"Business By Night" Log Date: 11/10/00 Log Cast: Julian, Malcolm (NPC emitted by Julian), Nox Log Intro: It has taken a great deal of effort both monetary and mercenary to get Julian to where he is today: the Deus of his House, the Guildmaster of the Thieves of Haven... and a father and uncle and guardian to four children of Empyrean and Mongrel blood. Enough effort that it's occupied almost every single one of Julian's waking hours, and not a few of his sleeping ones... and kept him far more than he'd like from a thrill he's long missed: that of being able to score a take on his own ingenuity, being able to match his wits against those who might guard a bauble he desires. Fortunately for Julian, he is not without his friends, and one of his closest ones has a very fine knack for bringing the cure for what ails his boredom.... *===========================< In Character Time >===========================* Time of day: Evening Date on Aether: Thursday, May 16, 3907. Year on Earth: 1507 A.D. Phase of the Moon: Waxing Crescent Season: Spring Weather: Clear Skies Temperature: Warm *==========================================================================* Julian He is pale -- he's not a Varati. He has neither gills nor fins; he's not Atlantean. He cannot be Sylvan, for his eyes are twilight blue, his ears unpointed. And surely his features are far too refined to be those of a Mongrel... which leaves only one race from which this man could come. He certainly has the build of an Empyrean, leanly muscled, finely boned. At just over six feet in height, he is tall, but slim. Shoulders, limbs, and hands are all in elegant proportion, and he moves like a Son of the Air as well, with a certain lightness of carriage that suggests he might spring off the earth at any given moment. But if he _is_ Empyrean... there appear to be a couple of problems. He _can't_ spring off the earth, for he has no wings. And his hair, short, often rakishly tousled, is a pure raven-black. The hue of his hair and the absence of wings may well be the source of an ever so slight glint of irony in his dark azure gaze, or the hint of a sardonic drawl beneath the lilting velvet tenor with which he speaks. Wingless though he may be, darkling though he may be, he nevertheless comports himself like a lord. His manners and accent are impeccable, and he conveys to the world an aura of unspoken assurance and experience, befitting a man who appears somewhere in his mid-thirties. Julian is dressed at the moment in a black silken long-sleeved tunic, sleek black breeches, and a midnight-blue tunic upon which gleam discreet touches of gold embroidery. The cut and cloth of each garment he wears are subtly fine, perfectly tailored without ostentation though of a style that owes its origins to designs outside the usual preferences of the Children of Air. Upon his feet he wears soft boots, also black. Evening in House Nemea -- or at least Haven's branch thereof -- has settled into a fairly quiet routine after several months' worth of practice. The younger children are asleep; Moirae, last her father checked, was awake in her chamber avidly devouring a book Julian had brought her as a gift. As Nemea's Deus finally calls a halt to the business of slogging through a longwinded letter from one of the few merchant Houses in Haven with even less of a reputation than his own, rubbing a weary hand across his eyes, he rather envies the girl her reading material... but doesn't go to disturb her. Not at this hour will he distract her. But as it happens, a welcome distraction pulls his mind out of the utterly prosaic business of contract negotiations, regardless. "It's th' Dom'nus Nox," is Malcolm's terse report, as the Mongrel shows up at Julian's study door to bring the word that the man who helped his Deus take the House has come to see him. "Delightful," drawls Julian under his breath, following the Mongrel down the stairs and into the atrium. _Hope he's brought me some excitement, I'm about two heartbeats away from deciding to do something foolish like pickpocketing the Emperor..._ Well, not really. But boredom does drive a man to flights of wild fancy, even if he doesn't happen to have wings. Nox strides into the Atrium, his shabby, worn-out clothing looking very much out of place in the decorated place -- and earning a long second look from Malcom. But Nox ignores any hints about his run-down appearance, letting his gaze drift through the hallway with an expression of bemusement. "Ave, Julian," he greets in his soft, deep voice, the words carrying well in the reception hall. "Nice setting you got here." A longer look goes over the richer dressed, but still wingless Empyrean, "You look like you settled yourself in real well. I hope I am not disturbing you in your lap of luxury." The trace of sarcasm is, as ever, hardly lost in his words or his twinkling violet eyes. The place has hardly increased in its finery since Julian took it over; if anything, he's stripped out some of the more ostentatious works of alledged art and some of the more garish pieces of furniture, replacing them with more discreetly styled items better suited to his tastes. Perfectly aware that his darkling friend knows this, the Deus merely smiles a one-sided smile as