Log edited with Logedit 2.6.9pl on Sun Jun 21 21:42:51 PDT 1998 Using configuration file /home/dewshine/.logeditrc Editing out: arrive/left @mail ANSI tf-messages Regexp stripping: Queue, Semaphore, ^Huh\? +Type, ^I don't see that Word-wrapping at 78, 0, 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jessica Orr [jrorr@exis.net] Sent: Saturday, May 09, 1998 3:47 PM To: dewshine@murkworks.net Subject: Talek, Crystal, and Acorn (log) *Editor's Note* I have absolutely no idea how this will wordwrap. As it is now, sitting in my outbox, the log itself isn't wrapping at all. I dunno if it'll hit your 'box wrapped or not. If there are problems concerning it, mail me and I'll futz with it until it works. ------------- Log file from Talek. 5/8/98 10:23:30 PM North Bank of the Pond(#170RJa) This wide sandy stretch of ground is the Hubward bank of a pond about three wolf-jumps wide; the tall marsh grasses that seem to ring the water on all sides part long enough at this bank to give a good view of the water. Just beside the pond's edge, among those same grasses, a large, smooth rock provides a place to sit and regard the water. At the rock's base is a tiny hole almost hidden among the brush. Off across the water can be seen the beginnings of a thick tangle of trees, the fringe of a wood... the silhouette of a massive willow tree stands out in the line of greenness. Shielding the bank from view from anywhere except within the Holt proper, a wide curving circle of foliage rings round the pond and weaves on into the trees around the Holt. The grasses are very thick round most of the pond's edges, but a tiny path is *just* visible following the curve of the pond towards Away-from-Hub and Sun-Goes-Down. Hubward the same small path runs off to connect with the trail into the marshes. Contents: Chitter's carrypack Fallberry's Nest Obvious exits: Around the Pond Water Itchgrass Circle >From the water, Crystal smiles, waves to Talek ** Heyla there! ** Talek approaches, watching his feet as he shuffles them in step, a few silvery strands of hair fallen over his eyes. At the sending, he looks up, blinking, then offers a crooked smile as his eyes find Crystal, lifting a hand as well. ** Hello..! ** >From the water, Crystal smiles ** Come join us? **, he asks, beckoning invitingly. Talek's gaze flickers to Acorn as well and he nods to her, then looks back to Crystal, blinking again. ** Well, I was.. ** he starts to send, then trails off, his shoulders lifting and falling. The crooked smile returns. ** All right. ** That sent, he moves to take a seat on the pond's shore, reaching to remove each article of clothing with a ridiculously slow precision, letting each drop beside him in a somewhat rumpled pile. >From the water, Crystal giggles softly, as Talek methodically undresses - eyes drifting over to the scattered clothes of the two elves, already in the pool. >From the water, Acorn giggles softly at Crystal, snuggling up to him, looking appallingly sweet. >From the water, Crystal grins, playfully licks Acorn's nose, yes sparkling brightly. Sweet? Don't you believe it.. Not her... Talek rises to his feet again, glancing briefly to the clothing as if expecting it to do something, then shakes his head slightly to himself, moving towards the pond. He hesitates at its edge, then moves into the water, eyes first watching his own feet, then lifting to watch Crystal and Acorn with an almost quizzical expression. >From the water, Crystal glances over at Talek - raising an eyebrow as he notes the expression on his face. You wade out into the water. Pond This small pond, wreathed by tall marsh grasses on almost all sides, is at its deepest point chest-high on a tall elf. The water is generally comfortably cool, and surprisingly clear. Lilypads float near its banks. The grasses around the pond are thick in most spots, except for the wide stretch along the Hubward bank. Occasionally the winds ripple off over the tops of the grasses, towards Away-from-Hub. All along the Sun-Goes-Up side of the pond, you see a curving tangle of brush and grasses, sheltering the otherwise open space from view of anyone not within the Holt. Just to the north is the largest open bank; to the south is