You leave the small copse, entering the marginally lighter meadow. Misty Valley This tiny hidden valley is nestled between the steep sides of three mountain peaks, all but unreachable from the outside world. White clouds drift above, curling around the mountaintops and blocking the valley from view from above. There is an eternal twilight down in the bottom, a soft silvery one. A small waterfall cascades down from one of the rocky sides of the valley, falling into a small pool from which flows a sparkling brook. The brook disappears into a small copse of dark green trees, evergreen and sheltering. A small berrypatch is on the other side of the brooklet, framing a miniature meadow filled with sweetly fragranced flowers. The warm night is sparsely lit by diffused moonlight that somehow penetrates the clouds above. Obvious exits: MountainPeak Berry patch Pool Copse Strongbow emerges from the copse. Strongbow has arrived. Rillwhisper quietly follows Strongbow, one golden eyebrow quirked, as she studies the set of his shoulders with part of her attention, and searches the undergrowth for any sign of animals, with the rest. Strongbow prowls through the brush, bow at ready, eyes flicking side to side, trying to pick out some movement in the brush; yet his heart seems elsewhere, his thoughts disguised. Rillwhisper doesn't speak, though, or send. She's gotten to know the archer well enough to know that Strongbow will expound upon his mood if he wants to; for now, at least, she provides quiet, palpable companionship. The valley is silent, as silent as it has been ever since the elves that came to rescue Talek arrived. Even the Preservers are silent, perhaps vanished to wherever their favorite hiding places are, perhaps scared by the boisterous highthings. Twigs crackle a bit elven hearing, the pattern of wolf-steps. Strongbow's stride covers ground fast, faster than a true hunting stride does, leaving not every copse searched, not every track examined. He slows, after some time, perhaps paying more attention, or perhaps deeper in thought. He pauses, then, suddenly, at the sound. Rillwhisper turns slightly - eh? One of the wolves find a way down that cliff after all? ** Strongbow...? ** Rillwhisper sniffs the air, trying to catch a scent. Strongbow nods, silent, and lifts his head slightly, scenting. He wrinkles his nose, though, pollen and webbing disguising many scents. Rillwhisper holds back a sneeze, send-muttering something about hoping that the rosecherry holds out, and she glances at her companion. ** One of ours, do you think...? ** In the distance, the crackle of wolfpaws on dry twigs goes silent. Strongbow frowns. Strongbow shakes his head after a moment. Rillwhisper considers that. ** Don't want to cross with a stranger wolf... ** A small flock of birds takes wing deeper in the woods, twittering and chirping their scolds. Strongbow's lips twitch, pulled into a thin line. ** Or a stranger wolfrider? ** Rillwhisper frowns softly, at the sudden influx of sound in the valley. ** If somebody else stumbled in here, and the flowers have gotten to them... we should go see. ** Strongbow nods in agreement, and turns his path toward the twigs-sound, ignoring the birds. The woods seem almost too quiet as the sounds fade and disappear as if they had never been. Rillwhisper pads carefully in that direction, straining to catch any slight sound, and trying to get any scent besides that of the flowers. She frequently blinkblinks as the flowerscent seems to want to war with the clearheadedness the rosecherry has provided her. You sense someone nearby....a familiar mind. Rillwhisper stiffens, her brow furrowing... and abruptly, she ventures forth a tendril of sending. ** ? ** Strongbow scents guardedly, paying more mind to the ground, the brush, any sign of track or trace. His thoughts seem discarded for now, and he nods to Rillwhisper's send. You locksend ** I sense... somebody I know.... ** to Strongbow. Rillwhisper keeps looking around, remembering that Keshah had lain traps, but her eyes have started to darken with concern as that nagging sense of familiarity keeps at her. A send whispers back to the tendril of thought **Hello, sweet.. ** Rillwhisper freezes, green eyes widening. Strongbow stops dead in his tracks and stares around, eyes dark. Rillwhisper breathes, "Rainfire...?" and peers into the foliage. ** Rainfire, where are you? Are you alright? ** Rainfire