"Brooding in the Grotto" Log Date: 3/10/00 Log Cast: Rillwhisper, Cutter, Aroree, Strongbow Log Intro: Lostholt has learned, much to its collective alarm, that the Willowholt has been destroyed--and that, bizarrity of bizarrities, its bedraggled elves have been taken in by Blue Mountain. All too certain that this must be some subtle trick of Winnowill's, Cutter and Strongbow have hastened to Blue Mountain to help Rillwhisper see what tribesmates of hers will wish to leave safely back out into the Outside... but that's the thing. For many of Rillwhisper's tribe are of Glider blood, and with their Holt destroyed, the temptation of staying with others of Glider blood is proving a powerful lure indeed. It has begun to grow more and more apparent to the Wolfbringer that after the long tenure she's had as the first and only chieftain of the Willowholt, she may have to become only Rillwhisper once again. But it's all too difficult to admit to such vulnerability, especially in Blue Mountain, where vulnerability turns elves into prey and drives them to drink... and yet cannot pull them out of Winnowill's reach.... ---------- Grotto(#564RL) Water cascades from the very heart of this cavern, from its spiralling roof down over the forms of stone to the uneven floor. In the center of the room a number of circular basins nest, each within a larger one, sinking in order into the floor and edged with shells shape from the very stone. Water fills each of these basins, as in the old days, constantly flowing from the fountain clean and being eventually drained away. The circulation ensures only the very purest water is in the basins at any given time. Illuminated with the same far-off luminescence as the water and most of the Mountain, two paths sinew off into the stone: one low-ceilinged hallway, and a set of stairs descending into the floor. Contents: Cutter(#665PBJOce$g) Generi cradle Obvious exits: Stairs South Hall She's talked to Woodhawk and Trollkiller as much as she can about it -- though she was more comfortable talking to Strongbow, truth be told, and even the archer hasn't quite been able to dispell the disquiet from Rillwhisper's heart. The Wolfbringer is alone, parked at the edge of one of the pools within this grotto and gazing pensively into the water. _My tribe is breaking up,_ she tells herself starkly, trying to keep turning the idea around and around in her head. Perhaps if she tells it to herself often enough, she'll actually get used to it. Cutter walks into the Grotto with a bit of pensiveness showing on his face. His hands are tucked behind his back, and though he glances around occasionally, his gaze is drawn mostly to the floor passing beneath his feet. Something's troubling the Kinseeker and it's more than a little obvious. Perhaps it's his tall shadow, taller still than she's really accustomed to; perhaps she's caught his scent, or perhaps her ears have caught the soft footfall of his approach. Regardless, Rillwhisper glances up, and allows herself a fractional smile as she sees the other elf in this relative gloom. "Cutter," she calls softly, a touch darkly wry. "Come to brood, too?" Cutter's head snaps up at the familiar voice and an almost embarrassed smile curls the corners of his mouth as he nods, "I suppose so," he replies as he veers from his original course and heads toward you. As he approaches, he lets out a long sigh and folds his length into a seated position beside you. "Have you talked with your tribe?" he asks, sounding concerned about the matter. "Aye," murmurs the smaller chief, shifting position slightly to be better able to look Cutter in the eye. She smiles again, but only slightly, and only on one side of her mouth; the smile doesn't reach her eyes, either. "Not much to say. Some of us will be at Ravenholt, I think... some of us are going to stay here. Joy might go looking for Vale -- I don't think she believes he's dead. But." Aroree has arrived after a long descent from the south hall. Aroree has arrived. Aroree floats in quietly Cutter nods as his expression turns to one of heartfelt understanding, "And the rest..?" he asks, lifting a hand to lay it gently on your shoulder, offering a bit of comfort there and feeling a bit clumsy about it because there's really nothing he can do to help the situation any. Rillwhisper, nevertheless, appreciates Cutter's gesture even if he feels clumsy about it. Her hand lifts up to clasp his for a moment, and that darkly resigned expression she's wearing eases just a trifle. "Midnight's gone to Ravenholt. Woodhawk, Trollkiller, Rainfire... they'll go where I go. I don't know Ravenholt, though." Cutter is sitting near Rillwhisper looking very concerned and perhaps a little lost as well. His hand rests lightly against the Wolfbringer's shoulder as they talk quietly. Aroree pauses as she notes others here, announces her presence by clearing her throat and quietly "Excuse me, I hadn't expected to find anyone here this late... " Green eyes flashing their gaze sideways from Cutter, Rillwhisper stares over unreadably at the slender Glider. It takes her a fraction of an instant to reply, but once she does her voice is amiable enough, though a trifle gruff. "Don't worry about it, we're the guests here, not you." Aroree almost smiles at that "barely t, almost. "a slight difference I assure you." Cutter gets a slightly puzzled frown, he looks familiar but... (ie: last time I saw you, you was a tad bit shorter m'lad) Cutter nods and his lips curl into a slight smile as he sends, **You know you're welcome in LostHolt.** The send is partly suggestion and partly meant to be supportive. As Aroree clears her throat, he looks up with brows lifted in curiosity. He simply nods in agreement with Rillwhisper since she seems to have said what he would have. Aroree says "I would not wish to intrude on private council." Dropping her hand from Cutter's upon her shoulder, Rillwhisper shrugs mildly. "Not too much private in what I'm telling Cutter," she answers. "He wants to know where what's left of my tribe is going. We're talking about it." Cutter holds up one elongated hand as if to wave Aroree's apprehension away, "It is not so private if it's discussed here." he replies, pointing out that there's little in the mountain that can be considered truly private. Aroree sighs and ponders just turning around and leaving but... going back to her room and it's comfortless stone walls is less than a thrilling prospect. She drifts forward some more, into a more comfortable conversation range. Aroree says "Cutter? Is that really you? You're..." Aroree tries to think of a word other than 'tall' "What's left of Willowholt is leaving," Rillwhisper says to Aroree now, "soon enough. Then she pauses, crooking an eyebrow, and glancing back to Cutter by way of waiting to see how he'll take this. You locksend ** Took her this long to notice? ** to Cutter. Aroree frowns, not liking what your new hieght bespeaks. Aroree settles to the ground lightly. Cutter's expression falters somewhat at the reminder of his shaping. A dark cloud seems to shift across his countenence as he nods, **Tall..?** he finishes for the Glider as a rueful smile curls the corners of his mouth. **Winnowill's idea of a lesson, I think.** he offers by way of explaination though he keeps any emotion from entering the send. Cutter locksends ** She hasn't seen me since before Winnowill shaped me. <> ** Aroree says "I... " she shakes her head and settles for different words than those that first came to mind. "My sympathies, the Lord of Blue Mountain is most fond of... lessons." Aroree nods slightly to Rillwhisper's report "It will be good to know your people are safely in the forest once more." You locksend ** So I gathered.