Log Date: 3/31/96 Log Cast (in order of appearance): For Willowholt -- Woodhawk, Dusk, Sorrow, Rillwhisper, Trollkiller, Nightwisp, Jasmael, Pwyll, Talek, Silversong, No-fur, Chitter, Zalen For the Traders -- Reedsnap, Sunsinger, True, Lynx Log Intro: It is the first Whitecold in the Willowholt after the strange magic disease that killed off Gerren, Brightfire, and Sweetleaf... and the first Whitecold after the return of Rillwhisper from a long absence. The reunited tribe, along with some of the visiting Traders, has Howled for those who died, but there are still things left undone. Thus, Rillwhisper calls council, and heads with her lifemate Woodhawk into the clearing at the heart of the Willowholt.... ---------- Dusk says "We could put snow around it anyhow, so it keeps safe." Dusk busies herself at the basket, barely pausing to greet Rillwhisper and Woodhawk. Sorrow says "I still think it'll make the water get colder...that's a good idea too, Dusk." Rillwhisper steps out into the clearing, Woodhawk beside her, and smiles at her gathering tribesmates. Trollkiller flying-tackles Woodhawk and Rillwhisper, because it's necessary. Nightwisp piles snow and more snow, piling some on Dusk's hand. Jasmael grins, watching Dusk and Nightwisp. ** Snow's warmer than ice, but snow's colder than water. ** Rillwhisper, finding a Trollkiller-shaped furry missile flying at her the moment she's in view, yelps, flies backwards into Woodhawk, who grins, and braces himself as best he can against both his lifemates. From the branch above, Pwyll watches the clearing silently. Dusk digs snow, patpating it into shape. Trollkiller whumph. Rillwhisper goes flung sideways into the snow, giggling breathlessly. ** Fuzzy, hey, I've got to be chiefly here... ** Dusk grins, and scrambles over to the log to get herself a space while there still are some. Jasmael leans down, covertly gathering a bit of snow together into a soft ball... and then throws it at her father. *splut* From the branch above, Dawn climbs down from the tree's top branches. From the branch above, Dawn hugs Pwyll! And settles down on the branch beside him. Sorrow reaches out to tickler her cub lightly beneath her chin before scooting over and sitting next to Dusk, making room for Wisp if she wants to sit too. Woodhawk, already trying to support Rill and Trollkiller both, yelps when his daughter's snowball pegs him. Or tries to, as she gets him squarely in the face. ** ! ** Jasmael giggles, watching her father. Rillwhisper giggles more, and wriggles to her feet out from under Trollkiller, but not without hugging him. ** Okay, okay, you lot... we have to have a council here... ** Jasmael sends openly ** Awww ** Nightwisp scrambles over to sit close to Sorrow's side. She tugs on her sleeve, and cups a hand around her ear, to whisper. Woodhawk, in the process of scooping up a snowball to lob back at Jasmael, changes his mind and pitches it at Rillwhisper instead. Jasmael lets out a whoop of laughter at that. Dusk giggles, perching. Sorrow smiles at her cubling, putting an arm around her shoulder and rubbing her back. Rillwhisper eeks, hurls a handful of snow back at her elder mate, and waggles a finger at him, in mock scolding. ** Fine elder you are, setting an example for us all....heh. So. Council! ** Sorrow whispers something back to the cub. Nightwisp shakes her head. ** I'm okay if you don't move. ** Nightwisp grins. Rillwhisper turns once in place, taking note of the faces present, and then she nods to herself, sending out a tribe-wide call to catch those who don't seem to be here yet. As she patiently waits, Talek eventually creeps out into view, seemingly properly colored for once, as his silver hair glitters like the snow. Sorrow smiles at her cub and snuggles her. Silversong slips out along the sentry branch, sitting down there. She smiles at her daughter, faintly disapproving of Jasmael's antics witht he snow, but clearly amused by the image she was sent of Woodhawk going down. Woodhawk grins to Jasmael, winks, and leans against the still uncannily-springlike Old Willow. When Silversong arrives, he smiles to her, too. From the branch above, No-fur swings down off the branch to the clearing below. No-fur drops down from the branch above. Rillwhisper smiles to the shy Talek, then smiles a little more widely at the arrival of her son. Silversong smiles back at Woodhawk, nodding to him. Nightwisp curls up against Sorrow's side happilly, tucking her feet together. Spotting No-fur, she waves at him, and curls back up again. Dusk grins up at her mother and brother above, looking proud on her perch. No-fur goes and snugs his mother, then joins Sorrow and his cub. Rillwhisper inclines her head in approval as the tribe continues to gather. ** I think some of the rest of us must be sleeping still, or out too far to hear the sends... shall we get started, everyone? Those of us who are here can tell the others later what was missed.... ** Pwyll wrinkles his nose down at Dusk, making a face at her, to tease her for a moment, then winks, and a moment later, his expression has fallen back into its usual thoughtful emptiness. From afar, Trollkiller sends to Talek, ** Whuf. ** In a send to the whole tribe, Rillwhisper sends out a tribe-wide call again, hoping to catch those who didn't hear hear first sending. ** Come to council, tribesmates...! ** Sorrow makes sure No-fur sits so that Wisp is nice and comfywarm between the two. No-fur smiles at Sorrow, and nuzzles. Rillwhisper waits, giving a few moments more... Lingering near the Old