Log Date: 12/8/95 Log Intro: Rillwhisper has been startled to discover that Moonshade has left the Willowholt -- leaving her troubled lifemate Strongbow there, and Rillwhisper with a plea for the chieftess to 'take care of him'. Bemused by this, and not knowing exactly how the tanner has expected her to do this, Rillwhisper has done her best, staying with Strongbow in the guest den in the Starwillow so he need not sleep alone, and pondering his sharing of his memories of killing Tash. As spring turns into summer in the Willowholt, though, she resolves she needs to get him out into fresh air, and so, on the day after Moonshade's leaving.... ---------- Rillwhisper starts a little, slowly -- did she fall asleep? She'd tried not to, in case her companion woke, or needed her. Ah, High Ones, she must have, though. The angle of light is different from the den's door. Strongbow dozes lightly, the sleep of the hunter now, rather than the rocklike sleep he'd fallen into after the exhaustion of his sent memory. Rillwhisper stirs, and, stirring, finds the warmth of Strongbow's form still curled up beside her. She smiles slightly; good. He slept mostly peacefully, she suspects. The chieftess turns her head slightly, to get a look at him. Strongbow's nose twitches slightly as movement registers, and his eyelids seem to move just slightly, lashes fluttering very slightly. Rillwhisper murmurs lightly, "With me again?" Strongbow is still for a moment, nothing more than breathing, then opens his eyes, focusing after a moment, squinting for a breath's span in the light. Wordlessly, he sends greeting, still threaded through with gratitude. Rillwhisper widens her smile a little, by way of acknowledgement of the greet, and nods to you, a wordless 'you're welcome'. "How're you feeling?" Strongbow shakes his head gently, a slightly tangled lock of hair slipping aside on his forehead, away from his eyes. ** Rested. ** A glimmer of a smile flickers in his eyes, as if it's something he'd missed for some time. Rillwhisper seems to approve of this, at least, and she studies you gently for a few moments. "Feel like food? Or a swim?" Strongbow hunches his shoulders contemplatively. ** Yes. ** Slowly, he sits up, scenting the air absently. Rillwhisper lets you sit up, and does so herself, stretching lazily. "Which? Food or swim?" She adds, grinning a bit, "Barely saw you peek out of her during the Whitecold. The pond's warmed up, though." Strongbow considers. ** Are there stores...? ** The idea of a swim (or perhaps a bath) lights his eyes a little, but, suddenly aware of his neglected stomach, adds, ** I think I've eaten...little. ** Rillwhisper thinks to herself, eyeing the new hollowness to the archer's face, 'You haven't, soul-brother, and it shows.' Aloud, though, all she says is, "I'll send, and see if anyone's hunted..." Rillwhisper sends to the whole tribe ** Anyone awake? Anyone hunted today? ** You sense in a locksend, No-fur hmms? *I've hunted ladies, does that count?* Strongbow nods once with another half-send of thanks. Zalen locksends ** I am awake, still awaking. ** Strongbow looks toward the den entrance, shaking his head a bit. ** Late, ** he observes, to himself. You locksend ** Not for feeding Strongbow, sorry, cub. ** to No-fur. You locksend ** Thank you... trying to get Strongbow out of hiding. He needs food. ** to Zalen. No-fur locksends ** Oh, umm... Well, Sorrow's usually got lots of berries in store, if you want me to look. ** Rillwhisper ruffles her own hair, and smiles. "Mmm. Come with?" She offers you a hand. Zalen locksends ** I can go now to hunt if you wish. ** You locksend ** Berries. Or meat. No mushrooms, though. Even the food-shrooms. ** to No-fur. Strongbow nods, looking back at you as he takes your hand, getting to a crouch. You locksend ** If anyone else is hungry, feel free... wanted to see if we had stores, though. ** to Zalen. No-fur locksends ** Okay, I'll look. Um... What's wrong with Strongbow? ** Rillwhisper looks approving, and leads you out of the tree, still clad in her sleep-rumpled leathers. You step out through the door-hide into the heart of the tree. Top of the Starwillow(#5586RL) Obvious exits: Quiet Den Plane Tree Marsh Old Willow Down Zalen locksends ** We have some, dried. We should all hunt some soon. ** Strongbow emerges from a tiny den in the branches. Strongbow has arrived. You locksend to No-fur, Rillwhisper pauses, and sighs a bit in her sending. ** Been hiding in the tree ever since the shrooms got him. ** [And out into...] You slip out through the opening in the trunk. Starwillow Copse This small stand of young willows is dominated by a sturdy one whose branches are open to the sky, and which has grown large enough for elves to climb. The Starwillow and its companions provide a kind of border on the sloping hillside for the nearby large clearing. Summer Along the Sun-Goes-Up edge of the copse, and interwoven through the trees, you see a tangled barrier of brush and grasses that to elfin senses tingles with the feel of magic. Through the trees to the north lies the pond on the other side of the Holt trail; to the south, the Starwillow; to the northwest, the Holt's main clearing; towards Sun-Goes-Down, the higher part of the hill. Contents: Tinyhowl Smallshadow Obvious exits: Starwillow Hillside Path Clearing Strongbow emerges from the Starwillow. Strongbow has arrived. Tinyhowl looks up from cheerfully building ... a mess. "Hullo!" Rillwhisper emerges from the starwillow, leading Strongbow by the hand, and she smiles at the cub. "Hi there, little one..." Tinyhowl Lanky, for a cub of an evident 5 or so turns, Tinyhowl's features are a blend of her parent's, silver-blonde hair starting to grow out long, in fine, drifting shags, often pulled back in a ponytail to keep out of distinctly silver eyes. Those eyes are highlighted with faint flecks of blue, brought to the fore by the richly shaded dress of sapphire that she wears. The leathers, though obviously new, have already seen some hard times, evidenced by dirt that has ground itself into knees and feet alike, disturbing Tiny not at all. Strongbow stops still, hand in Rillwhispers, blinking at the cub. Rillwhisper studies the summer-blooming Holt, and then glances at the archer, one eyebrow quirked. "Hmm?" Tinyhowl blinks silvery eyes up at Strongbow, and waves a dirty hand. "What're you doing?" The archer's hand shivers slightly in Rillwhisper's own, his eyes frozen on the cub. Rillwhisper tells Tinyhowl sagely, "Strongbow needs somethng to eat, and we'll probably go swimming, too." Strongbow is silent for a moment, looking over at Rillwhisper, then back at the cub; hearing the question answered, he remains silent. Tinyhowl offers up a handful of dirt, scrambling to her feet and waving it at Strongbow. "This's good. Momma gets mad when I eat it though. Want some? Your momma won't yell at you. You're lots older than me." You sense in a locksend, No-fur doesn't think you've told him _that_ story. No-fur locksends ** Okay, she's got