[10/4/96, Underworld. A Council of the Underworld has been called, open to all. (Recommended previous reading: log of a discussion between Shayilbey and Kytek.) Log is from Shayilbey's point of view. Shayilbey, Mistress of Healers, her cousin Preiatam, Troll Master Kytek, his apprentice Shanath, Shayilbey's neice Bricchana (spoofed by Kytek with permission regarding her vote), Kylia, Lord Corinthi, and a number of trolls in attendance.] ---------------------- Council Hall(#2179RJa) This chamber is large enough to make it very difficult to see from one end to the other. But when you look at the walls, much to your suprise, that this is not natural, but was shaped. In the center of the room is a table in the shape of a rectangle with a chair along each side. About the rest of the room, in this area are benches so that people might listen to and observer what is occuring at the table, and so that those at the table can observe the room. This room is lit by baskets of phosphrescent fungi. Contents: Obvious exits: Center of Chamber(CC) Out(S) Corinthi comes in from the south. Corinthi has arrived. Kytek comes in from the south. Kytek has arrived. Ianthine comes in from the south. Ianthine has arrived. Corinthi strides into the council chambers, eyes preoccupied. He nods to Shayilbey. Silent, contemplative, the healer stands behind her chair, thin hands resting still upon the stone of its back. Without looking up from the table to which her gaze is glued, she sends, ** Greetings. ** Corinthi sends openly ** Greetings. ** Corinthi moves to his throne and has a seat, sinking onto the stone wearily. Kytek walks to stand behind his council seat, he sends openly, ** Greetings. ** Quiet and dark as the shadows that never quite go away, Ianthine moves to take a place well out of the way. Shanath comes in from the south. Shanath has arrived. Displeasure is etched in Corinthi's face as he surveys the mostly empty council table. GrayEyes comes in from the south. GrayEyes has arrived. Kytek turns to look up at Corinthi, waiting. Corinthi lowers his head and concentrates for several moments. Cool, eyes pale, Shayilbey's gaze lifts, searching the expression of the Lord, watching his concentration, her own thoughts veiled for the moment. Corinthi is a relatively short elf, with a large shock of snow white hair and noble features. His face is delicate yet sharp, with the focal point of his features being his deep set pale purple eyes. A wise philosopher once said that you can see a man's soul in his eyes. Well, Corinthi is not a man and his soul isn't visible in his exotic eyes, yet at times you can catch a glimpse of his powerful emotions. Corinthi moves with a hesitant grace, like a late blooming athlete, yet at the same time all of his movements are stiff and strained. His sends are brief yet eloquent, and contain the faintest hint of authority. Corinthi is wearing a long royal purple robe with white trimming that perfectly accentuate his eyes. Corinthi sends to the whole tribe ** I, Corinthi, Lord of the Underworld, hereby declare this council to be in session. any Underworlder who has business before this council shall present themselves now, or wait until next turn. ** Kylia comes in from the south. Kylia has arrived. Kylia clumps in, and stands next to a wall. Kytek takes a deep breath before taking his seat, still watching Corinthi. Corinthi looks up then over to the council table, ** I have business to address at this council, but first, do either of you have business? ** Shayilbey lifts her hand to her throat, gaze pained. ** I would...ask that my Lord present his own business...before I request to present mine. ** Her other hand, thin and --trembling? -- pulls back her seat, and she flows into it, watching Corinthi for response. Corinthi's slim white eyebrow arches slightly, then he nods and turns to face the chamber as a whole. He rises slowly to his feet. ** Several turn hence at a former council, I made known my displeasure for Mistress Iliar's lack of interest in council affairs. I also decreed that if she failed to present herself to me, or to this council I would strip her of her seat. She chose to ignore my request. ** Kytek turns to Shayilbey as she sends. Kytek locksends ** Do not worry Shayilbey. Things are going according to my plans. ** Ianthine looks rather thoughtfully between Healer and Lord, dark gaze resting on the one before coming