Log Date: 12/14/99 Log Cast: Aroree, Wayfound, Rainfire, Calmwind, Jasmael Log Intro: Thanks to the action of several Gliders of Blue Mountain, several members of the now-destroyed Willowholt have been whisked off to safety and refuge within Blue Mountain, out of reach of the severe weather that has swamped over the Willowholt and destroyed it and much of the surrounding terrain. But half the tribe is still missing -- and so, tempers are still very thin amongst some of the displaced Wolfriders, even when their rescuers attempt to make overtures to them... -------- Southern Hall(#280RJa) Sheer elegance of size unfolds before you. The Southern Hall, entrance to Blue Mountain, expands upwards into a dark indigo, slowly falling back down in lighter hues, mauve just overhead and a damp pink at foot. Carved and shaped from the stone, hawks and falcons adorn the walls near the entrance. Stone ivy, tainted with a vibrant green and brown of shaping magic, slowly progresses towards the north, first intermingling with real flora, then disappearing behind what could only be lush vegetation for a cavern. To the west, a staircase forms an octagon as it angles down in a colorful and playful design of color. Although the bottom step shares the same rich blue stone as the floor, each consecutive step shifts hues until the last reaches a deep green, leading into the shadows of an arch. To the southeast, another arch decends into a grotto, night-sky blue pillars shouldering either side. The air is fresh and clean, a breeze blowing through unseen places high above. A rich sweetness of vegetation rolls in through the northern arch. Overhead, shadowy bridges span the eastern and western walls, drawn from the very stone. Although lit well enough to make out the distinct details of the hall, the huge space echoes voices and footsteps several times, contributing to the immenseness of Blue Mountain. Contents: Aroree Rainfire Summit Calmwind Obvious exits: Stairway Grotto Into the Air Blue Mountain Catacombs Main Hall Aroree comes floating down the stairs, only a few feet above them. Aroree cocks her head to one side, studying the gathering in this hall, attempting to ascertain if it would be rude to say hello, or rude not to. She has to admit -- this is different from any of the den trees in the Holt. For the past few hours now, young Wayfound has been conducting a methodical inspection of everything in sight in this vast place, investigating the colors and textures of rock, the way sounds carry in the stone chamber in which she and her tribesmates have been housed, the way scents lie differently along stone than along earth or wood... and the way the place seems to hum at the back of her senses, whispering of long-ancient magic, but different than the gentler treeshaping that had created the Old Willow. That had been familiar, the product of her mother's brother. But this... this place, to Wayfound, despite all its intricate beauty, is fell and stark and strange, and even as Aroree comes gliding into the area, the daughter of the Willowholt chieftain might be espied peering at a delicately shaped fresco, her brow crinkled in deep consternation. Aroree hovers for a moment, then some balance tips and she decides to be sociable. She drifts downward "Different from the forest, but there are advantages to dwelling so, encased in stone." Rainfire has been, for most of this time, sitting against a wall where nothing can get behind him as he sharpens his arrowheads and keeps watch over his missing chieftess' daughter. Aroree says "The winter's chill does not strike so firmly this deep, nor the summer's heat." Aroree's voice drifting down from above, along with Aroree's form, promptly catches Wayfound's attention. She's been more or less uncommunicative to the little huddle of her tribesmates, uneasily certain that most of them won't care to hear the observations she's cataloguing thus far about the Mountain -- and particularly uncertain about this long-gone hunter Rainfire. But now, she lifts an impassive, bizarrely adult gaze to the newcomer, piping up in polite reply, "I am also given to understand that within rock, one encounters far less mud." Especially in seasons where the rain is so heavy it can wipe out a Holt, but the child doesn't bother to elaborate on that. "However, I expect I shall have to conduct further observations before I will be able to satisfactorily conclude which location I prefer." Aroree reaches the floor, soft white boots touching soundlessly and after a moment they even seem to be supporting her weight. Aroree Tall slender and graceful, even though her skin has darkened a shade from long exposure to the daystar, she can only be a glider. Snow white boots unsullied by mundane locomotion, she hovers, caught in the air as if reluctant to touch ground. She wears an elegant costume of glider make, gray, the color of clouds, draping sleeves and sash flowing in silent accompaniment to her movements. She does not meet your gaze, unwilling to share what is written so clearly in her eyes; she is haunted by the memories she sees