Note from Rillwhisper: Although the bulk of this log was taken by Dusk, I was also logging this scene and have copied in portions of my log not included in Dusk's. Locksends directed to and sent by Rill have been tagged as [Rillwhisper]. ======================================== Synopsis: Nearly a turn has passed since Tsoran last bothered Willowholt (more specifically, Dusk and Midnight). Now, he returns, this time coming into the holt proper. Players: Dusk (logger), Tsoran, Trollkiller, Rillwhisper, Vale, Zalen, Acorn, No-Fur, Midnight (controlled by Dusk), Woodhawk (sort of spoofed), Wayfound (cameo!). I *think* that's everyone. Logged January 7 & 8, 1999. Notes: Dusk's soulname is shown in this log. Also, I pasted in locksending between Tsoran and Midnight as it happened. Those parts are noted with [Midnight] preceding the pose. --------------------------------------------------------- Tsoran locksends ** Ashte ** You locksend ** (Silence. Apparently, Dusk is asleep) ** to Tsoran. Trollkiller lies asleep behind Dusk, spooned around her body, his chest against her back, protectively. It's been seasons since Tsoran's last unpleasant visit, and there's no sign of him nearby, but worry still occasionally lingers in Trollkiller's mind. Dusk is still out like a light, Midnight curled into her arms protectively, in a way much like she's curled next to her father. Dusk stirs some, coming to at the noises from outside. "Whu..?" Trollkiller bolts upright at the sound of startled, howling, outraged-at- territorial-violation wolves. Trollkiller sends, ** Uh-oh. That's not good. ** Trollkiller turns to Dusk and Midnight, blinking sleep out of his eyes as quickly as he can. ** I'm going to check. Be right back. ** Trollkiller has left. [Everyone hears quite a bit of commotion from the wolfpack, as Tsoran shows up in the middle of the clearing. As Trollkiller darts out onto the sentry branch, his lifemates are also alerted. Also emerging is the chieftess, who leaves her baby Wayfound under the care of Woodhawk; the firestarter reluctantly keeps to the tree, but does not let Rillwhisper out of his sight and scenting. And what Rillwhisper finds is the Glider Tsoran, surrounded by a pack of wolves, snarling at him.] Clearing by the Old Willow(#123RHJ) Here in the heart of the Willowholt, the air is thick with the scents of the Newgreen -- regardless of season. Green growing things crowd the clearing, from the myriad bright 'mushrooms' hiding among tall shoots of grass, to dreamberry bushes sandwiched between the trees, to the mighty, massive 'Old Willow' that dominates everything in sight. A fallen 'log' under the Old Willow's branches provides a place to sit; a gurgling 'fountain' provides a constant song of water. Amidst the almost overwhelming weight of Newgreen scents, the air, to elfin senses, is alive with magic. Immediately to the northeast, overlooked by the mighty willow, lies a small pond; to the southeast, south, and west, paths to the Holt's more secluded parts; to the east, the distant marshes. A soft breeze blows, filling the morning air with the scent of green growing things. The sun is high in the warm spring skies. Contents: Tsoran Prowlfar(#39Jaes) Fallberry(#111IMOQV$j) Obvious exits: Branch Old Willow Hillside Path Starwillow Copse Marsh Pond Tsoran hovers in mid-air, blithely ignoring the circle of wolves below. Surrounding the surprisingly-present Tsoran is a pack of angry wolves; they circle him, growling, snarling, outraged at the territorial intrusion. Tsoran says "Greetings, outsider." Rillwhisper, brightmetal dagger sheathed at her thigh, slim hand resting upon its hilt, steps out of the tree which is the heart of her Holt. The chieftess's gaze is narrow, and her expression grim; it doesn't take much to see a resemblance between her mood and those of the snarling wolves. "Greetings," she replies gruffly, "but you're the outsider here. Not me. Were you planning on announcing your presence in my Holt, or were you just going to leave that up to the pack?" Vale has arrived. Vale skulks out from the Copse, looking quietly curious. Tsoran touches a hand to his chest, in a rather unconvincing posture of wounded innocence. "I did sent to announce my arrival, but the one elf I know well enough to send to here appears to be... less than conscious." [And meanwhile, back in Dusk's den....] Dusk grows more aware of things in a very, very short time, still holding Midnight who, somehow, is still asleep. You locksend to Trollkiller, Dusk's sending is still hazy, though she comes around rather quickly. ** What about Midnight..? ** You sense in a locksend, Trollkiller sighs. ** Tsoran's here. He's dropped into the middle of the clearing. The pack is not amused. ** You locksend to Trollkiller, Dusk's send-mood rather darkens. You locksend ** I'm coming down. ** to Trollkiller. Trollkiller locksends ** Where's Midnight? ** You locksend ** I'm leaving him with Woodhawk. ** to Trollkiller. You sense in a locksend, Trollkiller nodnods. ** Okay. ** He sends to Woodhawk, finding him guarding Wayfound as well. [Dusk makes her way to the Clearing.] Clearing by the Old Willow Contents: Vale Rillwhisper Tsoran Prowlfar Fallberry In the center of the clearing, Grayshadow, the alpha male of the new Willowholt wolf pack, makes a commanding presence in the midst of seven growling wolves. Rillwhisper, alpha female of the Willowholt and she who has of late been called the Wolfbringer, looks rather akin to the wolves in temperament as she stares up at the hovering Glider. Tsoran glances at Vale thoughtfully, but immediately shifts his attention to Dusk as she arrives. "Ah, there she is." Tsoran locksends ** You sleep much, Ashte. And my son? ** Dusk ducks out of the old willow, still rubbing sleep from her eyes. She doesn't look altogether comfortable with any of this, and at the actions of the wolfpack, it's all she can do to keep her lip from curling. Midnight is nowhere to be found. >From the