From: on behalf of Sent: Sunday, August 09, 1998 2:42 PM To: Subject: [willowholt-l] Escape from the Underworld - Arrival in Sorrow's End Synopsis: Dusk and Talek have been released from the Underworld, for reasons not even the two of them are sure of. Being let out near Sorrow's End, the two head in that direction, but don't get there without a little trouble. Featuring: Dusk (logger), Talek, Savah, and Rainor. Logged July 22. --------------------------------------------------------- It's been a bit of a trek since being released from the Underworld, but for Dusk, it's felt like an endless journey. Already undernourished from lack of proper food, she's weak, ribs poking against her furred skin. It's such that she needs to use Talek for all the support she can get, hoping he can hold out as well. The brighter conditions outside are also an extreme change, leaving her squinting all the way. Talek helps as best he can, yet it is awkward having to hunch down to assist her and walk at the same time. One assumes that Evenek helped them out at least somewhat, so the journey from the Underworld entrance to the rocks of Sorrow's End was bearable at least. Thank the High Ones he remembered the way! After resting outside the Village for a while in effort to regain both of their strength, he now tries to help her climb up over the rocks into the Village. Though her head is down, Dusk can recognize bits and pieces of the area, having visited before, turns ago. "Talek.." she murmurs quietly, lifting her head for a moment. "We'" She takes the necessary time to catch a breath and then, she moves along again with Talek. ** Aye, ** is Talek's soft reply, gaze lifted towards the rocks. He stumbles a few times, not used to climbing after spending so much time in the shaped tunnels of the Underworld, then making the travel over the sandy desert. He tries to move up carefully and support Dusk at the same time, but doesn't quite make it once in a while. He glances down to Dusk briefly after a particularly hard stumble, to see if she's all right, and in that same moment a spear point jabs in between them. ** Stop where you are. Now. ** Dusk halts as the spearpoints are thrust towards herself and Talek, though they might be more directed at him. She's forced to sit down out of weariness, and she asks, "What's going on?" "Let her go." A dark-skinned elf with narrow green eyes scowls more at Talek than at Dusk. Its only one, but two others stand behind him, a female brandishing a spear of her own and another male clenching a bow and arrow. "Let her go, Underworlder. Right now. And leave." Talek immediately crouches to help Dusk, then looks up with a startled blink at the words of the Sun Village's guard. ** But.. I'm not..! ** ** Stop. ** Dusk's send can be clearly heard by all, and it is firm despite her appearance. ** He's not hurting me. ** Reaching for Talek to draw him closer, she protests the guards' belief otherwise. "We were both captured and taken to the Underworld..we just got out, and we need help.." After a hesitant pause, Talek is drawn down, but his arms encircle her to try and help her up. ** She needs a healer! ** he blurts, though he's not quite certain if that's true or not. It could just be the journey or exhaustion, but.. He won't risk it. Seeing the hesitance in the guard's eyes, he bites his lip and sends, ** Please! ** The female guard lowers her spear, casting an uneasy brown-eyed glance towards her male companions. "Maybe he's telling the truth.." "Maybe not." The second male keeps his bow ready and arrow aimed. "They have ways of twisting the truth to suit their liking!" The female argues in response, "But the girl sent he wasn't hurting her!" To that is drawn blank stares. Obviously the two male guards don't have ability to receive sending as the female can. A common thing among the Sun Folk. Dusk struggles to her feet, her eyes narrowing on the male guard. "I'm Dusk of the Willowholt, and this is Talek of the Willowholt. He's an Underworlder, but he's /not/ like them!" She has to stop after this, to catch a breath - she's that exhausted. She doesn't try to argue the point with the male, agreeing with him. "Aye, we were down there, and they tried to make me believe things that weren't true..but what do I have to do to prove Talek's not a threat?" She winces, legs buckling for a moment, and a hand places itself to the ground to support her. "I believe her!" The female, black-tressed with rust-red eyes, pipes and lowers her spear completely, gaze flickering between the two. "Zeetehn, put the spear down." The green-eyed male, probably Zeetehn since he's the only male wielding a spear, does not comply, yet eyes both Talek and Dusk warily. "He might've messed with her mind too!" he points out in protest, casting a sidelong glance over his shoulder towards his two companions. "We don't know that her mind is hers!" ** I didn't! ** Talek's sending is desperate, edged with weary frustration. ** I'm from Willowholt too! Stop this! ** The second male hesitates, returning the female's glance, then says gruffly, "We could call for the