the Holt trail, though you must move through tangled grasses to get to it. Just over towards Sun-Goes-Down is the Holt proper, and the Old Willow dominates the view. Contents: Acorn Crystal Obvious exits: West Bank South Bank North Bank Crystal looks at you. Talek returns Crystal's lifted brow with a slight shrug, then concentrates on wading further into the water, pushing aside the marsh grasses that ring the pond before stepping out into the pond fully. His nose wrinkles slightly, waiting to adjust to the slightly cooler temperature of the pond before ducking down until the water-line rests just above his nose, fingertips touching the bottom. Crystal smiles at Talek ** Better now, eh? Warmer than a moon ago :) ** ** Aye! ** Talek rises slightly, nose still wrinkled. ** Used to be so.. cold. Bleh. ** Crystal grins ** Good for waking up though.. ** He winks conspiratorily ** I sleep far too much according to silly lifemate :) ** Acorn watches Talek, ostensibly ignoring Crystal. A shift of her weight is all the warning she gives before tangling one foot between his legs and heaving, aiming for a ducking. Crystal 's finhers lightly tickle Acorn's tummy ** Her fault really for making me all that tired in the first place... ** Crystal eeks! as he vanishes beneath the surface ** Ack! ** A smirk crawls across Talek's face, quirking the corners of his mouth. ** Mm-hmm. ** He returns Acorn's glance briefly, then blinks as she heaves Crystal under, jaw dropping open before a laughter starts to ring out, his smoky eyes wide. Acorn grins sweetly at Crystal, eyes hugely wide in an expression of sweet innocence. She blinks a couple of times at Talek, saying 'mournfully', ** He does like to pick on me... ** She seems about to burst into laughter. Acorn's eyes abruptly widen. She looks sharply down towards her feet, eyes narrowing in an attempt to see more clearly. Crystal resurfaces, shaking his head, spraying water from his hair, all round He send-growls, grinning brightly. Talek's hand raises in a feeble attempt to hide his broad grin. ** Uh-huh, ** he sends in reply, then his eyebrows lift further at the change in Acorn's expression. As Crystal emerges from the water and sprays droplets every which way, the silver-haired elf lifts both hands to block off the offending water, another laugh escaping. Acorn giggles, stumbling backward and flinging her hands up to shield her eyes from water-spray. Laughing, she attempts to dart behind Talek, but it's more of a bounding lunge through the water. Acorn looks at you. Crystal launches himself at Acorn - trying to intercept her on halfway to 'safety'. He doesn't seem at all surprised as she moves to hide behind the other elf. Almost as if he knew she'd do just that. Acorn yeeps, stops on one foot, windmilling her arms in an attempt to keep from being knocked over. Talek's eyes widen when Acorn tries to dart behind him, then all but bugging out of their sockets when Crystal launches after her. ** Oh no! No-no-no! ** He struggles to move away, splashing water. ** I'm not playing 'shield' for you! Oh no! ** You sense in a locksend, Crystal laughs ** hah! ONE smart elf in the holt at least! ** Acorn laughs, turning her head to avoid the spray -- and falls over, ducking herself. Crystal tackles his lifemate - landing a firm kiss on her lips just before she vanishes beneath the surface - with him following after. Acorn wraps her arms tightly around her mate, not overly disturbed by the result. The idea of drowning has obviously not occurred to her in the slightest. Talek turns to glance behind, shooting a grin at Crystal in response to a private sending. ** Hah! Well, you see, I -- ?! ** Whoop. Didn't look where he was going. Talek's foot collides with a somewhat firmly-set rock on the bottom of the pool and he trips, falling into the water with a splash. ** !! ** ** !! ** With a deft wriggle, Acorn rearranges limbs and torsos and gets her head above water for a quick breath, ** Talek? Are you okay? ** Blinking, she attempts to locate him -- but her hair is covering her eyes, making seeing things awkward. Crystal let's go of Acorn, turning to check Talek's alright. ** Heh. Aye. ** The silvery strands of Talek's mane are the