Log Date: Early March 1997 Log Cast: Jylien, Tinyhowl, Nightfall, Dusk Log Intro: Hoping to finally heal Tinyhowl's mindsick, wrapstuffed father, three of the younger elves of the Willowholt -- Tinyhowl, Jylien, and Dusk -- have set out to Lostholt in search of Leetah, intending to ask her for her help. Jylien has been acting out of general concern over Talek, to whom he has been drawn for some time; Tinyhowl, of course, wishes to help her father; Dusk is simply restless as the younger ones of Willowholt often are, and is anxious to get out of the Holt. They have another mission in mind as well, the replenishment of the Willowholt wolfpack, which has been depleted in number for some time. Their arrival at Lostholt is reasonably quiet, as Jylien and Tinyhowl discover that they have somewhat in common, as well.... ---------- Jylien, silent, is actually perched on a branch of the tree. In the Willowholt, he is often on a branch somewhere. Why should it be different, here? Tinyhowl, for her part, returns from a swim in the pool, clad only in silver hair and a length of soft leather that serves at a towel. Smiling, she waves up at her tribesmate. ** Heyla! ** Jylien returns the hint of a smile, and a quietly sent ** Heyla. I should have given you my old nickname. ** Tinyhowl looks up through shaggy bangs, eyebrows elevated. ** What's that? ** Jylien sends openly ** Frog. ** Tinyhowl blinks. Twice. Her expression tries to wrap around offense and laughter at the same time: laughter wins. ** /Frog?/ ** she protests. Jylien nods, quite solemnly. ** I liked to be near the water, all the time. You do too, don't you? ** Tinyhowl tries to find a way around that, then nods ruefully. ** Aye. I like the wet. ** Nightfall walks out of the Father Tree. Amusement sparks in violet eyes. ** Frog, then. ** You say "I'm .not. a frog!" Jylien perches on a branch, talking with his tribesmate. That response produces actual laughter from the solemn lad, and it echoes from him, in send and in voice. ** No.. frogs are green. ** Tinyhowl stands, wrapped in a leather, and dripping with wet. ** I'm silver and blue! ** she points out, and then blinks towards Nightfall. ** Hello! ** Nightfall pauses at the opening of the tree, leaping lightly to crouch on one of the roots. Looking from unfamiliar face to unfamiliar face, she comments "And frogs don't usually disagree." Tinyhowl Grown tall and slender, moving out of cubhood, Tinyhowl wears her silver-blonde hair long, drifting wild and free, bangs falling into distinctly silver eyes. Those eyes are highlighted with faint flecks of steel blue, brought to the fore by the richly shaded leathers of sapphire that she wears, leggings and vest hugged close to her form. Boots of pale grey, hovering on silver, match the archer's brace on the lass's left arm. Jylien Time away, and time to grow, has finished the process of filling out the elf. Tall, like his sire, and lithely built, there is definition to muscle, strength in broad shoulders and in his carriage. Eyes of dark violet are the focus for the predatory side of him, silent testament to the wolf in his blood; sharp and quick to catch detail. There is a sense about him of waiting, as if there is something just out of hearing, at all times. Deep black hair, highlighted by an occasional glint of red, is worn long to drape the back of his neck, and flow over his shoulders, falling away from the peak at his forehead to either side of a long face in an unsculptured mass. One section has been braided to fall nearly to his waist from the right temple, the end bound with two feathers nestled together, one midnight-blue, the other smoky grey. His tunic is a rich ruddy-brown in color, long and closely-sleeved, the trousers dyed a few shades darker, the color of healthy treebark. Sturdy boots cover his feet and muffle sound of his movement. The stone knife that has been ever present, at his left side, has been replaced by a longer blade of bone. Nightfall Striking would probably be the word you would choose, rather than pretty. Honey-amber eyes, angular face, and an almost square jaw, tawny curls held in check by a green leather cap tied 'round her head by a fat band of pine green and burnt orange... clean throatline, decorated by a gold band with what looks to be a short fat feather with two skinnier feathers on either side, leading down to a smoothly curving chest covered by a close-fitting, pine-green top that slants from over her right shoulder to under