Willow, Talek smiles a trifle shyly to Trollkiller. The tall pale elf tugs his cloak around him, and his breath hangs in the air around his head. Dusk peers over at Talek. Trollkiller whurfs at Talek, and grins at him. Chitter arrives from the side of the Old Willow. Rillwhisper waits a few moments more, and smiles, at last, as Chitter arrives. Rillwhisper sends openly ** I think that'll be all we get, for a bit... shall we start, everyone? ** Chitter emerges faintly nervously, plucking at his leathers. Woodhawk nods easily; Talek nods, a bit less so. Dusk grins, waving at Chitter. Nightwisp wiggles her toes agreeably. NightDancer arrives from the side of the Old Willow. Trollkiller plops down beside Rill and Woodhawk, and waves at Talek to C'mere, and Dusk too if she wants to leave the basket unattended, and such. Chitter peers curiously at Dusk, seating himself at the edge of the circle. He absently feeds walnuts to the new squirrel on his shoulder. Dusk is on the log now, basket unattentded, and does dash over to Trollkiller&Co. The more, the warmer! Rillwhisper glances around at you all, squinting a bit in the light; it's earlier than she's used to, as the council has been called at a time to try to accommodate both the day-sleepers and night-sleepers in the tribe. ** So then.. the council begins. We have many things to talk about... the first, though, is one that'll require the Trader chief to be here, and I'd like to know if we should do this first, or last. ** Woodhawk, as his chieftess speaks, glances over at Jasmael, and sends her a quick question: a fire'd be nice, in the tiny fire-pit in the clearing. Shall he do it, or would she like to? NightDancer comes in quietly, settling down someplace near Dawn, with a smile at her in particular, and nods all around. Talek comes over to settle down near the others, smiling timidly. Tinyhowl pads in, looking serious, as is her wont of late, and curls up next to her father. Rillwhisper's expression goes a bit more solemn, as she adds, ** The matter the Trader chief brought to me is, um, what to do with... Gerren. Shall I send for him now, or would you all wish to do this last? ** Dawn hugs her dad! Woodhawk offers, ** Since it's the most serious thing we need to talk about, perhaps we should do it first, and save the lighter things for later? ** Jasmael smiles over to Woodhawk, and nods, standing up from her place to go about gathering some wood. However, at the mention of Gerren, she pauses. Dusk streetches, and preens herself a bit. "Is he cute?" No-fur nuzzles Sorrow again. Rillwhisper's gaze turns to rest, earnestly, on Jasmael. Jasmael nods, simply sending ** First.** as she goes about gathering, taking the wood over into the fire pit. Rillwhisper, at Jasmael's simple statement, nods once, and turns to send, out of the Holt.... You locksend ** Cousin? Are you out there? ** to Reedsnap. Nightwisp giggles at Dusk. Reedsnap locksends ** I'm here, Chieftess. ** You locksend ** Our Council has begun; we wish to talk about Gerren, first. Can you and whoever you need to bring join us, if now would be a good time? ** to Reedsnap. Chitter holds a walnut out to Clamber; the squirrel takes it, cracks it open, then returns it. Chitter eats quietly. Reedsnap locksends ** This is a fine time. We're on our way. ** NightDancer smiles quietly at his grand-niece, then turns his attention back to the chieftess. Rillwhisper turns back to you all, and announces, ** Reedsnap sends that he is coming; I think he'll be bringing his second-chief with him. ** With that, she eyes the trail in from the marshes, waiting... Woodhawk nods as Jasmael tends to the fire, and sends to her.... Jasmael sits down beside the firepit, arranging the wood in faint distraction, eyes glimmering faintly in the sun's light through the clouds. Sorrow nuzzles her cub gently, sitting back slightly. You locksend ** ** to Jasmael. Reedsnap appears from the nearby pathway. Dusk wriggles her toes, and looks curiously towards the marshes. Sunsinger appears from the nearby pathway. True appears from the nearby pathway. Reedsnap pads quietly into the clearing, flanked by Sunsinger and small True. He lifts a friendly hand, and casts a special grin at Chitter. True pads in quietly behind Sunsinger, holding his hand tightly. As the Traders arrive, Rillwhisper turns to face them, smiling quietly. ** Welcome, cousins... ** Near her, the Willowholt tribe sits around the campfire Jasmael is building; the chieftess's lifemates both nod in greeting to the visitors. Sunsinger smiles and nods in greeting to those around the campfire. Rillwhisper sends openly ** Join our council, cousins... I'm glad you could come. ** Jasmael glances up at Woodhawk, smiling to him, before going back to the firepit. A small wisp of smoke begins to rise from the wood, then another, and a third. Chitter is eating walnuts with his new friend, Clamber; he seems vaguely bored, waiting for something to happen. Reedsnap makes his way to a clear spot around the fire, settling down crosslegged, nodding pleasantly. ** Thank you, Chieftess. ** Sunsinger moves to sit next to Reedsnap. Woodhawk flashes Jasmael back a similar smile, then settles in to attend to the council. As he does so, Rillwhisper steps as close to the center of the clearing as she can get, and slowly moves her gaze around from face to face as she sends. No-fur nods to Reedsnap. True pads over to sit next to Sunsinger...she looks around quietly. Reedsnap returns No-Fur's nod, his eyes alert and solemn. Dusk grins at True cheerfully. And