Synopsis: While recovering from the Underworld ordeal, Dusk and Talek have a talk, a little heated at times, then go to one of the pools in the garden to relax. It wound up turning into a pretty good scene. Players: Dusk (logger), Talek, and Rainor at the very end. Logged July 24. -------------------------------------------------------------------- The light of the Daystar shines bright outside the guest cottage that houses Dusk and Talek, yet for some reason the normally nocturnal elf-wolf is stirring. Since being visited the day before by Rainor and eating, she's slept for hours on end, absolutely still, curled up within her furs. As slumber finally begins to wear off, her mouth opens in a wide yawn, before both fists lift towards her eyes, rubbing slowly. Though he seemed somehow active when first they arrived, the moment Talek collapsed in the sleeping pit inside the hut, he fell asleep. The silver-haired lad, it seems, has been seen rarely outside of it, catching up on days' worth of sleep he lost in the Underworld after refusing to rest inside his old chambers and spending the rest of the time hiding in the shadows. Falling unconscious really didn't help either. Though he has gotten up to eat, drink, and bathe, he almost always returned swiftly to the sleeping pit and here he is found now, dead asleep. His sleeveless tunic is pulled off and folded beneath his head, serving as a makeshift pillow with one hand curled beside his head. His silver hair, long unbound from its clasp, forms a mussy, almost metallic halo about his face. She sits up, going into another severe yawn, hands moving to scratch her sides idly. Dusk is slowly beginning to look healthier, though she's still got some time to go before she'll have all her strength back. She's still on the lean side, moreso than usual. While sitting up, she blinks towards Talek, and smiles faintly, before a bit of a dizzy spell gets her thinking about lying down again. She does, but not before she crawls over to Talek's side. She settles down next to him, nuzzling his cheek gently as she drapes an arm across his chest. It takes a while to get a response out of the dead-as-a-log lad. Talek stirs briefly when the rust-furred female gets so close, but its only a few moments later that any real reaction comes of it. Blearily, his eyes crack open, his eyes a milky gray. Then he blinks, but slowly, until clarity slowly reaches his sleep-fuzzy mind... and he nearly jerks straight up and out of the furs. Nearly does. As it is, he merely pulls back slightly and stares, jaw slightly agape. Fortunately for Dusk (and perhaps Talek as well), she doesn't think too much of Talek's movement as he comes to. Though..if her head wasn't so muddled from sleep, she might remember what happened down in the darkness, after Talek's bell had been rung soundly. "Stay, Talek.." she murmurs, pulling closer to him again to compensate, giving him another nuzzle. ** Dusk, I-- ** Stay? Wait. Bad. Too close. Bad. Talek's face twists and he pulls away from her further, blocking back the taunting voice in his head. This time he sits up and falls back on his hands, literally trying to worm his way off and away from Dusk. There's no further pursuit from Dusk, as it seems to dawn upon her that Talek doesn't want to be close with her. She sits up, more aware of things now, and she blinks at him. Confusion and a bit of hurt is detectable in her send. ** What's wrong, Talek..? ** Since Dusk doesn't press further, Talek makes it unsteadily to his feet, still half awake. ** Nothing. ** Liar, liar, liar. The lie makes his sending an inky black with violet edges, so blatant is it its easy to detect. Knowing this, he avoids her eyes and instead looks to the table where the Villagers have once more restocked the food and water. ** Hungry? ** Green-on-yellow eyes immediately narrow, then find somewhere else to look, as Dusk easily sees through Talek's lie. . o O (What's he hiding? And why?) She turns away, standing slowly. Dusk moves carefully towards a seat, away from the food and Talek. "No." Talek glances back over his shoulder, biting his lip, then looks back to the food and water without a sound. Wordlessly he pours a small cup of water, downs it, and pours another, pretending that the tabletop is an object worthy of intense