drops silently out of the trees and lands behind Rillwhisper without a sound, his bow in hand, arrow nocked. Rainfire sends openly ** I'm right here, Rill, and quite well. ** Rillwhisper nevertheless whirls, startled, catching the motion in her peripheral vision. ** ?! ** She looks relieved to hear that, but then goes on, ** What are you doing here, then? I thought I left you at the Holt. ** A cloud of pollen scatters at the impact of an elf landing on the mossy floor from tree-height. Strongbow lifts his bow from his shoulder, pulling an arrow at the same instant. He scowls into the pollen. Rillwhisper wrinkles her nose at the golden cloud, and approaches her tribesmate, casting a side send to Strongbow to identify the other hunter for him: Rainfire, an elf who's come to the Willowholt since the last time Strongbow was there. Rainfire's eyes narrow and the arrow tip raises slightly, bringing the archer into tthe range of possible fire. ** Down archer. I don't look anything like a ravvit. ** Rillwhisper frowns, looking back and forth between Strongbow and Rainfire. ** _Both_ of you, hold it... Rainfire, this is Strongbow, I've told you about him before, remember? ** Strongbow's eyes glaze a slight bit, his nose wrinkling; he trembles slightly in fury, and leaves his bow, arrow nocked, pointed at the forest floor. Rainfire shifts his eyes to Rill, attention still focused on the stranger beyond her. ** I thought I left /you/ at the Holt too...and when I came back from hunting I was told you'd taken off. ** You sense in a locksend, Strongbow sends a feeling of mistrust concerning this Rainfire elf. Rillwhisper nods evenly, keeping a sharper than usual, searching gaze on Rainfire. ** That's true. Strongbow and a healer named Brightfire came to us, asking for aid. Silversong and Fhen and I decided to give it. ** She tempers her expression with a smile, nodding at Strongbow for Rainfire. ** He's a friend, really. ** Rainfire sneezes at the thick pollen in the air and coughs briefly. Strongbow's lip twitches, but he keeps his gaze upon Rainfire. You locksend ** I don't know how long he's been here - archer, the flowers, they might have gotten to him.... ** to Strongbow. Strongbow locksends ** Then he's danger. ** Rillwhisper carefully approaches Rainfire, smiling earnestly at him. ** The others are still in the copse, we had to comb the place to find the elf we were looking for. ** Rainfire blinks and wrinkles his nose at the pollen. ** Did you find them all right? ** You locksend ** We have to get him out of here - we have to get _us_ out of here, the rosecherry won't hold out for too much longer... ** to Strongbow. Strongbow tenses, eyes sharp now, keeping watch over Rillwhisper's shoulder at Rainfire. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow sends assent. Rillwhisper smiles tiredly. ** Talek - Silversong's brother - had been wrapstuffed, but we found him. Another cub was wrapped, too. But Silversong and Brightfire have been getting them tended. Come on, we all need to get out of this place, it puts wrapstuff in your head. ** She holds out a hand to Rainfire, palm up. Rainfire lowers his bow and finally takes Rill's hand. Strongbow nods, letting his bowstring fall lax, keeping arrow and bow in hand, but lowered, threat gone. You locksend ** I'll yell at you when we get home for following me without sending to me. ** to Rainfire. Rillwhisper smiles, pleased, and clasps Rainfire's hand in hers. She studies him quickly, though, glancing at his eyes and trying to judge their clarity, trying to see how much of the flower-dust has gotten on him. Strongbow steps quietly, guardedly forward, one hand out not so much in welcome or offering as to keep it away from his bow. Rainfire stops and shakes his head, the pollen hazing his vision. Rillwhisper tugs gently at Rainfire, prompting him, ** Come on... we've got fresh water in the camp, and Silversong'll have something to clear your head. Come on, smooth-talker... ** Strongbow's lip twitches slightly. Rainfire makes an effort to clear his head and walk beside Rill. Strongbow follows the two, keeping his eyes more on the forest and the track now than upon Rainfire. Rillwhisper slips Rainfire's free arm over her shoulders, smiles warmly at him, and guides him towards the copse. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow wordlessly questions as to whether he should continue the hunt, or stay near for safety... You locksend ** We _do_ need the meat, for Talek... Rainfire knows me, we've shared furs, we should be alright. ** to Strongbow. Rainfire disappears into the copse. Rainfire has left. You venture into the dark, emerald green light of the copse. Copse The copse is ever in a deep, emerald twilight, faint traces of light penetrating the dense leaf-covered branches above only rarely. Huge, sweet-smelling flowers grow on vines that twine among the trees. The ground is covered in a soft, deep mossy carpet. Contents: Rainfire Obvious exits: Out Rillwhisper send-murmurs gently, ** That's it, come on... we were camped in here... ** You sense in a locksend, Strongbow sends wordless wry amusement. Rainfire, having had none of the rosecherry, finally succumbs to the pollen and crumples to the ground. Rillwhisper blinks, and swears, not having reached the others yet, in the deep twilit greenery here. You locksend ** Ah, High Ones, he just fell over... I'll send to the others...! ** to Strongbow. Rillwhisper kneels beside you, and tries to haul you up again. ** Come on, Rainfire... you have to keep moving! ** You sense in a locksend, Strongbow questions if he should return...? Rillwhisper, off a fair distance away, frowns as she tries to tug at the fallen hunter. Rainfire brushes the petals away, blurry eyes opening and searching the copse for Rill. You locksend to Strongbow, Rillwhisper smirks gently at you. ** Joining's not what's on my mind right now, pretty archer, or I'd have taken care of that before we got here. Keep an eye out for food. But don't stay away too long, if you start getting fuzzyheaded, come back! ** You locksend to Silversong, Rillwhisper calls from some distance away, somewhat urgently, ** Silversong! Silversong, I need you, come find me... ** You locksend to Silversong, Rillwhisper sends you an image of Rainfire, overcome by the flowers. Rillwhisper mutters, only slightly annoyed, "High Ones, why in the world did he follow... " ** Rainfire, come on, now... can you hear me? ** Rainfire manages to sit on his knees and tries breathing deeply to clear his head...unfortunately there's a good deal of pollen in the air here too. Rainfire sends openly ** ** Wh-what? ** ** Rillwhisper touches your face, trying to direct your gaze to her. ** Rainfire, it's me, can you hear me? It's Rill. ** Rainfire looks at you fuzzily. ** Tired...can't I sleep now? ** Rillwhisper frowns, and shakes her head, trying to keep you upright. ** You can't sleep here, love. It's dangerous. Come on, now. ** Inwardly, she frowns, wondering why Silversong isn't answering her sending... Rainfire sighs longsufferingly and holds onto your arm, pulling himself up unsteadily. Rillwhisper flashes you a smile of relief, and offers a nice steady shoulder to lean on. ** That's it, just a little further. ** Rillwhisper begins to help you further into the copse, doing her best to support your taller frame as she goes. Rainfire leans on the proffered shoulder and does his best to stay upright as he shuffles along where you lead. Tiny voices sound in the leaves nearby; giggles. /Looklook! Another highthing!/ /Highthing gone sleepydreamy!/ /Wethings put beesweets in long softdark hair?/ /Promised sunnygreen highthing wethings no bother!/ /No see new highthing, when promise made!/ Rillwhisper frowns, pausing, and squints into the surrounding foliage. "Don't even think about it, bugs," she calls, her voice gone a little gruff. There _is_ a lot of pollen in here.... Rainfire sways slightly, looking around for the source of the strange chittering. Rillwhisper ooofs... "Steady, Rainfire... steady... " A tiny green face peeks out of the leaves, regarding Rainfire. /Skyeye highthing want beesweets for softdark hair?/ Rainfire leans his cheek against your head and yawns... Rillwhisper frowns, and waves at the Preserver with her free hand as best she can. "He doesn't need any more flowers, bug. Go away." Rillwhisper grunts, as she feels you sway, and turns to try to hold you up. ** Rainfire! ** Undaunted, the green bug ventures forth, bearing a freshly plucked blossom. Avoiding Rillwhisper, it flits up to present the flower to Rainfire. /Pretty beesweet for highthing! Put in softpretty hair!