eyes the other newcomers with great curiosity. ** Reedsnap has reminded me of something which it's time for us to consider. As I'm sure we all know, we've lost Gerren... ** Rillwhisper's tone is straightforwardly solemn. ** ... the Glider who was Jasmael's lifemate. But we lost him in a way that makes it difficult for, well, for us to put him to rest. ** The wisps of smoke grow, a moment before a small flame appears, dancing on the wood as the fire grows. Jasmael looks up at Reedsnap. Rillwhisper finishes, ** We still have Gerren's body... but Gerren's body is rock. We can't give it to the wolves... they can't move it. So, I would like to ask you all what we _should_ do it; we can't leave it in the Traders' camp. ** Rillwhisper turns first to Jasmael and asks her, ** Would you like to speak first on this? ** Jasmael shakes her head to the question, sitting back as the fire grows. Rillwhisper nods in acknowledgement to Jasmael, and turns to the visitors. ** Reedsnap, can you tell everyone anything which I have missed? ** Dusk sits next to Trollkiller, the two of them being quite fluffy in their winter furs. Her attention does seem to be more on the strangers than her chief. Reedsnap considers, and sends, ** The rock-which-was-Gerren is with my folk, as are all of his belongings. Shaped stones, and things... I thought Jasmael, or others of his kin, would want them. And my own tribe's rockshaper has been away for a time, out of my reach... otherwise, I had thought you might want us to... re-shape Gerren. Into a more ordinary stone, to be put with stones somewhere in your territory perhaps. ** Woodhawk sends, quietly, ** If any of us have claim to what Gerren owned, that would be my daughter. ** Reedsnap nods gravely, his mild gaze going to Jasmael. Sunsinger sits quietly, listening to the others speak. Jasmael simply nods, gazing into the fire. Silversong frowns to herself, a worried gaze going between Jasmael and Woodhawk. Rillwhisper nods gratefully to Reedsnap for his words, and looks back to Woodhawk's daughter. ** Jasmael, do you wish to claim Gerren's things...? ** Jasmael nods to that. Once more, the chieftess nods. ** Then they're yours, so far as I'm concerned... Reedsnap, if you would see that she gets them? ** And with that, she shifts her gaze around the circle. ** What should we do, then, with what remains of Gerren himself? ** Reedsnap nods once to Rillwhisper's question, and then offers: ** I can have my son bring them now, if you like. And... my folk and I will help you carry the stone anywhere you need. ** By the Old Willow, Talek frowns as if disturbed by a thought -- which he doesn't actually voice or send. He just hugs Tinyhowl to him. Nightwisp fidgets, between her parents. Rillwhisper looks round at everyone, hoping for suggestions. Tinyhowl turns her face against Talek in a response to the hug, then turns silvery eyes back to the chieftess. Sorrow rubs her cubling's back. Dusk looks gravely at Rillwhisper. "We could put him between the trees, someplace where he could be all alone." Jasmael glances up at Rillwhisper. ** Gerren's spirit is in the Palace... what is left is no longer Gerren... what's done with the stone is of no consequence. ** From the branch above, Pwyll asks, ** Why can they not leave him as he is? We know where he is.. and those who want to, can go and visit the.. rock. ** He is clearly puzzled by the question at all. Woodhawk sends thoughtfully, ** We don't have a rockshaper of our own. And if the Traders' shaper isn't here, it doesn't sound like we could reshape... ** He trails off, as Jasmael sends. True risks a smile towards Dusk. Reedsnap glances up, not having noticed Pwyll before. He sends quietly, ** Well... he needs to be out of my tribe's camp, that's all. We're travellers, and can't take him with us. ** Rillwhisper listens to all of the suggestions, and looks back to Jasmael, firstly. She nods in gentle agreement to her words. ** True... Gerren's soul is in the Palace. We know this. ** And up to Pwyll, she nods again. ** Aye, the rock is too heavy for the Traders to move. ** Pwyll frowns thoughtfully. ** Do you take the ground that the rock sits on with you, when you travel? ** Reedsnap smiles slightly, despite the seriousness of the conversation. ** No, ** he agrees. ** We don't. I suppose we could take down the mothfabric tent and pull the furs out from around and under the stone. ** Pwyll nods solemnly. Rillwhisper offers to everyone, ** I guess that what troubles me... Wolfrider born and bred that I am... is how will Gerren's body be... renewed, if it has become rock? Do we need to worry about this? ** Jasmael quietly sends, ** His body could be buried... ** Chitter suggests *We could leave the rock under open sky and let water do the rest...