branch above, Trollkiller stares over at Tsoran, never quite trusting what he might be considering. He's brought his sword out with him, but it rests lightly at his side, in its belt, not out. At least, not for the time being. Zalen has connected. >From the branch above, Acorn climbs down from the tree's top branches. You locksend to Tsoran, Dusk gives no explanation for her sleeping habits. She's a day sleeper. ** Still sleeping. ** she explains. "Do they not do open sendings at Blue Mountain anymore?" Rillwhisper inquires dryly. Her green gaze snaps sideways at Dusk's emergence; she notes the presence of Vale, too, and others of her tribe peeking out of the trees. But her primary attention remains with the Glider. "I'll assume," she goes on, "that you're here to see her." Tsoran locksends ** In all this noise and tension? Not for long, I think. Wake him. ** >From the path, another glider. The forest seems to be bringing fruit to gliders as much as wolves today. A bow strung over his shoulder, Zalen seems to be in quite the hurry to see what it is that's raised the ruckus. >From the branch above, Acorn lands quietly on a limb near Trollkiller's perch. Tsoran floats down to the ground, midway between Dusk and Rillwhisper. "No. I am here to see my son." You locksend to Tsoran, Dusk challenges, first. ** What do you want this time, Tsoran? Can you not announce your presence? ** Tsoran locksends ** I believe it is sufficiently announced, now. ** Tsoran's eyes narrow slightly as he discovers Zalen. Tsoran locksends ** Are you still attempting to keep him from me? ** Dusk's arms fold over her chest, not very happy to see Tsoran again. Ah, such tension. Her eyes dart around the clearing at the rest of her tribemates gathered. Tsoran looks down at Dusk again. "Well?" >From the branch above, Acorn looks Tsoran over, green-brown eyes mildly curious. Tall fellow -- and pushy. >From the branch above, Trollkiller's furs hackle a bit. More than pushy. Tsoran walks closer to Dusk, his steps inaudible. Zalen smiles slowly to Tsoran. It is not the friendly sort of smile one give a fellow tribesmate. Despite the others of her tribe being present, Dusk looks away from Tsoran at his approach..intimidated by him? "..." Tsoran locksends ** Come now, Ashte. We did so well last. What do you fear? ** Dusk sends to the whole tribe ** He just wants to see Midnight..then maybe he'll just leave after. ** The Wolfbringer doesn't bother to point out where the two cublings of the Holt are, at the moment; instead, she merely glances sidelong to gauge Dusk's mood, before stating in a tone that brooks no argument, "Your and Dusk's son" -- and there's the slightest bit of emphasis on the latter name, "may be seen, if you pledge to behave yourself while you're here. No hands raised against my tribe and those who are our guests. And no sendings, either." Vale stays out of the clearing, but just. Not hidden, but not leaning into join in the claustrophobia to the visiting glider. You locksend to Tsoran, Dusk seems to have nothing to say. Nothing past ** I'll go get him.. ** Tsoran does not stop until he is within arms reach of Dusk. There, he turns to face Rillwhisper. "I have no objection to your terms. My intentions are peaceful." Tsoran locksends ** Very good, Ashte. ** >From the branch above, Trollkiller looks suspiciously down at Tsoran. But doesn't say anything. Dusk backs away from Tsoran, off to go fetch Midnight from Woodhawk, who is currently watching over the little one. >From the branch above, Acorn's eyes have narrowed a bit, but she merely settles her crouch and loosely loops her arms around her knees, hffing softly. Zalen steps in casually, as though there weren't anything wrong at all. Though the wariness in his step and his avoidance of the wolves completely shows the deception. Rillwhisper locksends, to Trollkiller, Dusk: ** 'Hawk, keep watch on Wayfound -- don't let her toddle out here. Let Midnight go to his mother, though. ** Tsoran regards the tribe members while Dusk is gone, examining each silently with his arms folded over his chest. >From the branch above, Acorn leans a bit to get a better look at Midnight, expression softening into a warm smile at the cub. Dusk returns a few moments after leaving, Midnight in her arms. She still doesn't look altogether happy. >From the branch above, Trollkiller watches hawklike down at Midnight and Tsoran. And places one hand on sword. In case. Zalen takes a drink at the quietly burbling fountain and sets down the fruit of his earlier hunt, unstringing his bow. Midnight is awake, now. His wide eyes blink continuously for a few moments. Ooh. Lots of elves. Tsoran looks down at the returning Dusk and Midnight. After a few heartbeats, he walks to meet them. He kneels in front of Dusk, nearly of a height with her. [Midnight] Tsoran locksends ** Hello, little one. ** Dusk's own eyes lock onto Tsoran this time as she convinces herself nothing will be amiss. She's got the protection of tribemates and wolves, this time. Midnight's eyes shift from his mother to his father at something. [Midnight] You locksend to Tsoran, Midnight's send-voice is on the quiet side. "Hi.." Vale blinks ... and breathes ... but little else during this encounter. [Midnight] Tsoran locksends ** Do you remember who I am? ** Midnight nods slowly, but at what isn't known for certain. [Midnight] You sense in a locksend, Tsoran prompts. ** Who am I? ** Tsoran locksends ** I had hoped to meeting you alone, Ashte. I have thought about our last encounter. ** Rillwhisper does not draw her brightmetal knife. She does not like Gliders -- especially this one, for her memory of an event during her lone walkabout tugs at her -- but she is not going to show herself openly hostile, not here, not now, not in front of the cub. She does, however, sternly keep her place in the midst of the clearing, and the wolves inch back from her, only Prowlfar keeping close by. [Midnight] You locksend to Tsoran, Midnight's