some. Not a lot, but some. ** No-fur locksends ** Where are you? ** Rillwhisper slides a glance at her companion's fingers in hers, then up at his face; her eyes darken for a moment, and she seems to nod to herself. Then she chuckles at the cubling. "Strongbow needs some meat, cub, or berries. Do you know if your sire or dam have anything stored?" You locksend ** By the Starwillow. Tinyhowl's here, too. ** to No-fur. Strongbow clenches his jaw a bit at the dirt. ** No...thank you, ** he manages, a bit dazedly. Tinyhowl looks utterly disappointed, and drops most of the dirt, sticking a finger in her mouth and chewing on it. "Momma's always got stuff. Want me to get you something?" Silver eyes go big and hopeful. She can help! No-fur approaches from the clearing. No-fur has arrived. You sense in a locksend, No-fur winks. *She's gonna get me for eating all her berries. :)* Rillwhisper keeps her hold on Strongbow's hand light, and she smiles warmly at the little one. "Do, please, Tinyhowl. Anything you can find." No-fur walks in quietly, a small pouch in hand. Tinyhowl beams happily and goes rushing out, hollering at the top of her considerable, if small, lungs: "MOMMA! I get to help! I need to get some food ... " She trails off somewhat as trees intervene with her distance projection. Tinyhowl slips out to the nearby path. Tinyhowl has left. Strongbow stands by Rillwhisper, hand in hers, looking rumpled, extra gaunt, and dazed. Rillwhisper looks at No-fur, then, and smiles to him, too, before turning to Strongbow and regarding him thoughtfully. Out here in the summer light, now that she's finally gotten him out of the den, it's clearer from the look of him that he's underfed, and she doesn't like it. But her voice is mild, as she asks him, "Archer, do you want to go to the pond? Or sit here?" The archer looks at the green-eyed chieftess for a long while before answering, strangely absently, ** The pool...? ** You locksend ** See the look of him, son? ** to No-fur. Tinyhowl emerges from the Starwillow. Tinyhowl has arrived. No-fur locksends ** That's not particularly good, I don't think. ** No-fur offers Rillwhisper the pouch. Tinyhowl comes skidding back in, with an armload of meat and berries balanced precariously atop the meat. "I got stuff! Momma gave me /lots/!" Strongbow starts a little at the piping voice, and looks at the cub. His eyes fix on the meat in a moment, then return to Rillwhisper. All in all, he seems completely overwhelmed by being outside. Zalen locksends ** I hunt, Chieftess. ** You sense in a locksend, Zalen is practically teasing in the send. Rillwhisper bobs her head to No-fur, murmurs a thank-you to him, and takes the pouch in her free hand. "Berries -- from Sorrow," she notes. At Tinyhowl's return, she flashes a smile at her, then studies Strongbow critically. Food first, she's thinking. But he did ask to go to the pond, and she's not about to gainsay him. "Cub, can you bring that to the pond's Sun-Goes-Down bank? The west one," she adds, using the word Zalen might use. No-fur locksends ** Can you fill me in? ** You locksend ** Thank you, cousin. I'd take the archer hunting but frankly, I think he's in no shape to go anywhere. No-fur and Tinyhowl have brought some things, but we'll need fresh meat tonight, aye. ** to Zalen. Tinyhowl switches the food to one arm, veryvery carefully, and reaches up to tug at Strongbow's tunic with the free hand. "C'mon you can eat with me ... oh." She blinks at Rill, and stops tugging to rearrange the food again. "All right!" And off she goes, at a dead run. You locksend ** Aye. He... the mushrooms made him remember killing Tash. ** to No-fur. Rillwhisper turns to Strongbow and tugs at his hand lightly. "Come on, now. Food, then a swim. Come on." Tinyhowl slips out into the clearing. Tinyhowl has left. [Rillwhisper leads Strongbow along behind Tinyhowl through the Holt's main clearing...] No-fur locksends ** Aye, I can see how that would be... upsetting. ** Strongbow emerges from the nearby copse. Strongbow has arrived. You locksend ** And he's been in the tree... all Whitecold and most of the Newgreen. I don't like this. He's almost... like a cub. ** to No-fur. You head into the trees just west of the pond. West Bank of the Pond This narrow strip of a path runs wedged on one side by closely tangled young trees, and on the other by the thick grasses surrounding the nearby small pond. Just overhead, most of the tangle of branches comes from the huge gnarled willow tree that dominates most of the surroundings. All is quiet in the heat of the summer's day, as elves and wolves both keep to the cool shadows. The sun is high in the hot summer skies. Contents: Tinyhowl Obvious exits: Pond Branches Clearing Around the Pond No-fur locksends ** Want me to come with you? ** Strongbow steps out of the trees from the clearing by the Old Willow. Strongbow has arrived. No-fur locksends ** I can see why you wouldn't. ** No-fur locksends ** A healer could perhaps help? ** Rillwhisper leads Strongbow in after her, and hmms for a moment, before smiling to him and suggesting, "Sit... eat? How about here?" She pats the ground right under the Old Willow. Tinyhowl runs about on the bank with her arms full of food, and looks for a good place to put it down. "All right!" She scurries over and sets the food down very carefully, then dramatically falls over backwards. "That's a lot of stuff!" You locksend ** Do come with. I want him to see other elves. I'm not sure a healer could, son. Brightfire didn't... not sure Silversong would. I'm trying to decide if we should take him home to Leetah. ** to No-fur. Strongbow looks around at the bank and the willow, as if seeing them for the first time, then nods and follows to sit where the chieftess recommends. A flicker of a smile shows in his eyes at the cub's fall. No-fur locksends ** Hasn't she healed elves messed up in the head, before? ** Rillwhisper assures Tinyhowl wisely, "You're a swift cub to bring it all so quickly, too. So." She grins at Strongbow. "I'd think you should eat slowly, soul-brother. Or else you'll make yourself sick." No-fur has arrived. Tinyhowl sits up and *beams* at Rill. She helped! You locksend ** Aye... but the problem is... how do you heal this? ** to No-fur. Strongbow looks at the food, and, after a moment, leans forward to take some of the meat. He sits back with it and, absurdly, offers it to Rillwhisper. No-fur locksends ** I don't know... I'm not a healer. ** Rillwhisper settles under the tree by the dazed archer, and chuckles, very softly, watching the archer's ingrained habit of offering the chief first portion still work. Thinking this is something to be encouraged, she smiles to him, and accepts, while nodding him briskly at the rest of what Tinyhowl has brought. No-fur locksends ** It seems I remember Leetah doing things like that before, though. Maybe at least ask her? ** Tinyhowl snitches a berry, and clambers to her feet, padding down to the edge of the water and testing it with bare toes. No-fur