* Sunsinger shakes his head. "Even rocks where down, in time, and become the dirt from which the plants grow..." Trollkiller sends, ** I think... ** Woodhawk nods in agreement with Rillwhisper's question; nearby, Talek wrinkles his brow a bit, trying to fathom what are still, to him, are somewhat strange concepts. Trollkiller hrms. Nightwisp pipes up with, ** Dusk said Woodhawk can melt rocks! ** Woodhawk blinkblinbks, splutters a little, then half-smiles to Nightwisp. ** I'm not sure I'm that good a fire-maker, cub. ** No-fur giggles just a tad. Trollkiller sends, ** We could... take it to the palace... ** Reedsnap's brows lift at that; he looks curiously over at Woodhawk, seeming startled and amazed at finally seeing a firestarter in person. Trollkiller sends, ** I mean, that's where is _spirit_ is, so... ** Rillwhisper blinks at her younger lifemate. ** ? ** Trollkiller sends, ** And if he really was a rockshaper, which, I mean, he was a glider, so there's a lot of rockshapers in the gliders, so... maybe he'd even like that. ** Reedsnap sends doubtfully toward Trollkiller, ** It's an -awfully- heavy rock, cousin. ** Woodhawk grins a bit to Reedsnap, then blinks at Trollkiller, himself. Trollkiller hrms. ** Heavy is bad. ** Nightwisp giggles, and claps a hand over her mouth. Rillwhisper, who has begun to pace a bit as she listens to everyone, hrms. ** I'm not even sure I know where the Palace _is_ these days. ** Dusk sends openly ** Maybe it's the Way for rocks not to be renewed. ** Sorrow ruffles her cublings hair. Reedsnap sends-murmurs wistfully, ** Makes me wish we had a Troll here. A big, strong one with a tool to smash the rock into dust. Back to soil. ** True risks a grin up at Sunsinger and snuggles into his arm. Sunsinger smiles, slipping his arm around True. Trollkiller thinks, and sends, ** Or another rockshaper, who could merge it back into the soil. ** Dusk sends openly ** Or somebody who could melt rocks. ** You sense in a locksend, Lynx's mind-touch is still weak, tinged with the unsteadiness of his recent illness, but despite his youth it is grave and respectful. ** Chieftess... My sire told me to bring Gerren's things. May I enter? ** You locksend ** Certainly. Do you need a guide in? ** to Lynx. Trollkiller sends, ** That'd be really hot, and would set things on fire. Too many things, probably. ** You sense in a locksend, Lynx pauses, and then sends quietly, ** I think I can follow my tribe's trail. ** There's uncertainty there, but also a determination to try and do it himself. Woodhawk nods, ** Aye, and I would probably toast myself. I've never made a fire hot enough to melt rock. I've made fires hot enough to warm them up a bit, to stick in your furs on cold nights and keep your toes warm, but I can't melt 'em. ** You locksend to Lynx, Rillwhisper sends back acknowledgement. Dusk sends openly ** I think maybe rocks just like lying around and having moss grow on them and things. ** Dusk looks thoughtful. Nightwisp blinks and looks at Dusk. Rillwhisper glances at the fountain at the edge of the clearing, and mutters, "Ekuar... but I don't know where _he_ is, either. Hrmm?" She looks up again, at Dusk. Chitter stretches slowly, looking bored. Sorrow adds her soft voice to the list of choices, "What about the river? Reedsnap sends slowly, ** Does anyone know if there are rockshapers in Sorrow's End? That's where we wanted to head next. Maybe we could find someone there and tell them. ** Lynx appears from the nearby pathway. Lynx looks quietly at Reedsnap for a moment, nods his auburn head, and goes softly to Jasmael's side. Jasmael looks over at Rillwhisper and her father. ** I think... I'm going to go up to my den for a while... ** Jasmael smiles at Lynx. Lynx holds out a hastily-wrapped bundle of various small but heavy things. Rillwhisper considers, still pacing, just a bit. ** It seems as if... ** She pauses, and nods softly to Jasmael. ** All right, dear one, ** she answers. Woodhawk nods gently to his daughter. Chitter wishes Fhen were here. Or Duskshadow. Lynx returns Jasmael's smile, a little shyly. Lynx dropped bundle of Gerren's things. Jasmael takes the bundle in her hands, and walks off into the tree. Sorrow sighs softly. Jasmael pushes aside the willow fronds and steps into the tree. Sorrow locksends ** What if we let the stone sink into the river? ** Lynx pads to his tribemates and settles down next to Reedsnap silently. True wiggles her fingers hello at Lynx. Rillwhisper, as Jasmael slips off, paces a bit again, and considers, with a nod to Sorrow and Reedsnap at their suggestions. ** I think that... it's pretty plain we can't move the rock very far. It'd take many of us to move it. I guess that's the first thing we should decide. _Should_ we move the rock? ** No-fur motions to Lynx, for him to come over. Woodhawk states, ** Seems wrong to me to just leave it sitting there. We'd not have done it if he hadn't turned into rock. ** Lynx rises, giving a surreptitious wave to True, and goes obediently to No-Fur. By the old Willow, Talek shrugs, looking confused and slightly helpless. ** I don't know much about these things, ** he sends by way of passing on the question, his mental voice small. Reedsnap nods slightly. ** And... sitting there right by a hunting camp... Well, it's a -startling- thing. Seeing a stone elf like that, out of the blue. ** From afar, Trollkiller sends, to Talek, ** Come _here_, okay? ** Pwyll adds, ** But we would have given him to the wolves. And we can not do that. So maybe it is best to leave him there. ** Talek jumps a bit; already near Trollkiller, or as near as he can get with Trollkiller's elder lifemate and one of his cubs already there, he scoots a bit closer. Dusk sends openly ** Maybe somebody could make flowers and bushes and things grow all over him. ** Rillwhisper nods to Pwyll, and to Dusk. ** We have treeshapers, ** she notes. Sunsinger nods at Dusk's idea. No-fur tugs Lynx into his lap. Nightwisp peers curiously at Lynx. Lynx gives a flash of his shy smile and nestles comfortably against No-Fur. Trollkiller pulls on Talek to get him down into his lap. Woodhawk nods, thoughtfully. ** My daughter suggested burying him, but I'm not sure we could do that, either. It'd take a lot of us to make a big enough hole, too. ** Lynx blinks at Nightwisp, a little startled. Talek