Sun-Toucher. Or Savah. They would know." Dusk looks with defiance at Zeetehn. "Stop being difficult, please!" She puts herself between him and Talek. "If you want to hurt him, you're going to have to deal with me first." Not that she's much of a threat right now. However, at the mention of Savah, she nods her head furiously. "Aye, please, get Savah.." There is a collective sigh of relief, the loudest coming from poor Talek, and the two Sun Village males indicate for the female to call for her. She can send; the others can't. As Talek holds Dusk tightly, offering support, the maiden closes her eyes in concentration and reaches out.. Dusk leans against Talek, as she waits to see what comes of things. ** Why don't they trust us, Talek? ** she sends, forgetting others who might overhear it. Might. The girl looks too distracted, struggling to send and concentrating so hard she doesn't receive the open sending. The males have already proven themselves unable to hear them. Talek, though, receives it with practiced ease and offers a faint smile. ** Remember the Raid some turns ago? That got Simmel? Maybe they're afraid it'll happen again.. ** Savah arrives from the crossroad. Rainor arrives from the crossroad. Savah gives the clustered villagers and jackwolfriders a warm smile before approaching the visitors. Talek are on the rocks, a trio of guards surrounding them. A male is poking a spear right in Talek's face, another male standing behind him with a relaxed bow and quiver. The female, source of the sending, only now relaxes, strain washing away from her face. Her eyes open, focusing first on Dusk and Talek, then looking around to keep an eye out for Savah. "She's coming." At her arrival, she urges the pair as well as her fellow guardsmen down. Talek, gingerly, tries to assist Dusk on the way down, looking mildly relieved. Rainor carries a basket of fruit he grabbed in the dancing square Dusk nods quietly to Talek, still leaning against him from her spot seated on the ground. ** I remember, but I wasn't there for it. ** For those that are just seeing her now, she looks terribly weak from undernourishment, more or less scrawny in appearance. Some ribs can be made out beneath her fur, looks as though someone's taken a knife to parts of that fur, more around her head. There's a scar along a cheek, as well. Talek himself doesn't look any worse for wear except for the bright flush of sunburn on his face and down his arms. His otherwise pale face is drawn with worry and confusion, and a nasty red spot stains the back of his head. ** Nor I. ** He tries to help her to her feet and, if succeeded, down onto the path. ** Can you walk..? ** Savah studies the two very different elves for a moment, then approaches them, addressing each in turn. ** Talek. You have been our visitor at Festivals in the past, when your kinfolk were still peaceful. ** She adds out loud to Dusk. "And Dusk, of the Willowholt. You were a child when last you visited us. You are both welcome, my friends." "See?" Sharply, the female elbows the male bearing the spear, shattering whatever dignity was left in his stance. "I /told/ you!" Rainor holds out the basket of fruit, "Are you hungry?" Dusk finds a weak smile as she works up the energy to stand more properly, though she allows Talek to assist her. ** I wouldn't mind your help, Talek. ** she sends, before looking up, up at Savah. "My eyes see with joy, Savah..I hadn't known you were freed all this time. It's been awhile since I was here." She nods to Rainor, but says, "Do you have any meat..?" ** Thank you.. ** Talek's sending is quiet, watching the three villagers through the corners of his eyes as they bicker, then scatter back to their posts. Then, at the question, he turns his head to regard the fruit quietly. After a long moment, he merely shakes his head in negative. Savah tells the gathered villages. "I believe our visitors would like a place to rest, as well as food and drink." She asks Talek and Dusk gently. "Would you like to rest first, or will you tell me your tale while a proper place of rest is prepared?" Rainor says "not with me" The furred Wolfrider casts a glance to Talek, leaving it up to him. But she offers, "I could last a bit longer before I collapse.." She finds the ability to smile, at least. The villagers, once assured by Savah, quickly gather to help the two visitors back to the shade of the village. Water, at least, is fetched at once. [The group moves to Savah's house.] Hall of Memory A circular room containing a low bench. The high domed ceiling soars up into restful shadows. Framed by a circle of painstakingly worked stained glass is a chair, lovingly shaped from silky smooth stone. The floor is painted pale blue and inlaid with tiles of russet and opal in a circular pattern. From the high ceiling are suspended fringed tapestries on either side of Savah's chair, with a multitude of pale pastel square panels patterned with floral designs. A carpet of scarlet fabric with a gold border lies at one edge of the room beneath Savah's chair. The colored panes behind Savah's chair flicker with a gentle