"Balancing Acts" Log Date: 11/4/2001 Log Cast: Lifefire, Wing, Falyeril, Tyldak, Savah, Woodlock, Puffyleaf Log Intro: It's the Festival of Flood and Flower, and there the log takes place, blending into the first days of Lifefire's, Faly's and Wing's travel. ---------- Dancing Square A wide paved square surrounded by brightly colored pavilions and canopied platforms. Gaily colored banners and paper lanterns hang from poles at the corners of the square. Playful spring breezes dip to ground level from time to time. The bright light of the spring morning brings warmth and life to the awakening village. A jackwolf moves quietly between the huts. Flowers are exploding into color and life. The village has been decorated for the Festival of Flood and Flowers, gaily colored lamps strung everywhere. Lifefire arrives from the Garden of Shade and Sweet Water, brushing an errant leaf from his shoulder. Lifefire has arrived. Stripes comes up to Wing and rubs against his leg. While Wing goes on to scratch Stripes, he yawns immediatly as Lifefire yawns. "Ohhh +yaaawn+ well, I can't remember..." Falyeril enters the Square, smiling cheerfully. Falyeril says "Good morning! Ready to leave? I'm all packed..." Overhead, Tyldak has left downwards towards Tyldak's nest, flying almost out of sight underneath the bridge. Stripes yawns after Wing does and Lifefire chuckles at the pair, "Can't remember huh? It must have been really good then." Wing grins at Lifefire and nuzzles with Stripes. "Well, I know that it was not her... Zo was there, for sure... at least I hope so." He shudders and grins at Falyeril. "Hi kid, yep, we are going to leave soon." Lifefire smiles as he stretches out. "That's good. I can't wait to get back to the forest. I am as excited as a cub on his first hunt." Wing humms a song and sends **Well, yes... I was a baby-cubling when we fled from the burning forest of our homeplace... I can't remember how it was there, but my parents always locksend with me about that place. I am really excited, and especially excited about my true origin and my relations!** Lifefire nods, ** Yeah, I kinda know how you feel. My grandmother Leafdancer was part of the Lostholt, until she left to recgonize my grandfather. I wonder if any one will remember her. ** Falyeril promptly returns, hauling a large pack, several water skins and wearing his hat. Wing nods to Lifefire, stopping his humming. "Well, I have to get my stuff too, I will send to you both." With these words he disappears into the direction of the huts. Winding Path A gentle winding path, worn smooth by the centuries of loving occupation, meanders among the wind sculpted rock formations of the desert. Here among the guardian stones is the well that sustains the village of Sorrow's End. A sheltering tree grows here with pale leaves adorning it's wide spread branches. There is a stretch of green grass to delight the eye and the small sounds of birdsong and wind rustled leaves to sooth the spirit. Flowers are exploding into color and life. The village has been decorated for the Festival of Flood and Flowers, gaily colored lamps strung everywhere. To the south rises a tall, fortress-like wall, seamlessly merging with the rocks and hills around it. The wall is only partly finished, but already impressive. Though obviously defensive in nature, the sunfolk have painted it in gay colors, and small curlicues have been shaped into the rock, apparently for decoration. You locksend ** Are you ready to leave Sorrow's End? ** to Falyeril. You locksend ** Are you ready to leave Sorrow's End? ** to Lifefire. Lifefire locksends ** I was hoping to win the balancing game championship. ** You locksend to Lifefire, Wing moans. **Against me? Or against everyone?** Falyeril locksends ** Go! Go! Go! ** You locksend to Falyeril, Wing grins and moans with his sending. **Well, Lifefire wants to win the balancing game championship.