blinkblinks and indicates his cub, beside him. In her solemn sort of way Tinyhowl lets her sire get tugged over to Trollkiller, and as soon as Talek is settled again, she sets herself down before her father. Rillwhisper looks around at everyone again. ** What does everyone else think about growing things on the rock, to hide it a bit? ** Nightwisp continues to peer. Woodhawk sends, ** Make a little grove for him, maybe... ** Sorrow says "It would make it a nice way to remember him by, I think." Pwyll nods from his branch, agreeing. Trollkiller patpatpat's Talek and Tinyhowl. Reedsnap ahhs at Woodhawk. ** That would be lovely. And much less startling. ** True slips into Sunsinger's lap and snuggles down. Dusk giggles, then quickly slaps a hand over her mouth, looking contrite. Sunsinger smiles, holding True close. Rillwhisper glances inquiringly at anyone else who hasn't spoken... No-fur sends openly ** Doesn't sound like a bad idea. ** Chitter shrugs. No-fur shoos Lynx out of his lap. *Back to Reedsnap with you.* A tiny voice from the Old Willow's leaves pipes, /Wethings put wrapstuff on rockhighthing?/ Then another voice, /Nononono silly! No need wrapstuff on rock!/ Chitter looks up, frowning. *Oh no.* Lynx gives No-Fur a quick hug and slips from the Wolfrider's lap to go back to his father. He stands between and slightly behind Reedsnap and Sunsinger, one thin hand on each of their shoulders. Dusk peers up at the preservervoices. "You're not allowed to do that!" Nightwisp clambers into No-Fur's lap. Rillwhisper giggles a bit as the Holt Preservers put in their somewhat belated opinions, then looks around. ** I think, then, that unless we come up with a better idea, we can ask Acorn to shape something. Reedsnap, do your folk have any treeshapers that could work with her? ** Reedsnap blinks and grins up at the piping voices, and then sobers thoughtfully. ** No, Chieftess. Not much magic, among my folk. ** Rillwhisper nods. ** Acorn then. ** And with that, she glances around at you. ** I'll ask Acorn, but the rest of you, don't forget to talk to the others to see if there are better ideas. Unless I hear one, we'll go with Acorn... ** Woodhawk grins, keeping an occasional eye branch-ward to see if the bugs get into any mischief. No-fur giggles, and snuggles his cub. Rillwhisper turns back to the Traders. ** If this'll be alright with your folk, I'll send Acorn to help you with the rock, or whoever else wants to help, as soon as possible. ** Reedsnap tips his head a bit to one side. ** Shall we just take the tent and furs down from around him, where he lies? Or are we carrying him somewhere else? ** Dusk says "Yes, Chief." Trollkiller fuzzles Dusk. Rillwhisper considers this. ** I think we can't get him _too_ far. Maybe to the edge of the clearing where you are. Unless we all want to drag him for a bit... ** She glances to her tribesmates, tallying reactions. Trollkiller also fuzzles Talek and Tinyhowl. Trollkiller thinks he would be better not to run into him every day on the hunt. Woodhawk replies, ** Edge of that clearing'll be fine, I think... just so that we don't block the path. ** Reedsnap nods. ** Understood. Your folk are welcome in our camp anytime to help. ** True grins widely at a send, covering her mouth by burrying her head against Sunsinger's chest. Woodhawk adds, ** Or maybe back into the trees a bit... ** Rillwhisper nods. ** We'll see what the others, and Acorn, have to say. ** She smiles. ** Thank you, Reedsnap... I think that'll settle this, for now, and we'll talk about the other things we need to hold council on. ** Reedsnap glances around at the other Traders and rises. ** Thank you, ** he sends pleasantly. ** And thank you as always for your kindness in letting us stay in your territory this whitecold. ** Sunsinger nods to Reedsnap and stands as well, lifting True up in his arms as he does so. Rillwhisper goes on, ** I for one do not mind if you and yours stay to hear what is said.... in fact... ** And her brow quirks a bit. ** There is some news I should probbably pass on, regardless. But if you all wish to go now, I shall tell you it soon, outside this council... ** Dusk smiles happily at Trollkiller. True looks around the camp from Sunsinger's arms. She wiggles her fingers at Dusk and Nightwisp. Reedsnap ohs, and smiles, looking at Sunsinger inquiringly. Nightwisp waves at True. True seems excited at the prospect of staying even longer maybe? Sunsinger nods to Reedsnap, then to Rillwhisper and sits back down. Chitter listens quietly. Sunsinger settles True back in his lap. Rillwhisper nods quietly. ** What I have to say next will be something your folk as well as mine will want to know... it concerns why I was gone out of our tribe as long as I was. ** True gets comfy back on the lap. Reedsnap settles back down, quiet and curious, watching Rillwhisper intently. Talek in Trollkiller's lap blinkblinks, not having heard his chieftess speak of this before. Nearby, leaning against the Old Willow and within skitching distance of Trollkiller, Woodhawk nods quietly. Lynx stands behind and between Reedsnap and Sunsinger again, leaning slightly on each of their shoulders, his little spear propped at his side. True's eyes go wide at a send. Rillwhisper begins, ** Seasons ago, my friend, Strongbow of Lostholt, was visiting us. My tribe will know this, and remember it, because Strongbow had... ** Her nose wrinkles a bit as she tries to think of how to put this. ** A run-in with one of the dream-giving mushrooms of the Holt. He's not used to