her left arm in the middle... pine-green leggings edged with jagged burnt orange strips covering smoothly muscled thighs and calves on bottom... and low, pine green boots strapped at her ankle and just below her calf finish up the picture. A leather belt around her waist supports the top ends of two scabbards with curled ends, one on each hip, each holding a knife. The lower half of each scabbard is held in place by a leather strap tied 'round her thighs, and when she moves, the top of the scabbard shifts with her motion. Nightfall smiles lightly, "I'm Nightfall. You're from Willowholt?" Tinyhowl nods. "Aye, I'm Tinyhowl. This is Jylien. Dusk is around somewhere. We came to ask for healing for Talek." Jylien looks down at Nightfall, then swings down, from the branch he's claimed, landing solidly on his feet, and straightening. Nightfall steps down to put her own feet on the ground, repeating, "Talek... Why do I know that name..." You say "He was here once before. A long time ago, before I was born, when he was sick." Nightfall nods, holding her hand out and up a bit, "He's tall, right?" Tinyhowl nods. ** Aye, taller than me, and silver-haired. ** Briefly, she sends an image of her father. Nightfall nods slowly, the image stirring her memory. "I think I remember; he was traveling with.. his mate." It's almost a question rather than a statement. Tinyhowl looks doubtful. ** I don't think Mother ever came to Lostholt. ** Jylien's gaze flickers to Tinyhowl, and then back to Nightfall. ** There was a sickness, and Brightfire di.. ** He begins, then trails off, gaze finding Tinyhowl again. Nightfall nods, listening to Jylien, then looking curiously at Tinyhowl. Tinyhowl sighs softly, and nods to Jylien. ** They called it a p...plague. A great sickness that took her magic and made her ill. ** Nightfall nods slowly, saying softly, "I remember it happening." Tinyhowl nods, then shakes herself a little, putting away the memories. ** Do you, ** she asks curiously, ** know where we might find Leetah? ** Nightfall rests one hip on one of the roots, glancing at the sky and estimating the time. Nightfall says "I'm not sure; she might be up in her den sleeping." Tinyhowl grins ruefully. "That'll teach me to get up in the middle of the day. Jylien frowns a little. ** Talek can wait, if she needs to rest. The Preservers wrapped him. ** He is distressed about this. You locksend ** <> He's all right, Jylien. ** to Jylien. Nightfall looks around quickly, "Another Preserver came with you?" Her eyes travel the clearing, briefly wondering where the resident Preservers are. You sense in a locksend, Jylien returns reluctant agreement, wordless. Better that he be wrapped, than to get worse. Tinyhowl shakes her head rapidly. ** No, no. At the holt, they wrapped him. He was getting worse and worse, after mother died... ** Nightfall nods, concern filling her tawny eyes, "They were Recognized lifemates?" Tinyhowl nods. ** Mother, ** she sends hesitantly, ** was...the stronger of them. ** You locksend ** He'll be all right. <> ** to Jylien. Jylien shakes his head. ** He's strong, ** he insists. ** He needs to be healed. That's all. ** Nightfall looks from one face to the other, "What's wrong with him? Is he sick?" Tinyhowl looks to Jylien, her silvery eyes uncertain. ** He's... ** Tinyhowl sends openly ** I'm not...sure how to explain...? ** Nightfall nods, one corner of her mouth pulling back in a slight, wry grin, "And I might not understand even if you could. We could both try, though." ** He's caught in dreams, ** Jylien offers. ** He thinks he's.. sometime else. Some other place. And he doesn't want to see what's real. He can.. ** Here, the lad frowns more earnestly. ** He can trap you in his dreams, too. ** Tinyhowl smiles quickly at Jylien, as the older boy captures more closely what Tiny wanted to say. ** Aye. He can do that -- catch your mind ... ** Nightfall nods slowly, "I think I understand. He's run away inside his mind, and anybody who goes in looking for him gets lost." Jylien nods. ** That's it, exactly. So. ** A deep breath. ** He needs your healer's help. Silversong can't help him. ** Dusk walks out of the Father Tree. Nightfall blinks, surprised by Dusk's outward appearance. Tinyhowl grins. ** And this is Dusk! ** Dusk smiles cheerfully at Nightfall, and her fellow Willowholters, then yawns and scratches her side. ** Travelling makes me sleepy, I think. ** Nightfall nods slowly, then smiles in return. Tinyhowl gestures. ** Dusk, this