** Wing stands waiting for Lifefire's response to his question, if he wants to battle him, or all the people from Sunfolks. He seem eager to leave soon. From Stripes's back, Lifefire smiles at Wing and looks him up and down. ** Sure. Why not. You would be a fun challange. ** Wing grins and nods. **Okay, let us go then** Dancing Square A wide paved square surrounded by brightly colored pavilions and canopied platforms. Gaily colored banners and paper lanterns hang from poles at the corners of the square. Playful spring breezes dip to ground level from time to time. In the mellow spring afternoon there are still elves found working in the fields, while others gather near the well or forge to chat. Soft laughter is heard from a hut. Flowers are exploding into color and life. The village has been decorated for the Festival of Flood and Flowers, gaily colored lamps strung everywhere. Lost objects might be found in the stables in the canyon to the north and east. Check the 'placehelp'. Contents: Falyeril Lifefire Stripes Savah Balancing Game Obvious exits: Savah's House Sun-Touchers House Mender's Hut Suntop's House Garden Canopy Boundary Path Crossroads Lifefire grins as he dismounts from Stripes and gives a wave to Savah, "Shade and sweet water Savah." Savah says "Shade and sweet water to you both. I trust you have finished your preparations for travel?" Falyeril arrives from the crossroads, looking around to see who is here. Savah smiles a greeting at the arriving Falyeril as well. Wing follows Lifefire from the back of Stripes and waves at Savah. "Shade Savah. Aye, we are ready to leave just after the contest." He looks over to Lifefire, a bit suspicious and smirking. "Lifefire really thinks he can win..." Savah chuckles. Lifefire nods, "Yep. I loaded up all the metal items I plan to trade or give away." He grins at Wing, "I don't think I can win. I know I can." Woodlock arrives from the south boundary path. Savah smiles in greeting to Woodlock. Lifefire gives a wave to Woodlock. Wing smiles at his father with bright eyes and greets him warmly. Woodlock returns the various greetings he is offered, and goes to embrace his son briefly. "So this is the day. Do you have everything you need?" Wing grumbles at Lifefire. "Well, your feelings mislead you... I will win. Maybe not against everyone, but surely against you." He turns to Woodlock. "Yes, at least I hope so." Lifefire smiles brightly at Wing. "We shall see." Woodlock raises an eyebrow slightly. "Perhaps I should solve your problem by beating both of you at the game." He grins. Lifefire looks the older wolfrider up and down and hmms as the pushes Wing forward a little, "Here is your first challange." Savah touches a finger to her cheek, smiling. "It seems it is time we commenced the games. Wing, Woodlock, do you care to start?" Lifefire chuckles and goes to take a seat to watch the fun. Woodlock nods gravely to Savah, and politely offers Wing to start. Wing phews and nods at his father, climbing on the balancing game. Balancing Game A large, heavy barrel into which two grooves have been cut rests in a circle of small stones. A sturdy pole lies in each groove, and it looks like the barrel is used as a fulcrum upon which the poles can tilt. The barrel has been painted bright green, and decorated with black zig-zags. If you'd like to play the balancing game, get yourself an opponent and have both of you type 'play game'! Only two can play at a time. To learn the rules, type 'rules' and a helpful villager will be happy to explain them. A gaudily dressed Sun Villager leans towards you and explains: "This is the same game used for the Trial of Hand when Rayek challenged Cutter. The large barrel is grooved so that two poles may rest across it. A helper kneels to grasp the ends of both poles. The opponents face each other across the barrel, blindfolded, one foot on each pole and they clasp right hands. The helpers tilt the poles, the barrel rolls, and the game begins. The object is to cause your opponent to touch the ground-- whoever touches ground first, loses. No magic may be used. To begin each player should type 'play game' and then 'hop on poles'. To play, you have two options: You and your opponent may roleplay the entire game, or you may use the random response generator. To play randomly, type 'my turn'. It is suggested that opponents take turns doing this. If the game says you have touched ground, kindly type 'step down' to leave the game because the contest is over. Have fun! You gesture at the game, and two Sun Folk youths approach. One swiftly ties a scarf around your eyes, blindfolding you. You are now blindfolded and ready to play. You your opponent should 'hop on poles'. Puffyleaf has arrived. Woodlock hops nimbly onto the poles set into the grooves of the barrel, ready to play the balancing game. The Sun Folk youths grin, firmly grasping the ends of the poles, ready to start the balancing game as soon as two opponents are prepared. Balancing