them; the mushroom that was burned in the campfire at which he sat made him dream of the Holt being on fire. And of Tash. ** Talek nibbles his lip, and his silver eyes darken. Pwyll scowls at that, faintly. Reedsnap notices the grim reactions to the unfamiliar name, his brows drawing together intently. Sunsinger listens quietly. Rillwhisper glances to the Traders, and goes on, ** Tash is a story for another time; all I will say here is that Tash was an evil one who caused us much grief in the past. And Strongbow killed him, rather than allow him to torment us further. But that killing, it turned out, caused Strongbow much grief as well. ** Reedsnap nods slowly, understanding the basics, his mild eyes darkening a bit in sympathy. Talek blinkblinks as Rillwhisper continues, deeply thoughtful. Rillwhisper continues..... Rillwhisper sends openly ** I won't say, here, how Strongbow felt after the dream happened; that's for him only to share if he wishes. I will say this... he and his mate argued here. And Moonshade, hoping that I could help him, left him here with me, and returned to Lostholt. ** Nightwisp breaks into a wide grin at a send. Clearly, she isn't really paying attention to the chieftess, as she wriggles in No-Fur's lap, excitedly. Reedsnap leans forward a bit, resting his chin on his hands as he watches and listens. Rillwhisper begins to pace somewhat, again, and goes on to tell you all of how, after a time, Strongbow more or less returned to himself, and wished to return to his mate and his tribe. Rillwhisper volunteered to go with him... but once the two of them reached Lostholt, it was revealed that Moonshade was not there. Further, Cutter's tribe had no idea where she was. Thus, after council held with Cutter, Rillwhisper and Strongbow journeyed again, this time heading towards Sun-Goes-Down and the Grove Holt, thinking that Moonshade might have gone to visit blood-kin there.... In the send-images and relayed memories that Rillwhisper gives you all, she and the Lostholt archer never make it to Grove Holt. Taking a northerly trail towards that distant tribe, they cut along the headwaters of a river, and through the remote woods near there... but the woods turn strange. The trees, stunted and twisted... and inhabited by creatures that horrify them both.... Lynx stands a little straighter, tugging at the bindings of his little spear, as the send begins to grow disturbing. Chitter leans forward intently. True puts an idle finger in her mouth and turns to pay attention to Rillwhisper's sends. Rillwhisper sends on, of spiders, big as she is. And in some cases, bigger. Spiders that scuttle through the twisted trees and wrap any prey they can find, in wrapstuff that glimmers dully, less silvery than the wrapstuff of Preservers. Spiders that, once their prey is wrapped, bite the prey to poison it.... Reedsnap ruffles Lynx's auburn curls gently, reassuringly, although it's clear that he too is troubled by the frightening images. Sunsinger holds True a little closer, offering comfort in the face of the images. True's eyes go wide at the sends and buries her face in Sunsingers chest. Rillwhisper's expression has turned grim. She tells you all that she and Strongbow and her wolf-friend Sunruff fought these creatures; there are images of the battle, of Sunruff leaping. Of Rillwhisper's own hands swinging from her point of view, clinging desperately to her brightmetal knife. Of Strongbow, snarling, firing, nocking, and firing arrows as fast as his hands can get them out of the quiver. Rillwhisper pauses, then, as if to catch her breath, though her gaze remains steady and clear as she eyes you all. Reedsnap gives a low whistle, his eyes wide at the send-pictures. Sunsinger strokes True's hair comfortingly, as he listens to the sends. ** In the end, ** the chieftess concludes, ** Strongbow ordered me to run. To get help. I did. But I didn't make it. The last thing I remember of that battle was a weight knocking me to the ground... and pain, as I was bitten. ** Rillwhisper studies the various startled and solemn faces around her for a few moments, and then goes on with her story. She remembers dreaming with the spider poison in her veins, but fragmented, troubled dreams, old enough now that if she tries to grasp them, they elude her. Her next clear memory is of awakening in a secluded grove, with the startled faces of yet more new creatures leaning over her... Reedsnap glances at Sunsinger for a moment, startled and a little grim. These, as the chieftess's sending portrays them, are almost troll-like creatures. But they're so small, only as big as young elf-cubs...! And not quite the same color. But there are three of them around her, as they unwrap her from the spider wrapstuff, thinking her food... and just as startled as she is, when they discover that she is not. But when they find that the spider poison is in her, they turn to what course of healing they have... their Master. ** Doreel, ** Rillwhisper's sending identifies him. He is an elf, as tall as a Glider, as ethereally lovely as one as well... but clad in the tattered remnants of otherworldly clothing, entangled in what, to Rillwhisper, became clear as the equally tattered memories of a mind lost in madness. Doreel has magic, in her sendings... he shapes the trees of the secluded grove, and heals her. But at first he thinks her a human, and then one of his own long-lost comrades. When she finally convinces him that she is neither, he tells her, too, that she will never be able to leave his grove. True lifts her