Log Date: 8/5/99 Log Cast: Kesya, Tance, Glaeres Log Intro: News surpassing any of Tance's wildest dreams has come to him during his latest stay in the Infirmary. Near-fatally wounded yet again by the same claim responsible for his prior stay on Level 12, Tance has discovered that for the past three years the woman he loves has not been dead -- but rather has been in a coma in a private ward, and the Chief Meditech, Quinn Maloret, had deliberately lied to Tance about Kesya's status in order to keep him from unnecessarily grieving. At any other time, Tance might have been incensed at this deception. But as it's happened, he's been kept under sedation to keep him resting quietly as long as he's recovering from the nasty injury he's received, and so the simple fact that Kesya is alive has dominated his consciousness... at least, what consciousness he's been allowed. He hasn't had any energy left over to be angry... until, at least, he's realized that he's been kept sedated... ---------- Short Term Care This area is dedicated to fixing minor emergencies, such as broken bones and severed fingers. Medical cabinets on the walls are filled with bandages, ointments and medicines. The gleaming white walls help to sooth anxious nerves while providing medics with bright light to work by. The room has a sterile, antiseptic smell. Movable gurneys can be used to transport an injured Guild member from place to place. There is a button next to each bed that can be used to summon medical help. Tance is checked into bed one, and Katya is checked into bed two. It hasn't been all that long since a certain green-skinned Singer's return to the living, but the few weeks have been busy indeed. Convincing Tance he wasn't daydreaming or hallucinating was one thing... re-learning to walk was another. But now, as Kesya makes her way delicately into the room, it's evident progress has been made on both counts, her steps stronger, if perhaps a tad unsure. The woman's frame is still far too gaunt -- a strong wind would blow her over -- but her smile is bright as she lays eyes on her fiancee. "G'morning." It hasn't been all that long, perhaps, but for Tance, the time has passed mostly in a dreaming daze -- courtesy of the brew that the medics decided to pipe into his system to make sure he actually stays off his feet long enough to heal this time. So CS Vokrim isn't exactly sure how long he's been down in the Infirmary for this round. What he does know is that he's awakened today (morning? afternoon? night? he's not sure of that either) with a clearer head than he's had in some time. And that there's an IV sticking into his arm. Disgruntled by this, he's been trying to figure out how to make the thing detach for the last half hour. Kesya's voice, however, makes him look up, alertness in his dark eyes for the first time in days. And he just pauses, staring at her, emotion visibly flooding his face. It takes him a few seconds before he blurts huskily, "Hi..." Kesya's own silver-blue eyes warm as her beloved speaks, as she recognises a gaze free of sedatives. "They must've decided you're better," the green-skinned singer says, a fond smile quirking her lips as she makes her slow, deliberate way toward Tance's bed. Slow and deliberate, but completely unaided, too. Concern tinges her gaze then, her brows creasing a little. "You're feeling alright?" Tance begins to sit up as Kesya hobbles to his bedside, dislodging the sheet and blanket over him enough to indicate that he is currently Infirmary-gown-free; his shoulders and his chest are bare. "I'm fine," he replies unthinkingly, far more of his thought processes seized by the changed look of the woman before him than for his own condition. "You?" Kesya Although taller than most women at 5'9, it is Kesya's exotic colouring that makes her stand out in a crowd, and marks her as native of Taal'en. Her skin is a deep forest green, though more creamy in appearance than most because of the Human blood in her background -- also evident by her silvery-blue eyes, which lack the slits commen to most Taal'en natives. Thick sea-green hair frames her narrow face in loose waves, softening her sharp features, and is done in small braids that gather at the nape of her neck. She has a quick and friendly smile, her small teeth appearing sharp and stark white against her dark skin. Her frame is willow-thin, her delicate bones giving her something of a childlike appearance were it not for the lithe way she carries herself. Her voice has a musical lilting quality to it, perhaps from the Taal'en trill that hasn't quite faded from years on Ballybran. Kesya seems to have lost weight. A lot of weight. Her rake-thin form is draped in the sturdy black fabric of the standard Guild shipsuit, the Heptite Guild black dodecahedron visibly prominent above the left breast pocket. Frankly, the outfit probably looks more filled out on a hangar than on Kesya, her gaunt cheeks a frank reminder of how long she's been inactive. Silver dolphins twine about the ring finger of her left hand, the body of one flanked in black crystal, the body of the other rimmed in green. Tiny fragments of deep blue form each creature's visible eye. Well now, that's a pleasing sight. Tance may be bandaged from the chest down, but nobody could ever argue that what's still visible isn't darned good-looking. Kesya pauses a moment to eye her beloved's lean frame, a small smile quirking her lips. She's evidently in good humour today, no doubt from being able to move about under her own power for