Game You grip the poles with your toes, straddling the gap, balancing precariously. The poles shift disturbingly beneath your feet, and you crouch, making sure of your balance. Contents: Woodlock You hop nimbly onto the poles fitted into the grooves of the barrel, carefully placing one foot on each pole. From near the game, Savah settles back to watch the first entrants to the competition, smiling a warm greeting to Puffyleaf as she arrives. Wing grits his teeth and yanks at his adversary wildly, side to side , both perching on the tilting poles! From near the game, Lifefire shouts out, "Come Wing!!" He leans over to Falyeril, "He's gonna get the bear fat beat out of him." You locksend ** I heard that! ** to Lifefire. From near the game, Puffyleaf walks into the Dancing Square just in time to notice the ongoing game of balance bars, and claps her hands excitedly. She hops and saunders over to Savah's chair, and dumps herself down by Savah's chair as usual, cheering the participants Lifefire locksends ** Good. ** Woodlock and his opponent pull determinedly, but neither one is dislodged. Wing is yanked off balance by his opponent, and waves his free arm wildly, regaining his equilibrium! Wing sends openly **Phew... that was shooort. Aeck** From near the game, Puffyleaf wolf-whistles to cheer Wing on, sending an impish grin up to Savah to see if the High one caught Wing's excellent recovery From near the game, Savah touches a finger to her lips, perhaps hiding a smile. Woodlock grins. Woodlock gapes in surprise as his opponent lunges forward to push him off! He somehow regains his footing! Wing yanks powerfully, and his opponent is pulled forward but quickly recovers. From near the game, Lifefire calls out, "Come on Woodlock, don't let your cub beat you!!" The poles tilt wildly, and Woodlock takes the opportunity to yank at his opponent--who totters on one foot for a long second before regaining balance! Woodlock says "Not yet, he won't." Wing grins evily and sends **You'll be surprised...** The barrel rolls alarmingly, and both Wing and his opponent crouch, somehow managing to stay on the poles. From near the game, Puffyleaf giggles softly to herself, and pulls her crossed feet under herself to settle in for a nice time entertained by the battle. Woodlock says "Teach an old wolf to gnaw bones, eh?" Woodlock leans back, trying hard to dislodge his opponent, but manages to unbalance himself instead! He shifts his feet quickly, a look of surprise on his face! Wing snickers and nods. Wing suddenly lunges forward, hoping to push his opponent off balance, but to no avail! Both remain on the poles. The poles are wiggled wildly by the Sun Folk youths, and Woodlock teeters on one foot! He hops up suddenly and comes down on both feet, grinning at his amazing recovery! From near the game, Lifefire grins, "Come on Wing. Don't let that old wolf beat you." From near the game, Savah smiles. Wing grits his teeth and yanks at his adversary wildly, side to side , both perching on the tilting poles! From near the game, Puffyleaf gasps softly, covering her face with both hands, peering out through her fingertips to see what outcome that bold manouver on Wing's part will cause. The poles are wiggled wildly by the Sun Folk youths, and Woodlock teeters on one foot! He hops up suddenly and comes down on both feet, grinning at his amazing recovery! Woodlock looks a bit winded. "Looks like we're pretty even." From near the game, Lifefire cheers, "Ayooah Woodlock. Don't let the young pup take you." Wing grins and nods. "Yep, seems as if your pup has grown out of it's paws." Wing is yanked off balance by his opponent, and waves his free arm wildly, regaining his equilibrium! From near the game, Falyeril puts a comforting arm aroudn Puffyleaf's shoulders... Woodlock suddenly lunges forward, hoping to push his opponent off balance, but to no avail! Both remain on the poles. Wing crouches atop the tilting poles, and cleverly takes advantage of his opponent's loss of balance--Wing yanks and his opponent touches the ground! The game is over, Wing wins! From near the game, Falyeril whistles and applauds! Woodlock ooof! Woodlock steps off of the poles onto the ground, quitting the game. From near the game, The Sun Folk youths applaud, grinning approvingly. From near the game, Lifefire howls, "Ayooah Wing. Good job." From near the game, Woodlock shakes his head ruefully, but smiles. "Good work, son." Wing