here, and by a sorrow that runs very deep within her soul. Wayfound(#10402Pcpg) This small creature is an elfin child, possibly anywhere between nine and eleven turns of the seasons in age. She is possessed of a fine, tumbled mop of light golden hair only a shade or two darker than her pale skin, through which her pointed ears poke up to display their tapered ends to any who look her way. Her agile young form is reed-thin, but her frame and face have about them a healthy, sturdy look. Enormous eyes of a shade somewhere between amber and the pale green of young leaves dominate that face, and study each and every thing and being in her world with thorough calculation. When she speaks, it is with an adult's words and cadences, and when she sends, an unmistakable intelligence can be felt adding force to her mind's touch. For the time being, she has clad herself in heavier clothing than is her wont: a jacket of stitched-together scraps of brown and green leather, with a hood and long sleeves and laces to tie in front, has been added to her usual outfit along with a small, sturdy pair of light brown boots. She still wears, however, her tunic of soft doeskin beneath the jacket; the tunic is dyed in a mostly even but subtly dappled shade of golden-brown, with the heads of seven wolves ringing her slender waist. Along with the tunic she sports brown breeches laced up the sides with green thongs, made to resemble the breeches of her mother Rillwhisper. Aroree smiles just slightly, a brief flicker of light on otherwise somber features "Indeed, far less mud." Aroree says "Though one does miss the touch of the sun upon skin, the sound of the breeze through treebranches..." Calmwind wakes up finally, having slept fitfully for most of the day in his little corner of the great room. He comes irrevocably awake at the sound of Wayfound's voice, sitting upright and looking around before he has truly left slumber behind. Aroree sighs and looks over the storm tossed remnents of Willowholt "Wolfriders are a part of the forest, you will return there again." Wayfound cocks her head slightly sideways, ambergreen gaze settling upon Aroree and glinting with an intent curiosity. Calmwind can easily find the child, well within visual range as her fathers have bid her remain, conversing with one of the Gliders responsible for helping rescue those stranged by the flood. "It would appear that a great deal of sunlight reaches the chamber where we landed," the youngling remarks. "Moreover, as I am also given to understand that most inhabitants of the Mountain can glide in addition to having access to the great hawks, it would seem logical to conclude--" At the offered reassurance, though, she blinks a time or two, a bit thrown off track by the statement of something that seems blatantly obvious to her. "Well... yes," she concludes. Calmwind blinks for a moment, staring at the stone over his head. Then he falls forward into a kneeling position, presses his forehead against the floor underneath him curiously, and then rolls to his feet, studying the glider. Then he looks about for the clothingthe Mountain's Lord had said she'd return to them. Aroree looks down at this odd child quietly for a moment, then rather abruptly bends her knees and kneels upon the ground, now able to speak more on a level with the much shorter elf. "It is called the Aerie... the place of the great birds. Yes, there is sun there. I spend many hours there, myself, sitting in the sunlight. But it is entirely different to watch the world than to be in it." Aroree says "And few gliders venture out of doors. The Chosen, the Hunters, myself. very few others." Jasmael enters from the main hall. Jasmael has arrived. "Aerie," repeats Wayfound in musing tones. "Ah, thank you. I did not know there was a specifc word for that kind of chamber, although I did observe the nesting places of the hawks." She stands straight and tall as a cub of twelve turns can, pausing as this elegant slender creature kneels before her, listening, and then nodding firmly. "Ah. I was about to ask if there was some situation preventing those who dwell here from simply flying outside if sun or trees were desired. My mother has periodically spoken to me of this place, but information from more than one source is always beneficial for proper conclusions." Jasmael slips closer from the northern portion of the hall, moving out of the shadows that seperate the two, a smile on her face. ** Heyla. ** Calmwind locates the stack of clothing, along with the Glider wear next to it, and tugs his breeches on before joining Wayfound and Aroree. For the moment, he looks down on the taller Glider, perhaps thinking about his own height. Then he throws himself down on the floor and looks up at both Wayfound and Aroree inquistively. Rainfire just watches and listens from what he considers the safest vantage point in the room. Aroree's brow furrows slightly, what strangely formal speech for one so young, she turns slightly at Jasmael's send and inclines her head politely "Greetings" Wayfound's steady, uncublike regard swings around