answer is plain, simple. ** Daddy. ** You locksend to Tsoran, Dusk might think that a dangerous thing - thinking about the encounter. ** And..? ** >From the branch above, Acorn's brow wrinkles, and she peers curiously at Rill, mouth half-open to speak. She pauses, changing her mind, and frowns instead. Tsoran's thin lips pull into a smile. "Very well done, Midnight. Will you come to me?" He offers his hand to the child. Tsoran locksends ** There was a time you did not find my touch... displeasing. ** >From the branch above, Trollkiller uh!s. Zalen glances up at the words, up and over. Midnight doesn't seem to want to leave Dusk's arms this very moment. He curls closer to her, shaking his head a bit. "Uh-uh." Trollkiller sends to the whole tribe ** Anybody sense anything?! Did he try to pull some Winnowill trick on Midnight? ** Dusk's eyes flicker between the hand Tsoran offers and Midnight himself. At his movements, she shifts to support him better. You locksend to Tsoran, Dusk's thoughts seem to be muddled by other voices in her head. Through it all, she sends the effect of a nod. Tsoran's smile remains fixed. Only Dusk is close enough to tell what the expression in his eyes is. "We will see about that. In a while." Dusk sends to the whole tribe ** I think..he's talking to Midnight.. ** [Midnight] Tsoran locksends ** I would like you to. ** Tsoran locksends ** The child does not trust me. And small wonder, the way your tribe is conveying the message I am to be feared. I would change this. ** You locksend to Tsoran, Dusk's answer is more firm than her previous ones. ** You are to be feared. You're Chosen, one of Winnowill's pets. ** Tsoran locksends ** Is that what you have been telling my son? That he should fear me? You disappoint me, Ashte. ** Midnight's eyes shift back towards Tsoran again, and he hmmms? [Midnight] Tsoran locksends ** Would you like another shiny toy? Or did your mother keep the first trinket from you? ** Dusk's upper lip curls slowly. She challenges, ** What are you saying to him, Tsoran? ** Tsoran looks from Midnight to Dusk, meeting her eyes. You locksend ** And don't you delight in making others fear you? You seem to enjoy threats. ** to Tsoran. Zalen sits upon a rock not too far distance and, with a knife, begins to skin a ravvit. No, nothing out of the ordinary here. [Midnight] You locksend to Tsoran, Midnight answers simply, almost cheerful- like. ** Nice toy! ** [Midnight] Tsoran locksends ** I have another for you. If you will come to me. ** You sense in a locksend, Tsoran's eyes are intent as he studies you. ** You are answering my questions with questions. Are you trying to hide from me, or from yourself? ** Midnight begins to squirm a bit. Instead of wanting to stay in Dusk's arms, he seems to wriggle in the interest of something Tsoran might have. The chieftess holds her position, standing straight and tall, or at least as tall as she can with her comparatively diminutive frame. But yet, there's something in Rillwhisper that ignores her relatively small size. Undaunted by this tall and arrogant visitor, she keeps her cool green gaze upon the unwilling parents and the cub contested between them. You locksend ** I have nothing to hide from. ** to Tsoran. Tsoran sends with Dusk, that much is obvious. Then he raises his hand again, touching her cheek gently. >From the branch above, Trollkiller stands on the edge of an intrusion, but leaves it. Tsoran locksends ** You should know me well enough, Ashte. From before. ** Dusk's eyes dart down towards Midnight around the same time Tsoran touches her cheek, thoughts of concern running through her mind - more for Midnight than for herself. The touch is unsettling, but what does Midnight seem to want so badly? [Midnight] Tsoran locksends ** That's right, child. Tell her you wish to go to me. Just for a little while. ** Tsoran locksends ** Perhaps it is time we got reacquainted. ** You locksend to Tsoran, Dusk's words are strained as she indeed remembers. ** You made Recognition always tried to control me. ** Midnight frowns a bit, and reaches towards Tsoran. "Want see daddy.." he complains. Tsoran locksends ** Is that what you fear? That I might control you? ** Tsoran leans forward to take hold of the child. Will Dusk release him? You locksend to Tsoran, Dusk has no verbal answer for that, but her thoughts and feelings confirm it. Involved are fears of the mountain itself. Tsoran locksends ** Then I have an offer for you. ** In a send to the whole tribe, Dusk's sending is quite a bit more raw than usual. ** Midnight wants to..let Tsoran hold him. ** [Rillwhisper] Vale locksends ** May I have your permission to touch his mind? ** Rillwhisper's gaze flicks sideways for a moment, in answer to something unseen. Dusk doesn't let go just yet, but instead allows Tsoran to at least cradle Midnight's head while she gently holds lower on his form. [Midnight] Tsoran locksends ** All the way, and I'll give you your toy. ** [Rillwhisper] Trollkiller locksends ** Silversong should look at Midnight after this. Make sure nothing's been done. ** [Rillwhisper] You locksend ** Aye, do it. ** to Vale. [Rillwhisper] You locksend ** Aye. I don't _think_ this one can muck with minds as his Lord does, but the cub is only three -- and his sire is cunning. ** to Trollkiller. Zalen sends to the whole tribe ** If he is to be family. Everyone should have a chance, and a choice. ** Zalen glances up to the trees a little darkly. Tsoran locksends ** I wish to know my son, but you will not allow him to go to the Mountain. I have no interest in living here, as does Zalen, but I am willing to compromise. One day and night each year, enough to let him learn something of me, I can stay here. That is hardly unreasonable. ** In a send to the whole tribe, Dusk is quiet. Then: ** I want to trust him.. ** But there seems to be difficulty for her to do so. In a send to the whole tribe, Acorn is reluctant to trust, but must be honest. ** If