bows and seems quite happy. Lifefire grins and stands up, "Not yet Wing. I want you rested when I beat you." He looks at Falyeril, "Come on." Puffyleaf wowooooooo's happily, clapping her hands and wriggling like a pup Lifefire hops nimbly onto the poles set into the grooves of the barrel, ready to play the balancing game. Lifefire has left. The Sun Folk youths grin, firmly grasping the ends of the poles, ready to start the balancing game as soon as two opponents are prepared. Savah says "And Wing wins the first round. Lifefire and Falyeril, whenever you are ready." Falyeril looks startles. "Me?!" From atop the poles of the balancing game, Lifefire grins over at Faleril, "Come on. You're not scared are you?" Falyeril hesitantly approaches the game. Falyeril hops nimbly onto the poles set into the grooves of the barrel, ready to play the balancing game. Woodlock goes seat himself beside Puffyleaf, with a polite nod. From atop the poles of the balancing game, Lifefire gestures towards the balancing game, and two Sun Folk youths come forward. One quickly blindfolds Lifefire, and then both youths wait expectantly to begin the game. From atop the poles of the balancing game, Falyeril says "Ready when you are..." From atop the poles of the balancing game, Lifefire grins, "I am all set." From atop the poles of the balancing game, Falyeril gapes in surprise as his opponent lunges forward to push him off! He somehow regains his footing! Wing grins at Woodlock, patting his shoulder. "Well, I grew older, didn't I?" From atop the poles of the balancing game, Lifefire and his opponent pull determinedly, but neither one is dislodged. From atop the poles of the balancing game, The poles tilt wildly, and Falyeril takes the opportunity to yank at his opponent--who totters on one foot for a long second before regaining balance! From atop the poles of the balancing game, Lifefire crouches low on the poles and pulls, causing his adversary to overcompensate by leaning back! Lifefire is therefore pulled forward, and both combatants remain on the poles, panting. From atop the poles of the balancing game, Falyeril crouches low on the poles and pulls, causing his adversary to overcompensate by leaning back! Falyeril is therefore pulled forward, and both combatants remain on the poles, panting. Wing sends *Go Go Go!** From atop the poles of the balancing game, Lifefire grits his teeth and yanks at his adversary wildly, side to side , both perching on the tilting poles! From atop the poles of the balancing game, Falyeril's opponent pulls at Falyeril's hand fiercely, but Falyeril stands firmly on the poles. From atop the poles of the balancing game, Both combatants are surprised by the movement of the poles, and they each touch the ground! The game has ended in a draw! Wing moans. From atop the poles of the balancing game, Falyeril says "Not again..." Savah touches her cheek thoughtfully. Well... From atop the poles of the balancing game, Lifefire takes off his blindfold and grins, "It was a good game." It looks like we wil have to go again." Wing let himself drop, moaning and sitting now next to Puffyleaf. From atop the poles of the balancing game, Falyeril mutters, not sure whether to be glad he didn't lose or worried about having to go again. Woodlock nods agreement to Wing, then chuckles at the sudden end to the game. From atop the poles of the balancing game, Lifefire gestures towards the balancing game, and two Sun Folk youths come forward. One quickly blindfolds Lifefire, and then both youths wait expectantly to begin the game. Savah says "Another turn is in order, I believe." From atop the poles of the balancing game, Lifefire smiles, "I am ready." From atop the poles of the balancing game, Falyeril sighs and resumes the position. Puffyleaf grins to wing, and settles back to watch the next game, fully aware that she must soon depart to watch over her friend's cubs for the evening From atop the poles of the balancing game, Lifefire grins, "I am going to beat you this time." From atop the poles of the balancing game, Lifefire is caught off-guard by his opponent's yank, and his foot touches the ground. The game is over! Lifefire has lost! Lifefire steps off of the poles onto the ground, ending the balancing game. The Sun Folk youths applaud, grinning approvingly. Wing laughs at Lifefire. "Really good turn, Lifefire" Savah says "A win for Lifefire... possibly. Lifefire, would you care to try