to mark the arrival of Jasmael, to whom she bobs her head a single time; the noises of Calmwind's rousing, too, divert her attention, and she watches him come over to join her and Aroree. The child doesn't exactly smile, but her eyes lighten a trifle, and she states gruffly, "Greetings, Calmwind. And Jasmael." Aroree reguards Wayfound once more and relaxes into a more comfortable sitting posture as this explaination may take some time. "Most of the gliders simply do not wish to venture into the world, they see it as dirty, dangerous and unpleasant. It is safe here, comfortable, and all they have known for many very long years. There are those who do wish for the freedom of the untamed skies, they either become Chosen or flee." Jasmael lingers near one of the walls of the hall, not wishing to interrupt further, though it's with a smile that she looks at the cub. Calmwind greets Wayfound and Aroree solemnly, "Greetings, Wayfound, Glider." and rests his head on the floor for a moment. Then he shakes his head abruptly and sits up, pulling the tie from his hair and spreading the still-damp locks with his fingers. The moment the Glider begins to speak again, Wayfound's attention returns to her and stays there, with the same sort of unwavering intensity with which a young wolf might await prey's emergence from a den-hole. A glimmer of what might almost be hunger of a kind kindles across her eyes as she listens. "This would appear," she replies, "to be in keeping with my current understanding of the ways of this tribe. But perhaps you would be kind enough to elaborate upon whether the position of 'Chosen' is one that changes frequently? I would assume that if it does not, and if there are only eight as I have been informed, that it would be a position of great desirability." Aroree chooses her words very carefully, it is an explaination she's made many times before, but always there is the need to be correct, not to make Blue Mountain sound too evil, nor too good... "If a glider leaves the mountain for any reason without the Lord's permission, it can be quite bad. It is the Lord's duty to protect, and the current Lord sees the best way of protecting her people to be to keep them inside the Mountain." Jasmael nods in her agreement to what Aroree says. ** Most Gliders aren't capable of dealing with the Outside. They can't survive on their own, since they've never known anything but here. ** A two edged sword, in Jasmael's opinion, by the feel of her send. Aroree sighs and offers a distracted greeting to Calmwind "Good day, you may call me Aroree." before continuing with the imparting of knowledge "When I... a long time ago the Chosen never changed. there were Eight forever and always the same. It was a desired position, but not one you could aspire to because those who held it were born to it, and no others could become Chosen until they... were no longer." Rainfire scoops his arrows back into their quiver and slings them over a shoulder, standing smoothly. He approaches quietly and stands behind Wayfound. "Just as long as your lord doesn't start considering us as "her people"." The child's brows knit together, and those big ambergreen eyes of hers blink; it _does_ seem possible to surprise her, though the signs of it in her strangely adult visage are subtle at best. "I... see," Wayfound answers, peering from Aroree to Jasmael and back again, "although that bears only tangential relevance to my inquiry -- ah." This, as Aroree's further explanation is proferred. "Thank you. It would appear, then, that most Gliders are remarkably fragile." Calmwind lets his hair drape over his shoulders and rests his chin on one knees, his eyes liquid and thoughtful. He seems as interested in hearing Wayfound's responses as listening to the two Gliders, and offers at an appropriate break, ** I'm part Glider, I think. It's why I'm so tall. ** The send is tinged with a peculiar sort of innocence, as if it's something he's heard but never really connected with anything other than his father and aunt. Aroree says "The Chosen hunted and protected so that the rest did not need to and could build grand halls, carve or shape statues, brew wine." she shrugs slightly, the finer arts were never a strong suit of hers "Meditate upon the accomplishments of our race." Aroree frowns slightly "Fragile is a poor word... more unexperienced." Aroree glances up at Rainfire "She will not call you hers if you do not allow it. And I do recomend that you do not allow Her to control your destiny." "You have Glider blood down from Zalen," Wayfound supplies helpfully to Calmwind, her attention swinging back around to him. "Although I would theorize that your Underworld and Cat Elf lineages also contribute to your height, for Talek was quite tall, and from what I recall in Mother's send-pictures, so were his mother and father." Then, *swing*, back to Aroree, as she continues without missing a beat, "Ah. Mind you, I do not mean to speak negatively, merely that if the common state of Glider elves is such that they cannot physically bear the outside world, fragility appears