to rest fully on Corinthi. Still she watches, quiet. You locksend to Kytek, Shayilbey's send is gentle, pained. ** I know. It is that very thing that aches. ** The healer nods gently, gaze drifting appropriately over Iliar's empty seat. Corinthi frowns slightly, ** I have been left with no choice. I hereby declare that Iliar is no longer the Mistress of Rock. By next turn's council this body shall seat another in her place. ** Kytek nods slowly turning to look up to listen to the Lord. Corinthi sends openly ** Any objections? ** Shayilbey shakes her head, dropping the hand from her throat to rest upon the table's smooth stone. Corinthi's eyes slowly move from elf to elf. Kytek sends openly ** I do not object. ** You locksend ** I shall...have to ask him to step down. ** to Kytek. Kylia says nothing, having nothing to say. Kytek locksends ** I myself would ask it of him. But he would not listen to me, I'm afraid. ** Corinthi nods, ** Very well. This matter with Iliar also sets me ill at ease. Master of Trolls, you shall run an investigation as to Iliar's whereabouts. Find her Kytek, with your brother gone, I want another powerful rock shaper close. ** You locksend to Kytek, Shayilbey sighs softly, her mind's voice a little hurt. ** I shall do it. ** Kytek slowly nods up to Corinthi, ** I will do my best, my Lord. ** Corinthi nods, ** I expect no less. Your family has always been most capable. ** The healer's pale green gaze returns to the Lord, and she nods her agreement, a faint smile touching the corners of her mouth. Kytek doesn't smile at Corinthi's praise, just a simple nod of the head. Corinthi considers for a moment, ** The Vizier is still on his journey, I hope he shall return in the next few turns. ** Shayilbey looks away from Corinthi, mouth becoming a thin line, but if she has an opinion on the matter, speaks it not. The audience of shadows continue to observe, still and silent. Corinthi looks to Shayilbey, ** My business is concluded for the moment. All else must wait. Please proceed. ** Kytek slowly turns his gaze to Shayilbey, waiting. A tall, disturbingly lovely female returns your gaze, looking first at you... and then through you. Shayilbey's shockingly pale green eyes almost blend into her pale blue-tinted skin. Her straight white hair is cropped short and wafts out from beneath her black hooded cloak, which is pulled close about her and clasped at the neck with a light silvery chain. Beneath her cloak, a pale green gown hides her feet. Her hands illustrate her words as she speaks in subtle, shadowed motions, but her glinting eyes never leave the mark of her interest. Rising from her chair in a soft rustle of gown and cloak, the healer nods. She lifts one hand to her throat and, as if by conscious afterthrought, drops it once more to her side. ** My Lord, ** she murmurs, clear and without her customary wry smugness, ** has determined the absence of one of our Councilmembers need enough to remove that one from that seat. ** Corinthi nods slightly. ** I concur to this judgement on the basis that the Mistress Iliar had not been present to do her work...to serve our people. ** Shayilbey pauses, her hands fluttering meaninglessly at the hems of her cloak for a moment, then stilling again. ** Because she no longer served. ** Corinthi crosses his arms, regarding the Mistress with a cool, calm gaze. Shayilbey looks from member to member; Trollmaster to his apprentice, to the dark shadowy form in the back, to Kylia, to the small assembly of trolls and, finally, to her Lord, where her gaze locks, pale. ** What it means to serve our people, to be what they need in Mistress, Master, or Lord...grows dim in memory. ** A slight, rarely seen smile crosses Corinthi's lips. A smile of understanding, not happiness. To your eyes only, her pale green gaze is for a second apologetic -- the moment passes, and her gaze is cool, almost cold, again. The healer nods once, eyes closing and reopening with the gesture, registering Corinthi's own smile. ** I would ask that Council take a chance to remember what it means to serve our kin and caverns. I call for our Lord Corinthi to step down. ** Corinthi lowers his head slightly at the announcement although no surprise cross his features. Corinthi locksends ** In favor of whom? ** Shayilbey remains standing, gaze moving from her lord to the others in the room, fleeting, remaining on no one for long. No