"Journeying to Lostholt" Log Date: 11/4/01 (Approximate) Log Cast: Wing, Falyeril, Lifefire Log Intro: A trio of elves has set out from the Sun Village on a trip to visit Lostholt. Wing and Lifefire both have blood that hails back to that tribe, though Wing was but a cubling when Lostholt originally burned--and his entire family now lives in Sorrow's End. Lifefire must look to his grandparents and the time of Bearclaw for his tie to the Lostholters. Falyeril, however, is a native Sun Villager and has never laid eyes on the forest before. It promises to be a challenging trip for all three elves.... ---------- Forest Edge The southern edge of the forest along the Great River borders on a green grassy land, open space that intrudes almost to the river's shore in places. The contrast is remarkable, on one side green darkness and on the other sunlit meadowland. The seven stars of Goodtree's Rest fade into the glare of morning as light fills the warm spring skies. Wing crawls out his tent, yawning and stretching. He looks up the sky, seeing the first rays of the new morning slip over the meadowland. He slightly stumbles over the entrance, not used to sleep in tent's. Scratching his neck he mumbles something like "Good morning everyone..." Then he looks up again, pondering. "Hm, we have stayed here for almost a whole day, I suppose we should leave soon, for we are awaited at Lostholt." He walks over to Lifefire, poking him. "I scouted the way a bit, I just know that we need to follow the river. I hope the Zwoot can make it!" Falyeril looks at the zwoot, which seems as strong and stupid as it ever has. Lifefire opens an eyelid and rolls over, "Wake me up when it's dark out." Wing growls deeply, as Lifefire rolls over. "You can play Wolfrider, when we are at Lostholt! We need to travel now, for I am not so used in the nights, as mister I-am-such-a-great-Wolfrider Lifefire might be, and, I know the way, so get up, you can sleep on Stripes back. You almost slept a whole day long!" Falyeril drapes tent over Lifefire's, making it dark inside. Lifefire growls and sits up, "I did not sleep all night and I don't play wolfrider. I am a wolfrider. I went out and hunted with Stripes." He points over to a couple of bird that he caught. "If you are hungry there is breakfast." Lifefire stands up and stretches out. "I never said I was a great wolfrider. I said I was a wolfrider. I know the Way too and live it everyday. My wolf is tired too." Stripes the every /faithful/ companion stands up and looks to be full of energy. Falyeril shrugs, and goes over to clean and cook the birds. Falyeril roasts a birds. Lifefire moves over and takes one of the unroasted bird and cutting it open begins to eat the meat inside. Wing takes one of the unroasted birds too and eats it, pondering and looking into the direction of the forest. Lifefire continues to eat with a grump look on his face as he watches Stripes bound around like a cub. Falyeril bastes the bird on a spit, occasionally throwing some raw bit to the wolf. Stripes catches the thrown raw bits in her mouth and then moves over to tug on Lifefire's pant leg eager to play. Wing looks back to the two elves, a smile on his face. Well, what a band... He just hopes that they will reach Lostholt without any interrupts - may it be humans, a Longtooth, or whatever this... forest... inhabits. He leans back a bit, then he smirks and stands up. He walks over to the Zwoot, watching it and packing up the stuff that lay beside it. He pats it and let it lick his hand, then he walks back to his tent, going to get his stuff out and packing it onto the Zwoot. Meanwhile he gives order to Falyeril and Lifefire. "Be sure that nothing of us will remain here. Neither the firepit, nor conspicious footprints. Nothing shall mark our stay here." Lifefire frowns at Wing, "I have traveled before. I know how to clean up a campsite so it looks like no one has been here." He snorts and goes back to eating. Lifefire finishes striping the meat from the bones, not missing a single peice and tosses the carcass in the bushes. He looks around the camp as Stripes continues to pull on his leg, "Stripes! Stop it!" The wolf whines a little then rushes off to go bother Wing. Falyeril says "What's wrong with her?" Lifefire