again, with Puffyleaf?" Puffyleafperks up, her heart shaped little face all aglow with mischief " Oh yeyes, let's!!" she howls, getting up on her feet in her urual bouncy manner. Lifefire smiles at Puffyleaf, "Sure. It will give Falyeril a chance to rest." Puffyleaf bounces, clapping her hands happily, brushing dirt off her skirt as she approaches the balancing poles Savah says "Lifefire and Puffyleaf, then. When you are ready." Lifefire hops nimbly onto the poles set into the grooves of the barrel, ready to play the balancing game. The Sun Folk youths grin, firmly grasping the ends of the poles, ready to start the balancing game as soon as two opponents are prepared. From atop the poles of the balancing game, Lifefire gestures towards the balancing game, and two Sun Folk youths come forward. One quickly blindfolds Lifefire, and then both youths wait expectantly to begin the game. Puffyleaf hops nimbly onto the poles set into the grooves of the barrel, ready to play the balancing game. Puffyleaf has left. From atop the poles of the balancing game, Lifefire smiles at Puffyleaf, even though he can't see her, "I am ready." >From atop the poles of the balancing game, Puffyleaf greets Lifefire with a nod, asking quietly "So, who starts?" Stripes leaves the dancing square, heading for the peaceful cool green of the Garden of Shade and Sweet Water. Woodlock murmurs excuses, slipping away for a little while. Woodlock heads for the shelter of the canopy. From atop the poles of the balancing game, Puffyleaf crouches atop the tilting poles, and cleverly takes advantage of her opponent's loss of balance--Puffyleaf yanks and her opponent touches the ground! The game is over, Puffyleaf wins! From atop the poles of the balancing game, Puffyleaf eeeks! Oh goodness! High ones! " Oh I am sorry Lifefire, High Ones knows I did not mean to tilt you off so soon!" Savah laughs softly, and applauds. "Now that was the quickest game yet." From atop the poles of the balancing game, Lifefire oof as he hits the ground. "It was a good game." Lifefire steps off of the poles onto the ground, ending the balancing game. Puffyleaf hops off the poles, looking more than a little befuddled " I won?" She says, looking like she can't quite believe her luck. She walks over to Lifefire, petting his shoulder Savah smiles to Puffleaf, and considers. "Perhaps we should see who is the best of our winners so far. Wing and Falyeril, are you ready for a new try?" The Sun Folk youths applaud, grinning approvingly. Puffyleaf smiles back to Lifefire " Thank you, friend" Falyeril nods, looking serious for a change. Falyeril hops nimbly onto the poles set into the grooves of the barrel, ready to play the balancing game. The Sun Folk youths grin, firmly grasping the ends of the poles, ready to start the balancing game as soon as two opponents are prepared. Lifefire nods, "Your welcome." Lifefire smiles at Puffyleaf, "Good job." Puffyleaf seats herself back next to Wing, her complete attention on the next set of combattants From atop the poles of the balancing game, Falyeril grins and winks at Puffuleaf Wing smiles at Puffyleaf. "I guess it is my turn now... so I am not sure." You hop nimbly onto the poles fitted into the grooves of the barrel, carefully placing one foot on each pole. From near the game, Puffyleaf grins as Falyeril winks, and shakes her curly head a little " I still can't believe I won like that, it does not feel quite..right" she murmurs to Wing Falyeril says "REady?" Wing says "Okay, let this game get started, Faly!" Falyeril's foot slips, and he gasps in dismay! He manages to regain his footing in the nick of time, nearly touching ground! Falyeril gapes in surprise as his opponent lunges forward to push him off! He somehow regains his footing! From near the game, Lifefire grins at Puffyleaf, "Want a rematch after those two are done?" Wing pulls powerfully, causing his opponent to lean forward dangerously! But both combatants remain on the poles. Falyeril grits his teeth and yanks at his adversary wildly, side to side , both perching on the tilting poles! Wing leaps into the air with a powerful yell, coming down on the poles hard! But his opponent stands firm. Falyeril pulls powerfully, causing his opponent to lean forward dangerously! But both combatants remain on the poles. Wing stands like a rock as his adversary quickly pushes and then pulls at him! Falyeril is yanked off balance by his opponent, and waves