first to appear before his head emerges from the water, a sheepish, embarrassed expression on his face. ** ... Water.. eh.. broke my fall. ** Crystal giggles softly, merrily ** That's one way of putting it. ** He winks at Acorn. ** See? He doesn't even need a lifemate to get ducked ;) ** Acorn lifts her hair out of her face with one hand, tossing a quick roguish grin to her lifemate, and giggles softly, ** Once a mother, always a mother, I guess; I couldn't see what happened. ** Her smile turns a bit sheepish, then she snakes an arm around Crystal's waist and hugs him tight. Crystal grins, nuzzles Acorn's ear, smiling fondly at the mother of his cub. He then blinks, quirks his head ** Talek.. Have you seen Seedling? ** (Their cub) Talek flicks his tongue out at Crystal in an oh-so-mature fashion, then grins, rising up fully. At Crystal's sending, he pauses, eyebrows drawing together in thought. ** Around.. ** he answers carefully. ** But not recently. ** Acorn looks quizzically at Talek, then at Crystal, ** He can't have missed her; she's been such a treewee lately, up and down each tree in turn and then back again. <> ** Acorn giggles at Talek's maturity, wrinkling her nose cheerfully. Crystal chuckles, nods ** I keep worrying she'll fall.. But she never does... ** Shifting behind Acorn, he wrps his arms around her waist - lips brushing the back of her head. Acorn tilts her head forward obligingly, eyes half-closing. ** She's got a good grip. ** Crystal smiles ** And balance, too... ** He giggles ** Unlike some elves here **, he send-teases Talek. ** Aye, ** Talek sends, seconding Acorn, his smile crooked. ** She hasn't yet, has she..? She'll be fine.. ** At the tease in Crystal's voice, he promptly turns a shade of pink, lifting a hand to scratch the back of his neck. ** Well.. ah.. ** he starts to answer, but doesn't dare, his own tone as sheepish as his smile. Acorn laughs, twisting to hug her mate and nip his shoulder playfully. ** I don't think I've ever seen you turn quite that shade, Talek; it's quite becoming. <> ** Crystal giggles, agreeing with his lifemate's judgement - would he dare argue? Grinning, he kisses, then nibbles the tip of Acorn's ear. And that, of course, only serves to darken Talek's cheeks. ** Heh, ** he sends again, his smile lopsided. ** Thanks. I think. ** Acorn giggles, tilting her head and shaking it slightly. To Crystal, she sends, ** That tickles! ** Resting her temple on his shoulder, she considers Talek and bursts into a merry grin, ** You're welcome. I'm sure. ** Crystal grins at Acorn ** It should! ** He grins over at Talek. ** Mmm... Hope we're not making you regret ever joining us here... ** ** Oh no. ** Talek's smile contains a trace of humor. ** I love turning the color of deathsleep's leaves. Really. ** Crystal mmms ** If you say so... ** He winks ** I know BrightFall keeps complaining about it... But I never heard him complain about the attention it gets him ;) ** Acorn grins merrily at Talek, ** Wonderful! ** Wending away from Crystal, she leans forward to float/glide along the surface of the water. ** Brightfall's a terrible flirt. <> I wonder who taught him, lifemate. ** Talek smirks lopsidedly at both sendings, offering no agreement, but he doesn't exactly protest either. Instead, he dips down again, disappearing beneath the water, then resurfacing again, a few water drops spraying. Crystal grins at Acorn ** I don't know.. Did you? ;) ** He then smiles, shakes his head ** I don't think he even knows he is... ** Acorn rolls onto her back, eyes drifting shut at the peaceful sound of water flowing by her ears, ** I dunno. He's young, but, ** one eye pops open, winks at Crystal, then shuts again, ** I think he's going to make some huntress very happy. ** Crystal mmmms, nods, agreeing. Then, he chuckles ** Or some huntresses ** A flicker of wordless amusement escapes in Talek's mind as his attention is caught briefly by a lily pad, and the tiny hopper resting upon it. ** Or hunters, ** he adds distractedly, watching the hopper until it leaps off of the lily pad and disappears beneath the water's crystal-clear surface. Crystal chuckles softly ** Mmm... Don't _think_ so.. ** He shrugs ** But it has been a