shock registers in Kytek's face. He turns to look at the Lord, watching his reaction. Kylia listens, folding her arms over her chest. You locksend to Corinthi, Shayilbey's send is soft; something in it pained. ** If it pleases those presnt, I will serve. If it pleases them to choose another, another will be chosen. ** Corinthi looks up then over the room, ** The Lord of the Underworld has absolute authority, and has held such for all of memory. The Council merely serves to advice the Lord, and to share responsibility. I have been called to step down as Lord, but cannot be forced to do so. Who here shares Mistress Shayilbey's feelings? ** Shayilbey smirks, despite herself, at the word 'feelings,' and steps aside a bit to rest one hand on the back of her chair, fingers tapping soundlessly upon the stone. Kytek slowly stands, ** I Master Kytek, share Mistress Shayilbey's feelings. ** Corinthi nods to Kytek, then looks out to the audience. Kylia steps forward as well, still silent. Corinthi's jaw clenches then unclenches. ** A living lord cannot leave the Underworld leaderless, If I should step down, Mistress Shayilbey has voiced an interest in filling the role, although in all truth the actually position of Lord would proceed to Rhentagoth. I will not have Rhentagoth as Lord of these caverns. ** Shayilbey nods her agreement to that statement, carefully expressionless. Bricchana also steps forward, ** I share Mistress Shayilbey's feelings as well. ** A slow smile forms on Kytek's lips, ** I agree with you Corinthi. We do not need my brother sitting on the that seat. ** Corinthi looks to the throne as if for inspiration, ** Vlashinti was a fine Lord until someone killed his bride...and I know whom that someone was, even if I have never been able to prove it. ** He looks back to Kytek, ** Such Loyalty. ** The healer's eyes close. ** My Lord. I would not...speak of it...here. ** Corinthi's eyes flash to Shayilbey, ** Would you not Mistress? I am unsurprised, you choose your moments well. The Lord is appointed by a unamimous vote of Council. Would you support Shayilbey as lord, Kytek? ** Kytek nods his head to Corinthi's send, ** Yes, I would. ** Shayilbey's eyes open and lock on Corinthi, blinking a little. Faintly hurt, the Healer locksends. ** I _miss_ my Lord Vlashinti _and_ his Lady. I would not speak of pain here. There is enough ache in Council for now. ** Corinthi's mind is icy and closed. He doesn't respond. Shayilbey looks away from Corinthi to Kytek, expression chilling to unreadable. ** I would ask those others who have seen fit to join Council for their words. ** She looks into the shadows, and at those watching. Preiatam has arrived. Shanath looks up quietly, ** In my opinion, I believe that Mistress Shayilbey would be a proper Lord.. ** Corinthi stands beside the huge stone throne, looking down upon the assembly in silence. Kylia nods, a low send-growl revibrating... ** Mistress Shayilbey for Lord.... ** Preiatam stands in his position, glancing at each speaker in turn. Corinthi nods slightly at the last send, ** My family has long been known for it's honor, dedication, hard work. We are scholars, artisans, storytellers...but it would seem that at least I am a poor leader. I was so busy worrying over the surface dwellers and other known threats, that I failed to keep a close eyes on those I considered friends. I too think Shayilbey would make a fine lord...if she is foolish enough to take the burden. You have all called upon me to remove myself from the throne, and wish to appoint the Mistress of Healer's in my stead...what choice do I have? I am no tyrant, which is perhaps why I make a poor lord. Very well. As my last act as Lord, I hereby remove Rhentagoth as my second and appoint him Master of Rocks, should he ever return from the surface. Shayilbey is now Vizier of the Underworld. ** Corinthi turns to the council, ** Do you object? ** Shanath shakes her head slowly in responce. Shayilbey nods approval, silent. Kytek look over to Shay, then up to Corinithi, ** I.. I do not object. ** You locksend to Corinthi, Shayilbey tosses another send your way, yet expecting it to bounce off of ice -- a send of gratitude, wordless, true. Corinthi turns away from the council and to the throne. He then lowers his head and concentrates. Corinthi sends to the whole tribe ** I, Corinthi, Lord of the Underworld, do hereby rescind the throne and all of