fascination. There's a long silence, broken by Dusk's soft voice. "I'm ready to go home. Now." She says it out of frustration and perhaps hurt as well, forgetting for a moment how she needs to continue to rest and recuperate, along with the promise she gave Savah to see her privately once better. She's..found that whatever thoughts and feelings she seemed to have for Talek were just a one-way street. It's clear to her that her heart doesn't belong to Talek. Ah, but she'll get over it. She's a Wolfrider, and the past soon means less and less. Talek turns sharply now, cup hitting the tabletop with a 'plunk!' and a splash of water over his hand. ** What? ** He blinks thrice, then tenses. ** Dusk, you /can't/! You have to rest! We can't make the trek across the desert, we'd /fry/! ** ** Probably. Aye, we probably would. ** Dusk answers, debating the benefits of such a thing. It's easy to understand when she finds none, despite her feelings messing with her thoughts, and she sinks down to a bench close by. ** You're right..I have to rest. <> ** Still, she keeps from looking at her traveling companion, the one who got her into this mess in the first place because of his bloodline. The same one she herself wanted so badly to come with her on her soulname quest. Talek stares at her, a mix of emotions blurring across his face. Shock, then hurt at the anger and dislike in her sending, then frustrated confusion and concern. Why is she so upset? He.. He merely did not want to be so close! That is not so strange.. is it? ** Dusk.. ** He starts, stops, and bites his lip, hand going to his face to comb some silvery hair back away from his eyes. He tries again. ** Dusk, what's wrong? ** It must be Dusk having not been truly close to anyone, even still. That's the only possible explanation here, and she thought Talek shared something she felt, except whenever she tried to get close, he'd throw up a wall. She can figure out what it means when someone does it enough times. ** Nothing..nothing's wrong. ** As was the case with Talek's lie, the same holds for hers, the souring of her words clear to the point where one should have no trouble sensing the lack of truth to them. "Forget it..I'll get over it," she murmurs. Now utter bewilderment floods across Talek's face as he continues to stare at the rust-furred maiden. Is the lad that oblivious to what is right under his nose? ** 'Get over it?' Get over /what/? What under the stars are you talking about? ** He must be, because Dusk isn't telling. ** Think about it, Talek. Just..think, for once. ** Cryptic words, coming from one who lives in the Now as much as anyone else. Shaking her head, Dusk rises again, the idea of eating a more important one to her right now than explaining whatever else is going on. ** I don't /know/! ** Talek's sun-burned face darkens in frustration and stress. He doesn't move more than a stride away from the table laden with food, looking at her. ** High Ones! ** he swears. ** I /know/ you like me, Dusk, and if its joining, I won't deny you that! But I don't always feel like it, and you act as if I hurt you when I pull away! ** The silver-haired elf, having grown into a somewhat mild disposition of late, shakes visibly with uncharacteristic temper. ** I'm sorry! Sweet, merciful High Ones, I'm /SORRY/. Is that what you want to hear? Because I don't have anything else for you until I know what's wrong! ** That stops Dusk fast, all of it. Every last word. She's left more or less in a stunned silence, blinking rapidly for quite a few moments. ** ... ** Nothing comes, yet, her hand poised over a piece of meat after she made her way to the table it's placed on. ** Oh, Talek.. ** she begins, sending in a near-whisper, somehow able to keep her thoughts clear enough to do it. Confusion washes over her face and in her words. ** I..I don't know what's wrong either..I do like you, but I don't know why you get so uncomfortable when I want to be close. I won't do it any more if it makes you uncomfortable. It's not just about joining.. ** It was always more than just that to her. She comes closer, though there's nothing hidden about it. In her eyes, both Talek and herself need a hug to make things better, and she steps closer to hopefully give and get one. ** Then /what?