while.. Mmm... Wish he'd head this way again... ** Acorn sinks below the surface of the water, then resurfaces, hair slicked back -- for the moment. ** Where was he last headed, do you know? ** Crystal frowns ** Wolfhaven.... I _think_ **, he sends, tentatively. Talek's eyes flicker to Crystal, brows lifting a bit. ** Where Simmel and Joy went? ** he queries. Acorn wipes water off her eyes, nodding. "Mmmhm." Eyes flicking open, she looks curiously at Talek, ** Why did they go there? ** Crystal blinks, then nods. He shrug-smiles ** He wanders a lot... **] Talek considers Acorn's question for a moment, the corners of his mouth pulling down slightly until he offers a slight shrug in reply. ** I don't know why.. ** he sends. ** But I heard that they did. ** Acorn runs her hands over her hair, slicking it back, nodding. [Crystal's player has to disconnect, so Crystal himself leaves the pond.] Crystal clambers out onto the west bank of the pond. Crystal has left. ** There was talk.. ** Talek begins to add, then pauses, losing the thought. He frowns lightly, then shrugs, glancing after Crystal briefly as the Willowholter departs from the Pond. Acorn blinks her eyes open, watching after Crystal but staying in the water. ** Talk? Oh, about the... oh, what was it. ** She muddles over it for a moment, then a light dawns. ** The attack on Sorrow's End? ** Talek inclines his head in a slight nod, moving towards a shallower part of the pond so he can take a seat, leaning back on the palms of his hands. ** Mm-hm. I know Simmel was captured.. maybe that's why they left? ** Acorn doggy-paddles towards you, since it's just as fast as walking and much more fun. ** If Simmel was captured, he couldn't have gone from here to Wolfhaven; he must have gotten out, come here, then gone to Wolfhaven? ** Talek's brows draw together and he nods again. ** That's probably what happened, ** he sends agreeably, though his brows still furrow. ** But they're there all the same. I don't know -why- that would make them go there, but.. ** He offers a thin shrug. ** Maybe it did. ** Acorn grins impishly, ** So they're always there, unless they're here, or maybe when they're somewhere else? Of course, they might have a good reason to come here and go there, maybe because they're visiting their family. ** Tongue-twisters are so much easier to /think/, wouldn't you say? Talek tries to follow Acorn's line of thought, but as he struggles to keep up, they start to get tangled together. After a long moment, he blinks, then sends simply: ** Aye. ** Acorn giggles, moving over to the stone and climbing atop it. ** I have no idea what that meant; it just sounded funny. ** ** It was probably right, whatever you sent, ** Talek answers, a half-grin on his face as he watches Acorn. After a moment, he emits a soft chuckle and adds, amusedly, ** Not that I was able to keep track of whatever you sent. ** Acorn smiles, green-brown eyes frank, ** Neither could I, actually. I was starting to grasp at leaves, rather than branches. ** Acorn uses one foot to shove her pile of dry leathers further from her wet body, then sprawls on the still-warm rock. Eyes half-closed lazily, ** Sometimes I speak the same way I move -- quickly, and before thinking. ** After a moment, she adds a correction. ** I don't always think afterwards, either. ** Talek listens quietly, almost carefully, his brows knitting together slowly. ** That.. That's what the others call.. the 'Now', isn't it? ** he asks after a period of silence has passed. Acorn blinks her eyes open lazily, then rolls on her back and wriggles, scratching her spine. ** Somewhat. The 'Now' is more... focusing on what >is<, not what can be or what has been. ** Talek nods slowly, brows unknitting as his expression evens out. ** Its.. better to live that way, I think, ** he answers, tone quieted some. ** Harder to get yourself tangled up every which way. ** Acorn pillows her head on her arm, hair shoved out of the way to dry. ** What's there to worry about when you're living in the Now? There is no tomorrow or yesterday, only Now. ** She stretches her legs out, jigging into a more comfortable sprawl. ** It's easier to hide from pain in the Now, but that's not always good. If