light. Contents: Rainor Savah Murals Obvious exits: Ahdri's Chamber Savah's Chamber Out Talek quietly enters from the dancing square. Savah watches as Dusk and Talek are settled by bustling villagers, and offered water. Her wide eyes show concern, as well as a certain thoughtfulness. Talek's head is ducked by this time, avoiding the looks he's managed to gather on the short trip through the Village as he assists Dusk in walking, attention divided between her and following the Mother of Memory. Once inside, he allows the Villagers to settle him somewhere, yet his grasp on Dusk doesn't waver in the slightest. Most of the words from Dusk are a series of thank you's for all the help, and she is seated comfortably, gratefully accepting of the water and such. She may not have all her strength yet, but in some way, she still looks better just being free, as though something's there in her green-on-yellow eyes. She murmurs to Talek, "They don't hate you..they just don't know you're not like the rest of those Underworlders.." She noticed the looks, too. Talek's smoky gaze rests on Savah a moment, tired surprise evident, then looks to Dusk as she speaks. He offers her a crooked, but faded grin. ** I know. ** "Heh." ** ... I know. ** Rainor glances at Savah, then turns to smile at the guests. Savah gives Talek a slight nod, and tells the villagers. "It will be more comfortable for our visitors to send. You will learn their story later." Most of the villagers withdraw reluctantly at the hint from Savah, a few wandering in and out during the conversation as the appropriate food is located and offered. Savah seats herself in her chair, a graver expression on her finely featured face once the room is quiet. ** Though I would rather see you properly rested first, I have come to fear for the safety of my children. Please, tell me your story. ** You sense in a locksend, Talek's sending is tentative, worried for just how tired you are. ** Do you.. Should I.. Can you..? ** Somehow, creating a complete sentence doesn't come very easily. Dusk seems as grateful as ever to have a supply of meat brought, and it matters not to her whether it's raw, cooked, dried, or otherwise. It is, simply, /meat/. Beginning to explain things, she sends ** The time came for me to find my name, so Talek and I went on a trip. I found it, but on our way back to our Holt, we were ambushed.. ** She glances to Talek briefly. You locksend to Talek, Dusk's send is more of a reassuring one. ** Don't worry. We're safe now..I'll be fine. You can tell what you want, now. ** Talek finishes after a muted pause, his own sending ragged. ** By an Underworlder. My.. ** His eyes narrow, then blacken. ** A member of the House I.. used to be a part of. ** You locksend ** You go on..for awhile. ** to Talek. Talek locksends ** You sure? ** You locksend ** Savah can know. ** to Talek. Savah nods slightly, russet eyes regarding Talek. Dusk occupies herself with consuming rather large amounts of meat. Talek's gaze shifts briefly to Dusk, worry haunting his expression, then gives a slight nod before looking to Savah, blinking once. ** He .. hurt Dusk and.. ** He pauses briefly, searching for words. Elves don't have a word for blackmail, not that he knows of at least. ** ... used her to make me come back with him. After that, we were separated. I went with Evenek and he gave Dusk to.. another Underworlder. A female. ** Savah sends, sadly. ** The Underworld has not changed its way since I was there, then. ** ** Probably not. ** Talek's sending, though not sad, is somewhat disembodied, sounding like a whisper at the end of a dark tunnel; all you hear seems to be a faded echo. Clarity returns, though, after a few moments and he continues. ** I think I.. was supposed to be Morganthe's pupil, but it never got that far. I stayed with him for a while, then.. I got away. Another Underworlder.. ** His brows furrow. ** Think his name was Zelgadis? He helped me, distracted him.. And I met up with Dusk. ** His grip on the furry maiden's arm tightens briefly. ** She had escaped too. ** ** But.. the one that held /her/ captive, the female, caught up. I.. tripped. ** His sunburned cheeks turn redder still, now blushing with faint embarrassment. ** I hit my head on the ground.. passed out. I think she took us both back to her chambers, because that's where I woke up. ** Savah listens quietly, waving back a villagers who offers her some water. Now confusion creases Talek's brow. ** Evenek was there.. ** He seems disturbed, as if not quite certain about this part of the story. As if he expected someone else to be there. ** He.. released us. Let us go. So we came this way. ** Savah raises a pale eyebrow slightly, but does not comment directly on that send. ** Are any of the Underworld likely to attempt to retrieve you from the village? ** ** I don't.. think so.. ** Now Talek looks to Dusk, brow creasing. ** Would the female.. Would she come after you, Dusk..? ** Dusk merely nods to Talek's story, and when Savah raises her concern, she frowns, glancing to Talek. ** Lrilanya..? ** A pause, then: ** I don't know...she'd