Midnight wants to be held by his father... there should be enough of us that he won't try anything. << hopeful >> ** Rillwhisper sends to the whole tribe ** Aye. I don't like this one. But as long as he behaves himself, I'm not going to tell a sire he can't hold his cub. ** You locksend to Tsoran, Dusk's first question is ** And what do I have to do? ** Said without thought. Then she explains, ** The decision on staying here is not mine, but Rillwhisper's. ** Tsoran lifts Midnight up, determinedly. Tsoran locksends ** Oh, I am sure you could convince her, if you but tried. And if not, well, there are neutral places. ** Dusk sends to the whole tribe ** He's held Midnight before and done nothing..and he said he just wants a day and night each year, to stay see Midnight. ** Dusk releases Midnight to Tsoran, carefully. Vale nods quietly to himself. Midnight makes something of a face at the way in which Tsoran pulls on him. [Rillwhisper] Vale locksends ** There is no harm in his mind for anyone. ** Rillwhisper's gaze stays firmly upon the Glider and the little one, her expression impassive, her dagger still sheathed at her side. Only as she studies Midnight's reactions does a softer glimmer enter her eyes for a moment or two. You locksend ** She's been told. ** to Tsoran. You locksend to Tsoran, Dusk amends. ** Along with the rest of the tribe. ** Tsoran looks somewhat smug. He balances Midnight on one arm (perhaps with just a little touch of levitation on the side), and retrieves an object from his uniform. It glitters in the morning light as he gives it to Midnight. Rillwhisper sends to the whole tribe ** If he behaves, he may enter the Holt to see the child as he's requested. ** Zalen glances over at the happily dysfunctional family moment and smiles to himself. [Rillwhisper] Trollkiller locksends ** Better in sight than out of it? ** Dusk's eyes remain on Recognized and son, but the look of unease lingers. Midnight's little hands reach for the item. "Ooh." [Rillwhisper] You locksend to Vale, Rillwhisper sends back her acknowledgement, and her thanks. [Rillwhisper] You sense in a locksend, No-fur mumbles at all the shouting and wakes up. ** ?? ** [Rillwhisper] You locksend to Trollkiller, Rillwhisper sends back to you, tersely, ** Aye, beloved. ** Tsoran says "It is yours, child. I am sure you will enjoy it." [Rillwhisper] You locksend to No-fur, Rillwhisper's answering sending is somewhat terse, distracted. ** A Glider, my son. The sire of Midnight. Here to see the cub. ** You locksend to Tsoran, Dusk passes on a message. ** She agrees..if you behave, you can come see Midnight as you asked for. ** There seems relief on her part that you only demanded so little - and apparently nothing from her. >From the branch above, Trollkiller looks down, trying to see what it is. Midnight grips what seems to be a puzzle of sorts, pieces of silver that interlock and slide around or something like that. Zalen stretches a bit, again distracted from his chore to see what the thing is. >From the branch above, Acorn rolls off her haunches, setting her back against the tree, and sets her whip on her lap. With deft fingers, she starts checking the lacings for wear, starting at the pommel nugget. Periodic sideward glances betray her continuing attention on the happenings below. Even Dusk looks curiously up at the object. >From the branch above, Trollkiller oooo, shiny. Tsoran glances over at Rillwhisper, giving her a faint nod. Dusk has to, um, stop herself from reaching for that shiny puzzle, herself. It just looks..interesting. But it's Midnight's. [From afar, to Dusk: Tsoran says "It's a sort of Chinese box, hiding something inside. I'll decide in an IC year or two what's in it. Unless somebody adult determines to solve it before then :)"] Midnight begins to play with the puzzle, not that he gets anywhere with it yet. He giggles. >From the branch above, No-fur glances over at his dad and peers down into the clearing, looking much like he, well, was just woken up. >From the branch above, Acorn glances up from whip-tending and grins a quick, cheerful greeting to No-fur. Tsoran locksends ** Very good, Ashte. No time like the present, is there? Introduce me to your tribe, there are some I do not know. ** Taking note of the object that has been presented to Midnight, Rillwhisper permits herself a small, one-sided smile, little more than one end of her generous mouth curling upward. Her expression turns unreadable again, however, as she meets Tsoran's glance and returns his nod. [Midnight] Tsoran locksends ** I will stay awhile. Play with your toy now. I will speak to you again later, when it is... peaceful. ** Dusk clears her throat, pushing aside whatever thoughts she's having about the strange toy in Midnight's hands. Prompted by something, she sends, ** Er..everyone, if you didn't already know, this is Recognized. ** A hint of distaste can't quite be hidden as she explains further, ** One of Winnowill's Chosen. ** The distaste, of course, is mainly for Winnowill. To Tsoran, she points out the others gathered, one by one, giving names to faces. [Midnight] You locksend to Tsoran, Midnight's only answer is an affirmative one - he's distracted with the toy. >From the branch above, No-fur sits on the branch to keep an eye on things. Tsoran holds Midnight while Dusk introduces the others, then returns him to his mother before addressing the tribe. "As Dusk has told you, I will enjoy your...hospitality for some small while. I am certain it will be interesting." Zalen says "It may be, at that." >From the branch above, Acorn watches Dusk steadily at the introduction, then looks over Tsoran carefully. "Where will you stay?" [Rillwhisper] Trollkiller locksends ** not in our tree. that'd be too easy. please. i guess. agh, i don't know... ** Dusk seems grateful that Midnight is back in her arms again, and she nuzzles him gently, brushing some hair from his face. She backsteps a bit from Tsoran. Tsoran