Log Date: 8/4/99 Log Cast: Strongbow, Rillwhisper, Wayfound Log Intro: It's been some time since Rillwhisper has touched minds with her soul-brother, the archer Strongbow of Lostholt -- but not particularly surprisingly. Both the chieftess and the archer have been caught up in concerns of their own tribes, and when one is a Wolfrider, one can easily lose track of the flow of time. But not even the passage of nearly forty turns of the seasons can eliminate from memory the connection Strongbow and Rillwhisper have shared, and the chieftess lingers in the back of the mind of the archer even as Lostholt deals with current events. And because he is much more skilled at the art of long-distance communication than she, it is Strongbow who restablishes contact between them at last, for he intends to share news of Sorrow's End and his own tribe with her. But he isn't quite prepared for some of the news he'll get in return. ---------- Strongbow locksends ** (Whether you are busy or at rest, he does not know. But Strongbow, sitting up in his den in Lostholt's Father Tree, shoots a long-distance send your way, after thinking of you and focusing his thoughts enough to make the connection after deciding there were things worth discussing.) Chieftess? ** You locksend ** Archer...! ** to Strongbow. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow lends some assistance to strengthen the link the two share, much like he did the last time the two had a discussion in this way. There is the hint of amusement as he detects the lesson now paused. ** Been awhile. ** he admits. You locksend to Strongbow, Rillwhisper's mind grows clearer with the efforts the archer puts forth, tinging her answer with rueful amusement of her own. ** I've lost track, ** she sends, then follows that up with a surge of warm affection that manages to make it clearly across the distance between her and her faraway soul-brother, though it costs her effort that detracts from her ability to send words. ** You're sending... from your Holt? The direction feels right... ** Strongbow locksends ** My den. ** He clarifies, and you can detect a bit of his own pleasure that you are able to tell that based on the send alone. There's affection returned as well, and another admission. ** Tried sending some time before, but couldn't reach you. Just forgot until now. ** You locksend ** ** Gone for a while. Walkabout. Looked for wolves, had to bring them home. Sent then...? ** ** to Strongbow. Strongbow locksends ** ** Must have sent then..heard you were gone, nothing more then. ** he confirms. ** Tried again, same thing. ** Then he just let it go for a while. There's a pause, and he wonders, ** Wolves? Whose? Where? ** ** You locksend ** His. Brought home. Gave me his pack. ** to Strongbow. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow's sending flickers for a brief moment at the image, something he didn't expect to be looking at inside his head. ** Why? ** is the question that is perhaps predictable. He is not sure what to make of this Wolfrider. You locksend to Strongbow, Rillwhisper does not possess nearly the skill and control that the archer does at mental contact, especially not at the distance that currently separates them. There is another pause, before she gathers herself together and achieves a reply, made starkly simple in her need to send it clearly between the Holts. ** Recognized. ** You sense in a locksend, Strongbow conveys understanding at that part, but there is still confusion as to why (even how) this elf came to have a pack of wolves to himself, and what a Recognition had to do with them being passed on to Rillwhisper. ** There is more.. ** he believes, not wishing to press, but wishing to know all the same. You locksend ** Died. Killed. Bonded with chief wolf, pack wandered with him. Talked chief wolf into coming home with me, before dying... Have cub now. Listening, here. ** to Strongbow. Strongbow locksends ** ** Glad you're well, anyway.. ** he offers, the normally-silent one even more on the quiet side right this minute. He can't help but show pride at the image of the cub, though. ** She looks very intelligent. And pretty. ** ** You locksend ** Bright cub. Brace yourself next time you come. Listening. News? ** to Strongbow. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow takes that 'warning' with about as much humor as he's apt to let come across, making note of the cub's presence. He doesn't say anything to her, but she may feel his own presence there, just for a moment. As if to say 'here I am.' ** Some news, Chieftess. Some more important, some less. We are well, all of us. Safe...finally. Suntop has returned, Flashfire too. Weren't sure where he'd been. There's been a litter, too. ** At the mention of the litter, his thoughts drift to his own bond, wearing down and of old age. ** May have a new bond again, myself. ** There's more news to come, but he chooses to get the smaller things out of the way and let them sink in and be responded to if you choose. You locksend to Strongbow, Rillwhisper absorbs the sent morsels of news, waiting until your next pause before she sends a single peal of acknowledgement to the lot. There's relief there that Flashfire is safe home; she remembers, she thinks, Flashfire leaving her own Holt in search of... something. Suntop she has had less news of, but she is pleased that the son of Cutter is well -- as well as the whole Holt at large. New wolves in Lostholt are marked with further pleasure. More than that, though, she cannot easily manage in a single reply, and after a few moments of intense concentration as she takes it all in, she sends back, ** More? ** You sense in a locksend, Strongbow confirms. ** More. Had you heard of the cursed round-ear attack on the Sun Village? ** His send discolors notably at anything and everything having to do with humans. You locksend ** Yes. Heard, but long after. Sun Villagers well? Savah? ** ** to Strongbow. Strongbow locksends ** ** She's well..many fled in the Palace, to the Mountains not far away. Many more died. ** he explains, that anger towards the humans still notable, but he manages to keep it from being too much of a focus. ** But it gets stranger. Suntop heard the news..the -wormworlders- drove them out. The SunFolk are home again, finally. ** You locksend ** ** to Strongbow. Strongbow locksends ** There must be something more to it. But knowing the SunFolk, there's sure to be another festival soon. Figured I'd let you know when we do. ** You locksend ** Good... thank you, archer. More? ** to Strongbow. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow mulls the question over after acknowledging the thanks. ** ..no. Don't think so. But you are all well? Trollkiller, Woodhawk, Dawn, all the cubs? ** You locksend ** Well. All well. Visitor here, quiet. All three cubs strong. Mine, Dusk's, Joy's. ** to Strongbow. You locksend ** ** to Strongbow. Strongbow locksends ** I could swear I was watching Dusk bounce around in the snow so short a time ago.. ** ** Really should talk more often than once every five eights of turns, you know. ** Perhaps a visit, sometime. ** I'll bet she's a bundle. ** You locksend ** You're not old. You're experienced! Yes. Miss you. Two bundles. Sharp as a bear bite! ** to Strongbow. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow is quite experienced in a great many things, this is true. He's not one to make a big deal out of that, of course. Depends on the situation, really. Another affectionate touch is offered through the long-distance link they maintain. ** Come to Sorrow's End when they have their festival. Heard my grandson is their new jackwolf chief. ** Seems like one thing that'll get him out of Lostholt - to go see Gentlerock and perhaps Dart, too. He 'blinks' at those last few words, though. You locksend ** Wants to send to you. Too far, she isn't strong enough. Just... brace yourself. ** to Strongbow. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow doesn't anticipate any trouble on his side of the connection, but he is unsure about the cub. ** She should wait until she is older. ** he notes, just to keep things safe. Aside from Suntop, he's not known any cub of that age to be very adept at sending. You locksend ** Strong mind. Not like Suntop, though. Will bring her to Sorrow's End, if safe. Will bring tribe. Tell us when? ** to Strongbow. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow would have to admit he finds himself curious enough to want to see this cub soon, not that he needs any more motivation for it past her being Rillwhisper's. ** Something from her sire, perhaps? Aye..bring her if safe. Will let you know when. When we do. ** You locksend ** Missed you, soul-brother. Long time. Lost track. Gone in the Now... ** to Strongbow. Strongbow locksends ** Not a bad place to be, of course. ** the archer returns with another brief hint of amusement, certainly accustomed to the Now and the Way. ** But missed you, too, soul-sister. Time to catch up, still. ** Later, though. But soon. You should rest now. ** You locksend ** Will. Greet your tribe for Willowholt. Lifemate too. ** to Strongbow. Strongbow locksends ** It will be done. Will send again when there is more news. ** You locksend ** ** to Strongbow.