better not. She looked like a ghost, though. She'd never make the trip. ** Savah inclines her head slightly. ** As you saw, we are still on our guard. Any who appear to be from the Underworld would face the same queries as you did. If there will not be a gathered action from a large part of the Underworld I foresee no problems. ** She summarizes, with a smile. ** You are safe here, children, and welcome to stay for as long as you would wish. If you wish, I will have one of our healers look in on you once you are rested. ** Talek is quick to reply, sending as firm as it is solemn. ** Dusk needs to see a healer. ** "I'm fine, Talek.." Dusk protests at first, though it's an empty one. ** It's good you're guarding so well..but they're fighting with themselves too much to come..I hope. ** That's one thing she still doesn't understand - how they can bicker and squabble with each other like they do. Savah stands from her chair in a soft rustle of robes, going over to the two. ** One will see to her. ** Her next send is for Dusk alone. Talek glances at Dusk briefly, offering no argument, but no agreement either. Relief relaxes his face slightly at Savah's sending and he inclines his head to her in polite silence. Dusk's head tilts back to look up at Savah as she approaches, nodding to her decision about a healer, not sure herself what there /is/ to be healed. Fatigue, maybe. You sense in a locksend, Savah's send is warm and golden, enveloping you like an embrace. ** I have seen the preferences of the Underworld. Once you are both well in body, I would like to speak to you each in turn, privately. ** You locksend to Savah, Dusk's reply is one of assent, and she returns the mental 'embrace' with a faint one of her own, grateful to be here after the time spent in darkness. ** Aye. That's fine with me. ** Savah inclines her head in approval, and strokes Dusk's hair gently before turning to Talek, sending privately to him in turn. Dusk smiles loosely, allowing her eyes to close as Savah's hand moves over mix of head-fur/hair. Talek's smoky gaze turns oddly crystalline, flickering briefly as he nods slightly to Savah. Savah nods slightly to Talek, faint concern in her eyes. ** I will not keep you further. Rest, children, and avail yourself of the hospitality of the village. I will make sure all know of your presence. ** Savah asks Rainor out loud. "Will you show our guests to the prepared house, my dear?" Rainor says "Of course Savah" Dusk tries not to be blunt about it, but she fetches another handful of meat to take with her. It might just be gone by the time she gets to the guest house. "Thank you, Savah." she says, looking to Rainor afterwards. ** Don't eat too fast or too much, ** comes Talek's sending after moments of silence, flicking his wolfen companion a faintly amused smile. ** You'll get sick. ** Rainor stands by the door waiting for the others. Savah's eyes crinkle at the corners. "There will be more food waiting for you there, if I know my children. Sleep well, little one." Talek, after a moment, reaches mutely once more to assist Dusk. Savah glances at Rainor. ** Better to be sick than to be dead, Talek. ** Dusk comments idly, smiling back to Savah as Talek assists her to follow Rainor. "Aye, I..we will." Rainor moves to assist Talek with Dusk. Talek flicks a brief glance towards Savah again and nods his head lightly, offering something of a crooked smile before looking to Rainor, somewhat relieved. He's of closer height to Dusk than he and its hard hunching down for long periods of time. Savah retreats to her chair, watching the others depart before sinking into deep thought. Rainor smiles, "This way." [Rainor leads Dusk and Talek out and to the guest areas.] Rainor leads you into a cottage and helps Dusk to the sleeping furs "Do you need anything else?" Rainor says "I can fetch anything you need" Sure enough, Dusk's just about done with the meat as the trio enters the guest house. She lies down, and shakes her head to Rainor. "Thanks, but I just need to sleep now." Talek helps Rainor as best he can, now that it seems that the Sun Villager has kindly taken over the task of assisting Dusk. "Thank you.." he murmurs, voice raspy without use. He starts to look around, taking in the fact that, as Savah said, the other Villagers did provide food and water. Once Dusk is situated, he straightens and moves towards a particularly inviting-looking pitcher. You sense in a locksend, Talek's ripples with faded concern, relieved now that they're here and safe. ** You going to be all right? ** Rainor says "You can send, I can hear" Talek reaches for the pitcher, then pauses, looking back towards Rainor. "You can?" Instantly he switches to sending. ** Sorry.. not many of your folk are able to. I thought.. ** You locksend to Talek, Dusk's mind is weary now, as she begins to rest. ** Aye, Talek..soon enough. ** Rainor says "Most can't, I could always hear a buzz, and a friend helped me train." Talek locksends ** Good. ... Sleep well, Dusk. ** You locksend ** You too..<> ** to Talek. Dusk's eyes slide shut, and she soon goes still, asleep.