to be an appropriate word. Fragility cannot necessarily be corrected. Inexperience, however, can. I would assume that Lord Winnowill does not wish to teach her tribe about how to live in the outside if the need arises?" Rainfire eyes Aroree with uncertainty and no small amount of mistrust, "Count on it...wolfriders control our *own* destinies." ** Calm, Rainfire, ** Jasmael slips into the conversation, with a slight smile in her expression. ** This wasn't a ploy to bring everyone here so as to 'subvert' you or anyone. It is exactly as it was offered; haven. ** Aroree shakes her head slightly, she'd lost track of her train of thought... ah yes, the Chosen. "Since I... that is, recently the Chosen have changed a great deal." she does seem to grow a little sadder when she talks of the Chosen, if that were possible, yet she continues on though as if glad for the pain. "Some of the... fragile, ranks of my people stepped forward, accepted talon whips and learned to fly, hunt and guard. " Calmwind smiles at Wayfound. ** But I can't fly. ** He's never sounded so cheerful about it as he does now. ** And I do have a wolf-friend. ** He kicks back again, letting his hair spread across the floor as it dries. He seems more relaxed than he has in a while, although there's still the edginess to him-- that liquid pool of calm that he used to be seems to have been drained dry. Aroree says "Some have fullfilled the post admirably." a sigh "Lord Winnowill, I believe, only wishes her people to be strong if there is absolute need for it." Rainfire crosses his corded arms over his chest, a closed gesture. He remains silent but, of course, considers most of this so much Glider propaganda. Wayfound flicks another glance around the faces of the adults, not exactly frowning at the implications and nuances of their exchanges, most assuredly not ignorant of said exchanges, but focused for the time being on this new source of information for her hungry young brain. The lass flicks a small one-sided grin to Calmwind -- seemingly the only elf in the room who can provoke such an expression out of her -- and then says approvingly to Aroree, "Well, then she is thinking logically at least in one respect. If your hunters all become unavailable, to have the rest of the tribe unprepared to feed itself is certain to invite hunger." Aroree says "Ah, but for so very many years the hunters were always available, always able to adequetly provide. It is hard to remember hunger after so long well fed." Calmwind asks thoughtfully, his voice tinged with something-- amusement, perhaps-- and his eyes on the ceiling, "Is your lord capable of hunting and so forth to feed herself and her tribe if nobody else is?" Aroree sighs "Alas I fear, Lord Winnowill is more concerned in controling her people than in their welfare." Aroree blinks looks at Calmwind and for a moment she almost laughs "Winnowill? Certainly not. She is -not- a hunter" Jasmael can't resist a chuckle at the image that comes to mind, irreverant that it is. Rainfire's eyes narrow at Aroree's assessment of Winnowill's priorities. Aroree sobers quickly, all trace of levity fleeing for lack of nourishment, the glider's soul a dry well for good humor. "Lord Voll once flew with the Chosen, back when the Mountain was young, but Lord Winnowill has never joined the hunt, that I know of." "Constant availability is a boon," Wayfound agrees, undeterred, "but there always exists the possibility of the unforeseen." She pauses for a beat, her eyes darkening; certainly, no one in Willowholt saw the flood that would destroy their Holt coming, at least not in time to save the tres that were their homes. And as further exchanges happen between the adults, she falls silent, her eyes still glinting, thoughts racing at hunt-speed behind those ambergreen eyes. Calmwind says liquidly, "So the hunters feed her, too." He considers, "She can't even teach anybody to hunt, even if she's not strong enough herself?" This concept is obviously completely alien to him. Aroree replys dryly "Winnowill's talents lie in other areas." as polite as can be, can't be insulting Winnowill in her own Mountain, but it is certainly obvious by now that Aroree does not approve of at least some of the glider Lord's actions. "There are Eight Chosen, the odds of something ill befalling all eight before replacements can be trained is slight." ** It's worked for eights upon eights upon eights of turns. who would expect it to not continue working hense, if it's worked for so long? But then, who expected the flood, either? ** Jasmael offers, her expression gone solemn. "Eight Chosen to feed how many?" pipes the cub. Calmwind opens his eyes to look at Jasmael. "But it sounded like something had happened to make new Chosen a necessity..." Aroree says "All the gliders, there are over sixty all together, and in our prime the Chosen could easily feed half again as many." Wayfound appears to ponder Aroree's new information, firing through calculations in her head of how much prey a single elf can bring down in one day, added to how much prey one of those hawks