he inclines his head, answering, "Ave, my friend, and if it's a lap I'm sitting in, it's one of boredom. What brings you by?" Malcolm, comfortable with the duties he's volunteered for without requiring any orders from his employer, doesn't bother to jump into the conversation; instead, the Mongrel merely grimaces anew at Nox's scruffy appearance, then stumps off to the chair by the hearth out in the atrium proper he'd been occupying, before the visitor showed up. Nox remembers well enough how the place looked when Julian took it over, and can't blame him for ripping out the pieces that were still left -- after all, it was just a pale shadow of the raw amount of _stuff_ that used to be here when Nox visited the prior owner of this mansion. Most of the really valuable items have left in the pockets of Nox' and his helpers after that visit, and have been swallowed by the depth of the Outcast pockets. Running one finger idly over a newly brought table, he returned the crooked smile to the new Deus'. "Ah, well, I am sure I can find something exciting to do for you, then. Of course, such adventures are better discussed in a certain privacy." The other hand makes a gallant, playful gesture up the stairs. Oh good. A glimmer of anticipation lights Julian's dusk-hued eyes, though that's the only sign of devilish mischief he permits himself as long as Malcolm is in within earshot. The Mongrel he's brought with him out of the Empyre is a good man, but as staid and honest as they come -- and it just wouldn't do, he's sure, to let the fellow overhear his employer discussing... shall we say, less than legitimate business. "By all means," he answers archly, somehow managing to keep a growl of predatory pleasure out of his voice, "come into my parlor, then." Translation: Julian's study. By now the path to it is hardly any less familiar to Nox than anything else in the house, and it takes very little time for the Deus to lead his visitor and friend up to that particular room. The scattering of parchments across his desk might be considered new, along with the sealing wax and ink and writing quills interspersed among the documents; certainly, that's more sign of industry than ever graced this place in the hands of Julian's predecessor. But there's more of the Rook than the Deus in Julian's expression, as he closes the study door to let himself and Nox be safely unheard within the room. Blatantly ignoring the evidence of his own work, he says, "So, my friend... what, indeed, brings you by? Though these are your hours, I can't imagine this is merely a social call...?" Whatever Nox came to talk about, it most likely isn't anything remotely legitimate, at least not by the Empyre's standard. Or what the mercenary has done recently was ever within the bounds of Empyrean law? But despite the shady proposal he came to offer tonight, he seems as casual and relaxed as ever, not giving away that he came for anything but a social call. Following Julian's lead, his gaze wanders briefly over the various documents, but do not linger tlong enough to allow him to read anything. As he looks up again, the crooked smile graces again his unusually delicate formed lips. "Ah, you don't give me enough credit to assume that I merely wished to visit a friend?" His slanted eyebrows lift expectingly, his tone once again dripping with irony. "You know me well, then. I've came to offer you a proposal. Something big. Possibly dangerous. So how bored are you, exactly?" "Not quite bored enough to try to pilfer the pinions off the back of Khalid Atar," is Julian's drawled reply, delivered without missing a beat, "but if Drusus Marcus Jove happened to walk past me, he'd be doing well to count his feathers afterward." He doesn't bother to elaborate, but from the way his stance and expression subtly shift, the man who's spent the last many months playing at being a respectable merchant, Deus, and yea, even a father, is quite palpably restless. And bored. It veritably shouts from every line of his lean body and the sharpening of his gaze. "You most assuredly have my attention." Nox grins at the declaration, idle fingers running along his own raven-colored feathers, to make sure none of them are missing. "I'm not going after Drusus, nor that..." The grin spreads wider in a twisted curve, "...tainted half-breed, as some brave Ceterions like to call him. Not yet anyways." He folds his legs over another, to take on a more casual, relaxed stance. "Have you ever heard of House Hypplata?" His gaze, as well as his tone of voice shift instantly in that sentence, becoming sharper, more serious. A man in Julian's position -- either the legitimate one _or_ the illegitimate one -- cannot afford to fail to keep tabs on potential customers. Or victims, as the case may be. Letting Nox stand or sit as he will, for he's long ago become comfortable with the younger man's presence in his personal sanctum, the Rook frowns thoughtfully to himself for a moment, conducting a quick search through his memory to see what he can pull forth. As he does, he begins to move about the room, too slowly to really be pacing, yet with too much energy to sit still. Dextrous artisan's hands begin sorting some of the documents on the desk, though that task is detached