once. And as odd as that smile seems beside those gaunt cheeks, she does seem stronger. "Getting there," she replies, turning to perch beside Tance on his bed. "Soon I'll be able to go to the Ranges. Which is good, because that black crystal isn't enough to keep my resonance from dropping." "I'm coming with you," is Tance's immediate response. His weathered features tighten up with a bit of effort as he finishes sitting up; indeed, as the sheet drops away, it can be seen that his middle is still securely bandaged. "Just gotta get outta bed. Musta taken off the cast when I was dozin'. You clear to fly? I-I don't, uh, I don't know if they still have your sled, but I got room in the Meggie now, we can take mine...." His eyes never leave Kesya, though, and once he starts talking the words begin to bubble out of him like wine out of an uncorked bottle. "I did good... found black.... a-a while back. Don't remember when. Fixed up my sled, though..." Twiddle. Twiddle. Glaeres Skhail peers out of the corner of her eye at the couple. Twiddle. To her, not much more interesting than her own thumbs, which she continues to twirl. Waiting. Waiting. Impatient. Twiddle. Kesya shivvers a little, and unthinkingly reaches across to the nearest bed to gather the black crystal there into her arms. Come to think of it she does seem a little distracted at times, evidently feelng the pull of the Ranges. But Tance's words certainly aren't lost on her. "I wouldn't go into the Ranges without you, Tance," she assures readily, her fingers warming the crystal to an opaque hue. "And we won't go until you're better... but I hope it's soon." She meets his gaze then, and lifts slender fingers to cup his grizzled cheek. "You going to be my protector out there?" It's a murmured question, almost purred, and she leans her head to rest against that cheek as though for comfort. "Maybe we'll... do good again, and find some black. That'd help." First he'd seen her with clear eyes; now, with his head more or less all together, Tance can't help but catch his breath at the touch of Kesya's green hand to his cheek. The monitor over his bed registers a spike in his heart rate, too, when she leans towards him. One bare arm comes up automatically to curl around her. The other, though, is still attached to that IV, and as Tance feels the slight tug when he tries to move that limb, he grimaces vaguely at it. But he's got enough reach that he can bring that hand up, too... and he just sits there taking in the feel of her, his pulse continuing to pound. _Three years,_ he thinks wildly, _it's been three years..._ What he -says-, though, is a hoarsely rasped, "Sure, honey... I'll protect ya... better this time, I hope..." "You've always protected me, love," comes the murmured reply. Her nose wrinkles then, and she rubs one temple across Tance's shoulder. "I haven't even stepped out of this infirmary in... well, three years. If Quinn'll let us, do you want to give me the tour tonight?" Hope, hope. She's so unfamiliar, this strangely delicate, breakable Jade that needs him now more than she ever has. It's generally been the reverse, before. But she's achingly familiar, too. And that look of hopeful expectation in her eyes as she looks up at him is new too... but somewhat endearing. "It'd be fun," she adds, as though to sweeten the pot. Achingly familiar. That's a good way of putting it. At that small rubbing against his bare skin, Tance's heart races a little faster; IV or no, his arms tighten a bit more about the fragile creature that's sitting here with him. "Sure, honey," he rasps out lowly, forgetting about everything in the room except those limpid blue eyes gazing up at him. "Anything you want..." "What do -you- want?" Kesya pokes at him, her voice raising in a fond, amused note. "You'll have to fill me in on the last three years, you know." What does _he_ want? Tance's chest goes tight and his throat seems to him to close up in instantaneous response to _that_ question; his pulse's rate inches up even more, according to that monitor behind him. Oblivious to it now, raptly fascinated by the changes in his Jade's face and frame, he lifts up a callused hand to gingerly touch her face, her hair. "Better... get outta here before I can get what I want," he rumbles, voice going rather huskier, eyes turning dark with an upswelling of three years' worth of grief and need and loss. Kesya's expression melts at that look, and she curls toward him, her arms wrapping about his shoulders. "I'm sorry love," she murmurs, into his neck. The monitors are beyond her attention too, and it's almost for the good... it doesn't take much for her concern to peak over this individual. She lets out a sigh, warm against his neck, and manages, "I can't imagine... I so wish I hadn't put you through all that." Kesya's form might be different, but her voice is the same, and her smell is the same, and they're both more than enough to call up out of the recesses of Tance's consciousness the memories of dreams of her that have haunted him ever since the fateful trip to Verron IV. Cradling her close, turning his face to breathe in the scent of her hair, the older Singer shivers both in recollection... and unmistakable desire. "Not your fault," he murmurs, instinctively reacting to her apparent frailty with as much confidence as he can muster. "Didn't know. You didn't know. Not your fault, Jade honey..." And he brushes his lips over the top of her head, seeking her green-skinned brow. The woman in Tance's arms can't help but smile