head up from Sunsingers chest, swallowing hard she turns to watch Rillwhisper, listening to the story bravely. Talek's silver eyes, gone round a long time ago, remain fixed on Rillwhisper as her story pours across the gathered elves. Pwyll's scowl only deepens from where he sits. Reedsnap shakes his head a little at the increasing strangeness of the nightmarish story, eyeing the Chieftess with respect. Nightwisp nestles back against No-fur's chest, blinkblinking at Rillwhisper's tale. On goes the tale.. of how Rillwhisper, in desperation, refused to believe that Strongbow was lost. She tried, once, to brave the spider-infested woods around the grove, to recover her lost friend; again, she was bitten. Doreel almost did not heal her a second time... but in renewed venom-madness, Rillwhisper desperately sent, and howled, for her tribesmates to come and save her. Once more, in the sendings, Doreel grows lucid. Healed anew, Rillwhisper decides to attempt once more to find the missing archer... for she senses he's still alive. She takes stealth as her way this time -- for nothing she knows of is as silent as a Wolfrider, when that Wolfrider wants to go unnoticed. At last, following disjointed, delirious sendings, she finds Strongbow where he is wrapped. And in a desperate rush of speed and strength, returns with him to the relative security of the grove, the nearest shelter she can reach. Reedsnap pulls his knees up and wraps his arms around them tightly, caught up and almost breathless. Rillwhisper sends on. Of how Doreel, this time, refuses outright to heal Strongbow -- certain, upon seeing that elf's facefur, that he cannot be a real elf. Rillwhisper begins a laborious quest to help her friend fight the poison in his veins: getting him to move. Getting him to think. Getting him to what few sources of water and food exist in the grove. Once Strongbow's awareness begins to return, he helps her send for her tribesmates -- and, as Strongbow is a much more powerful sender, reaches them for her. Woodhawk smiles, but gravely. Aye, he sends without words, he remembers that. Chitter listens gravely. It was Strongbow, Rillwhisper tells you all, who began to confront the heart of Doreel's grief. Who challenged Doreel's claim that his grove was the true home of all elves. And who proved to him that not all of the High Ones are dead -- for Strongbow, in the war to regain the Palace, had seen Timmain with his own eyes. Only then did Doreel break down and heal the ailing archer. Reedsnap rubs both hands over his face, drawing and releasing a deep breath. This is quite a lot for him to try and take in all at once. Sunsinger sits quietly, drinking in the tale, gently rubbing the shoulders of the cub in his lap. True seems half-asleep, though she continues to listen to the tale. But the spider-poison proved to be less of a danger, then, then the simple lack of meat to be hunted in the grove. Strongbow and Rillwhisper are Wolfriders... and in this place of Doreel's, there was no game to be hunted, no prey to be caught. Oh, there was food, aye, but not the meat that a Wolfrider's belly needed. Both Rillwhisper and Strongbow grew faint from hunger before her tribesmates arrived, at last, to confront Doreel and his trollish Helpers, and to get them out of the spider woods. Rillwhisper concludes, expression still grim, ** It went badly, I'm told; I was reeling through most of it, and do not really remember much of what happened. But Woodhawk and Trollkiller told me later that Doreel and his helpers fought them. And the spiders had to be fought, before my tribesmates and Skywise could get us out. Woodhawk's magic leapt from the spiders to the dry trees, and the trees burned... Doreel refused to be rescued from the heart of the grove, and called the spiders down on my tribesmates' heads. ** Lynx leans down on his father's shoulder and whispers to him. Nightwisp shivers. Reedsnap looks at his cub, nodding, and turns his attention back to Rillwhisper. ** I do not know, yet, if Doreel lives. I do know from what the others told me ** -- she nods at Trollkiller and Woodhawk and Silversong and Dawn -- ** that not all of the spiders in that place were killed. You Traders should know that this place exists, which is why I asked you to stay. ** Rillwhisper sucks in a sigh, and looks once more, in a slow circuit, at the faces around her. Her tale done, she notes, ** I told all of this to Cutter's folk, as I regained my strength in that Holt. I felt it was high time you all knew, as well. I've thought long and hard about what, if anything, we ought to do about Doreel and his spiders. Every bone in my body says, avoid that place. But I wasn't sure if you all would say the same. ** Reedsnap nods gravely to Rillwhisper, his send deep with thoughtfulness. ** My thanks. It... isn't a place I ever want my people to find. ** Sunsinger nods agreement with Reedsnap, giving True a tight hug. Woodhawk puts in, pointedly, ** Dreamberries. ** Rillwhisper blinkblinks, then giggles, almost tiredly. ** Aye. Dreamberries. After a long tale like that, we need them... ** Sunsinger grins at the mention of dreamberries. True perks up at the mention of dreamberries. Chitter frowns. Rillwhisper shoves a hand through her hair, pushing a stray strand or two out of her eyes. ** I wanted... ** She sighs, fretfully. ** I am not sure what I want all of you to say about this. Or if I want you to say anything now. But I had to say _something_, because that place cursed near killed me and the archer, and I don't want to run the risk of endangering anyone else if I can help it. But my heart still gnaws at me, over it. I'd appreciate if... if any of you all have thoughts or advice on it, to tell me. ** Reedsnap relaxes, leaning back, chewing lightly on his lower lip. Reedsnap offers tentatively, ** You and your friend were the ones first put in danger. And neither of you wants to go back and try to kill off the rest of the spiders? ** Woodhawk notes darkly, ** The things are hard to kill. We got maybe... I don't know. Five of them, at the most. And it took my magic and five elves' weapons to do it. ** Chitter wonders, *Do you think halfsending would work on them?