strongbow notes that he has about 15 lab minutes left. :( You say "Dart, I expect, will state that Az is either lying or mistaken, and I'd expect Dart would say "We darned well KNOW he's in there."" You say "For those of you keeping score at home, Dart got the news at the Palace from Ekuar and others, who got it from Sothel." Vale says "Would Az send to Winnowill asking her about these 'prisoners'?" Strongbow tallies some points, then. Winnowill says "Who immediately ran and hid" Alorn ponders. Az has about 1 dot in Diplomacy. If that. "Oooh, third-hand information." Winnowill says "Azeure says: "No. He knows exactly what goes on (or so he thinks)" Cutter is only staying for another 15 minutes or so, himself. He has a mate that needs company. Strongbow giggles. Ok, THAT is the Az I know. Rayek suggests then that we change tactics slightly. If our ultimate goal is to release Suntop, how best to accomplish this? Strongbow so; Az claims there is no Suntop. I would consider this an Error. Strongbow shuts up atta Rayekthing. :) Strongbow shuts himself up, rather. Hm. Strongbow . o O ( Seige and burn. Worked before. ) Rayek grins to S'bow. Well, it's a valid point; if Az claims the Mountain is Suntop-free and the Rescue Horde basically knows otherwise 'cause Dart said so, we have an obvious conflict to resolve. Winnowill says "Az would consider it an error that is going to remain a mystery for as long as the WolfRiders want to stay and rot in the Field Before Blue Mountain (end quote)" Telia says "Well, if Telia makes it out of the mountain, and manages to convince the wolfriders that she's not a complete Winnie toadie, and they tell her why they're here, she would offer to help, if they would take it, and if she could actually do anything." Cutter says "Then we have conflict. Cutter's going in." Strongbow cheers his chief. Cutter says "Or damn well going to try. | You won't give him up? I'll go get him, then." Winnowill says "Az would have no qualms about throwing the elf-Chief that ruined his life off the Mountain without ever touching hi," Winnowill says "him, even" Cutter says "How's he planning on doing that?" Strongbow supposes he'd levitate you and drop you, chief. Vale says "Yay, we have dead Az!" Rayek suggests again: think of the standpoint of Story here, folks. We have a goal of getting Suntop out alive: how best to accomplish this goal? Cutter doesn't imagine Az would survive that. Strongbow doesn't either, chief, but it's a valid move anyway. Vale says "The best way is: Az asks Winnowill what's going on, Winnowill gets involved, Rayek gets involved, A Bargain Is Made." Strongbow aim, draw, pting. Strongbow even: draw, pting. Who needs to aim? Rayek nods to Vale -- and looks at everybody else. :) Strongbow doesn't get to draw, pting in that scenario. Strongbow's player likes it. ;) Cutter agrees it's a valid move. Strongbow says "(I bet you all had forgotten how disruptive I can be.)" Winnowill says "It's not exactly IC for Az to ask Winnowill anything... but it could happen" Vale says "People Back at the Palace Go To BM To Drag the Scroll Back Out, Leave Rayek There to Rot." Telia says "Az could just report back why the wolfriders are here, and Winnie could take it from there." Rayek is paged by Demell who wishes to pop in, and briefs him on what's been discussed thus far. Demell has arrived. Strongbow doesn't Icly (or OOCly) dig on this Leave Rayek There To Feed The Snake thang. Vale says "Rayek is in a Martyr mode, SB. He's been doing that for a year now. This is his perfect chance." Strongbow says "Unless Rayek is trying to inconvenience himself for a while to improve player sanity. Which I would understand." Strongbow oh, Rayek is trying to inconvenience himself for the fun of it. I see. Vale finds it perfectly IC for how Rayek has come to be played. Vale says "Right." Strongbow :P I ain't gonna listen if the airwalker whines "Leave me here!" Winnowill . o O (Can we actually dare kill *gasp* Rayek?) Vale says "Would Cutter listen?" Demell ^_^ Strongbow eyes Cutter. Cutter says "To what? Rayek whining leave me here?" Vale says "If Rayek said, say, 'He is here. Take him, and I will stay.' " Strongbow nod. Rayek comes back to this window (he's spammed :) ), and notes that Rayek volunteering to sequester himself in the Mountain for a safe return of Suntop strikes me as IC of him, yes -- it also gives me conflict to resolve with him, which I desperately need. Rayek smirks at Vale. Winnowill laughs evilly. You have no idea. Demell says "That might be something Winny would enjoy...." Strongbow yipe yipe yipe, being thrown out of the lab. *HUGS* to all I haven't seen in forever. Hope to see you soon. My major point of contention so far is: don't leave ANYTHING in there that feeds the snake...bai! Strongbow has disconnected. Cutter says "Grudgingly. Yes." You say "Of course, Rayek making this volunteering requires that Rayek find out what's going on." Vale solves World Peace while he's at it. Demell throws the Meaning of Life in there too. Vale says "Would Winnowill push another direct confrontation with the Wolfriders, or admit she has The Brat?" Winnowill says "Can we keep asides and inconsequentials to a minimum, please? I'm spammed as is Rayek. Thanks" Demell says "What would cause the most confusion?" You say "And as for that thought of yours, Winnie -- if the rest of the wizards and I saw a good dramatic need for it, I'd not be against killing off Rayek, but I don't see a need for it quite yet." Winnowill nods thoughtfully some more. Cutter says "Anyway, if anyone needs a question answered from me, ask now. Otherwise, +mail me. I've been here too long." Winnowill nods to Cutter. Be well You say "Do we want to adjourn here, folks?" Aeika nods and hugs Cutter. Rayek can host another meeting to conclude the discussion, but y'all speak now. You say "Or we can continue if y'all want." Cutter suggests another meeting. Just IHHO. Night. Cutter goes home. Cutter has left. Demell would like to continue, actually... Winnowill seconds another meeting. You say "We kinda really need Cutter to settle these issues out, Demell." Telia thirds. Demell says "okie...then fourth on the meeting motion." You say "Okay. Does this general time frame work for you folks?" Aeika nods. Winnowill honestly doesn't know her schedule yet... she's in the middle of changing jobs, but will do her best You say "Any nights for the rest of this week that are particularly evil?" Telia says "Tomorrow." Demell says "um...sunday, an' that's it." Winnowill says "Friday is bad for me." Demell can be on _Really_ late...like now. You say "Any objections to Thursday?" Aeika is leaving on Wednesday and won't be back for a week and a half. Demell says "Thursday's good." You say "Are you available Wednesday night, Aeika?" Aeika is. Aeika says "And after that, you are allowed to speak for Leetah, because you know what she would do pretty well, I think. :)" You say "Okay, we'd better shoot for Wednesday, then. Unless I hear any objects, Wednesday night, 8:30ish Pacific time 11:30pmish Eastern?" You say "So noted, Aeika, and thank you." Winnowill says "That works for me, yes." Telia nods, "Sounds good." Demell says "wednesday it is then, Rayek." You say "Okay. We're on for then, folks, meeting adjourned. I'll get that +mail out." [End log.]