locksends ** For such a short time, I wish to stay with my son all the time. And I am sure you will want to stay close to him, too. Perhaps your dwelling is the most appropriate. ** Tsoran replies airily. "I am certain someplace suitable will be found." [Rillwhisper] You locksend ** He can sleep in the Starwillow. ** to Trollkiller. Rillwhisper speaks up calmly, "The Starwillow is where we usually let guests sleep, unless they have been invited into someone's den. If the dens within are too small for you, one of us will shape it." Dusk's answer may come as a surprise. "He can den with me when he is here." >From the branch above, Trollkiller boggles at Dusk, and sends something. You locksend to Tsoran, Dusk's spoken words serve as her answer to that question. Tsoran looks entirely unsuprised. "That is acceptable." Trollkiller locksends ** What?! Why?! ** Rillwhisper doesn't boggle -- it would, it seems, take a lot to surprise the Wolfbringer -- but she does lift her dark golden brows at Dusk's suggestion. "As she wishes it, then," is her reply. You locksend to Trollkiller, Dusk's answer is perhaps sensible. ** Because he wants to be with Midnight the whole time he is here, and if he dens with me, I will be with Midnight as well. ** Tsoran locksends ** I do believe I have interrupted your sleeptime. That of most of your tribe, in fact. ** You sense in a locksend, Trollkiller didn't imagine he meant while sleeping, too. ** I particularly don't think he'll adopt our sleeping habits... but it's your call... ** You locksend to Trollkiller, Dusk is sure Tsoran won't, but hopes, ** We can figure something out, I hope. ** Zalen doesn't boggle, either. But then, he doesn't seem to find anything wrong with all this. Nothing at all. He's back to skinning and preparing ravvit, in fact. You locksend ** Aye..but the Gliders are probably well awake. ** to Tsoran. Midnight yawns lightly, attention still caught by his new toy. Acorn locksends ** Is your den long enough to fit a Glider? ** You locksend to Acorn, Dusk didn't think about something like that. ** I..think so. ** She's not entirely sure. Tsoran locksends ** What I mean is... perhaps we should all retire. I will rest when you do, and attend to Midnight this evening. ** Tsoran says "The child is sleepy. I do believe your kind usually sleeps in the daytime. I suggest we postpone further, hm, interaction until this evening." You locksend to Tsoran, Dusk sends surprise at first, then quiet agreement. You sense in a locksend, Acorn's offer, initially hesitant, is sincere. ** If you need help, I can try. ** Dusk's facial features betray the moment of surprise she'd had at the offer that was first sent privately to her. She nods. "A good idea.." Zalen looks up briefly and comments, "I'm not tired." [Rillwhisper] No-fur locksends ** A bit .. stiff .. isn't he? ** [Rillwhisper] You locksend ** Like a dried-up twig, aye. ** to No-fur. You locksend to Acorn, Dusk is reluctant to ask for much at first, thinking someplace else could be found if the den she currently occupies is unsuitable. But she agrees in the end. ** If it's needed, I don't mind. ** Who can tell if Midnight is or not? He's still trying to figure out the puzzle, but is stuck moving one piece back and forth repeatedly, grinning. Tsoran nods politely to the others present, still with that faint air of smugness, then tells Dusk "Show me where you dwell, then. Where you both do." You sense in a locksend, Acorn's scoffing is warm and friendly, ** You've never asked for too much. If this is something that you really want, I will help. ** >From the branch above, Acorn quirks an eyebrow at Tsoran, then half-turns towards No-fur, mostly blocking her expression from the Glider, and makes a series of snooty faces. >From the branch above, Trollkiller giggles, trying to stifle it. You locksend to Acorn, Dusk manages a smile of sorts, and decides to accept the offer. ** I don't think that den will hold him. ** Zalen grins a bit. Dusk hides a frown at Tsoran's whole way of acting. She explains, "You're too big for the one I'm using now." You sense in a locksend, Acorn's response is something like a quick, impetuous hug. >From the branch above, No-fur giggles a bit himself, glancing over at Trollkiller. Rillwhisper, not precisely satisfied but at least content to deal with this for now, steps slightly back to symbolically permit the Glider to approach the Old Willow. Only as she does might a shadow or two be glimpsed within the great tree -- a miniscule pale head, an enormous pair of green-gold eyes, and a reaching arm tugging the little shape that owns those eyes safely out of sight. Tsoran locksends ** Well, then, another place. Sela can yield place for the day, I'm sure. Or another of the glider-descended who do not sleep days. ** Tsoran locksends ** Mmm. Was that another child? ** >From the branch above, Acorn glides to her feet, expression impish and irrepressible, and looks Tsoran up and down. Then grins confidently at Dusk, and turns toward the den in question. You locksend to Tsoran, Dusk just seems to want to sleep again. ** We'll find a place. ** You locksend ** And Acorn seems intent on shaping my own den big enough for you, anyway. ** to Tsoran. Tsoran locksends ** Good. ** You locksend ** ..Rillwhisper's. ** to Tsoran. Midnight yawns hugely. Someone's close to nodding off again. You sense in a locksend, Tsoran acknowledges, but does not comment for now. ** Shall we go? I'd be interested to see your shaper at work. ** You locksend to Tsoran, Dusk nods. ** Let's. ** You locksend ** Tsoran is interested in watching. ** to Acorn. Tsoran looks thoughtfully in the direction of the Old Willow. [Dusk, Tsoran, Midnight, and Acorn head into the tree. And meanwhile, in the clearing with the elves who remain...] "Well," murmurs Rillwhisper when Dusk, Tsoran, and Midnight have vanished into the tree, "_that_ was interesting." Tsoran pushes aside the willow fronds and steps into the tree. Tsoran