/ ** Most of the venom is gone from Talek's sending now, but it is nonetheless vehement. He doesn't reject the hug, but nor does he accept it, turning his head just enough so that he can focus a grim expression at the wall and continue to look to Dusk through the corners of his eyes. He does relax a bit though, now that it seems he no longer holds Dusk's disfavor, though he is still utterly oblivious to most of the problem, at least. ** I don't have anything against being close.. joining.. Its just.. ** His expression twists somewhat and his eyes shift to stare at the wall. ** Down there, in the Underworld.. I don't know, Dusk. Before, I wouldn't have minded. Now? ** His brows furrow. ** I need to think. ** ** What happened to you down there, Talek? ** Dusk questions, sifting past his suggestion of needing to think. In addition to that, she doesn't explain what it is with her, for sometimes even she wonders what it is. Dusk lets go of the hug, sensing that it's not totally desired nor accepted, but yes, not blatantly refused either. She turns to the meat, and begins to eat some of it. ** I know you said Jylien's name when you were waking up after you hit your head. ** ** I'd.. rather not talk about it. ** Released, Talek draws back towards a chair, retrieving his tunic in the meantime before sitting down. He starts to slowly shrug it on, then stops at second sending. His eyes widen slowly, eyebrows shooting up, and immediately a bright flash of red flushes over his sun-burned face, making the pale lad look something akin to the redfruits the Sun Villagers grow in the Garden. ** What? I did? ** There's a pause in Dusk's consumption of meat, and she turns her head to look at Talek. She shrugs, and nods. ** You must have been lightheaded, because Evenek was looking over you and you said Jylien's name. I must have been stupid, because I never knew you liked him so much. ** At least that's how /she/ took it. She smiles faintly, as if everything seems to be better than it was before, and back she goes to nibbling on her hunk of meat. Maybe she liked seeing Talek blushing, redder than his sun-burnt face had been before. As for his request to not talk about what happened down there, she lets it go. Talek is silent for long moments as he tucks his tunic in and makes sure its in right and everything. The color fades slowly from his cheeks, though never completely, thanks to the reddish hue the Daystar's all-too-harsh touch left behind. When he does reply, his sending is quiet. ** When my.. mind started to go all those turns ago, Jylien.. watched out for me. Like a protector, I guess. I had a dream down there.. When I hit my head. About him. ** Then a faintly embarrassed, half-hearted smile touches his face. ** That was ... Evenek? ** A look of confusion covers Dusk's face as Talek explains that he had a dream, not really following. Maybe she'll have to ask him sometime, when it's appropriate. She nods, too young at the time to remember anything that happened with Talek all those turns ago. ** Aye, Evenek. ** she answers, a hint of mischief creeping in. If Talek's blushing, she might as well enhance it. "I thought you were going to nuzzle him and pull him close." Talek's eyes widen again and his jaw goes slightly agape. ** I did not! ** he protests shrilly, blinking rapidly. Did he? The only answer given is a fiendish, wicked grin. That's her revenge. Eh, but she can't resist something else. ** Why don't you go back and ask him yourself? ** Dusk finds a container of water to sip from. Abruptly Talek's face darkens, missing the humor in the sending, maybe deliberately. ** I'm not going back there /ever/, ** he sends sharply, a slight quaver to his voice. That might just have been the answer Dusk was looking for, and she nods. ** Good. Neither am I. ** She's unaffected by the tone of Talek's reply. ** I wouldn't want to go back there either, if I was you. I wouldn't want to go anyplace where an elf is mistreated like that by another. ** Talek offers a faint smile, but little else, looking away now. Quietly, almost idly, he starts arranging the food bowls, baskets, and pitchers of water on the table, for lack of anything else to do. Or, perhaps, (and more likely) to avoid the subject at hand. Silence is allowed to reign for the time being, as Dusk sits down next to the