/ Rillwhisper says sternly, a little breathlessly as Rainfire leans heavily against her, "I said _no_, bug!" Rainfire shoos at the bug annoyedly. Rainfire sways again unsteadily. ** Where's Silvie? Wanna...lay down... ** The Preserver awwws, then giggles, and flits up to drop the flower on Rainfire's head. Ploff! This provokes another wave of giggles from the leaves, and several small flowers fall down to pelt both elves. Rillwhisper frowns, feeling the edges of her thoughts start to blur. Stubbornly, she clings to her alertness, and turns to guide you in her original direction. ** This. Way. C'mon... ** Rillwhisper frowns again as you seem to get heavier with each pace she supports you. Rainfire sighs faintly and staggers along. Rainfire heads out of the copse. Rainfire has left. You leave the small copse, entering the marginally lighter meadow. Misty Valley This tiny hidden valley is nestled between the steep sides of three mountain peaks, all but unreachable from the outside world. White clouds drift above, curling around the mountaintops and blocking the valley from view from above. There is an eternal twilight down in the bottom, a soft silvery one. A small waterfall cascades down from one of the rocky sides of the valley, falling into a small pool from which flows a sparkling brook. The brook disappears into a small copse of dark green trees, evergreen and sheltering. A small berrypatch is on the other side of the brooklet, framing a miniature meadow filled with sweetly fragranced flowers. The warm night is sparsely lit by diffused moonlight that somehow penetrates the clouds above. Contents: Rainfire Obvious exits: MountainPeak Berry patch Pool Copse Rillwhisper stumbles, as you stagger off without her. "Hey! No, wrong way, love... " Rainfire stops with a bewildered look on his face. Rillwhisper tugs at you again, speaking more slowly now, though whether it's because she has to think about her words or so that you can understand them is hard to say. "They're camped in the copse. We have to go to them, Rainfire. Come on... " Rainfire sighs and shambles back that way. Rillwhisper oofs, and tries to turn you around. She sneezes as a breeze from the pool's direction hits her face. Some of the Preservers flitter out, watching, curious. There are more giggles. /Highthings get fussfusted by selves? Wethings no bother, we promised!/ Rillwhisper determinedly heads back towards the copse, holding onto your hand. You venture into the dark, emerald green light of the copse. Copse The copse is ever in a deep, emerald twilight, faint traces of light penetrating the dense leaf-covered branches above only rarely. Huge, sweet-smelling flowers grow on vines that twine among the trees. The ground is covered in a soft, deep mossy carpet. Obvious exits: Out You locksend ** Come on, now, love... ** to Rainfire. Rainfire joins you in the emerald twilight of the copse. Rainfire has arrived. Rainfire sighs... ** Where now? ** Rillwhisper frowns at you, and squints off through the underbrush. Why does she feel like the others are camped farther than they should be....? Rillwhisper looks at you carefully, weighing the safety of leaving you alone. ** I could bring Silversong... ** Rainfire sends fuzzily ** Where Silvie? ** Rillwhisper points in the direction she's been intending to take you all this time. ** There. With Brightfire, and Fhen... and Talek... can you walk? Do you want me to bring her to you? ** Rillwhisper can't help but ease you to lean over against the nearest tree. Not liking the sudden sweat of effort that has sheened over her as she tries to help you walk, she shakes her head a little, and shivers. Rainfire leans against the tree and yawns. Rillwhisper shakes her head, and begins to pull away from you. She doesn't like this... but she doesn't have a choice, not with her head spinning like this. As clearly as she can, she sends to you, ** I'm going to get Silversong. I'll be _right_ back, I promise. ** Rainfire nodnods and just leans against the tree heavily. Rillwhisper frowns, straightens, and begins to move off. When she is little more than a blur in the shadows, a tiny voice whispers at your ear, /Highthing want nice beesweets or juiceberries or treesweets? Bring sparklewaters for highthing?/ There's the brush of a flower petal against your cheek... a heavy, warm, thick scent. Rainfire brushes and shoos at the bugs and petals. "Go 'way..." Another bug lands on your shoulder, giggling playfully. /Wethings bring nice sparklewaters if highthing thirsty!