she saw could carry, to try to figure out exactly how much hunting a given Chosen would have to do each day to keep the tribe fed. "The hawks, I assume, greatly increase the amount of prey a particular hunter can acquire, both because of their size and carrying ability, and because of the range which can be covered in flight..?" Aroree smiles slightly "Very much so. The hawk can grab large game, while the rider may use thier talon whip for snatching smaller animals and birds. With a net, a bond bird can carry a great many fish. The woods around here abound with game, also the humans have been known to leave small game and eadible plants in offering to us." _This_ seems to catch Wayfound greatly by surprise. "The... humans... leave you food," she repeats, eyebrows climbing towards her tousled bangs. "How very extraordinary." Aroree says "On an average hunting trip, I would catch several small animals, ravvits, treewees, game birds, and have one larger kill in the hawk's talons." Aroree nods "The Hoan g'tay sho... they worship us as gods." Calmwind sits up and peers closely at Aroree, as if she is making some sort of joke he doesnot understand. Rainfire interjects, "And how did they develop *that* idea?" Wayfound blinks over at Calmwind, as if to check whether the older elf is drawing the same conclusion from this astounding piece of information that she is. "How very extraordinary," she repeats, this time more to herself. There goes that glimmer of sharp curiosity in her eyes again. "I really _must_ observe..." Aroree quirks a slight smile "Through a great deal of hard work on our part. The gliders... cultivated the Hoan g'tay sho, fed upon thier superstitions, showed them our divine favor and they settled about the Mountain and worshiped." Aroree says "It did not happen overnight." Calmwind repeats, "Divine favor. Can you show me your divine favor?" Rainfire's eyebrows rise in distaste, "You purposely keep humans around the mountain?" Aroree says "Humans have a great capacity for belief, their imaginations are most, unpredictable. I would not be suprised if one could convince a human the sky were green." Aroree nods "The Hoan g'tay sho are not the warlike humans you find elsewhere, they are most useful. They protect the mountain from other, less savory humans. Several act as servants in this very mountain. They can be quite, amusing." Calmwind gives Wayfound a look of great doubt and then starts tying his hair back again. When Aroree says some of the humans are in this very mountain, he twitches, looks around as if expecting one to come out of the floor. Rainfire snorts, "Humans are dangerous and stupid..keeping them around is..." Rainfire says "There are humans *in the mountain*?" If there's anything that can distract Wayfound from observing whether Aroree actually _believes_ she is a god, it's the notion that these strange worshipful humans might be _here_. Her gaze flashes in several directions, and her little nose sniffs the air, almost as if she believes she might be able to find some sign of these Tall Ones. When she fails to do so, and Rainfire beats her to the question now hammering at her mind, she fixes a piercing stare upon the Glider. Her face grows even more hungrily curious as she does so, the information -- and the proximity of her drowsing tribesmates -- about the only thing keeping her from bolting off this very minute to investigate. Aroree can understand the fear, after all, did she not spend time with the sun villagers after humans ravaged that place? "Do not fear, wolfrider. The only humans allowed inside are quite docile, and very much in control of thier keeper." Aroree says "They are Winnowill's pets. They keep her quarters tidy and occaisonally do other work." Calmwind looks at Aroree flatly. "And you say no catastrophe could happen to take out all of the Eight." He bounds to his feet, his relaxation of before vanished, and begins to pace. Rainfire looks at Aroree as if she had just declared the forest purple, "Winnowill is insane...keeping roundears inside as pets is asking for disaster." Bizarrely enough, now, Wayfound is still silent. But her little face is full of that same vivid curiosity, her gaze half-distracted, directed inward to her own thoughts. Rainfire holds up a finger to forestall protest, "And don't tell me nothing will ever happen..I just watched my home wash away in a flood that wsn't supposed to happen." Aroree chuckles lightly "You would not be so upset if you could see them, mostly females, and old ones. nothing to pose a threat." Aroree says "And absolutely ardent in thier belief that we are, indeed, gods. Would you attack a god?" "I am not convinced such a thing exists," murmurs Wayfound, but mostly to herself. She's staring off across the room again. Humans... how very intriguing. Rainfire flicks a glance toward Wayfound. **Don't go getting any ideas, cub. Remember what you've been taught about humans.