shrugs, "I don't know. She is just more playful today then normal and I don't feel good." Falyeril looks at his friend, concerned. Lifefire rubs his eyes and shakes his head, "I will be fine." He starts cleaning up the camp. Falyeril looks over at Wing. Falyeril locksends ** Does he seem all right to you? ** You locksend ** No, he doesn't, neither does Stripes... ** to Falyeril. Wing shrugs and has finished with the Zwoot and his stuff. He walks back to the two elves. "Have you finished??" he asks, curiously. Listening to the talk of Falyeril and Lifefire he ponders for a moment. "Maybe it's just because you can't wait till we arrive." He smiles warmly at Lifefire. "My heart is beating faster too, and everytime I breath it prickles on my skin... We'll be alright, you'll see!" Falyeril says "Yes." Lifefire shrugs, "I suppose so." He continues to clean up the camp and looks at Wing, "You can go take down that branch-horn meat that I caught the other night." He points to the bundle hanging from the branches. Falyeril says "Yeah, it's getting a little high by now." Wing nods and smells at the meat. "Well, do you really want to take it with you?" He shrugs and takes it, putting it into a bigger bag. Then he walks over to the Zwoot and takes it - no, he is not going to hang that bag on the Zwoot... "Can we go?" Lifefire smells the meat and nods, "Yes. It should stay good for all little while longer. There isn't much meat left in it and we can eat it on the way." Falyeril shrugs, and gets ready to climb on the zwoot. Lifefire yawns and calls Stripes over. He gives the wolf a playful scratching behind her ears and mounts up. "I am ready." Wing nods and leads the Zwoot towards the river. Forbidden River(South Bank) The south bank of the Forbidden River is low and close to the level of the river. You may easily descend to the edge of the water. The trees are scattered along the bank here, and the scene is fairly open, but still enough brush for cover. You see several trails. The southern trail is the widest, and leads eventually to the caravan road across the desert to Sorrow's End. The eastern trail follows the Great River upstream but along the southern bank to the high plateau and the central plains. Wing stopps the Zwoot. He turns to Falyeril. "Be careful and rarely make a move, we need to follow the trail along the river to the east." Then his words go to Lifefire. "Would you mind if you would scout out the way for us? I'll try my best and help the Zwoot not to slip and fall into the river." Falyeril dismounts to help with the zwoot. From Stripes's back, Lifefire yawns and nods as he unslings his bow and nocks an arrow, "Sure. If you need help send to me. Please be careful with that Zwoot. I worked for a whole moon on the metal items on the zwoot." Falyeril checks the packing straps again, just to be sure. Wing grins and nods, leading the Zwoot to the east. "Aye Aye!" Then he starts to hum a song. Forbidden River Trail River-scent merges with wood-scent here. The trees are erratically spaced, tall and close together to the north and towards the river, but thinning towards the south. In that latter direction, many of the trees seem to be willows of various shapes and sizes, interspersed with dogwood, ash, and yew. The primary trail here is a winding one, running from Sun-Goes-Down to Sun-Goes- Up. A smaller trail darts off into the trees to the southeast. Little space is left for the Zwoot and the two elves, guiding the Zwoot. Well, somehow they manage it not to fall into the river. The sharp watching eyes of Lifefire helps a bit to be more careful. Wing is still humming a song, beeing absolutely impressed by this area. Yes, that is what he always dreamed about. Falyeril is just glad the river crossing is behind them. He's never seen that much moving water that close before. From Stripes's back, Lifefire looks around cautioniously as he scouts out ahead. Occationally he stops and turns Stripes into the wood to investigate something but he comes back with out harm. Wing looks at Lifefire. "What was it?" From Stripes's back, Lifefire shrugs, "Nothing, just thought I heard something following us. Hand me that meat will you." Wing grins and nods, reaching Lifefire the bag on his back. Falyeril says "Pfew! Either that