his free arm wildly, regaining his equilibrium! The poles tilt wildly, and Falyeril takes the opportunity to yank at his opponent--who totters on one foot for a long second before regaining balance! From near the game, Puffyleaf turns to Lifefire, noting the happy little look on his face. She thinks for a moment, then breaks out into a huge grin" Sure you can handle it then?" she chuckles, as her attention is diverted by the ongoing game From near the game, Savah watches with interest. A well matched couple. Wing is yanked off balance by his opponent, and waves his free arm wildly, regaining his equilibrium! From near the game, Lifefire grins, "I hope so. I will be ready this time." Falyeril is caught off-guard by his opponent's yank, and his foot touches the ground. The game is over! Falyeril has lost! Wing YEEEEEHAAAAAS!!! The Sun Folk youths applaud, grinning approvingly. Falyeril smiles and bows to Wing. Puffyleaf applauds, nodding to Wing " whooooooo!" Lifefire smiles, "Nice job Wing." He smiles at Puffyleaf. "I guess we are up again." Puffyleaf sends Falyeril a smile as well Wing bows, takes a bottle of Dreamberry wine and wiggles his head. Pufflyleaf won again> Wing grins and says. "So, who am I going to defeat now?" Lifefire chuckles, "I got your defeat right here Wing." Falyeril rolls his eyes... Puffyleaf groans in mock disgust, and plumps back down on the ground near Savah, watching the others joke and challenge each other for more games Savah says "I do believe Wing is our winner of the year. Well done! But before we end... Wing, would you like to try a round against Puffyleaf? Then I believe most will have met each other in duel." Puffyleaf pushes back a few stray curls from her eyes, and looks over at Wing with a "scary" looking face " if he dares.." she mumbles, a low rumblign chuckle in her belly Wing snickers deeply, blinking with one eye at Puffyleaf, then turning to Savah. He bows and says in a mere joyable voice. "Of course." Lifefire chuckles and moves to lays down next to Stripes. "Go Puffyleaf. Put Wing in his place." Puffyleaf lets out a loud happy sigh and lets Wing pull her on her feet for the final game of the festival " Oh, all right then, I suppose, but don;t feel bad when I win, Wing. It;s only a game, you know..* chuckle*" Falyeril murmurs "...but what if his place is winner?" Puffyleaf turns with a half wink to Lifefire, climbing on top of the heavy poles, ready for more fun and games The Sun Folk youths applaud, grinning approvingly. Savah chuckles. Falyeril applauds. Lifefire laughs, "Yahh!! Puffyleaf." He grins at Wing. Wing lowers his eyes, panting and chuckling. "Well, Puffyleaf, you defeated me..." Puffyleaf throws her hands in the air, cheering madly as she hops off the poles " Ooh I won! I won!" she screams to Savah, petting Wing's shoulder in passing" Don;t feel bad Wingboy, really, you never stood a chanse" Puffy ducks at that, and makes a dive for her " safe" spot by Savah Savah smiles to Puffyleaf, and steeples her fingers as she regards the gathered elves. Lifefire grins, "If anyone is the winner I would think that it would be Puffyleaf. She beat two wolfriders. Puffyleaf blushes a little, and sends Wing a smile to let him know she still respects him..really Lifefire grins at Wing. "Ready for your second defeat of the day?" Wing growls at Lifefire. "Ready for your third defeat, Lifefire?" Lifefire nods, "Yep." Lifefire is yanked off balance by his opponent, and waves his free arm wildly, regaining his equilibrium! Wing and his opponent pull determinedly, but neither one is dislodged. From near the game, Puffyleaf laughs so hard she has to hold her belly to keep from exploding, then she quiets down enough to watch the outcome of the game, ready to tease the looser a little bit Lifefire grrs and grins, "A little tired Wing?" Lifefire pulls powerfully, causing his opponent to lean forward dangerously! But both combatants remain on the poles. Wing growls back and says sharply. "What do you expect when you win two times? But how do you know? You just lost!" Wing crouches low on the poles and pulls, causing his adversary to overcompensate by leaning back! Wing is therefore pulled forward, and both combatants remain on the poles, panting. Lifefire grins, "I may have lost those two times, but I won't lose this one." Lifefire pulls powerfully, causing his opponent to lean forward dangerously! But both combatants remain on the poles. Wing