is Nightfall. ** Dusk sends openly ** Heyla, Nightfall! ** Dusk locksends ** Did you ask them about wolves, yet? ** Jylien teases, some humour surfacing, ** Everything makes you sleepy. ** Dusk snorts at Jylien good-naturedly, and crouches down, leaning her hands on her knees. ** I just sleep more often, but not as long. Wolfnaps! ** You locksend ** No! I forgot. Ask! ** to Dusk. Dusk peers at Tinyhowl, then at Nightfall. ** Do you know if there are any wolfcubs here this season? ** Nightfall chuckles, relaxing, "Did just the three of you come with Talek?" Thinking for a moment, she shakes her head slowly, "I don't know, no." Tinyhowl nods. ** Aye, just the three of us. ** Dusk nods along with Tinyhowl, then wrinkles her nose in disappointment. ** There haven't been any cubs at the Willowholt for turns and turns. ** She peers at the others. ** Guess we might look elsewhere, too? ** Jylien sends openly ** After Talek's healed. ** Dusk nods gravely. ** Of course. As soon as Leetah can see to him. ** She taps her lips with a dainty claw. ** No hurry, I suppose. ** Jylien might argue, but for this time, he stays quiet. Tinyhowl, softly, sends, ** I'm worried about him. I hope Leetah will be able to help him...and sooner rather than later. ** Nightfall pushes herself off the log, "I was actually going to see Redlance's garden." Translation: I'm tired and need to go to bed. Dusk glances back at Jylien with sympathy. Dusk grins to Nightfall. ** Maybe we'll get to see it later. ** She waves. Nightfall looks at Tinyhowl seriously, "I'm sure she'll look at him as soon as she can. She's very strong." Tinyhowl smiles and waves after Nightfall. Dusk straightens, and goes over to Jylien, patting his arm. Nightfall smiles, stepping around the tree with a quiet tread. Jylien smiles a little at the patting. ** It'll all be okay. ** Dusk sits down again, nearby. Tinyhowl glance up towards Jylien, with a half smile, then hesitates, eyes still on him. Jylien insists, more strenously, brow furrowing, "_No._" As if his vehemence will make it so. His eyes open, and he reaches over to take your hand again. Jylien locksends ** ** Tinyhowl's eyes fling open, and she stumbles back, nearly off the branch. ** Wh--n-- ** You locksend ** ** to Jylien. The ** No! ** that comes from Jylien this time is different than his stubborn denials. He reaches to catch at your arm, to steady you on the branch, his grip almost painful, in its strength. You will not fall. You locksend ** <> Jyl--Kisal? What -- have you done? ** to Jylien. Jylien's eyes shutter again, though his grip does not lessen at all. ** I didn't.. not my fault.. didn't mean to. ** Tinyhowl sends openly ** Who -- what, then? ** Jylien locksends ** ** Tinyhowl's eyes close, ever so tightly, her balance off again. ** Jylien...? ** You locksend ** ** to Jylien. You must find your own balance, as that too-firm grip is gone, and Jylien launches himself off the branch, to the ground below. He lands solidly, and drops to his knees, teeth clenched against a strangled sound. And there, he sits, curls in on himself, and rocks himself, face hidden. Tinyhowl reaches for the tree, eyes gone wide in alarm. ** Jylien? ** The sending is sharp, frightened. ** Don't -- don't go? Jylien? ** You locksend ** ** to Jylien. Jylien is not gone. His answer is a thin presence, and no comfort. Jylien locksends ** ** You locksend ** ** to Jylien. Jylien's rocking slows, and stops, and he looks up from his huddled position. With unsteady arms and legs, he pushes himself to his feet, draws a very long breath, and looks up at the branch. "Tinyhowl," he calls, quiet. "Come down." Tinyhowl, uncertainly, slides -- nearly literally -- down from the branch, one hand remaining on the tree's trunk for a long moment before she steps towards Jylien. Jylien takes a step backward, afraid, perhaps, to be too close. He swallows, and sends, as shakily as he would have spoken, ** You have to.. listen, Tinyhowl. Listen to yourself, on the inside. I.. have to go, now. And you have to go. Do what you.. feel. Even if it scares you. ** Wisdom from the mouth of babes. He holds her gaze for a longer moment, then forces himself to look at his boots. ** Soon. ** Tinyhowl, frightened, reaches to touch you, and then her hand, slowly, drops, almost feather-light. Barely understanding her own sending, she answers, ** Soon, ** and then the lithe maiden first steps back, then turns to disappear into the forest, to listen. [End log.]