the Priviladges thereto. I shall no longer be Lord of the Underworld. By the laws of Sucession, the Vizier shall now step into the role. Vizier Shayilbey is now the Lord of the Underworld. Long may she riegn. ** ** Corinthi reaches back behind his head and draws the hood of his robe up and over. He steps down of the Throne Dias and heads out into the Audience. Kylia doesn't really react, having said what she had to say. She is not happy, nor sad... maybe bored, but not too much. Kytek watches as Corinthi moves to the audience vacating the throne. His gaze, slowly turns to Shayilbey, waiting. A group of trolls peek into the room at times, silently watching the elves council. They can't hear the sendings, but they can guess by the mocements what's happened. Shayilbey closes her eyes for a moment, alone in a breath's span of thought. When she opens her eyes once more, her expression takes on a grim smile, determined. Footsteps silent but for the rustle of her gown and cloak, she steps around the table to the dias, taking a place at the great chair -- though not within it. Her fingertips brush its surface. ** Kin and caverns, ** she sends, with clarity. ** Council and People. I welcome this chance to serve you, and will soon await your words regarding how best I may do so. ** Preiatam watches Cor and shrugs. ** First, however, ** the Healer continues, gaze warming slightly, ** I must set order to Council, which has been tumbled by this day. A seat is empty, and I lack a Vizier. ** After a while, the trolls get bored and wander back to the Troll Pit. Corinthi takes his seat in an isolated corner as any commoner. He sits with his head bowed, features hidden. ** I have solutions to these problems, that I wish to offer to the Council and the Audience. ** Shayilbey smiles softly, lifting a hand to gestire welcomingly to Kytek. ** I would first choose, as my Vizier, Kytek. ** Kytek looks up to Shayilbey, expectantly. Kytek nods to Shayilbey. ** It will be my privelage to serve as your Vizier. ** Corinthi locksends ** Permission to address the Council, my lord. ** Shayilbey drops her head in a nod, and calls out, ** Corinthi will address the Council. ** Kytek turns to look over to Corinthi. Preiatam rests his gaze on Corinthi. Kylia turns to consider the ex-lord. Corinthi rises slowly to his feet, face still masked by his hood. His send is cool, ** I must voice my objection to your choice, My Lord. Vizier was a position chosen by the people, thus when you were earlier appointed, had anyone objected I would have been force to rescind my statement. Earlier when I mentioned that Garado was a very capable family, I did not quite finish me thought. They are very capable of threachery, cruelity, and evil. While this may aid Master Kytek in his duties of Master of Trolls, it will make him a poor Vizier. ** Kytek turns to look up at Shayilbey, ** May I speak? ** Shayilbey cannot help a slight smile, and indeed even nods to Corinthi's observation. ** This I know. ** She turns to the trolls and, quietly, continues, eyes upon the collection of grey-green flesh, ** I know also that cruelty can be taught to be kind. I am well capable of this. ** She returns her gaze to Kytek with a cool nod. ** Speak. ** Corinthi sends openly ** I was as yet unfinished, my lord. ** Shayilbey lifts a hand. ** Wait, Kytek, then. ** Kytek nods turning back to Corinthi, waiting. ** Corinthi? ** The healer looks faintly apologetic, and rather more clearly bemused. Corinthi sends openly ** I suggest that the position of Vizier be abolished. The Lord has the Council to provide advice. The chief's second position was an elaborate scheme for Rhentagoth to come to power, and one his Brother seems to be aiming for now. As Lord you have the power and right to remove the position of vizier, and that would be a much wiser course than appointing anyone as your successor. ** Shayilbey folds her arms, measuring Corinthi with her gaze. ** You have said much, Lord. Have you more to say? ** Corinthi's send is soft, ** I am Lord no longer...and am finished in more ways than one. ** He reclaims his seat. Shayilbey arches a brow, a shot of pain streaking through her green gaze. ** Then I recommend Corinthi's claim to the Council and, as Lord, declare it to be. ** She looks longly at Kytek, adding, ** When the Council is whole once more, with a member per each seat, we will review the success or difficulty