leaps into the air with a powerful yell, coming down on the poles hard! But his opponent stands firm. Wing growls deeply. Lifefire is caught off-guard by his opponent's yank, and his foot touches the ground. The game is over! Lifefire has lost! Wing laughs and laughs and falls off the balancing game from laughing. The Sun Folk youths applaud, grinning approvingly. Falyeril laughs and applauds. Lifefire grins at Wing, "It was a good game. You are the winner..." He pulls Wing down with him on the ground, "This year." Falyeril snerks... Puffyleaf applauds, smiling a huge sile to Wing, a smidging of admiration in her large, twinkling eyes. Wing tickles Lifefire. "Well, that might be, but I am the winner." Lifefire giggles and squirms, before tickling back, "Yes you are." Puffyleaf picks up two small pottery jars and hands one each to Wing and Lifefire" For being such a good looser..and winner" she mumbles , passing otu the small gifts with a smile , hug and a kiss Wing laughs, enjoying this whole day. He hugs Lifefire and then takes the pottery jar and grins at Puffyleaf. Puffyleaf shakes her fingers at her friends, warning them not to misuse the gifts for dreamberry juice alone Savah gives Lifefire a smile of sympathy. "Well fought, but this does not seem to be your day to win." She shifts her attention to Wing. "And after three victories, we most definitely have a champion." Lifefire grins at Puffyleaf, "Thanks." He takes a drink of the jar, "Mmm dreamberries." Lifefire sighs, "Nope. Not my day to win." Puffyleaf claps her hands, content with the lovely day, the competition and the friendships all around. A small, happy sigh escapes her lips as she sits back to relax with a sip of cool water from her flask Falyeril says "I concede!" Puffyleaf hugs all of her friends, and heads out to watch her friends cubs like she promised, a worried little look on her face for being late Falyeril says "Saved by the whelp!" Lifefire finishes his jar of dreamberry wine, "Well now that Wing is the champion of the day. Shall we get going on our journey?" Savah rises from her chair, walking down from the platform in a rustle of robes. Falyeril says "Yes." Wing nods and his eyes shine. "Yes, now I am all enlighted to take the trip through the desert!" Savah places her hands on Wing's shoulders. "A fortuitous sign for your travels, young Wing. You have my blessings. You will all be missed." Lifefire smiles at Savah and stands up, "Thanks for making Sorrow's End my first home ever." Overhead, Tyldak says "I shall keep watch on them from above for as long as I can." Wing raises and smiles warmly at Savah. "We will meet again, and until then I hope your blessing shines over our long travel." He squizzes Savah's hand. Falyeril says "Thank you Savah. And you, Tyldak. I do plan to return, and not to long from now." Savah leans down to place a gently kiss on Wings forehead, then steps back and looks up at Tyldak with a smile. "Thank you, Tyldak." Lifefire looks up and grins, "Thanks Tyldak." Stripes stands up and stretches out. "Well Stripes is ready and so is the zwoot it's in the forge." Overhead, Tyldak says "Let's go!" Wing nods and smiles again at Savah, then he walks up to his package, takes it and says "Well, I have to pack the Zwoot with my package. But then we can leave" He looks up to the sky, his thoughts not showing on his face. Lifefire nods, "Well the Zwoot in the forge. Let's get going." Falyeril says "We must be off!" Lifefire moves over to Stripes, "Well we have wasted enough daylight. Let's get going." Wing lifts the pack on his back and nods. Around Stripes, Lifefire comes back from the forge leading a Zwoot. "Okay here is the zwoot we are taking. Where is your package Wing? I will load it up for you." Wing reaches it down from Stripes back. "Here, be carefully, you might still be a bit weak from the game" He grins mischieviously. Lifefire takes the package and easily loads it up on the zwoot. He secures the package and smiles at Wing. "All right we are set." He leads the zwoot, "Let's go." [Out by the Hills near Sorrow's End...] Wing looks back at Sorrow's End, sighing. "Well, friends, now we are leaving Sorrow's End, last time you can get back. We will soon cross the desert!" Falyeril climbs up on the zwoot. "Go ahead!" From Stripes's back, Lifefire smiles, "I am ready as is Stripes." He pats the wolf and smiles at Falyeril up on the zwoot, "You all ready?" Falyeril says "Of