locksends ** I don't know, honestly. ** You locksend ** Neither am I. But... Moonshade's asked me to take care of him. That's the other thing... Moonshade left. Ask her... aye. I want to see if I can figure out why Moonshade thought I should do this, instead of Leetah. Or else she'd have taken him home with her, I think. ** to No-fur. Strongbow lets the bit go and reaches forward to rip another bit away, then leans back to chew thoughtfully on it, forcing without enthusiasm the slowness his companion recommended. No-fur locksends ** Why did she leave, with her mate like this? ** You locksend ** I don't know. She didn't tell me that. ** to No-fur. No-fur locksends ** I must say, that's not exactly what I'd expect of her. ** You locksend ** Nor I... ** to No-fur. No-fur settles down next to his mother. No-fur locksends ** I'm confused. ** Tinyhowl decides the water is of bearable temperature, and wades in, giggling happily. Rillwhisper says cheerfully between swallows, "Zalen's gone hunting. There will be fresh meat tonight." She studies the archer surrepitiously, trying to note manner and mood. And little details as to whether he needs new leathers, yet. Several moons' worth of time since she last got him out into the Holt -- and his leathers _do_ smell musty. You locksend ** So am I, at least about Moonshade. But I'll deal with that when he's ready to go after her. ** to No-fur. Strongbow takes more of the meat and a single berry, eating the two together. His leathers, though rumpled and in need of airing, haven't seen much use, particularly recently. He watches the cub play in the water, entranced. Tinyhowl wades in until her dress starts to get soaked, and has a moral dilemma. Come back out of the water to strip down, or get the dress wet? She compromises by pulling it off and flinging it towards the edge of the pond, where it lands halfway on the bank, halfway in the water. No-fur giggles, watching Tinyhowl. Strongbow snorts softly and shakes his head. ** Cubs. ** For that moment, he seems quite himself. Rillwhisper grins widely. "Wonder if Dusk and Nightwisp are awake. And Seedling ought to be up and walking, you know?" No-fur says "Nightwisp was asleep when I came out." Strongbow looks at Rillwhisper, quirking a brow at the last name. Rillwhisper smiles to Strongbow. "Acorn and Crystal's cub. The one Leetah made for them." Strongbow nods with understanding. Tinyhowl holds her breath, by way of puffing her cheeks out enormously, and dives under the water, popping back up to the surface with a squeal. Rillwhisper smiles a little sheepishly. "Did I tell you we talked about that at the Festival, Strongbow? Cutter and Spidersilk and Woodhawk and me. I mean, about cubs, and Leetah making them." Tinyhowl blinkblinks through streaming hair back at Rill. "More cubs?" she asks hopefully. Strongbow's brows go up. ** You said...something. ** No-fur giggles. Rillwhisper laughs a bit huskily and by way of reply, asks Tinyhowl, "Would you like more playmates?" Nightwisp comes round the curve of the pond from its Hubward bank. Nightwisp has arrived. Nightwisp zips over, launches herself at No-Fur, and does her best to knock him over. Rillwhisper adds dryly to Strongbow, "Eh, well, it was the Festival, and all the healers, you know. Cutter and I, and Spidersilk and Woodhawk..." She suddenly grins. "Anyway, afterwards we got to talking about cubs." Rillwhisper eeks! as Nightwisp flies past, and giggles. No-fur giggles, himself. Strongbow startles a little at the cub, then nods to Rill, welcoming her to continue. Rillwhisper says contemplatively, "Been wanting another cub for a while now." Then she shrugs lightly, as if that's all there is to say about it, and says cheerfully to Nightwisp, "Hello there." Strongbow follows the conversation, watching Nightwisp once more, though he steals a look askance at the chieftess, marking that subject for later. Nightwisp answers ** Hihi! ** absently, while nudgenudgenudgenudgenudgenudge*tickle*nudgenudgenudging No-Fur. No-fur meeps! *Whatwhatwhat?* Rillwhisper nudges Strongbow's nearer shoulder. "Eat," she reminds him brightly. "A good breeze'll knock you over." Strongbow starts a little, and gives Rillwhisper a bemused, disgusted look. He shrugs and leans over to get more of the meat, which he munches on. Nightwisp stops nudging and /looks/ at No-fur. ** Make a lap! ** No-fur makes a lap. Strongbow sends low laughter at that and nods at No-fur. Nightwisp clambers into said lap, settles herself all nestled against No-fur's chest, and then beams at the rest. Rillwhisper leans back against the Old Willow, and looks pleased with herself, glancing from the elf whose mate, for whatever reason, has left him in her care over to her son and his cub. "As soon as Strongbow here as eaten enough," she remarks to Nightwisp, "we're going to swim." Strongbow nods at that, once, chewing on the meat, silent. Rillwhisper rises, then, languoruously, liking the idea of a swim the more she considers it. She starts shucking off her boots and leathers. Nightwisp beams even more brightly, if it's possible, at that. ** C'n I come too? ** Rillwhisper says muffledly but contendedly as she yanks her tunic over her head, "You certainly may..." The tunic drops lightly aside. Rillwhisper then looks pleased at the touch of summer sun and air on her bare skin, and with a smile to the archer and her kin, wades lightly out into the water. Strongbow finishes off the bit of meat and looks out at the pond, watching the chieftess wade out as he sheds his winter boots, absentmindedly. Nightwisp starts squirming, to take her own leathers off. Rillwhisper ducks underwater then, moments later, springs up again, sending water droplets raining everywhere, and her hair flying in a golden arc. ** Needed this! ** she sends with satisfaction. No-fur helps Nightwisp out of her leathers. (Woowoo) Strongbow leisurely rmeoves his belt and sets it in a ridiculously neat pile with his boots, then scarfs off the rest of his leathers to head toward the water, eyes glinting with a bit of mischief. Rillwhisper floats on her back, now, hair spreading out around her in a cloud in the water. Nightwisp giggles, and pops out of No-fur's lap, to wriggle out of the last bit of leathers, and then bounces on her toes. ** C'mon, papa! ** Strongbow strides quietly toward the water, looking over his shoulder at the cub, lest she should bowl him over in enthusiasm. Slowly, he wades out into the water. No-fur lounges lazilly, pondering the request. No-fur woos at the archer. :) Rillwhisper looks over, and smiles. ** It's warm, ** she promises Strongbow. Nightwisp grabs hold of a hand and tugtugtugtugs! Strongbow nods once, having determined that by now. He ducks under the water, disappearing under its surface, ripples soon fading where he'd just been. Rillwhisper smiles satisfiedly skyward. Another small victory, but a victory nonetheless, and she floats as she waits for Strongbow to resurface. No-fur stands slowly. *Okay. Okay.