of the plan, and I will take, at that time, the Council's advice. ** ** Kytek, ** comes the healer's send once more, gentle, fluid. ** Have you words? ** Kytek takes a deep breath, turning to look at Shayilbey. ** My words, ** he shoots a glance to Corinthi, ** are pointless now. ** With that he sits back down. Kytek locksends ** I should have left you in the sand to die, Corinthi. ** to Corinthi. Corinthi locksends ** Yes, I wish you had. ** to Kytek. Kytek turns to look upon Shayilbey, ** If that issue is over, I have another I would like to present to the coucil. ** Shayilbey nods once, simply. ** Go ahead. ** She takes her seat, letting her forearms drape over the arms of the great chair, her form nearly swallowed within it. Kytek pushes himself from the chair, ** As some of you know, or heard rumours of, I have been to the surface recently. Once to see out a punishment to a slave. A second time to make sure he was still there. On the second trip, I met a surface dweller. She was puzzeled as to why I had punished this troll. I told her a little of our history, and of the palace. And to my astonishment, this surface dweller knew the location of the palace. ** Shayilbey lifts one hand to her throat, bemusedly listening, one fine brow arched. Kylia stares, impssivily. Kytek takes a deep breath, before continueing, ** I, with the permission of our -Lord-, would like to visit the Palace of the High Ones. Inspect it, learn from it. ** Shayilbey nods her head once, lifting pale fingers to partially mask a pleased smile. ** This is, of course, an excellent expedition. I assume your learning would be made available for the benefit of all the caverns, Master Kytek? ** Kytek nods slowly, ** Yes. ** ** Then I can only do right to give assent. However, ** the healer continues, sendvoice lifting and lilting a little, hand dropping to the table and fingertips drumming softly upon the stone, ** I must ask that someone be able to serve, temporarily, in your stead as Master of Trolls. Have you prepared for this? ** Kytek looks up to Shayilbey, the look in his eye saying if nothing else goes according to plan, -this- will. ** My cousin, Shanath has been taken under me to study. She will make a fitting Mistress in my stead. ** Shayilbey nods again, unsurprised. ** Excellent. Are there any objections to this plan? ** Her pale gaze travels over the nearly-empty Council table and out into the Audience. Corinthi sits, keeping his thoughts to himself. Kylia remains silent. Preiatam nods his head silently. ** Very well. You shall make ready to travel as soon as you feel the time is right, and notify myself and Council at the time of your leaving. ** Shayilbey rises, and lifts her hands to the room at large. ** There is one thing yet to settle. There is still a seat empty, perhaps more than one. ** Her eyes catch on the empty seat of Waetherslene, but fall and stay upon that one she has just vacated. ** It is my belief that I can speak to Delenbae, and the true Master of Healers will return to us. If it pleases the Council and kin, I would seek him out to that end. ** Corinthi gives no reaction to this news. Preiatam simply watches Shayilbey. Shayilbey smirks slightly. ** Are there objections? ** Kytek looks up slowly to Shayilbey, ** I my lord, object. ** The healer smiles, nodding as if something is precisely correct. ** For what reasoning, Master Kytek? May the Council understand the objection, so that its decision may be better advised? ** Corinthi locksends ** I would like to address when the Master is completed. ** You locksend to Kytek, Shayilbey's sendvoice, smirking, takes on every shade of the bubbling, laughing brook that it can be in closer quarters. **Let Council know when you are finished. Others would speak.** You locksend to Corinthi, Shayilbey's voice is bemused, intrigued. ** As would I. You will be next. ** Kytek slowly sits down into his chair, waving a hand for others to speak. Shayilbey nods at Corinthi, sending wordless assent for him to take the floor. Kytek locksends ** It would be best for you to leave me alone, Shayilbey. ** You locksend to Kytek, Shayilbey chuckles softly. **If the Council moves correctly, the position of Vizier will be shown to be as valued as it would be...if it were not someone the like of Rhentagoth that they associate with it.