from the conversation that's begun. "I've heard the name somewhere," he reports after a beat, looking back up. "But I've never hit them. I've probably seen it reviewing the House's" -- and with this, Julian's mouth curls ever so slightly, reflecting his current opinion of having to be carrying out such duties himself -- "business affairs." Nox folds his own hands behind his back, slim, hardened fingers interlacing each other below the hips as big, curved wings flex cautiously in the small confines the room gives him. "Business' affairs," echoes the Outcast, the grin creeping back on his features. "That's what interests me about them as well. They're an old noble House, but not very public. Strong Praetorian background. But they are rich. Worth taking a look at, both as far as the gold and their items go." His lips thin again. "We've robbed an Empyrean House before, Richard. It'd be dangerous, possibly more dangerous than House Nemea. No doubt about that. But it'd be worth the reward. For all of us." Both of Julian's dark brows rise up at Nox's estimation of the potential peril; one doesn't get much more dangerous than taking the family House and wealth out from under one's own murderous younger brother, after all. Unless it involves short-tempered God-Kings with a penchant for flaming Aegians who annoy him into ash and hauling up volcanoes to do the same on a larger scale for cities that do the same. "We took months to drain the wealth off Nemea," he muses, settling himself on a corner of the sturdy desk, while he plucks one of his writing quills up off its surface. Twirling it about in the fingers of one hand, almost unconsciously working to keep the feather moving while he refrains from damaging it, Julian then goes on, "And we had the people to back us up. You're anticipating a campaign of similar scale?' Nox meets Julian's questioning gaze openly, a grim determination speaking from his expression. "If that's what it takes, yes." The relaxed stance gets firmer, before he makes one deliberate pace to advance upon the Deus. "We only have us. The Outcasts, my own men as well as your thieves. But we will be completely informed about their situation. About the changing of the guard, the plans of the places we're going to hit, the way the people in charge are thinking. Before I tell you what I had in mind, I want your confirmation first. You can say yes or no, but if you decline, you will neither make use of the knowledge I give here, nor will you mention it to anybody else." He spreads both hands in front of him again, "As usual." There aren't many people in Haven to whom Julian would entrust a job of a magnitude to match his own takeover of Nemea -- but one of those people is in this very room right now. "But of course," he says easily, inclining his head in gracious acknowledgement, though that gesture does nothing to blunt the hungry gleam in his eyes. "My confirmation is yours, for the initial stages of your plans. You already know what people of mine are reliable from our last... business venture." This time the drawl is decidedly amused. "Recruit who you will, usual Guild cut applying... oh, and one other condition." The hungry glimmer of his eyes redoubles. "I want in on at least one of the hits." Nox nods strongly as his hands clasp together again. With a smile, he confirms, "Of course, Julian. Just to be right on this. We're not attacking an Empyrean House. We're simply robbing it. In fact, I promised to only wound or kill anybody if I cannot avoid it. You will get the usual share, which should be more than enuogh, if my information is correct." His eyes start to gleam in anticipation as he strikes out two fingers, "There's two places we will hit. The first is an estate outside of Haven. It's strongly protected, but it has weak spots. I want one quick strike there, relying mainly on distraction, confusion and surprise. Then, once the House has relocated its forces to that estate, I want to slowly, but surely bleed their main mansion here in Haven, where most of their trade goes through." To this, the Rook actually laughs out loud. "I'm a thief by profession, my friend -- not a soldier or an assassin or a mercenary. Spilling blood doesn't interest me. But I'll not deny--" And he surges to his feet, sweeping a hand out to take in the clutter on his desk. "If I don't get out and pull something off again soon, my head may explode. I've had a very long winter, trying to be 'respectable', and trying to keep too many people from getting overly familiar with my face outside the most upstanding of situations." Oh, to be sure, he's kept abreast of the news his spies have been bringing him, but having the information on the results is not at all the same thing as being out there _getting_ them. Broodingly, Julian shoots a blue glare at the pile of documents, then yanks his attention back to the rest of what his erstwhile comrade-in-arms has to offer him by way of data. "I will likely best be better in the latter half of your plans," he has to reluctantly admit, though he does so with a half-smile. "As I am, as I've observed, a thief." [This log was, unfortunately, never completed; it cuts off here as Nox and Julian had to pause the scene. But I'm keeping it for posterity anyway!]