has left. Zalen grins to himself and says nonchallantly, "Wasn't it. Do we hate him for a reason, or is it just his duties elsewhere?" Rillwhisper turns her gaze around to Zalen, smiling faintly, though her eyes are thoughtful. "I ran into that one, while I was gone," she comments succintly, by way of not necessarily informative reply. From the branch above, Trollkiller blinks. He'd missed that. Zalen presses the question, seeming a little more intent, a little more serious about it now. "So do /you/ hate him for a specific reason, or just in general." From the branch above, Acorn climbs back down into the willow tree's heart. Rillwhisper looks steadily at Zalen, and sends without rancor, ** I don't hate him. ** Vale blinks at this turn of events. Zalen says "But you don't trust him, and the wolves ... well the /wolves/ don't like him. There has to be a reason; no one here acts that way without a reason." From the branch above, Trollkiller giggles. ** 'Most nobody comes dropping out of the sky here in the middle of the day, either. That we don't know. ** Most of the wolves have now retreated, all save Grayshadow and Prowlfar; the latter pads in restless loops about the chieftess, his ears up, reacting to her still heightened mood. She explains unhurriedly, "The wolves have accepted the Holt as their territory now; they don't know the Glider yet, his scent, or his presence. I'm not sure about the rest, but these two" -- she nods towards the two big males who still stalk the clearing -- "are behaving as wolves will with strangers in their territory." Zalen says "So tell me I am wrong and don't keep me guessing." Rillwhisper smiles crookedly. "Just explaining, tribesmate." The smile subsides. "I _don't_ trust him, no. But I'll deal with it, as long as he proves himself peaceful, and his intentions are honest." And she returns to sending to append, ** I've welcomed elves of all kinds here, ever since my brother shaped these trees. To refuse one who wants only to see his cub would go against the Way as it's grown into being for us all. ** Zalen frowns a little more but doesn't say another word, busying himself with his hunting chores. The frown doesn't go unnoticed. Rillwhisper's brows go up again, and after she takes a moment to turn and scritch Prowlfar, assuring the nervous creature that all is well for now, she pads to her tall tribesmate. "Was it something I said or sent?" she inquires mildly. Zalen glances up and smiles a little, wan. "It is nothing." Vale quietly turns, sensing a tribal dispute, and heads off a little ways. Vale slips into the nearby copse of saplings. Vale has left. Rillwhisper considers this, answering Zalen's smile with a slightly larger one of her own, her gaze steady. She's probably sending, from the look of her. You locksend ** If the nothing becomes something I can help -- let me know, my friend. ** to Zalen. Zalen smiles a little more, though the tiredness is there, still. Zalen locksends ** Knowing your nearness and feeling your smile is a help in itself. ** Rillwhisper, for a moment, notably brightens, though it's more in her green eyes than anywhere else in her face. She simply nods to Zalen, once -- and then, as a petulant wail wafts forth from the inside of the Old Willow, she glances that way. Her smile turns rueful. "It would seem," she says to the clearing at large, "that my daughter is mad that I left her. Please excuse me." One more glance and a lopsided smile to Zalen, and with that, Rill pads off to find and console her infant. [And inside the Old Willow, with Dusk and the others...] Trollkiller's old den Trollkiller's old den is, these days, most often used as a playroom, or as a guest den for visitors who are particularly close to Rillwhisper, Woodhawk, or Trollkiller. It is filled wall to wall with soft furs, and kept from becoming stuffy by regular use. Lying atop one pile of furs is a small wooden statue is of a large, fat, and somehow canny-looking bullfrog, like those found near the Willowholt pond. It is coloured a dark green, with little spots. Contents: A bunch of brightly coloured leaves Obvious exits: Rillwhisper, Woodhawk, and Trollkiller's Den Out to Willow Tree Centre Midnight has arrived. Tsoran has arrived. Trollkiller locksends ** Should I follow? Or should I stay away? ** Acorn has arrived. You locksend to Trollkiller, Dusk pauses a moment, then decides. ** I'll be all right by myself..but thanks. ** Tsoran looks around the small den somewhat disdainfully. Acorn stands lightly at the entrance to the den, looking around curiously. In a soft, musing tone, she comments, mostly to herself, "I don't think I've been in this den before..." Stepping to the side, she starts running her fingertips along the walls of the den. Tsoran is probably used to more open areas. Dusk figures, if he really wants to stay, he can adopt their ways for a day or so. She tosses Acorn a faint grin and wonders, "Not before me?" Midnight continues to play with his toy, but yawns again. Tsoran says "It is indeed rather small." He regards Acorn. "You are the shaper, then." Acorn makes her way about halfway along the den wall before realizing that someone spoke to her. She blinks first at Dusk, "Humh?", and shakes her head, replying, "Nuh-uh." She then blinks mildly at Tsoran, visibly parsing what he said. "I'm one of the treeshapers here, yes." Dusk keeps more on the quiet side now, moving to a corner of the den to sit down with Midnight. Acorn shakes herself lightly, dropping her fingers from the wall, leaving behind the half-trance she had just about entered. Smiling ruefully at Dusk, she admits, "I'm not as good as Sweetleaf. I doubt I'll ever be that good. But I think I can convince the Old One, here, to stretch some more and accommodate your ... " she glances at Tsoran, hunting for an appropriate word, "... guest." Tsoran regards Acorn thoughtfully. He glances briefly at Dusk, but abandons the thought of moving over to her before the den has