* Zalen appears from the nearby pathway. Rillwhisper looks to Reedsnap. ** That's the problem, cousin... I don't know what we should do. I... think of returning, to try to do something about the clear danger those spiders are, and my gut turns cold. ** Rillwhisper looks to Chitter, then. ** 'Halfsending'? ** Zalen is all arms and legs running with a bow in one hand, two ravvits in the other, still pierced and very possibly, with all Zalen's moving about, still twitching. Lynx sits down, slowly and even a little reluctantly, but it seems his legs are still a bit weak from his long illness. He leans against Reedsnap slightly. Rillwhisper, as Zalen approaches, looks up and gives him a somewhat shaky nod. Her gaze is darker than usual, and from the various grim, startled, and dismayed looks on the faces of the elves in the circle around the campfire, the topic under discussion can't be a pleasant one. Zalen stops suddenly, a few weaker blades of grass tossing to the sides. Natural selection through the actions of one harried elf. Woodhawk notes Zalen's arrival, and nods over to him, quietly. The firestarter leans against the Old Willow, just behind Trollkiller, who seems occupied in keeping Talek and Tinyhowl from shivering. Both Talek and Tinyhowl seem rather shaken, themselves. Chitter nods to Rillwhsper. *What I do.* Rillwhisper begins, ** I... ** Then, perhaps as if she's given herself a headache with the long and disturbing tale she's just finished, she abruptly switches to speech. "I can't say I know, Chitter. All we know is that Doreel could send to the spiders. But I don't know if anyone else can." Woodhawk offers to Chitter, ** None of us tried -- but then, none of us took the time. ** He half-smiles. ** We were too busy trying to keep them off us. ** Reedsnap follows the change to speech. "Well... seems like the spiders were in that grove a long time, with Doreel and his helpers. And they never came out to harm anyone. They're very dangerous, even for magic-users and warriors like your folk." He shrugs a bit. "Maybe it would be best to leave it be, and just warn everyone away from the place as best we can." Rillwhisper turns to Zalen, once more, and greets him tiredly, "Cousin, I've just finished telling everyone why... I was gone for so long. Welcome, though..." Woodhawk, with that, steps around Trollkiller to attend to the campfire, which has burned low. Zalen says noteworthy, "You can send to wolves." He goes to the spring to wash the ravvits. Chitter nods. *Yes, I can.* Zalen catches his breath as he kneels. Rillwhisper nods with a wraith of a smile to Zalen; to Reedsnap, she says, "I... am still not sure if it's our duty to go back and see if Doreel still lives. But regardless of what the duty of me and my tribe might be, yours needs to know that there is danger in that part of the land. Tell them... the woods to the north, near the headwaters of the river that comes down in a waterfall." Reedsnap concentrates, nodding. "I will. And wherever we go, we'll spread the tale." Zalen adds, largely to himself for comfort, "If you can send to elves, why can't one can send to spiders." Chitter scratches Clamber's head quietly. You say "You... might be able to, Zalen. I-I don't know." Rillwhisper shudders a little, as she paces a bit about the center of the clearing, her hands rubbing at her arms. "I guess what I need everyone to think about is... what, if anything, we should do about the spider wood. After the council is over I'll tell you the tale again if you wish, Zalen... I shouldn't tell it again, here." Zalen carefully sets arrows aside and quiets, intent on the preparing of his hastily carried kill. "Perhaps the fire burned them out," Reedsnap suggests, although he doesn't sound entirely convinced. Zalen looks up with concern at the mention of fire. Lynx leans over to Sunsinger, whispering to him. Rillwhisper turns back to Reedsnap, and shrugs, worriedly. "I can't know. Unless we send someone to look, and that idea leaves me cold... but at any rate..." She eyes the troubled faces of her tribesmates, and suggests, "Perhaps we should all take a break from this, for now..." Rillwhisper sighs, troubledly. At that, Woodhawk rises, and moves to embrace her. Sunsinger looks at Lynx and nods. Rillwhisper smiles to her elder lifemate, and turns back to everyone else. ** Should we pause this council for now, tribe? ** Reedsnap casts a sympathetic look at Rillwhisper's discomfort, and gives her a smile. "Agreed, cousin." Sunsinger nods to Rillwhisper. "I think that might be best..." Zalen looks up, silent and still, for some reason saying nothing at the question. Reedsnap clambers to his feet. "I'd best check back with my camp for a bit," he says, stretching kinks from his back. "Make sure all's well there." Sunsinger nods, rising to his feet as well, holding the sleeping True in his arms. [With that, the council adjourns. End log.]