the pain keeps coming back, then hiding from it will just make it worse. ** Talek regards his feet, wiggling his toes under the water idly. ** Aye, ** he voices his simple agreement, then offers a smile that seems more a shadow of one than a real one. ** Hiding from pain.. or hiding pain.. doesn't solve anything. Just gives it an oppurtunity to get worse. ** Acorn drifts in a memory for a bit, then blinks, noticing your reaction. Rolling to her side, she considers you, then rolls towards you and puts a hand on your shoulder, squeezing lightly. ** And it gives the pain the opporunity to blind you to the joy. The things that make -- or made -- you happy. ** The touch of a hand on his shoulder draws Talek's attention seemingly from his feet, looking to Acorn. The crooked smile, so often seen, reappears and inclines his head in a slight nod. ** It does, ** he sends, sending still touched with agreement. ** It did. ** He pauses, the lets his shoulders shrug. ** I let that happen and.. heh. Got a little strange on everyone, didn't I? ** His sending offers a touch of humor, almost sheepish in tone. Acorn smiles warmly, ** We understood. Pain is pain. ** ** And I'm glad its gone. ** Talek tilts his chin slightly, glancing up to the splash of indigo and the scattering of stars that make up the sky. ** I don't think about It that much anymore. I try not to.. ** he sends thoughtfully, then pauses, letting his gaze fall back to Acorn, smoky eyes curious. ** ... Is that the Now? ** Acorn rests her chin on one cupped palm. ** If you have to ask? Not really. You're thinking too much for it to be the Now. ** She grins lightly, ** There's not much time for thinking when you're busy living in the Now. ** Talek looks faintly disappointed, but its an idle sort of disappointment. ** Oh well, ** he sends mildly, then his crooked smile turns all the more lopsided. ** Its hard not to think a lot sometimes. ** Acorn grins impishly, eyes twinkling, ** You're approaching it now, though. ** Talek's expression goes blank for a moment, and he blinks twice before his eyebrows come together. ** What? Thinking too much? ** Pause. ** Am I? ** Acorn giggles softly, making a negative sort of noise. ** I meant you're coming close to the Now. Can't change it? Don't worry about it. ** Talek blinks a third time and relief washes across his face. ** Oh! That's.. good. ** Acorn giggles softly, eyes drifting closed again. Acorn pushes herself up from the rock, stretching arms, then legs. Talek seems ready to send something more, then pauses, a shadow casting over his eyes as he lifts his head at a silent call. When he looks back to Acorn as she rises, he sits up straighter as well, rolling his shoulders a bit with a quiet popping noise emitting before he sends, ** I need to get going. ** He moves to his feet, water dripping off of him. Acorn nods, pulling on her leathers and checking her weapons. ** And I need to hunt. ** Acorn mutters, ** Of course I forgot my boots... ** Talek shakes his head free of water in a wolfish way he's adopted from the Wolfriders that live in Willowholt, then moves towards his own pile of clothing, still resting in that rumpled, but carefully placed, pile. He casts a glance towards Acorn at her sending and smirks just a bit. ** Don't go hunt barefoot. You'll cut up your feet. ** Acorn laughs, ** No, not really; I stick to the trees. ** She pats her whip. ** I just don't want to step in something 'unpleasant', like turds. ** Talek starts to pull on his breeches and his smirk grows. ** I don't blame you! ** he answers amusedly. Acorn grins wickedly in response, ** Don't look so pleased with yourself; I can share the turds if you tempt me enough. ** Talek bites back a laugh, his grin broad, and all that escapes is a snicker. ** I think I'll pass, thanks.. ** he answers, reaching for his tunic. Acorn chuckles, standing and setting her whip and knife on her belt. ** If you insist. ** With a parting grin, she moves for the Sentry Branch. Acorn clambers out onto the south bank of the pond. Acorn has left. Talek watches Acorn and chuckles, flicking a send in farewell after her, ** Bye! ** then continues to dress himself before wandering back the way he came. [END LOG]