been... accommodated. "My name is Tsoran." "I think you do fine, Acorn." Dusk murmurs, settling Midnight down for him to rest. She eyes Tsoran a moment, but says nothing further. Acorn looks at Tsoran, eyes widened a bit in surprise. She evaluates him thoughtfully, particularly noting his hair and eye color, then nods in acceptance. "I am called Acorn." She tosses a cheerful grin to Dusk, moving over to crouch near Midnight and say 'hi', quietly thanking Dusk. Tsoran locksends ** Really, there is no need to be so tense. ** Tsoran smiles faintly at Acorn. Midnight grins up at Acorn before dozing off slowly. You locksend to Tsoran, Dusk sends the effect of a nod. Acorn brushes a light finger over Midnight's cheek, grinning and wrinkling her nose at him, then stands up, businesslike, and flashes Tsoran a quick, mischievous grin. "So, tall Tsoran, where would you prefer to sleep? With your head toward the opening?" Dusk merely sits by quietly while all the decisions are made. Tsoran murmurs. "I do not generally sleep much. I suggest you align yourself along Dusk's preferred location." Acorn looks over her shoulder at Tsoran with concern, "You don't sleep much? Do you have bad dreams?" She has, it appears, accepted Tsoran at face value: tall elf, sired a cub, wants to stay with cub for a bit. Dusk seems curious to know why Tsoran doesn't sleep much, herself, eyes lifting towards him to await a response. Oh sure - he's sired Midnight and just wants to see him a bit, but things go deeper than that. "Yes..why don't you sleep much?" Tsoran finally decides to sit down after all. It's hard to look dignified sort of half crouching down. "It is a function of age, I believe. I seem to remember sleeping more before. Dreaming other dreams." Acorn considers Tsoran for a bit, then decides that an elf must be quite old, to be that tall. She looks inquisitively at Dusk. "Where do you and Midnight usually sleep? And would you like me to make a nest for Midnight, while I'm at it?" Tsoran says "An excellent suggestion." Acorn smiles briefly in Tsoran's direction, awaiting Dusk's direction. Dusk errs. She hasn't really had a den totally to herself yet. "I've just been using this one since it's so close to Trollkiller, Rillwhisper, and Woodhawk's." She's quiet a moment, then nods to the last question. "If you wish.." Acorn steps closer to Dusk again and crouches in front of her. All levity gone, for the moment, she regards Dusk seriously. In a firm, yet gentle, voice, she replies, "No. If -you- wish." Her eyebrows quirk and a smile flickers into being, "-You're- the one who has to sleep here, after all!" Dusk offers a thin smile and another nod. "All right, then I wish. Go ahead." Acorn smiles lightly, stands, and brushes her fingers gently along the tree. "How about a space for Tsoran... here," and her fingers sketch a line that, when compared to Tsoran's height, is about at the level of his knees. "And for Midnight... " she moves over to near the spot where Dusk usually sleeps, raising her hands to almost shoulder level, "Here. I can make it big, so he has some growing room." Tsoran raises an eyebrow at Dusk. Dusk looks on curiously, having never really watched anyone shape a den before. Whatever Tsoran raises an eyebrow over, she doesn't seem to notice. A nod and a smile serves as her answer to Acorn. Acorn catches the nod and smile out of the corner of her eye, turns to grin at Dusk, then moves back to the spot for Tsoran. In an apologetic tone, she admits, "I have to trance to do this much shaping at once." She shifts into a steady position, hands on the den wall. Tsoran watches Acorn, silently. Dusk murmurs quietly, so as not to disturb Acorn too much. "We won't bother you while you work." She glances towards Tsoran, hopeful he'll agree. Tsoran murmurs as well. "Of course." He strokes Midnight's hair again, then shifts his hand to Dusk's arm. Nodding quietly, Acorn lets herself drift, mind and spirit mingling with the spirit of the tree. After several breaths, a visible change occurs: a ledge starts to come out from the side of the tree. It pauses, then shifts, twisting, almost, until it turns into a hollow in the side of the den. Dusk watches with interest, eyes flickering towards the Glider's hand on her arm. Acorn glances over her shoulder, coming back into herself long enough to look Tsoran over impersonally. Attention returned to her work, the hollow changes yet more; the mostly-flat dish widens to about the breadth of his shoulders, and the hollow widens. He won't be able to sit upright against the wall, but he should have room to sit, lay down, and roll. Tsoran locksends ** Are shapings rare, that you pay such ardent attention? ** You locksend to Tsoran, Dusk admits, ** I've never stopped to watch before. ** Acorn shifts her attention to the indicated location for Midnight's niche, licking her lips en route. She rests her hands on the wall, brow slowly furrowing. After apparently debating, she shifts over, and gentles a niche out a bit further from Dusk's sleep-spot. A lip curls upwards, providing a barrier against easily falling, and a curl of wood separates itself, providing a triangular support. You sense Tsoran strokes your arm gently, in a distracted way. Tsoran locksends ** It is a fascinating process. Though I cannot recall seeing it done on wood. ** You locksend to Tsoran, Dusk's distraction is evident. ** Not..on wood? ** Dusk's eyes close a moment, then reopen. An approving nod is given towards Acorn. Tsoran locksends ** Rockshaping is rather more common in the Mountain, of course. ** You locksend to Tsoran, Dusk ohs. ** Of course..that's all you have there, isn't it? ** Tsoran looks down at Dusk, sliding a finger along her arm, then shoulder, until it touches the underside of her chin. Acorn pauses, head bowed and hands resting on the smaller niche -- it's about half, maybe three-quarters the length of the average adult Wolfrider, and only allows the user roll-in access. Then