/ Rainfire bats at the bug, "Lemme lone....." As if by way of demonstration, a few moments later there is the touch of another flower against your lips, but you also smell water amidst the heavy floral odor. No sign of Rillwhisper. How long has she been gone? Time seems to be flowing... strangely. Slowly. Rainfire slides down the tree trunk to the ground, leaning against it... There are tiny awwwws of disappointment, but you then feel tiny tuggings... hands, at your hair. The two Preservers giggle as they begin to weave a purple blossom into one of your braids. /Wethings make highthing all pretty, highthing see!/ Rainfire snorts annoyedly and tries to brush at the bugs but his hand falls back to his lap. The scent seems to close in on you, as another flower is woven into your hair. A thick, warm, scent, like a blanket, like a feeling of safety. Tiny faces, backed by gossamer wings, peer down at you curiously. /Nice sleepydreamy highthing! Wethings take good care of!/ One of the bugs pats your fallen hand approvingly. /Highthing all tired! No need move! Wethings make skyeye highthing all safesnug!/ Rainfire's head snaps up, with an unexpected surge of awareness. ** Rill?! ** She answers, instantly, from some distance away... but how far is impossible to tell, with your mind in the state it's in. ** Rainfire! What's wrong? ** A flower brushes past your nose as a Preserver brings it up to tie into your hair. The scent briefly dominates your senses. Rainfire pauses as a dazed look passes across his face before he shakes his head, aware on some level of the danger he is in. ** Bugs... ** ** I'm coming! ** Time seems to blur again. Your senses seem to narrow, as the sky turns liquid overhead, and your vision begins to fill with tiny motes of light. You know you're in danger... you should move. But your limbs have become so... heavy. And the tiny voices around you chatter briefly, conferencing: /Wrap up skyeye highthing now?/ /Sunnygreen highthing get mad! Nastybad noisybad highthings try catch us!/ Rainfire reaches up slowly, catching a tentative hold on a low limb... /Wethings should wrap sunnygreen highthing, too! Naughtybad highthings move too much!/ Then: /Wethings should wrap highthings like in belonging time! HoneyGold say so!/ /We do! We do!/ Rainfire manages to wrap heavy fingers around his knife and pull it free of its sheath. It seems to take you forever to grasp that branch, and even as you do, the tiny motion shakes a fall of pollen out of the leaves. The Preservers eep, and all at once, you feel a constriction around your legs - they're starting to wrapstuff you. "Get away from him, you pests!" Rainfire blinks his eyes open with effort and makes a wild swing with his knife. Is your blade doubling itself as you swing? No... the other blade is coming from the opposite direction. And suddenly, there's a flash of light - a torch! The light makes your eyes water, and it makes the Preservers shriek in dismay, scattering. Rillwhisper yells vindictively, "That's right, bugs, leave him be or by Timmain's blood I swear I'll burn your wings off!" The bugs dart away in terror, and suddenly, Rillwhisper is kneeling beside you. You locksend ** Rainfire! Are you alright? ** to Rainfire. Rainfire blinkblinks. ** Rill? ** Rainfire murmurs slowly, "Bugs....we have to..get out.." Rillwhisper grins ferally. ** Advantages to being a firestarter's mate, you know. Should have thought of that before. ** She wedges the torch between two rocks as she starts plucking flowers out of your hair, and agrees, ** I know. Silversong and Brightfire have to get the boy able to move, though, and that's taking all their power. You're going to have to help me move you. Can you do this...? ** Rainfire nods slowly, still gripping the branch. The scent of fire _is_ starting to clear your head, a little, creating an acrid stench that contrasts with the heavy smell of pollen in the air. Some of the stuff actually sparks up as it falls across the little flame. Rainfire shakes his head and struggles to get his feet under him, pulling up on the branch shakily. You locksend ** Cursed wood took me forever to get sparking, with the flint - I _knew_ I should have brought 'Hawk - but come on, now.... ** to Rainfire. Rillwhisper snatches up the torch, and plucks wrapstuff strands off you, then supports you once more. Rainfire leans against you, trying not to put too much of his weight on you. [And they move off to return to the others.]