table, feasting on more of the meat. Someone must be a good hunter in these parts. Her stomach rumbles, wanting more. More meat, more drink. Nourishment. She may be fortunate she hasn't had any problems come up after eating so little down there, then suddenly eating so much. The same thought crosses his mind as he flicks a glance towards her at the rumbling of his stomach. Talek silently offers her some water, then he notes mildly, ** You really should take it easy. You're going to get sick this way. ** ** I guess..maybe you're right. ** Dusk answers, and she reluctantly sets the rest of the meat back on the tray, or whatever it's placed on. ** I just..I'm hungry.. ** There's no other way to explain it. Talek still offers the water, though, with a soft, crooked smile. ** Me too. But not as much, I think. ** A thought crosses his mind, and his brows furrow. ** Did she /feed/ you at all? ** A frown finds Dusk's lips, and she shakes her head slowly. ** Maybe once in a great while..I had to find what I could, when I could. I guess she didn't eat much, so she didn't give me much, either. ** She accepts the water, sipping way. ** She was an.. odd one, ** Talek allows, drawing his hand back once Dusk accepts the water. He frowns lightly. ** So thin.. Looked like she was going to fall apart if you pushed her too hard. ** ** She didn't. ** Talek flicks her a sidelong glance, brows arching in silent question. ** You know know I fought her all the way, Talek. ** Dusk send-murmurs, leaving it as simple as that. Talek offers a faint smile. ** Aye.. I know. ** The cup is emptied, and set back on the table, with Dusk turning away from it. She looks around the cottage, wondering why it's so bright outside. Oh..must be daytime. She steps over towards the center of the room, and notes, ** I should find someplace to bathe. ** ** There's a spring, ** Talek sends after a moment, eyebrows arching higher. ** Its warm and the Sun Villagers bathe in it. You can try there? ** ** Oooh. ** Dusk suddenly grins, turning towards the door of the cottage. ** Springs! I remember those! ** She nearly bounces. Don't ask how she remembers something like this. A soft chuckle strays from where Talek stands and he steps away from the table to trail after Dusk. ** Really, ** he comments, amusement unhidden. The door is opened quickly, with Dusk's legs taking her towards the middle of the village, intending on going to the gardens. ** Aye, really! ** she answers, that grin not at all faltering in the least. Talek still follows, but not nearly so quickly, but enough to keep her from vanishing from sight. ** Don't trip! ** he send-calls after her, relief fleshing out his smile. The tone of conversation seems to have changed quickly, but it is certainly not an unpleasant change. [After cutting out room spam, we resume in the gardens] Garden of Shade and Sweet Water Nestled in the rocky canyon, this area has been turned into an oasis. Rows of herbs and flowers, blooming bright blue and white, dance in the breeze. Mature sticker-plants are bursting with yellow and red blossoms. A row of woody shrubs lines the stone path. They blaze with orange-pink blooms. Clustered back near the rock walls several short, gnarled trees provide shade for the benches below: most are covered in puffy pink flowers, but one sports round, orange fruit peeking out from beneath its glossy leaves. You can hear the gentle burble of water. The sun is high in the chill winter skies. The explosion of colors is fading as plants dry up and go dormant, waiting for the next rainfall. Contents: Talek Owl Hot Pool Shaded Stone Benches Dreamberry Bush Obvious exits: Dancing Square After a bit of a walk - though not far - Dusk comes over to the gardens, faint memories of old sights returning to her. But as before, the one of the springs seems to stick out to her more than most, and there's no real reason why. She moves slow enough for Talek to be able to assist her if needed, but is managing well enough on her own. Talek follows. By the time they reach the Garden of Shade and Sweet Water, he looks vaguely uncomfortable. Though Savah has no doubt informed the Villagers of the lad's situation, he still earns looks, glares, and uneasy frowns. When the Garden turns out to be relatively empty, he cannot keep back the sigh of