** You sense in a locksend, Kytek seems to consider your words, ** Still, stay away from me for a while. I am not exectly pleased. ** Corinthi stands, and looks to Kytek. A wave of annoyance is carried with his send, ** Only a fool would turn his back upon a kinsman whom is perhaps the most powerful healer on this world. Delenbae wished to see the world, and you would seek to exile him for that? Unless you can think of another healer of Delenbae's caliber please keep your surface intolerance to yourself and let Shayilbey's greater wisdom rule these tunnels. ** Corinthi sits back down, signaling his completion. You locksend to Kytek, Shayilbey sends intrigued assent. **This I understand. I think this turn will cause our people to trust the Vizier more when the place _is_ filled.** With that, she withdraws. Shayilbey arches a brow, but says nothing yet, looking at Kytek, eyes oddly merry. Preiatam glances at Kytek, an oddly expectant look in his eyes. Kytek brings a finger to rest on his temple, as the other two rest above his lip. ** I could not find another with his power, so there for, I shall let Shayilbey's infinate wisdom rule us. ** His sending is laced with bitterness. The healer's lips purse, eyes a little less merry, but every bit as amused, at that. ** Very well. The Council shall soon be complete; this body will review the presence of Scoutmaster Waetherslene and other Council seats before we reconvene. As my concerns are complete, I wish to open the floor to all and any. Who would speak? ** She lifts her hands and spreads them, welcoming the room, and then sinks into the great chair at her side. Preiatam hides his smirk politely behind his hand. Kylia has nothing to say. What else is new? Corinthi crosses his arms and doesn't send anything openly. Kytek sits in his chair, hand resting where it was before, he does not look please. He sends ** I have nothing else. ** as he continues to glare at the wall. Preiatam shakes his head. He's got nothing to say. Shayilbey nods once, and raises one hand. She tilts her head, thinking a bit, and after that moment, sends to the tribe, ** I declare Council, then, to be closed. I thank those who have seen fit to appear here. ** Corinthi rises to his feet and heads for the doorway. Kylia splits. Kytek continues to sit there in his silent contemplation. Corinthi goes south into the Pillar. Corinthi has left. Shayilbey merely sits in the chair that is now, apparently, hers, watching people leave, impassive and silent. Kylia goes south into the Pillar. Kylia has left. Preiatam continues to stay where he is, quietly glancing at each face left. Kytek hardly moves as he continues to sit in his sit, silently fuming. Like a soft shadow chasing after you, hesitant, Shayilbey sends a slight gratitude, a pang of regret, and a promise to leave you with peace should you wish it. That much sent, wordless, she withdraws. You sense in a locksend, Corinthi's responce is guarded, emotionless. ** Good luck, my lord. ** Kytek turns his head slowly to glance at the trolls gathered, "Get back to the pits, slaves." StoneGrip runs off... Kytek watches as the last run off, turning to look back where he was before. Kytek slowly stands. Quickly and violently he brings a fist crashing onto the table top, before stalking out of the council chamber. ** If you need me, I will be with the trolls. ** Kytek goes south into the Pillar. Kytek has left. Preiatam's pale eyes follow Kytek for many long mements and then they flicker back to the new 'Lord' sitting on her throne. Shayilbey startles at Kytek's sudden departure, and sighs, searching the room, green gaze wandering. ** So, ** she murmurs, half to herself, ** It begins again. ** Preiatam gazes at Shayilbey, saying nothing. Kytek locksends ** I will be making plans to leave as soon as possible. GrayEyes will accompany me on the journey. ** You locksend to Kytek, Shayilbey startles slightly, having been, apparently, deep in thought. ** I wish you the best, and look forward to the knoweledge you will retrieve. Send the troll back if you wish others to follow you. ** You sense in a locksend, Kytek sends with a slight sarcastic undertone, ** As you wish, my lord. ** You locksend to Kytek, Shayilbey does not take the bait and replies, in perfect harmony, ** I will inform Council. ** With a soft sigh, Shayilbey finally gets to her feet. ** Kytek will travel soon, ** she tells the chamber, and drifts out, silent but for her gown's swirling about her ankles. [End log.]