she nods, stepping back, and sends, a bit distantly still, to Dusk, ** Make sure that's deep enough. ** She turns to regard the lower, larger ledge. ** A little broader, hmm. ** Tsoran locksends ** We have many things in Blue Mountain. Wooden trees are not among them. Perhaps I will show you, some day. ** Dusk nods somewhat distractedly to Acorn's sending, answering with just the sense of acknowledgement. Her head tilts back slightly as the Chosen's finger pauses beneath it. You locksend to Tsoran, Dusk doesn't seem too hip on that idea, but acknowledges it, as she did Acorn's words. You sense in a locksend, Tsoran's velvet touch reaches deeper, mentally. ** How quiet you are, Ashte. That is not how I remember our last encounters. ** You locksend to Tsoran, Dusk is indeed quieter and perhaps less objectioning to some things than before, yes. She explains, ** I just don't have much to say. ** Tsoran locksends ** Speech is not always necessary. ** You locksend ** isn't. ** to Tsoran. Acorn sits on the ledge, not really noticing the approval, and runs her hands thoughtfully along the length of it. Stroking along the wall, she seems to be brushing the living wood from above to below, almost like it were a pile of sand being shifted. One foot, then the other, returns to the floor as she 'brings' the wood down, settling it into the bed portion. After a pause, she rocks back on her haunches, and gently pulls it wider still for about the middle three-quarters of the length. One hand steadies the shelf while the other reaches below, gently pulling supporting curls from below. The end result is a bed platform then will hold two elves, one Glider-sized, with little difficulty, a space below the platform allowing for stowage. Acorn settles both hands on the edge of the ledge, gradually separating herself from the tree. The look on her face is indicative of the heady, soul- deep feeling that Shaping engenders in her. Before fully separating herself, she regards you both with startlingly green eyes. ** How do they look? ** Dusk's green-on-gold eyes blink slowly a few times, shifting back to see the results of Acorn's handiwork. ** It's..very nice. Thank you.. ** Tsoran considers the platform and niche, dropping his hand to Dusk's shoulder again. "Very well executed, for a task needing to be finished so quickly." Acorn smiles with sleepy pleasure, severing her link with the tree. Her expression of surprise and immediate drop to a tangle-legged seat on the floor indicate that it wasn't as easy as she thought. She looks around her with mild surprise, wryly mumbling, "I think I'm out of shape." Tsoran says "I find no fault with your shape." Dusk notes, "You should probably go rest, Acorn..thanks again." You sense Tsoran caresses your neck lightly. Tsoran senses Dusk's head tilts forward ever so slightly. Acorn blinks at Tsoran a couple of times, taking a moment to comprehend his statement. She then smiles, face full of laughter, and wrinkles her nose at him. She then nods, apparently soberly, to Dusk. "Mmm-hmm, I probably should." She widens her eyes briefly, then winks. "Before I get giggly." Tsoran raises an eyebrow slightly. Tsoran says "A dire threat." Dusk grins a bit at Acorn. Acorn laughs merrily, then untangles her legs and rolls to a crouch, carefully standing up. She grins saucily at Tsoran, "I never knew Gliders have a sense of humor. I thought you were all too busy being stuffy and serious." Dusk bits her lip gently at that one, busying herself with making sure Midnight's comfortable. She shifts to get up and place him in the niche made for him. Tsoran says "Perhaps you do not know us well enough... Acorn." Acorn chuckles, closing, then reopening, eyes that are a bit glassy -- she's not really watching her tongue by this point. "I've only met Zalen and now you, I think, so that's probably right." She steps over to peer in at Midnight, then smiles warmly at Dusk and softly congratulates her, "He's such a handsome cub." Tsoran says "Zalen. Mmm." "Thanks, Acorn.." Dusk murmurs, getting the cub all snuggled up and comfy in the nest made for him. "I'm sure he'll like it." She doesn't comment on any of the Glider-talk. Acorn one-arm hugs Dusk, then turns toward the exit. "I'm going to go sleep," she declares -- completely missing the Zalen comment. On her way, she pauses, looks at Tsoran again, then simply tells him, "Maybe." Tsoran says "Sleep well, shaper." Dusk returns something of an embrace, waving Acorn's way as she makes for the exit. She's too quiet, perhaps. Tsoran reaches up, removing his helmet. Acorn smiles, twinkling a bit in amusement -- or is it bemusement -- and slips out, blissfully unaware of the oddness. Acorn has left. Well, that makes one who's unaware of whatever oddities there are about this whole "relationship." After Acorn is gone, Dusk rubs the back of her neck faintly. "So.." Tsoran places the helmet beside himself, smiling faintly at Dusk. "Yes." Dusk doesn't look as though she really, really wants to sleep with Tsoran. If one can tell by the way one carries oneself, that is. "Well..?" Tsoran says "Tell me what is on your mind." Dusk's shoulders shrug faintly. "Not much, right now. Yours?" Tsoran locksends ** I think there are better ways to tell, little wolf. ** You locksend to Tsoran, Dusk constructs a mental barrier of sorts - no telling what it could withstand, however. ** Don't. Just..don't. ** You sense in a locksend, Tsoran whispers in your mind. ** I will grant your wish, this time. ** Tsoran touches Dusk once more, lightly, then withdraws to the recently shaped ledge. "Sleep... well." Dusk turns away from you, wrapping her arms about her front, hands at each opposite shoulder. "And you as well." Dusk murmurs half-heartedly. In spite of the newly-made ledge being enough to accommodate two elves, she heads over to the furs and such she uses for sleep-time. Curling up in them, wolf-like, she settles in for what may be a rather uneasy period of slumber.