relief, nor can he suppress the smile that rises to his lips as he glances around, reliving memories(!) of his own as well. No time is wasted, really. Dusk steps over to the hot pool and, after testing the waters with a finger, she slips right in, ahhhing in comfort as the soothing water soaks her. Hot Pool The warm waters of the pool lap at you gently, steam rising languidly. You can feel a gentle current as the hot water surges up out of a crack in the bottom of the pool. Elfin magic senses tingle must have been shaped, this pool. You slip into the steaming pool of water. In the garden, This time Talek /doesn't/ follow, but does strip himself of his shirt, folding it over and tucking it underarm before moving to take a seat by the pool, grinning down at Dusk as she slips into the water. ** Good? ** A small spray of warm water is sent Talek's way, courtesy of a flying, fuzzy arm, connected to a smiling Dusk. ** Aye..I needed something like this to relax after all that happened. ** She /almost/ asks Talek why he doesn't join her in the water, but she stops herself. In the garden, "Ack!" ** Hey! ** Talek throws up his arms to shield the spray of water, managing to do so though his hair drips a bit when he puts his arms down again. ** Aye, ** he sends, but not before shooting a mock-angry smirk at her. ** We deserve it. You most of all. Dusk.. ** He pauses then, frowning lightly. Whatever frowning is done by Talek is missed, as Dusk sinks deeper into the warm embrace of the pool, shutting her eyes. ** It's really comfortable. ** she decides, and she starts to rub an arm with her hand, beneath the water. In the garden, ** That's probably why its here and why its so popular, ** Talek notes, smiling again, but faintly. He shifts position so that he lies on his stomach, resting his chin in his hands as he watches Dusk from the edges. As her eyes draw to a close, he sends cautiously, ** Be careful! Don't fall asleep or you'll drown. ** ** I'll be fine, Talek. ** Dusk assures, though it comforts her to know someone is concerned enough to warn her to be careful. She splishes some water on her face, starting to rub there next. In the garden, ** All right. ** Talek then looks away, up towards the sky above and squints into the harshly bright sunlight. ** We should talk to some of the cloth-makers here about clothing. Even you, Dusk. When we do go home, we're going to need hoods or something to block out the Daystar. ** ** Even me? ** comes the question, Dusk reopening her eyes after a pause. She squints faintly skyward, the canopy of the gardens helping to filter some shade down amongst the inhabitants. ** What do you think I should have? ** Besides a hood. In the garden, ** At least a cloak and hood, ** is Talek's quick reply, then he pauses, musing. ** And maybe only that. You're going to get hot here with all that fur on, right? Don't want you to drop out from.. from.. ** He blanks for a moment, searching for a word. Ah, got it. ** ... cooking out there. I don't think I could carry you /that/ far! ** The bathing elf disappears underwater for a moment, coming back up with head-fur all wet and matted. Dusk nods agreement, but sounds concerned about her fur. At least it's gone thinner for the seasonal changes. ** I'll need something to keep me cool, too. ** In the garden, Talek's sending tingles with good humor. ** Lots and lots of water. ** Then the pair will need some way of moving it. Wonder is hinted at in Dusk's question. ** How will we bring lots and lots of water with us, then? ** Her finger passes over her cheek, at the scar there, and she scowls suddenly, quickly, before it fades. In the garden, Talek's smile fades, but only fractionally. ** I was kidding, ** he sends softly, folding his arms and resting his head on them, quirking a brow at the brief frown that touches Dusk's face. Then: ** Maybe.. Maybe we can trim your fur somehow? Make it not so thick? ** And here Dusk was being serious about the water. At Talek's seemingly innocent suggestion of a cut, she nearly jumps out of the water after her eyes widen. "No!" she blurts, splishing water around her for a moment. "I don't want anyone to..." That is, ** I..I think it's fine how it is.. ** In the garden, Talek startles, almost falling over as he awkwardly tries to jump to his feet and