course." Wing draws his cape on his head to protect it from the sun. Then he waves with one hand to make the others follow him. Forest Edge The southern edge of the forest along the Great River borders on a green grassy land, open space that intrudes almost to the river's shore in places. The contrast is remarkable, on one side green darkness and on the other sunlit meadowland. From Stripes's back, Lifefire smiles as he is back in the forest, "By the High Ones it feels good to be back in the trees." Falyeril says "I knew what trees look like, but I hadn't realized there's be so... many of them." From Stripes's back, Lifefire grins at Falyeril, "Like grains of sands in the desert. To main to count." Wing looks up into the sky, the Daystar has faded hours ago and it's almost morning again. It isn't as hot anymore, as in the desert and he is speechles. He sighs at the sight of trees, feeling a shiver running on his skin. His eyes shine and no word run from his lips. Moments pass till he sends **Well, we will put up our tent's here, this seems to be a good place** Good as any, but he doesn't say it. Slowly he gets out his tent from the package that the Zwoot is carrying. The trees are still quite far away, this just being the edge of it, grass covering the ground and feeling soft. Lifefire stretches out after a long ride. He looks to Stripes and gives a nod. "Stripes and I are going to go hunting." Falyeril says "I think I'll just stay here and prepare the camp." Lifefire unslings his bow and nocks an arrow before looking at Wing, "Coming?" Wing raises an eyebrow, stretching from the hard travel. "No, I will stay here with Falyeril...these trees seem still supsicious to me. I guess I first have to sleep to get a thought of it, it still feels like a dream since we left the desert and came on this grassy land..." His words are true, he's still shaking. "Just be careful, we don't know what is out here and I promised that I will take care of everyone of us, at least to have an eye on every of you." Lifefire grins wolfishly at Wing, "I will becareful. I am truly at home in the forest. Maybe I will kill a buck branch horn and we will have meat for supper." With that he and Strpes slip into the woods. Wing grumbles something and turns to Falyeril with his words. "Well, whatever he will come back with, I hope it will be a good thing..." Then he walks over to the Zwoot to get his tent. Falyeril starts a fire, which will burn down to good cooking coals soon, then starts on his own tent. As Wing has set up his tent, he sits down at the fireside, starring into the flames. A loud howl is heard close by as Lifefire and Stripes come out of the forest with a medium size do branch-horn on Stripes's back. The pair move over to the fire and Lifefire lifts the branch-horn from Stripes' back and sets in to the ground. "I got meat." Falyeril says "I got cook fire." Lifefire sits down and starts to skin the deer as Stripes eats the tasty entrails. The elf grins, "Those are good huh Stripes. It's been a while since you had those." Wing climbs out from the tent, growling. "Oh High Ones! Can't you sleep? We have traveled for one and a half day... I am tired..." He looks up the sky, the sun piercing in his eyes. "Can't we eat later? You will need your strength..." Lifefire shakes his head, "Nope. I can sleep later. When proper wolfrider's sleep." Falyeril yawns. Lifefire looks around and grins, "I guess it is morning all ready." He yawn as he finishes up carving up the meat. "Well we will have this tonight then. I will just go put the meat up so we don't get any visitors." He bundles up the meat in the skin after eating some and moves over to a near by tree. He takes a rope from the pack on the zwoot and ties it around the bundle of meat and tossing the rope over a branch hauls it up. Tieing off the rope to the base of the tree he smiles, "Here. Lets get some sleep." Lifefire moves over to Stripes and curls up next to her. Falyeril mutters, and crawls into his tent. Wing shakes his head and leaving for his tent. He closes the flap and sends from inside **Well, then, rest good. Be sure to bind the Zwoot at a tree, or whatsoever and ask Stripes to scout a bit while we are asleep.** Then no sound is heard from him any longer. Lifefire gets up and goes to tie the zwoot by a tree. He returns over to Stripes and lays down next to her. Stripes snuggles up to Lifefire and both are quickly asleep. [End log.]