* No-fur slips out of his clothes. A slight rush of cooler water from deep in the pond rises slowly against your back. A moment later, the archer resurfaces next to Rillwhisper, red-brown hair wet and glinting, flattened against his head and over his face in small strands. Rillwhisper eeks a little, dislodged, and almost goes under in startlement. "Aie!" She giggles, then, and regains her balance. Nightwisp grins, and races toward the pond, falling into the water face-first, and disappearing under for just a brief moment, before she resurfaces with a big gasp of air. Strongbow chuckles softly, a slight grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. He lifts his hands to wipe his hair out of his face, looking more naked without his headband and with the mane flattened down than he ever did dry without his leathers. Zalen locksends ** I return. ** Rillwhisper grins. Wants to play, does he? She can oblige. She shoves him in the water, but lightly, a mock-tussle. You locksend ** Ah! We're swimming, Strongbow and No-fur and two of the cubs... come swim with? ** to Zalen. Zalen steps out of the trees from the clearing by the Old Willow. Zalen has arrived. Strongbow falls back into the water with a gentle sploosh, using the momentum to fall onto his back and float that way, watching the sky, and the chieftess from the corner of his eye. Zalen walks over the pond, his feet just touching the damp surface. In one hand he has three ravvit, freshly killed. Rillwhisper giggles, then turns in the water and waves cheerfully to the returning Zalen. "Fresh meat!" she cries happily. Zalen smiles cheerfully and waves back. Strongbow rights himself, paddling in the water, and sends a bit of a greeting to Zalen, quiet. Zalen almost misses the send, then looks down and nods, still smiling, and walks around the capering in the water. Nightwisp waves and splashes merrilly. ** Hihi Zalen! ** Rillwhisper beams, wetly. "The wolves will appreciate that -- and you..." She eyes Strongbow. "Think you'll want fresh meat, soon?" Strongbow shrugs a little, sending ripples out across the water, and slips back onto his back. ** In a bit. Take it slow, you said. ** He looks aside at the chieftess, eyes glinting. Rillwhisper nods sagely and wades nearer to Zalen, smiling up at him. "Anyone else awake yet? How much of that should we save?" Zalen says "Save one ravvit. Dawn passed out exhausted before I came out. I don't know why." Zalen smiles a little as his feet hit the shore, knowing exactly why. Rillwhisper nods cheerfully, and hmmms, squinting around. A few of the Holt wolves have drawn hopefully near, scenting Zalen's kill, and eyeing it longingly. Zalen glances at Rillwhisper for word. Nightwisp goes on about paddling around. Rillwhisper nods, serenely. Strongbow paddles a little, floating along the surface of the pond. Zalen leans close to the ground, eyeing whichever wolf thinks it's the most Alpha at the moment. One ravvit he flings into the air, near the gathering of wolves. *SNAP!* Two sets of jaws go for the meat at the same time, and there ensues a short struggle before the higher-ranking wolf claims the kill. Zalen straightens and asks, "Another, Rill?" Strongbow seems, if anything, determined not to watch the wolves, instead watching the sky, contemplative. Rillwhisper nods, watching the little display of pack dynamics with half her attention while keeping the rest of it on the floating archer. Zalen tosses the other to what wolves seem out of the loop, letting them continue the pack order on the lower ranks. Nightwisp *splash* *splash* *splash* Zalen walks over the pond again, smiling, intending to prepare the last ravvit. Zalen heads off towards the clearing by the nearby Old Willow. Zalen has left. Tinyhowl, with her eyes squinched so that she gets the aim *just* right, splooshes an armful of water at Nightwisp. Rillwhisper, as Zalen moves off, and her son as tell, turns back to Strongbow and smiles affectionately down at him. Nightwisp, who is blissfully paddling around, changes direction *just* in time o get a face full of Tinyhowl splooshing. And she splutters, paddling stopped for the moment. ** Hey! ** Tinyhowl giggles happily. "Gotcha!" Rillwhisper scoops up a handful of water, and lets it trickle through her fingers down onto the floating archer's chest. She giggles softly at the little ones, as well. The archer's eyes smile slightly. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow wonders gently at you, in both senses. ** Good to breathe fresh air again. ** Nightwisp paddles purposefully over toward Tinyhowl, and *splooshes* back. ** Nuh-uh! ** You locksend to Strongbow, Rillwhisper answers, sounding pleased, ** You look better for it. ** Tinyhowl coughs and splutters, giggling, and pushes wet hair out of her eyes. "Hey, no fair!" Strongbow nods once, tucking his chin to his chest to do so, and slowly rights himself again. Nightwisp beams. ** Is too! ** You sense in a locksend, Strongbow's send is quiet, seeming just now to realize how long it's been. ** Has there been a howl...? ** Rillwhisper waits nearby, still studying Strongbow critically, as he stands. She offers him a hand. You locksend to Strongbow, Rillwhisper, inwardly thinking you'd surely have heard one if there had been, tells you lightly, ** Not yet. We've put off the next one, for a bit. ** Strongbow takes the hand, quirking a brow, silent. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow amends, softly. ** Since Festival. ** Rillwhisper shakes her wet head; her hair has gotten much curlier, and damp tendrils surround her face. You locksend ** No... we still need one for Simmel's return, but that'll have to wait a bit. He's been shy with us, since he's come back. ** to Strongbow. Strongbow reaches up to push his hair back. As water streams out of it, it seems only to get more stringy. He nods at Rillwhisper, question answered. You locksend to Strongbow, Rillwhisper adds, gently, ** What do _you_ want to do now? You've had food and a swim...** Nightwisp pads out of the pond, gathers up her clothes, and trots back toward the den. Strongbow looks across the pond at the retreating cub and the resting wolves, considering. Strongbow locksends ** You mentioned wanting a cub. ** Strongbow looks at the chieftess, one brow raised. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow sighs inwardly. ** You talked to Leetah...? ** Rillwhisper blinks. You locksend to Strongbow, Rillwhisper replies, gently and wistfully, ** I haven't. I won't burden her with it, either. She's already made my tribe a cub once... and having a healer do it scares me, to be honest. ** You sense in a locksend, Strongbow is quiet for a time, mulling that over in silent agreement with, at least, the last part. Finally he finds words. ** Then you wait? ** The sensation is familiar; Losthot has had its share of cubs, but they've been sparser there lately, and sparser still to those who feel the lack of their own cubs anywhere near. You locksend ** Well, it's either get a healer to do it, or wait till I Recognize again. So. ** to Strongbow. Strongbow looks away with a nod, watching the remaining cub retreat to shore, clothing, and elsewhere. Rillwhisper grins a bit, crookedly. "It'll happen if it's meant to," she says pragmatically. "Do you want to swim more? Or rest?" Trollkiller splashes out of the pond. ** ? ** Strongbow pushes his hands over his head, pressing water out of his hair, which looks only more stringy for the effort. About to send something, he starts at the splashily entering Trollkiller. Wryly, he nods greeting. Rillwhisper is out in the pond, wet and damp, by Strongbow. She's looking up at the soaked archer with a bit of a smile; Strongbow, in addition to looking soaked, is rather thinner than he's supposed to be, and Rill's lightly grasping his hand. Rillwhisper turns her head, and smiles at her younger mate. You locksend ** Finally dragged him out of the tree he's been hiding in all winter. He really needed food and a bath. ** to Trollkiller. Trollkiller looks at Strongbow and Rillwhisper with appreciative eyes. ** Whuf. ** Trollkiller locksends ** I can see that. Yes, I can very much see that... ** Rillwhisper winks, and turns back to Strongbow for his answer. You locksend ** Moonshade's... gone. She asked me to take care of him. ** to Trollkiller. Strongbow inhales a bit, and looks at Rillwhisper. ** Rest. ** Trollkiller hops over to one side, and shakeshakeshakeshakeshakeshakes. Rillwhisper nods to that, and smiles, turning again to wade out of the water. "Come on, then." Rillwhisper laughs! Eek, wet Trollkiller fur. Strongbow winces at the flood of water coming off of the furred elf, and follows Rillwhisper out of the pond to the shore. Trollkiller sends openly ** What? What? I got out of the way... ** Rillwhisper, little runnels of water trailing off her slender form, clambers ashore and giggles at her mate. She tips her head over and starts squeezing water out of her hair. Trollkiller is surprisingly dry, having not really been in the water long enough to soak through. Strongbow only shakes his head at Trollkiller, a hint of a smile in his eyes. ** And thank you, ** he retorts. Trollkiller pads over, and looks over Strongbow, up and down. ** Clean. Much better. ** Rillwhisper flips her head up again, and inquires of the archer, "Do you want furs or something to dry off with? 'Hawk could make us a fire when he gets in from watch -- shroom-free, I promise." She smiles a bit sheepishly. Strongbow looks at Trollkiller with a "what did I expect" expression. ** And again. ** He shakes his head and steps over to where his leathers lie in a neat little pile, lifting his headband from the top of the pile. Turning to Rillwhisper as he ties it about his forehead, he nods. ** Fire...might be fine. ** He seems a bit hesitant, but willing enough. The archer's eyes shift back to the furred elf, a slight sarcastic smile accompanying the brown gaze. Rillwhisper nods readily, though there's a slight quirk of her brow as she notices the taller elf's brief reluctance. Turning, she sends, and after a moment, goes on, "Woodhawk's on his way in. Says he'll make a little fire, since it's summer." Rillwhisper scoops up her own leathers and smiles. "C'mon." You step through the trees and into the clearing by the Old Willow. Clearing by the Old Willow(#123RHJ) Obvious exits: Branch Old Willow Hillside Path Starwillow Copse Marsh Pond Woodhawk has arrived. Trollkiller emerges from the trees by the nearby pond. Trollkiller has arrived. Strongbow emerges from the trees by the nearby pond. Strongbow has arrived. Woodhawk after a time comes in from another direction, his bow -- smaller than Strongbow's -- slung over his shoulder. He starts slightly at the sight of the Lostholt archer, then nods to him, and his mates. "A fire, then," he says affably. Strongbow follows the others, leathers over one arm. Trollkiller hops over and nuzzles Woodhawk. ** hi hi hi... ** Rillwhisper exchanges a brief look with Woodhawk, who nods slightly to her, as he crouches by the fire-pit and puts down an armload of dry branches and fallen twigs he'd gathered. "Sit, you three, I'll get you dry... heh. Hi, Fuzzy." Trollkiller licks Woodhawk's ear. ** Hi. ** Rillwhisper turns to Strongbow, and nudges him slightly. "C'mon. By the log?" Woodhawk grins widely at Trollkiller, then starts deftly stacking branches, with dry leaves under them for kindling, in the little fire-pit. When he's satisfied with his work, he gives it a glittering golden stare, a brief touch, and the leaves start to smoulder. Strongbow nods and walks that way, settling down and dropping his leathers by the log. He looks bemusedly at the fire pit. Trollkiller hops over and lies down by Strongbow, watching Woodhawk. Woodhawk smiles to Strongbow, cordially, and in minutes there's a tiny crackling flame. Trollkiller pages: ** Other side! I want matched sets! ** Strongbow chuckles softly, low in his throat, at Trollkiller, and watches the fire's process, a bit determinedly. Rillwhisper settles to put her bare feet by the fire. Trollkiller slips a little back, a tad further away from the fire. It's awfully warm. You locksend ** We're not matched. He's got facefur. ** to Trollkiller. Trollkiller reaches up and his fingers gently begin to rub Strongbow's neck, making muscles feel _very_ good, even while they're all wrapped around those vertebrae... Rillwhisper looks up at Strongbow, and asks him, "Have you thought about... whether you want to go home yet?" Strongbow closes his eyes, sighing almost imperceptibly, not complaining. Trollkiller sends openly ** Did I put him asleep? ** Strongbow raises a brow, and looks up at Trollkiller, echoing a send. Trollkiller grins. Strongbow blinks and looks at Trollkiller again, arching a brow. Rillwhisper smiles at Strongbow and her younger mate, thinking a backrub can't hurt the archer at all. Trollkiller pages: p woodhawk=:sends, ** Hey, c'mere... ** Woodhawk looks up and says dryly, "Sure you don't have your hands full, Fuzzy?" The fire flares a little more, merrily, as it starts consuming its fuel. Trollkiller sends openly ** Never! ** Rillwhisper rises, consideringly, and just for giggles, sits on Strongbow's other side, lifting her hands to rub through his hair. Strongbow sits there, feeling a bit on display. He looks down at the pile of leathers, then at the fire, then at the firestarter. Finally he just shakes his head, looking up and then over as Rillwhisper sits near. Woodhawk stays out of the way, discreetly. Rillwhisper informs Strongbow in a gentle but firm tone, "Trollkiller's backrubs are good. I'm told they even make Rayek melt." Trollkiller sends openly ** He's no fun. He wakes up cranky. ** Strongbow looks at Rillwhisper, thinking he could go another few seasons without hearing that name again, but leans a bit into the backrub, forcing his shoulders to roll back, stretching muscles for treatment. Rillwhisper's gaze flickers a bit, and her attempted smile wavers. Strongbow shakes his head a bit. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow offers a bit of bemused comfort, more relaxed. Trollkiller sends, ** Okay, none of that... ** and digs more, with _both_ hands, into this backrub business. He also nuzzles Strongbow's shoulder. And maybe licks a little. Sue him. Strongbow looks down and back, over his shoulder, with a wry look, but makes no comment. You locksend ** I'm sorry. I know you don't like him. Your tribe, I mean. ** to Strongbow. Strongbow shakes his head again, a little more firmly, watching Rillwhisper, expression stubborn. Strongbow locksends ** Old habits. ** Woodhawk settles back to commune with the fire, and Rillwhisper smiles a bit, moving back slightly to give Strongbow room. She hopes she's doing the right thing; Trollkiller _can_ help him relax, she knows. You locksend ** ** to Strongbow. Trollkiller nibbles the back of Woodhawk's neck a tad. Gently. Almost coy. Strongbow looks over at Rillwhisper, noting her movement away. After a moment, he turns his gaze back on the fire, little flames reflecting in his eyes. Rillwhisper asks Strongbow again, softly, "Have you decided if you want to go home yet?" She hasn't moved far, though, just away from immediate contact. Strongbow sighs in sending. ** Not sure. ** You sense in a locksend, Strongbow adds, to you alone, ** She'll be upset either way. ** Rillwhisper glances briefly up at Trollkiller... You locksend ** Tell me if he tenses. I'm worried about him... ** to Trollkiller. You locksend to Strongbow, Rillwhisper accepts that, knowing you know Moonshade better than she. Rillwhisper reaches over to slip on her tunic, though she keeps her boots off. Woodhawk remarks over to Rillwhisper, "Quiet watch... some strangers in the area, here and there, but I didn't see them, just their tents." Rillwhisper grins a bit and nods, though most of her attention remains with Strongbow as she dresses. Overhead, there is a flicker of movement in the branches, as a silvery-haired figure pops out of the Old Willow's heart. ** Chieftess, ** Talek sends down, ** have you seen my cub? ** Rillwhisper blinks and looks up. "We were swimming in the pond..." Strongbow looks up too, quiet, knowing whose eyes he'll meet. He nods a greeting, watching, the dazed expression returning for a moment, then looks down at his leathers. Without a thought, he lifts his tunic and slips it on. Trollkiller doesn't particularly move his hands to make this putting-on-tunic thing easier. Up in the branches, Talek blinks down, seeing Strongbow there. Um. The elf-youth drops down, and offers tentatively, ** Hello... ** Trollkiller looks up and smiles broadly at Talek. ** Hi! ** Strongbow doesn't slip into it so much as lean away from Trollkiller to get into it, then. Without looking up, he returns the greeting with a wordless send. Rillwhisper flicks a look at Strongbow, noticing the shift in his expression, and she says quietly to Talek, "Last I saw Tinyhowl she was making mud-wolves on the north bank." Rillwhisper, not looking away from Strongbow, sends... You locksend to Strongbow, Rillwhisper reaches quietly for you, in her sending. ** Soul-brother. Do you want me to send him away? ** Talek pauses uncertainly. He grins back at Trollkiller readily enough, but his big silver eyes linger on Strongbow, liquidly. ** Um... I'll go find her, then... Brightfire wants her, have to get her new leathers made. ** You sense in a locksend, Strongbow sends, apologetically, ** No. Can't say anything to him, is all. ** Talek blinks a few times, then nods quickly to Rillwhisper, and sidles off northward. ** I'll go get Tinyhowl. ** Talek vanishes northward into the trees. Talek has left. Trollkiller humphs. Rillwhisper frowns softly, and leans over to help Strongbow fasten a lace here, a lace there. Strongbow sighs very softly, leaning over to get his belt, then stilling to let Rillwhisper fuss. After a moment, he sends open apology, very quiet. You locksend ** He bears you no grudge. ** to Strongbow. Woodhawk studies the other elves briefly, not offering an opinion, at least not one aloud. You locksend ** Strongbow looks like he's had his heart ripped out. ** to Trollkiller. Trollkiller helps unfasten a lace here, a lace there. Strongbow gets, abruptly, to his feet, leaning down to lift his belt. He fastens it, then bends to pick up his boots. He looks at Rillwhisper, eyes liquid, slightly pained. Strongbow locksends ** Then the difficulty is mine alone. ** Trollkiller blinks. ** Huh? ** Rillwhisper rises, her face turning grieved, as she sends openly, quietly, ** Only if you wish it to be. ** Woodhawk looks up, too, dark eyebrows quirked as the little fire casts flickering lights over his features. Strongbow smiles wanly at Trollkiller, but even that expression fades at Rillwhisper's send. He is still, trapped for a moment, then steps past the fire, a bit toward Rillwhisper. ** What else? ** Rillwhisper sighs, recognizing the look of a panicking wolf when she sees it. Trollkiller looks at Rill, looks at Woodhawk, looks at Strongbow. You locksend ** Curse it...! ** to Trollkiller. Trollkiller grab-wraps himself around Strongbow going, ** RRRRRRR! RR-RR-RR-RR-RR! ** in a very wolf-cub sort of way, and is suddenly nibbling and rubbing in all sorts of places. Rillwhisper starts to lift a hand, then starts, as Trollkiller pounces Strongbow. She gets an odd expression on her face, as if she wants to giggle, but isn't sure if she should. Strongbow jumps just about out of his skin, elbowing Trollkiller rather harshly before calming to a state of 'completely lost and overwhelmed.' Trollkiller briefly urfs, but ignores it. You locksend ** Go gently with him, beloved... he's... I'm afraid he might break, inside, if we throw too much at once to him. ** to Trollkiller. Trollkiller picks Strongbow up and shakes him back and forth playfully. ** RRR! ** Woodhawk rocks back on his heels, almost amused, too, but eyeing Rill to see what she thinks about this. Trollkiller locksends ** If you want to giggle, _do_ it. It's all this... !!!... that's hurting. ** Rillwhisper giggles, just a bit; she can't help it. Not at the sight of her usually stoic friend being tussled with as if he were a baby wolf. _That_ thought, though, makes her wrinkle her nose, and she diplomatically refrains from voicing it. Trollkiller swings Strongbow left. ** RR! ** Trollkiller swings Strongbow right. ** RR! ** Trollkiller swings Strongbow left. ** RR! ** Trollkiller swings Strongbow right. ** RR! ** Strongbow oofs softly. ** Trollkiller, put me down, ** he sends, cheeks coloring slightly. Trollkiller swings Strongbow left. ** RR! ** Trollkiller swings Strongbow right. ** RR! ** Trollkiller swings Strongbow left. ** RR! ** Trollkiller swings Strongbow right. ** RR! ** Trollkiller rrrs? Rillwhisper finally steps forward, and murmurs to Trollkiller lightly, "Fuzzy.. Fuzzy, hold it. He's hardly got any strength in him! Come on, now, put him down." Trollkiller puts Strongbow down. ** He's not so fragile, I can feel it. ** Strongbow looks at Rillwhisper, as if