fails. He blinkblinkblinks at her, jaw slightly agape, then closes it with a slight *click* of teeth colliding. ** Dusk? ** he sends, eyeing her, concern rich in his gaze and tone. ** Don't..don't worry, Talek. ** Dusk's words come out shaken, soft. ** Just don't worry.. ** Bad memory. Real bad. She composes herself, and concentrates on cleaning herself up some more. In the garden, Talek still frowns, letting it deepen actually, and moves closer towards the edge of the pool, smoky eyes watching her. ** I still am. Are you all right..? ** Shoulders shrug, and Dusk purses her lips, exhaling slowly. ** More or less, aye. ** is what passes for an answer. She still looks a bit shaken - not stirred - and uncomfortable in general for some odd reason. In the garden, ** More or less.. ** Talek repeats quietly, leaning in towards the pool, folding his arms over the outer rim, then unfolding one arm to let it dangle in the water, ripples forming around his red-on-pale arm. ** Have you talked with Savah? ** A hand lifts out of the water to brush back a few errant strands of head-fur, and Dusk shakes her head, a no. ** Not yet. But I probably will, soon. Have you? ** She looks over at Talek, lying next to the pool, just watching. In the garden, To this Talek shakes his head in silent negative, gaze shifting to the water. Beneath the steam and water's surface, he wiggles his fingers, watching the change in ripples and arrangement of bubbles. ** No. I don't think I will, really. ** ** Why not? ** Dusk wonders, still eyeing the fingers making ripples in the water. She holds one of her own, mimicking the ripples, smiling faintly. ** She wanted to see you too, didn't she? ** In the garden, Talek nods slightly. ** Yes, but.. ** He trails off, searching for words, then simply says/sends nothing. Silence for a few moments, then Dusk questions, ** But what? Savah's nice. She won't do anything to you. She knows you wouldn't hurt anyone here. ** She tries to give Talek's hand a reassuring squeeze of support. ** I'm fine, and you'll be, too. ** In the garden, Talek sends only, ** I never sent otherwise, ** before drawing his hand out and folding his arms again, resting his chin upon them. The furred hand and arm stops, and draws back into the water, leaving Dusk shaking her head back and forth. ** You worry too much, Talek. You're not like they are. ** In the garden, ** I know that, ** Talek answers tightly, then quiets, his eyes closing partially. ** I just would rather not talk to her, all right? ** ** All right..I won't make you talk to anyone if you don't want to. ** Dusk answers, shrugging faintly as she sinks back down in the water, to her neck. . o O (...) In the garden, Talek only nods, then shakes his head a bit, some of the silvery strands of hair flying free and into the water, floating there on the surface. He hehs! softly to himself and slumps down lower, his chin touching the pavement instead of his arms. ** How long do you think we should stay here? ** Those green eyes of a lupine slant regard Talek idly, and Dusk tries to figure that one out. ** I don't know..another eight of days? I'll know when I feel like I can do long do /you/ think? ** she returns the question. In the garden, Talek shrugs lightly. ** Evenek fed me. Bathed me. He took good care of me when I wasn't trying to get away from him. I'm fine. I just need to know that /you/ are. ** His sending is.. oddly hollow. "Glad to hear one of us was being treated halfway decent down there," Dusk mutters, unable to hide a moment of disdain in her words. She even scowls briefly, before almost literally wiping it from her face with a hand that lifts from the water. ** I'm sorry, Talek.. ** she sends, trying to apologize for her words. In the garden, Too late, the damage is done. Talek stares at Dusk slack-jawedly, blinking slowly as her words sink in. Then he sits up abruptly, wet ends of his hair sticking to his shoulders, back, and chest as if plastered there. His sending is soft, hoarse, but nonetheless clear and audible. ** I, I didn't mean for you to be taken, Dusk..! High Ones, if I could have done anything to keep you out of his grip, I would have! I swear..! ** It's true, too. ** I know..he even surprised me, and you couldn't do anything, really.. ** Dusk admits, but it still happened. She