meat's getting ripe fast, or we should have bathed in the river when we had the chance." From Stripes's back, Lifefire opens up the back and toss the meat as far as he can into the forest. There is a snarling heard as Lifefire hands the bag back to Wing. "That takes care of that." Falyeril says "Yow!" From Stripes's back, Lifefire shushes Falyeril. Wing laughs and packs the bag on his back again. Then he grins at both and walks further upstream to the east. You make your way upriver, journeying for many long hours. As you walk, the trees shift subtly around you, and again, you catch sight of several willows. Willowwood Trail The scent of flowing water intermingles with the scents of many trees along this trail. There are a surprisingly large number of willow trees within your view, tall and shapely, their fronds weaving in passing breezes. To the north, through spaces between the trees, you occasionally catch glimpses of the river as you journey. The trail that follows the river is an erratically winding one, and never holds to one direction for long, but at least runs more or less from Sun-Goes-Up to Sun-Goes-Down. Falyeril says "Look at all the trees!" From Stripes's back, Lifefire scouts out the trail before Wing and Falyeril trail. He nods at Falyeril's exclamation and smiles, "Yes they are willowwoods." After long hours of travel they still follow the path at the river. The sun shines high from the sky and the fresh spring air lightens up the three wandering elves. The sunlight shines green through the leaves and Wing closes his eyes from time to time and seems to breath every little particle of the forest into his lungs. "It's so beautiful here! I've never expected that! So it's a pretty hard travel..." He pauses for a second, rubbing his arm. "We should make a little stop here and have a break. I am thirsty." Then he goes up to the Zwoot, grabbing one of the empty waterskins and wanders off to the river to fill it with water. From Stripes's back, Lifefire nods as dismounts from Stripes. Both wolf and elf go over to the river for a drink. "Here hand me some of the waterskins. I will help fill them up." Lifefire says after finishing his drink. Lifefire lands easily on the ground by Stripes. Falyeril drinks some, then helps with the water skins. Wing comes back from the river bank and packs two waterskins unto the Zwoot that is grazing peacefuly. He scratches it softly. "Yeah, that you like, don't you?" He looks to Falyeril and Lifefire, smiling happily and humming that song again. Lifefire hears the humming and puts some words to it, "RRRR! RRRR! The hunters draw their bows! Swiftly running, sharp-horned stag - His death is near, he knows!" Lifefire begins to sing as he fills the skins. Wing sings with Lifefire " Rrrrrah! The darts fly truly! So falls the forest king! We sing the song of plenty... Owwoooo..." Lifefire grins and continues to sing, "Ayooh...Ayooh...The pack has feasted well. Littling cublings snuggle down to hear the tales we tell...Ayooh...of all things pleasant...Your love and warmth are the best. The high ones smile upon us...Owooo...Owoo...Owoo..." Falyeril winces at the howls and tries not to show it. Stripes join in on the last howl. Wing grins and sends, while singing **Are you ready to travel on?** He grins at Falyeril and notices his whining, of course... Sunfolker... Lifefire smiles, ** I suppose I am awake enough know. ** He gives a pat to Stripes as she finishes drinking. Falyeril sends openly ** Let's go. ** Falyeril says "We're lost, aren't we?" From Stripes's back, Lifefire looks at Wing and chuckles. Wing returns from spotting out the way and pants. He angrily looks around and just replies "Okay, we can go on." You jump along the stepping-stones into the middle of the river. Stepping-Stone Bridge A crooked trail of wide, smooth stones joins the two banks of the Great River. The waters gurgle merrily around the rocks, unlike the quieter currents of the Lost River and the Wandering River, further upstream. Falyeril says "Great. How do we get the zwoot accross here?" From Stripes's back, Lifefire grins as Stripes hops from rock to rock with ease, "Very carefuly." Wing grins and replies "Well, we have to go east, I just hope that Zwoot will not behave funny of water..."