being "saved" by her makes this all the more ridiculous and embarrassing. Trollkiller scritchscritchscritchscritches. Strongbow turns round to look at Trollkiller, sending wry semi-gratitude. Trollkiller sends openly ** I can do it again if you want! ** Strongbow backs off a few steps. ** No... ** Rillwhisper chuckles quietly, and looks at the archer, pleased that he's seeming to cope. Good. Rillwhisper remarks dryly, ">I'd< offer to do it, but I don't think I could pick you up, archer." Trollkiller keeps giggles mostly under his throat, and tilts his head at Strongbow in that "oh yeah?" kinda way. His lips quivver as he tries to look semi-threatening, but just can't. Strongbow arches a brow at Trollkiller and crosses his arms, standing his ground. Trollkiller has a snort escape. Lips quivvering, lots of squeezed-down giggles, one step forward. Thump. Rillwhisper and Woodhawk trade looks. The chieftess tries very hard to keep a straight face. ( Well, as "thump" as anyone with wolfpaw feet can make, anyway... ) Strongbow continues to stand there, flicking a glance over at Rillwhisper. Rillwhisper suddenly grins, a beat before the archer looks her way; but when he does, her expression is peacably bland. You sense in a locksend, Strongbow grumbles, not without humor. ** What's he thinking now... ** Second step. Thump. You locksend to Trollkiller, Rillwhisper's send suddenly sparkles with mischief. ** I think you have the right idea. Distract him. ** Strongbow unfolds his arms, bending a little, dropping his boots to one side. He takes up a stance of readiness, though he looks at Trollkiller with nothing even like sureness. Rillwhisper smiles ingenuously, and when Strongbow's attention diverts, _she_ slips closer to him, too. Timing her movements with Trollkiller's. You sense in a locksend, Trollkiller ? No? You locksend ** Yes. Let's tickle him. ** to Trollkiller. Strongbow keeps his gaze on Trollkiller, though a half-smile creeps across his mouth, noting Rillwhisper's movement from the edge of his vision. Not watching well, though, he misinterprets her intent. Third step. Thump. Fourth step. Thump. Trollkiller is now standing right in front of Strongbow. Strongbow tenses his shoulders, uncertain, eyes on the furred elf. Rillwhisper slips, green-gold and silent, right up behind Strongbow. Trollkiller mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and rubs up against Strongbow again. Nothing at all jerky about this one. Very smooth and suddenly there's Trollkiller furr-covered body everywhere. In particularly, he's nibbling along Strongbow's jaw, but there's so very _much_ of him that it may be hard to keep track of what's whose, and where. Strongbow remains tense, hunter's posture not in the least able to find a fathomable reaction. His hands struggle to find their way out of the mass of fur and tangle in more of it; he tilts his head back, at once dropping his chin, trying to cover his throat and get his jaw out of the way of that nibbling. Generally unsuccessful and ineffective at that, he sends. Rillwhisper grins, and in a beat seems to change whatever tactic she had in mind. She doesn't move, though, and waits to see if she'll have to rescue her friend again. Rillwhisper watches her younger mate with some amusement -- that -does- look fun -- but she's eyeing Strongbow, too, alert for any signs of when he's had too much play. Trollkiller is suddenly much less around Strongbow. ** Okay, then. Wanna wrassle instead? ** Rillwhisper, having gotten that sign, then, steps back a bit. Woodhawk smiles a bit, and rises, and slips off northward. Woodhawk vanishes northward into the trees. Woodhawk has left. Trollkiller pages: ** ? ** Strongbow's jaw clenches, and for a moment, he looks as though he might flee. Without a word, he makes his choice, though, one curt nod, eyes darkening and clearing. You locksend ** Think Talek needs somebody to explain it to him, and Rill doesn't want to leave Strongbow. ** to Trollkiller. Rillwhisper hmmmms, and gets out of the way, then, leaning back against the Old Willow's bulk. Trollkiller pranches into something like a wrasslin' stance, and whrufs. Hop hop hop. Strongbow lowers his stead a little, tensing his arms into a grappling stance, and shifts a little to one side. Trollkiller rrrs out loud and tries to lean into the grapple. He's got bulk, and he's quick, but his footpads keep sliding, just a tad. He adjusts his stance, and tries to put more of his height into it. Rillwhisper watches, with interest and a hint of worry. Her mate claims the archer's not that fragile -- and she trusts Trollkiller's intuition. But she also trusts what Strongbow's sent and shared with her, and she's not as certain of Trollkiller's claim. Waiting to see what will prove out, she watches as the two elves begin their wrestling. Trollkiller whips forward with one leg, swiping at Strongbow's left leg. He misses, and hops backward, wobbling briefly. Hop hop hop. Strongbow keeps his ground quite well, bare feet getting a bit more of a grip than his booted ones would. He stalks forward, eyes narrowing, echoing the rrr back in his own throat. His weight is slight, by comparison at least, but he has good footing and some entirely irrelevant ferocity invested, and with that, he puts his weight against the other, trying to get a good handhold. Trollkiller flips his arms around, trying to avoid Strongbow's grab - or rather, trying to avoid getting grabbed in a bad position. He return-grabs for Strongbow's arms, still going with his height. Strongbow ducks his head, trying to drop lower than that height will allow reach, and hesitates long enough to get one arm caught before leaning forward under the other elf's arms. Trollkiller HRRF! and tries to flip around, going aside-over (or trying to), rather than trying to pull backwards. Strongbow follows, having very little to use against momentum, and being rather tangled by the arm. He fights to get his center of mass back over his feet somewhere. Rillwhisper's green gaze flicks back and forth, following the movement of limbs and shoulders, furred ones versus leathered. She suspects she knows how this'll end -- after all, the archer'd been barely eating all Whitecold. Her nose wrinkles a bit. How _had_ Moonshade kept him from keeling over? Or had she? Trollkiller flips backward, breaks free, but almost falls over of his own accord. He slips free, and hop hop hop. Trollkiller pants. Strongbow gets to his feet, backing up a ragged pace, glowering at his opponent with determination. He puts his arms out in the grapple again, circling this way, then that. Trollkiller pants, and leans forward to meet Strongbow, trying to use his weight this time, not falling for that damn run-other-me-and-make-me-flip-over stuff again... Rillwhisper leans forward slightly, intent on the mock-combat. Strongbow races forward, closing the gap to meet Trollkiller, going low again. Trollkiller whuufu! and has his legs fly out from underneath him. Trollkiller whumf!s against the ground - well, partly the ground, partly the Strongbow, bouncing off Strongbow as he goes down. He tries to roll and Strongbow goes flipping by. Strongbow oofs as he hits the ground, and oofs harder as Trollkiller's weight hits him. He rolls, as best he can, with the momentum transferred to him by Trollkiller's movement, and comes up into a small crouch, panting, a single bead of sweat rolling down the side of his face. Rillwhisper studies Strongbow. Is he tiring? She's worrying he might be, but she doesn't stop him from continuing. This might be a kind of healing, after all. And his body surely needs the activity. Strongbow's self-caused undernourishment shows less in his tiring than with the speed that bruises are starting to show along the side of one arm and on one knee. Trollkiller is panting like, well, a hot, furry wolfling. He rolls and flops over onto his back. Trollkiller rolls back up into something vaguely looking-up-like. ** Okay. ** ** That's one for you. ** Strongbow shakes his head once, keeping his crouch low, thinking, one which? Trollkiller gets back up. Hop hop hop. Not as well now, though. Crouch. Strongbow circles a little, trying a different tack, without the grapple this time. He shifts, side to side, waiting. Trollkiller hop hop hop, back and forth, side to side... Trollkiller lunges! forward, heading apparently right at Strongbow. Strongbow leans forward, rising a bit to better lodge himself in place. Trollkiller whips by Strongbow, grabbing his left arm. He spins 'round behind him, tipping Strongbow down and forward, along the direction he'd leaned, using his grip on the archer's arm to destablize him. Strongbow twists, succeeding only in giving his arm a burn against Trollkiller's fur. He falls onto his back at a bit of an angle with a heavy *hurrf.* Trollkiller catches himself and doesn't quite follow Strongbow down. Ki-yi-yi-yi-no-splat! Trollkiller pant pant pant and sits down for a second. ** And one for me. ** Strongbow sits up after, perhaps, just a moment too long, wincing a bit. ** Match, ** he says, rubbing a new bruise on his other arm, breath coming a bit too shallowly. Trollkiller collapses, sprawled out. ** Good. ** Trollkiller rolls over anyway. ** That was fun. ** Trollkiller licks Strongbow's arm. ** Salty. ** Rillwhisper straightens, looking relieved, and she smiles. "Well done!" Strongbow stares at his arm where it was licked, and gets to his feet with a stifled wince. Rillwhisper looks up at the archer and says mildly, "You should _really_ rest, now..." Trollkiller sends openly ** Hey! Wait! Lookit what Sweetleaf got me. Oh, hold on. ** ** Trollkiller dashes into the Old Willow - well, flops is more like it - and almost instantly returns with a smallish, but clearly pretty ripe, pomegranate. Trollkiller sends openly ** Lookit! He made them grow! ** Rillwhisper ahs, and grins at Trollkiller's treasure. "They're from Sorrow's End, have you seen them before, archer?" Trollkiller carefully rips back the skin. Inside are eights of eights of eights of little purple pips, about the size of corn kernels. ** He says in a couple more generations, they'll be able to grow around here without help. ** Strongbow looks at the fruit, holding his side a little. ** What _is_ it? For dye? ** Trollkiller picks out one of the pips, which comes away cleanly. ** No, it's for eating! They pop inside your mouth. ** He tosses one of the little purple things into his mouth ** Trollkiller picks a few out for Strongbow. ** Taste 'em, they're sweet and very wet. ** You locksend ** High Ones know he needs the food! Hope he likes 'em... ** to Trollkiller. Strongbow takes them and looks at them skeptically. Rillwhisper reaches up and scarfs a few pips and eats them herself. She winks at Strongbow, encouragingly. Strongbow puts them in his mouth and munches. Swallowing, he nods. ** Overstretched berries. ** Trollkiller pops about an eight of 'em into his mouth. ** Pop pop pop! ** Strongbow closes his eyes and takes his hand from his side. ** I think...I'm for rest. ** Trollkiller sends openly ** I got some jerky inside, too. It's weird, but filling. I learned that from... um... ** Trollkiller thinks. Rillwhisper steps to Strongbow, and smiles to him softly, "Where do you want to sleep?" Trollkiller sends openly ** I forget. But it's tasty. Very unlike meat, but doesn't leave you feeling all empty in your stomach when you're done. I think he should sleep with me! ** You sense in a locksend, Strongbow ponders that a moment, but only just that, mind filling with the picture of the little den. His thoughts linger with the scents left there, and the pile of leathers left behind. After a few moments, he finds words, a bit strained. ** I will...go home soon. ** Rillwhisper giggles lowly, and waits for Strongbow's reply, silently noting his awkward stance and hoping he's not going to be as sore on the morrow as she suspects. At a sending, the giggle subsides, and her gaze gentles. Strongbow looks at Rillwhisper for a moment, then over at Trollkiller, a bit of a sparkle in his gaze for a breath's span. You locksend ** As you wish... ** to Strongbow. Trollkiller grins with half his mouth. ** Well, I do. I like sleeping with everybody. Almost. ** "Everybody," Rillwhisper points out wryly, "wouldn't fit in our den." Trollkiller sends openly ** Well, yeah, so we just need a bigger den. ** Strongbow looks wearily at Trollkiller. ** And this everybody is tired. Good wrestle. ** He steps a bit away, toward the copse, nodding slightly to Rillwhisper. Trollkiller sends openly ** G'day! ** You sense in a locksend, Strongbow assents, gently. Rillwhisper smiles earnestly. You locksend to Strongbow, Rillwhisper queries, lightly, whether you want her with you now. Trollkiller looks around. ** Oh! Wait! ** He grabs some jerky from inside the tree, and tosses it to Strongbow. Strongbow flinches, but catches it, sending quiet thanks. Trollkiller pops more pomegranate pips into his mouth. ** Now, where'd that -other- particularly stunning elfboy go? ** You sense in a locksend, Strongbow sighs inwardly, and tries several times to start a send, but finally settles for an image: himself curled in the den, cuddled to the leftover leathers. It's not a picture without you in it...but it's not one with you there, necessarily, either. Rillwhisper's smile doesn't fade. You locksend ** Go rest, soul-brother. And if you need me... I'm only a send away, alright? ** to Strongbow. Trollkiller locksends ** C'mere, you. Wrasslin' with Strongbow got me worked up, but he's not interested. Get those thighs of yours over here, I wanna lick 'em. ** Trollkiller giggles at his own send. You locksend ** Why don't you come find me, Fuzzy? ** to Trollkiller. Strongbow nods once to Rillwhisper, with a look of thankful weariness, and makes his slightly slow way off to the Starwillow. Strongbow slips into the nearby copse of saplings. Strongbow has left. Rillwhisper chuckles and as Strongbow turns off, grabs her younger mate's arm. "Let's go find 'Hawk." [End log.]