** Aroree says "You see the wisdom of this arrangement? The humans are still dangerous, of course, but perfectly safe to us because they have no wish to harm us. They feel the prosperity of thier entire village depends upon our good will. They would sooner kill another human than insult the all powerful spirits." Aroree shakes her head "You have not delt with humanity's finest, I fear. Not all humans are evil or dangerous." Wayfound points out, quite logically, "I do not believe, Rainfire, that you have had an opportunity to be informed about my teachings thus far, but I assure you I will keep those teachings in mind. But as I have already commented, information from multiple sources is always to be desired, and direct observation is _most_ effective." Jasmael breaks the silence she's been holding for some time finally, looking with concern towards Rainfire and Calmwind. ** Aroree, most Wolfriders have known nothing more than humans, roundears, burning Holts, slaughtering elves, attacks... The Mountain is the only place where anything different has ever been seen. You know that. ** Rainfire snorts at Wayfound, "If your mother had anything to say about it, you were taught the same things every other holt cub has been taught for turns and turns past memory...to avoid humans at all cost." Aroree nods "Yes, of course. and the greatest shame is that our good humans look much the same from a distance as those destroyers." a sigh "Do not approach a human child, unless you are sure of its beliefs reguarding our kind." Calmwind seems lost in thought and then shakes himself. "It doesn't seem to be the finest example of any race that would kill their own people for another people... especially if they are so gullible. What's fine about that?" Rainfire shakes his head, "Because it apparently serves Winnowill's ends.." Aroree says "Ah, but there are humans who would not kill, even for a god." "Cutter and Olbar the Mountain Tall," is Wayfound's prompt reply to Jasmael's suggestion that the Mountain is the only place where humans have ever been perceived to be anything but hostile. But this is tossed off almost secondhand, for now the child's attention is riveted upon Rainfire. She steps over to him, eyebrows crinkling over her eyes, and replies quite firmly, "I have, most assuredly, been advised to avoid them, and furthermore, I am quite aware that due to my small size and lack of a wolf-friend I am particularly vulnerable in a situation which might result in combat. Since you have not been present in the Willowholt you have not had opportunity to observe me, but I have been most diligent in following Mother's orders. I will not needlessly endanger myself. However, if there are friendly humans, I intend to observe them when it is safe to do so." Rainfire looks down at Wayfound pointedly, "I intend to return you to your mother when we find her safe and in one piece. I will do that in whatever way I haev to. Keep that in mind along with your curiosity, cub." Rainfire shifts the quiver on his back and stalks back to his safe vantage point. The child's features crinkle up more tightly, her hackles rising. "Addressing me in that tone is _not_ necessary," she retorts, a growl beginning to come into her young voice. "Any member of the tribe will be able to inform you that I have _not_ made a habit of--" Then, as the hunter turns and stalks off, Wayfound snaps her mouth shut with enough force to make her teeth snap, fury darkening her face now, an uncharacteristic flush pinkening her pale cheeks. Calmwind turns and stares at Rainfire, his shoulders hunching forward unhappily. "Her mother will find us. She's a good cub, you know." Then he drops his gaze to the floor. Aroree says "No need for anger child, he is merely being protective. At times an admirable trait." Calmwind glances at Aroree. "Will you leave her alone? Please? She already has plenty of people to tell her what do do." Wayfound's gaze snaps around to Aroree, and with that, as Calmwind speaks up, she doesn't even bother to say anything else. Quite abruptly, the little one pivots around on her heels and stalks away in a different direction, intending to head as far as she can go without getting out of actual sight. Aroree rocks back on her heels, a needless preparation to rising "That was not my intention, forgive me if I choose words poorly." a sigh and she stands once more, very tall and very regretful. Aroree says "I have intruded where I have no right to, spoken much but that poorly. I will leave you." Calmwind scowls at the Glider and continues to shift his weight around. "Do you have music in the Mountain?" His question is abrupt, unfriendly. Aroree frowns slightly but deigns answer Calmwind's question ere parting. "Yes. Several gliders are musicians. Nareen, for one." Aroree is in the air once more, so natural that it is hard to remember she ever sat upon the stone ground. Calmwind takes a deep breath. "What sort of musicians are they? Do you have treeshapers?" There's something desperate bubbling under the surface of his tree-green eyes. [Even as Calmwind attempts to soothe Aroree with diplomatic conversation, Wayfound stalks off to do what for her is an uncharacteristic but nevertheless entirely cublike activity: sulk. End log.]