as she feels the brush of his lips on her forehead, and she looks up at him with a lingering note of resignation behind that silver-blue gaze. "I know now though... and I'm ever so sorry." Part of her infectious nature bubbles forth then as she pauses, then asks innocently, "Will it make things better if I promise never to die again?" "Things are fine," Tance promptly and dismissively insists, unwilling to delve into any hint of how he'd fallen apart since Kesya's alledged death, determined instead to seize the current moment. His big rough fingers cradle her chin, and as he lowers his mouth to hers he repeats, "Just fine..." With that, then, he's kissing her. It's a good thing Kesya isn't connected to those monitors, for their outputs might've sent the medics scurrying in in a hurry. But for now it's just the two of them, tucked away in their curtain-drawn enclosure, and she's returning his kisses as gladly as he gives them. The first kiss is hesitant and tender at first, as Tance is half-afraid of somehow breaking this slender creature in his arms. But at her obvious ardent reply, he begins to yield to the emotions crashing through him; his next kiss is more passionate, almost giddy... Giddy. Tance, unfortunately, _is_ connected to those monitors. And once his heart rate spikes up over the level at which they'd been programmed to do their thing, the forgotten IV surreptitiously releases a dose into the Singer's bloodstream. At first, Tance doesn't notice, caught up as he is in fusing his mouth to his beloved's. But after a few moments he pauses, lifting his head, confusion beginning to wrestle with the yearning in his expression. Kesya pulls back to eye Tance as he begins to sway a bit, at first assuming the distraction was induced by her, but then clueing in to the fact that there's some other influence acting on her fiancee. Her eyes narrow a little as she regards him, before following the trail of the IV from his arm upwards. "Oh, shards," she mumbles, disappointment fighting resignation on her features. "The medics always have to have last word." Consternation crinkles Tance's features, and he shakes his head vigorously, trying to clear it. "Nnnooo," he growls throatily in protest, lifting up his right hand to rub the back of it across his eyes. It's his right arm that has the IV in it, though, and once more, he registers the slight restriction on his movement. The right hand drops and the left slips off Kesya as he tries to reach for the IV where it's been secured into his bicep, held in there by a clever little locking device preventing it from just being casually yanked out by an irate Singer. "Dammit... karkin' medics... I'm okay..." Kesya reaches frail fingers to fend off Tance's potentially harmful attentions to himself, one hand cupping over the IV where it inserts into his arm. "No, wait! Tance, they must've had this here for a reason... but I'd rather wait a day or two than have you here even longer because we ripped that -thing- out of your arm." As disgusted as she looks with it, she is making some sense. The older Singer grimaces, pawing at the slim circlet locked about his upper arm and trying to turn his limb round to reach the release mechanism. Kesya's fingers stop him, though, before he can quite succeed -- and he lifts a now uncertain, increasingly vague gaze to her. "I don't want to be loopy," he complains plaintively. "Wanna go. Tour, like you said..." Kesya presses her lips, obviously not liking what she's saying even as she says it. "I want to go too. But I know how this stuff works just about as much as you do... which is to say, zilch. What if this is important to your getting well?" She shrugs a shoulder, looking about as helpless as she feels. "I'm okay," Tance insists with as much fierceness as he can muster -- which, at the moment, means those two words come out far more as a sleepy-sounding mumble than the insistent bark he intends. As the room grows a little wavy on the edges of his perception and his thoughts slow down, he unthinkingly drops an arm down to curl around his wrapped torso. "Just a little sore, 'sall. Little itchy... 'mokay...." His head starts to droop forward, then. Kesya stands slowly on legs that answer her commands much the way stilts would -- stiffly and awkwardly. Her arms hold the fluid grace she once had though, and she draws up the thin blanket to drape over her beloved, tucking it under that chin that's now drooped upon Tance's chest. "Sleep, dearheart," she murmurs, barely loud enough for your adapted ears to catch. "The tour can wait." Between the way his senses are blurring around the edges and the soft motions and murmurs of the green-skinned young woman before him, the idea of at least laying back down seems enticing. Tance fumbles backwards, trying to support himself, but soon he's sinking back down into a horizontal position. "Not long," he says dreamingly, the gravelly baritone softening, growing a little warmer. "Don't let me sleep too long, Jade... just a little nap?" "Just a nap," Kesya soothes reassuringly, patting the blanket into place. Thank the Gods she's strong enough now to stand on her own, or she'd be having a close aquaintance with the floor right about now. Her eyes examine the IV, and she finds herself wondering just how long of a nap the thing is set for. "I'll wake you later," she decides. "Later," Tance breathes out absently, eyes drifting shut. The lines of his features smooth out, his expression turning tranquil... and in moments, he is asleep. [End log.]