looks away from Talek, still looking upset for making Talek upset again. ** When we get home, I think I'll just stay there for awhile. ** In the garden, Talek's sending suddenly laces through the Garden. ** I'm not helpless. ** ** Neither am I, but we still couldn't do anything, could we? ** Dusk replies, shaking her head. ** I'd rather not talk about it any more. We're free, that's what's important. ** She folds her arms underwater. In the garden, Talek, perhaps, seems about to answer, but only nods now, folding his hands in his lap. ** As you say.. we're free now. ** The lad purses his lips and studies his hands quietly, then.. ** I can't wait to get home, though. Sleep in my own furs. See Tinyhowl.. Jylien.. Dawn.. See /everyone/ again. ** The furred elf smiles, and nods. ** Aye, I want to see my sire and dam again, and everyone else, too. I wonder if they have any idea what happened. ** It's been a while now since they've been gone. Simmel was gone a long time, too, and everyone was only back together for a short time before Dusk left on her quest, with Talek. ** I'll be better soon. ** Seemingly out of nowhere, she looks at Talek purposefully. ** We should head back to the cottage. ** In the garden, ** The cottage? ** Now Talek blinkblinks at Dusk, quirking a brow. That was ... sudden. He sends worriedly, ** Are you tired? ** ** No more than usual, Talek. ** Dusk answers, climbing out of the pool, sopping wet. She shrugs, and sends, ** You said you wouldn't mind joining earlier. ** Talek startles visibly, sitting up straighter with his eyebrows raised. It takes a moment, but the silver-haired lad musters a response. He sends carefully, ** Aye.. I did. ** Water begins to puddle up around Dusk's feet, and she wrings her arms, sending a little more water around her. She crouches to pick up that band she likes to wear, and grins. ** Relax, Talek. I don't bite. Much. ** ** I'm relaxed! ** is the quick protest, then Talek pauses. "Heh." He regards the rust-furred maiden for a long while, then cracks a crooked grin, a bit of silver falling over his eyes. ** I /still/ think you look cute. ** Dusk decides, wiping off some more water from her legs, glancing up at him in the process. ** Let's go relax some more, all right? ** Rainor arrives from the dancing square, brushing past the bushes that line the path. Talek is seated by the side of the pool, looking up at Dusk with a somewhat.. startled expression. It fades, though, and quickly, rising to his feet to now look /down/ at her. ** Aye.. ** As Rainor comes in, he might see Dusk bending over to wipe some water from her legs, having left the hot pool moments before. She stands back up after Talek stands, and she continues to smile at him, attention everywhere but on the entrance to the gardens. Rainor smiles "Shade friends, how are you? Talek returns the smile, but with a crooked grin, but at the voice his head snaps around and he blinks thrice at Rainor before relaxing again. ** Oh.. Shade, Rainor. ** Like Talek, Dusk's head also turns quickly towards Rainor, and she blinks just like he does, caught off-guard by a visitor. ** Shade, are you? ** Rainor says "I'm well" smiles "You look like you are doing better" ** We are, ** Talek acknowledges with a nod and a faint smile. ** Lots of rest, food, and water will do that to you. ** Rainor says "good I'm glad" A nod of agreement is given by Dusk, and she lets Talek's words serve as both of their answers. ** Aye. ** She brushes back a few strands of head-fur, glancing back to Talek. You sense in a locksend, Talek's sending ripples in quiet, reaching you privately. ** Do you still want to..? ** Rainor says "Can I get you anything?" Talek returns Dusk's glance, brows arching in silent question as something passes between them privately. Then he looks back and declines the offer with a slight shake of his head. ** No.. Thank you, though, Rainor. ** You locksend to Talek, Dusk's answer is faintly amused. ** Aye..soon. ** Rainor grins Once again, Dusk agrees with Talek. ** What he said..we'll be fine. Thank you, though. ** She nods slightly back to Talek, walking over to a bench to sit for a moment. [Talek had to leave, so we agreed that Talek and Dusk went back to the guest cottage for some rest. But not before the two got a little intimate :)]